[< back to index](../index.md) # Getting started ## Hello world example Save the following as `hello_world.mfk`: ``` import stdio array hello_world = "hello world" petscii void main(){ putstr(hello_world, hello_world.length) while(true){} } ``` Compile is using the following commandline: ``` java -jar millfork.jar hello_world.mfk -o hello_world -t c64 -I path_to_millfork\include ``` Run the output executable (here using the VICE emulator): ``` x64 hello_world.prg ``` ## Basic commandline usage The following options are crucial when compiling your sources: * `-o FILENAME` – specifies the base name for your output file, an appropriate file extension will be appended (`prg` for Commodore, `xex` for Atari, `a2` for Apple, `asm` for assembly output, `lbl` for label file, `inf` for BBC file metadata) * `-I DIR;DIR;DIR;...` – specifies the paths to directories with modules to include. * `-t PLATFORM` – specifies the target platform (`c64` is the default). Each platform is defined in an `.ini` file in the include directory. For the list of supported platforms, see [Supported platforms](target-platforms.md) You may be also interested in the following: * `-O`, `-O2`, `-O3`, `-O4` – enable optimization (various levels) * `-finline` – automatically inline functions for better optimization * `-fipo` – enable interprocedural optimization * `-s` – additionally generate assembly output (if targeting Intel 8080, use `--syntax=intel` or `--syntax=zilog` to choose the preferred assembly syntax) * `-g` – additionally generate a label file, in format compatible with VICE emulator * `-r PROGRAM` – automatically launch given program after successful compilation * `-Wall` – enable all warnings * `--help` – list all commandline options