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package millfork.assembly.m6809
import millfork.CompilationFlag
import millfork.assembly.{AbstractCode, Elidability, SourceLine}
import millfork.compiler.CompilationContext
import millfork.env.{Constant, Label, MemoryVariable, NumericConstant, StackVariable, ThingInMemory, Variable, VariableInMemory}
import millfork.node.{M6809Register, Position}
* @author Karol Stasiak
object MState extends Enumeration {
val A, B, X, Y, U, ZF, CF, HF, VF, NF = Value
object MLine0 {
def unapply(a: MLine): Some[(MOpcode.Value, MAddrMode, Constant)] = Some(a.opcode, a.addrMode, a.parameter)
object MLine {
import MOpcode._
def label(label: String): MLine = MLine.label(Label(label))
def label(label: Label): MLine = MLine(LABEL, NonExistent, label.toAddress)
def longBranch(opcode: MOpcode.Value, label: Label): MLine = MLine(opcode, LongRelative, label.toAddress)
def longBranch(opcode: MOpcode.Value, label: String): MLine = longBranch(opcode, Label(label))
def shortBranch(opcode: MOpcode.Value, label: Label): MLine = MLine(opcode, Relative, label.toAddress)
def shortBranch(opcode: MOpcode.Value, label: String): MLine = shortBranch(opcode, Label(label))
def tfr(source: M6809Register.Value, target: M6809Register.Value): MLine = MLine(TFR, TwoRegisters(source, target), Constant.Zero)
def exg(source: M6809Register.Value, target: M6809Register.Value): MLine = MLine(EXG, TwoRegisters(source, target), Constant.Zero)
def pp(opcode: MOpcode.Value, registers: M6809Register.Value*): MLine = MLine(opcode, RegisterSet(registers.toSet), Constant.Zero)
def indexedS(opcode: MOpcode.Value, offset: Int = 0): MLine =
MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.S, indirect = false), NumericConstant(offset, 1))
def indexedX(opcode: MOpcode.Value, offset: Constant): MLine =
MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.X, indirect = false), offset)
def indexedX(opcode: MOpcode.Value, offset: Int): MLine =
MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.X, indirect = false), Constant(offset))
def indexedU(opcode: MOpcode.Value, offset: Int): MLine =
MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.U, indirect = false), Constant(offset))
def indexedY(opcode: MOpcode.Value, offset: Int): MLine =
MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.Y, indirect = false), Constant(offset))
def accessAndPullS(opcode: MOpcode.Value): MLine =
MLine(opcode, PostIncremented(M6809Register.S, 1, indirect = false), Constant.Zero)
def accessAndPullSTwice(opcode: MOpcode.Value): MLine =
MLine(opcode, PostIncremented(M6809Register.S, 2, indirect = false), Constant.Zero)
def inherent(opcode: MOpcode.Value): MLine = MLine(opcode, Inherent, Constant.Zero)
def inherentA(opcode: MOpcode.Value): MLine = MLine(opcode, InherentA, Constant.Zero)
def inherentB(opcode: MOpcode.Value): MLine = MLine(opcode, InherentB, Constant.Zero)
def immediate(opcode: MOpcode.Value, param: Constant): MLine = MLine(opcode, Immediate, param)
def immediate(opcode: MOpcode.Value, param: Int): MLine = MLine(opcode, Immediate, Constant(param))
def absolute(opcode: MOpcode.Value, param: Constant): MLine = MLine(opcode, Absolute(false), param)
def absolute(opcode: MOpcode.Value, param: ThingInMemory): MLine = MLine(opcode, Absolute(false), param.toAddress)
//def userstack(opcode: MOpcode.Value, offset: Int): MLine = MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.U, indirect = false), Constant(offset))
def variablestack(ctx: CompilationContext, opcode: MOpcode.Value, offset: Int): MLine = {
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseUForStack)) MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.U, indirect = false), Constant(offset))
else if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseYForStack)) MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.Y, indirect = false), Constant(offset))
else MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.S, indirect = false), Constant(ctx.extraStackOffset + offset))
def variable(ctx: CompilationContext, opcode : MOpcode.Value, variable: Variable, offset: Int = 0): MLine = {
variable match {
case v: VariableInMemory => MLine.absolute(opcode, v.toAddress + offset)
case v: StackVariable =>
val size = variable.typ.size
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseUForStack)) MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.U, indirect = false), NumericConstant(v.baseOffset + offset, size))
else if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseYForStack)) MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.Y, indirect = false), NumericConstant(v.baseOffset + offset, size))
else MLine(opcode, Indexed(M6809Register.S, indirect = false), NumericConstant(v.baseOffset + ctx.extraStackOffset + offset, size))
case _ => ???
case class MLine(opcode: MOpcode.Value, addrMode: MAddrMode, parameter: Constant, elidability: Elidability.Value = Elidability.Elidable, source: Option[SourceLine] = None) extends AbstractCode {
def pos(s: Option[SourceLine]): MLine = if (s.isEmpty || s == source) this else this.copy(source = s)
def pos(s1: Option[SourceLine], s2: Option[SourceLine]): MLine = pos(Seq(s1, s2))
def position(s: Option[Position]): MLine = pos(SourceLine.of(s))
def positionIfEmpty(s: Option[Position]): MLine = if (s.isEmpty || source.isDefined) this else pos(SourceLine.of(s))
def pos(s: Seq[Option[SourceLine]]): MLine = pos(SourceLine.merge(s))
def mergePos(s: Seq[Option[SourceLine]]): MLine = if (s.isEmpty) this else pos(SourceLine.merge(this.source, s))
def refersTo(name: String): Boolean = parameter.refersTo(name)
def elidable: Boolean = elidability == Elidability.Elidable
def notFixed: Boolean = elidability != Elidability.Fixed
override def sizeInBytes: Int = 1 // TODO
override def isPrintable: Boolean = true // TODO
override def toString: String = {
if (opcode == MOpcode.LABEL) return parameter + ":"
if (opcode == MOpcode.BYTE) return s" FCB $parameter"
if (addrMode == LongRelative) return s" L$opcode $parameter"
val suffix = addrMode match {
case NonExistent => ""
case Inherent => ""
case InherentA => "A"
case InherentB => "B"
case Relative => s" $parameter"
case Immediate => s" #$parameter"
case DirectPage => s" <$parameter" // TODO: syntax
case Absolute(false) => s" $parameter"
case Absolute(true) => s" [$parameter]"
case Indexed(base, false) => s" $parameter,$base"
case Indexed(base, true) => s" [$parameter,$base]"
case DAccumulatorIndexed(base, false) => s" D,$base"
case DAccumulatorIndexed(base, true) => s" [D,$base]"
case AAccumulatorIndexed(base, false) => s" A,$base"
case AAccumulatorIndexed(base, true) => s" [A,$base]"
case BAccumulatorIndexed(base, false) => s" B,$base"
case BAccumulatorIndexed(base, true) => s" [B,$base]"
case PreDecremented(base, 1, false) => s" ,-$base"
case PreDecremented(base, 2, false) => s" ,--$base"
case PreDecremented(base, 1, true) => s" [-$base]"
case PreDecremented(base, 2, true) => s" [--$base]"
case PostIncremented(base, 1, false) => s" ,$base+"
case PostIncremented(base, 2, false) => s" ,$base++"
case PostIncremented(base, 1, true) => s" [,$base+]"
case PostIncremented(base, 2, true) => s" [,$base++]"
case TwoRegisters(source, destination) => s" $source,$destination"
case RegisterSet(set) =>
import MOpcode._
import M6809Register._
.filterNot(r => set(D) && (r == A || r == B))
.sortBy(x => -M6809Register.registerPushMask(x)).map(_.toString).mkString(" ", ",", "")
s" $opcode$suffix"
def changesRegister(reg: M6809Register.Value): Boolean = {
import M6809Register._
if (MOpcode.NotActualOpcodes(opcode)) return false
def overlaps(other: M6809Register.Value): Boolean = {
if (reg == D && (other == A || other == B)) true
else if (other == D && (reg == A || reg == B)) true
else reg == other
import MOpcode._
(opcode, addrMode) match {
case (_, InherentA) => overlaps(A)
case (_, InherentB) => overlaps(B)
case (PULU, set:RegisterSet) => reg == U || set.contains(reg)
case (PULS, set:RegisterSet) => reg == S || set.contains(reg)
case (PSHS, _) => reg == S
case (PSHU, _) => reg == U
case (TFR, TwoRegisters(_, dest)) => overlaps(dest)
case (EXG, TwoRegisters(r1, r2)) => overlaps(r1) || overlaps(r2)
case (op, _) if MOpcode.ChangesAAlways(op) => overlaps(A) || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (op, _) if MOpcode.ChangesBAlways(op) => overlaps(B) || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (LDA | ANDA | ADDA | ADCA | SUBA | SBCA | EORA | ORA | BITA, _) => overlaps(A) || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (LDB | ANDB | ADDB | ADCB | SUBB | SBCB | EORB | ORB | BITB, _) => overlaps(B) || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (LDD | ADDD | SUBD, _) => overlaps(D) || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (LDU | LEAU, _) => reg == U || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (LDS | LEAS, _) => reg == S || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (LDX | LEAX, _) => reg == X || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (LDY | LEAY, _) => reg == Y || addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
case (MUL, _) => overlaps(D)
case (ABX, _) => reg == X
case (NOP | SWI | SWI2 | SWI3 | SYNC, _) => false
case (STA | STB | STD | STS | STU | STX | STY, _) => false
case (SEX | DAA, _) => overlaps(A)
case (JSR | SWI | SWI2 | SWI3, _) => true
case _ => addrMode.changesRegister(reg)
def changesCarryFlag: Boolean = !MOpcode.NotActualOpcodes(opcode) && !MOpcode.PreservesC(opcode)
def readsRegister(reg: M6809Register.Value): Boolean = {
import M6809Register._
if (MOpcode.NotActualOpcodes(opcode)) return false
def overlaps(other: M6809Register.Value): Boolean = {
if (reg == D && (other == A || other == B)) true
else if (other == D && (reg == A || reg == B)) true
else reg == other
import MOpcode._
val readByAddrMode = addrMode match {
case InherentA => opcode != CLR && overlaps(A)
case InherentB => opcode != CLR && overlaps(B)
case Indexed(base, _) => overlaps(base)
case Absolute(_) | DirectPage | Inherent | Immediate => false
case DAccumulatorIndexed(base, _) => overlaps(D) || overlaps(base)
case AAccumulatorIndexed(base, _) => overlaps(A) || overlaps(base)
case BAccumulatorIndexed(base, _) => overlaps(B) || overlaps(base)
case TwoRegisters(source, dest) => opcode match {
case TFR => overlaps(source)
case EXG => overlaps(source) || overlaps(dest)
case RegisterSet(set) => opcode match {
case PSHS | PSHU => set.exists(overlaps)
case PULS | PULU => false
case LongRelative | Relative => false
case NonExistent => false
case RawByte => true
case _ => true
if (readByAddrMode) return true
opcode match {
case ADDA | SUBA | ADCA | SBCA | ORA | EORA | ANDA | CMPA | BITA | DAA => overlaps(A)
case ADDB | SUBB | ADCB | SBCB | ORB | EORB | ANDB | CMPB | BITB | SEX => overlaps(B)
case ADDD | SUBD | CMPD => overlaps(D)
case ABX => reg == X || overlaps(B)
case CMPX => reg == X
case CMPY => reg == Y
case CMPU => reg == U
case CMPS => reg == S
case STA => overlaps(A)
case STB => overlaps(B)
case STD => overlaps(D)
case STU => reg == U
case MUL => overlaps(D)
case ABX => reg == X || overlaps(B)
case NOP | SWI | SWI2 | SWI3 | SYNC => false
case LDB | LDA | LDX | LDY | LDU => false
case INC | DEC | ROL | ROR | ASL | ASR | LSR | CLR | COM | NEG | TST => false // variants for A and B handled before
case op if Branching(op) => false
case JMP | RTS => false
case _ => true // TODO
def readsMemory(): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
if (MOpcode.NotActualOpcodes(opcode)) return false
val opcodeIsForReading = opcode match {
case LDA | LDB | LDD | LDX | LDY | LDU | LDS | PULU | PULS => true
case ADDA | SUBA | ADCA | SBCA | ORA | EORA | ANDA | CMPA | BITA => true
case ADDB | SUBB | ADCB | SBCB | ORB | EORB | ANDB | CMPB | BITB => true
case INC | DEC | ROL | ROR | ASL | ASR | LSR | CLR | COM | NEG | TST => true
case STA | STB | STD | STX | STY | STS | STU | PSHU | PSHS => false
case TFR | EXG | DAA | SEX | ABX | MUL => false
case _ => false // TODO: ???
addrMode match {
case InherentA => false
case InherentB => false
case Indexed(_, indirect) => indirect
case Absolute(indirect) => indirect || opcodeIsForReading
case DAccumulatorIndexed(_, indirect) => indirect || opcodeIsForReading
case AAccumulatorIndexed(_, indirect) => indirect || opcodeIsForReading
case BAccumulatorIndexed(_, indirect) => indirect || opcodeIsForReading
case RegisterSet(_) => opcodeIsForReading
case TwoRegisters(_, _) => false
case LongRelative | Relative => false
case NonExistent => false
case RawByte => true
case _ => true
def changesMemory(): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
if (NotActualOpcodes(opcode)) return false
val opcodeIsForWriting = opcode match {
case LDA | LDB | LDD | LDX | LDY | LDU | LDS | PULU | PULS => false
case ADDA | SUBA | ADCA | SBCA | ORA | EORA | ANDA | CMPA | BITA => false
case ADDB | SUBB | ADCB | SBCB | ORB | EORB | ANDB | CMPB | BITB => false
case INC | DEC | ROL | ROR | ASL | ASR | LSR | CLR | COM | NEG | TST => true
case TST => false
case STA | STB | STD | STX | STY | STS | STU | PSHU | PSHS => true
case TFR | EXG | DAA | SEX | ABX | MUL => false
case _ => false // TODO: ???
addrMode match {
case InherentA => false
case InherentB => false
case Indexed(_, _) => opcodeIsForWriting
case Absolute(_) => opcodeIsForWriting
case DAccumulatorIndexed(_, _) => opcodeIsForWriting
case AAccumulatorIndexed(_, _) => opcodeIsForWriting
case BAccumulatorIndexed(_, _) => opcodeIsForWriting
case RegisterSet(_) => opcodeIsForWriting
case TwoRegisters(_, _) => false
case LongRelative | Relative => false
case NonExistent => false
case RawByte => true
case _ => true