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869 lines
30 KiB

package millfork.output
import millfork.assembly.mos.opt.{CoarseFlowAnalyzer, CpuStatus, HudsonOptimizations, JumpFixing, JumpFollowing, JumpShortening, SourceOfNZ}
import millfork.assembly._
import millfork.env._
import millfork.error.{ConsoleLogger, FatalErrorReporting}
import millfork.node.{FunctionCallExpression, MosNiceFunctionProperty, NiceFunctionProperty, Position, Program}
import millfork._
import millfork.assembly.mos._
import millfork.assembly.opt.{SingleStatus, Status}
import millfork.compiler.mos.MosCompiler
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
* @author Karol Stasiak
class MosAssembler(program: Program,
rootEnv: Environment,
platform: Platform) extends AbstractAssembler[AssemblyLine](program, rootEnv, platform, MosInliningCalculator, MosCompiler) {
override def performFinalOptimizationPass(f: NormalFunction, actuallyOptimize: Boolean, options: CompilationOptions, code: List[AssemblyLine]):List[AssemblyLine] = {
val optimizationContext = OptimizationContext(options, Map(), f.environment.maybeGet[ThingInMemory]("__reg"), Set())
if (actuallyOptimize) {
val finalCode = if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitHudsonOpcodes)) HudsonOptimizations.removeLoadZero(f, code, optimizationContext) else code
JumpShortening(f, JumpShortening(f, JumpFixing(f, JumpFollowing(options, finalCode), options), optimizationContext), optimizationContext)
else JumpFixing(f, code, options)
override def emitInstruction(bank: String, options: CompilationOptions, index: Int, instr: AssemblyLine): Int = {
import millfork.assembly.mos.AddrMode._
import millfork.assembly.mos.Opcode._
implicit val position = instr.source.map(sl => Position(sl.moduleName, sl.line, 0, 0))
instr match {
case AssemblyLine0(BYTE, RawByte, c) =>
writeByte(bank, index, c)
index + 1
case AssemblyLine0(BYTE, _, _) => log.fatal("BYTE opcode failure")
case AssemblyLine0(_, RawByte, _) => log.fatal("BYTE opcode failure")
case AssemblyLine0(LABEL, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(labelName))) =>
val bank0 = mem.banks(bank)
labelMap(labelName) = bank -> index
case AssemblyLine0(CHANGED_MEM, DoesNotExist, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) if l.contains("..brk") =>
breakpointSet += mem.banks(bank).index -> index
case AssemblyLine0(_, DoesNotExist, _) =>
case AssemblyLine0(op, Implied, _) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, Implied, options))
index + 1
case AssemblyLine0(op, Relative, param) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, Relative, options))
writeByte(bank, index + 1, AssertByte(param - (index + 2)))
index + 2
case AssemblyLine0(op, am@(Immediate | ZeroPage | ZeroPageX | ZeroPageY | IndexedY | IndexedX | IndexedZ | IndexedSY | LongIndexedY | LongIndexedZ | Stack), param) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, am, options))
writeByte(bank, index + 1, param)
index + 2
case AssemblyLine0(op, am@(WordImmediate | Absolute | AbsoluteY | AbsoluteX | Indirect | AbsoluteIndexedX), param) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, am, options))
writeWord(bank, index + 1, param)
index + 3
case AssemblyLine0(op, am@LongRelative, param) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, am, options))
// TODO:
writeWord(bank, index + 1, param - (index + 3))
index + 3
case AssemblyLine0(op, am@(LongAbsolute | LongAbsoluteX | LongIndirect), param) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, am, options))
writeWord(bank, index + 1, param)
writeByte(bank, index + 3, extractBank(param, options))
index + 4
case AssemblyLine0(op, am@(TripleAbsolute), StructureConstant(_, List(a, b, c))) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, am, options))
writeWord(bank, index + 1, a)
writeWord(bank, index + 3, b)
writeWord(bank, index + 5, c)
index + 7
case AssemblyLine0(op, am@(ZeroPageWithRelative), StructureConstant(_, List(a, b))) =>
writeByte(bank, index, MosAssembler.opcodeFor(op, am, options))
writeByte(bank, index + 1, a)
writeByte(bank, index + 2, AssertByte(b - (index + 3)))
index + 3
case AssemblyLine0(TST, ImmediateWithZeroPage, StructureConstant(_, List(a, b))) =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0x83)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, a)
writeByte(bank, index + 2, b)
index + 3
case AssemblyLine0(TST, ImmediateWithZeroPageX, StructureConstant(_, List(a, b))) =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0xA3)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, a)
writeByte(bank, index + 2, b)
index + 3
case AssemblyLine0(TST, ImmediateWithAbsolute, StructureConstant(_, List(a, b))) =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0x93)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, a)
writeWord(bank, index + 2, b)
index + 4
case AssemblyLine0(TST, ImmediateWithAbsoluteX, StructureConstant(_, List(a, b))) =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0xB3)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, a)
writeWord(bank, index + 2, b)
index + 4
override def injectLabels(labelMap: Map[String, (String, Int)], code: List[AssemblyLine]): List[AssemblyLine] = {
import Opcode._
code.map {
case l@AssemblyLine(LDA | STA | CMP |
ISC | DCP | LAX | SAX | RLA | RRA | SLO | SRE, AddrMode.Absolute, p, Elidability.Elidable, _) =>
p match {
case NumericConstant(n, _) => if (n <= 255) l.copy(addrMode = AddrMode.ZeroPage) else l
case MemoryAddressConstant(th) => if (labelMap.getOrElse(th.name, 0 -> 0x800)._2 < 0x100) l.copy(addrMode = AddrMode.ZeroPage) else l
case CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus,
NumericConstant(n, _)) => if (labelMap.getOrElse(th.name, 0 -> 0x800)._2 < 0x100) l.copy(addrMode = AddrMode.ZeroPage) else l
case _ => l
case l => l
private def isNaughty(code: List[AssemblyLine]): Boolean = {
import Opcode._
import AddrMode._
code match {
case AssemblyLine0(JMP | JSR | BSR, Indirect | LongIndirect | AbsoluteIndexedX, _) :: _ => true
case AssemblyLine0(PHA, _, _) :: AssemblyLine0(RTS | RTL, _, _) :: _ => true
case _ :: xs => isNaughty(xs)
case Nil => false
override def quickSimplify(code: List[AssemblyLine]): List[AssemblyLine] = code.map(a => a.copy(parameter = a.parameter.quickSimplify))
override def gatherNiceFunctionProperties(options: CompilationOptions, niceFunctionProperties: mutable.Set[(NiceFunctionProperty, String)], function: NormalFunction, code: List[AssemblyLine]): Unit = {
import Opcode._
import AddrMode._
import MosNiceFunctionProperty._
import NiceFunctionProperty._
val functionName = function.name
if (isNaughty(code)) return
val localLabels = code.flatMap {
case AssemblyLine0(LABEL, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) => Some(l)
case _ => None
if (code.exists {
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) if OpcodeClasses.AllDirectJumps(op) => !localLabels(l)
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) if OpcodeClasses.AllDirectJumps(op) => true
case AssemblyLine0(BRK | RTI, _, _) => true
case _ => false
}) return
val optimizationContext = OptimizationContext(options, Map(), function.environment.maybeGet[ThingInMemory]("__reg"), Set())
val flow = CoarseFlowAnalyzer.analyze(function, code, optimizationContext)
def rtsPropertyScan[T](extractor: CpuStatus => Status[T])(niceFunctionProperty: Status[T] => Option[NiceFunctionProperty]): Unit = {
val statuses = code.zipWithIndex.flatMap{
case (AssemblyLine0(RTS, _, _), ix) => Some(extractor(flow(ix)))
case _ => None
statuses.toSeq match {
case Seq(only) =>
niceFunctionProperty(only).foreach { np =>
niceFunctionProperties += (np -> functionName)
case _ =>
def simpleRtsPropertyScan[T](extractor: CpuStatus => Status[T])(niceFunctionProperty: T => NiceFunctionProperty): Unit = {
rtsPropertyScan(extractor) {
case SingleStatus(x) => Some(niceFunctionProperty(x))
case _ => None
def genericPropertyScan(niceFunctionProperty: NiceFunctionProperty)(predicate: AssemblyLine => Boolean): Unit = {
val preserved = code.forall {
case AssemblyLine0(JSR | BSR | JMP, Absolute | LongAbsolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => niceFunctionProperties(niceFunctionProperty -> th.name)
case AssemblyLine0(JSR | BSR, _, _) => false
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(label))) if OpcodeClasses.AllDirectJumps(op) => localLabels(label)
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) if OpcodeClasses.AllDirectJumps(op) => false
case l => predicate(l)
if (preserved) {
niceFunctionProperties += (niceFunctionProperty -> functionName)
genericPropertyScan(DoesntChangeX) {
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) => !OpcodeClasses.ChangesX(op)
genericPropertyScan(DoesntChangeY) {
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) => !OpcodeClasses.ChangesY(op)
genericPropertyScan(DoesntChangeA) {
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) if OpcodeClasses.ChangesAAlways(op) => false
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, Implied) if OpcodeClasses.ChangesAIfImplied(op) => false
case _ => true
genericPropertyScan(DoesntChangeIZ) {
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) => !OpcodeClasses.ChangesIZ(op)
genericPropertyScan(DoesntChangeAH) {
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) if OpcodeClasses.ChangesAHAlways(op) => false
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, Implied) if OpcodeClasses.ChangesAHIfImplied(op) => false
case _ => true
genericPropertyScan(DoesntChangeC) {
case AssemblyLine0(SEP | REP, Immediate, NumericConstant(imm, _)) => (imm & 1) == 0
case AssemblyLine0(SEP | REP, _, _) => false
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) => !OpcodeClasses.ChangesC(op)
genericPropertyScan(DoesntConcernD) {
case AssemblyLine0(SEP | REP, Immediate, NumericConstant(imm, _)) => (imm & 8) == 0
case AssemblyLine0(SEP | REP, _, _) => false
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) => !OpcodeClasses.ReadsD(op) && !OpcodeClasses.OverwritesD(op)
genericPropertyScan(DoesntReadMemory) {
case AssemblyLine0(op, Implied | Immediate | WordImmediate, _) => true
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) if OpcodeClasses.ReadsMemoryIfNotImpliedOrImmediate(op) => false
case _ => true
genericPropertyScan(DoesntWriteMemory) {
case AssemblyLine0(op, Implied | Immediate | WordImmediate, _) => true
case AssemblyLine0(op, _, _) if OpcodeClasses.ChangesMemoryIfNotImplied(op) || OpcodeClasses.ChangesMemoryAlways(op) => false
case _ => true
genericPropertyScan(IsLeaf) {
case AssemblyLine0(JSR | BSR, Implied | Immediate | WordImmediate, _) => false
case AssemblyLine0(JMP, Absolute, th:Thing) => th.name.startsWith(".")
case _ => true
override def gatherFunctionOptimizationHints(options: CompilationOptions, niceFunctionProperties: mutable.Set[(NiceFunctionProperty, String)], function: FunctionInMemory): Unit = {
import MosNiceFunctionProperty._
import NiceFunctionProperty._
val functionName = function.name
if (function.optimizationHints("even")) niceFunctionProperties += Bit0OfA(false) -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("odd")) niceFunctionProperties += Bit0OfA(true) -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_a")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeA -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_x")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeX -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_y")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeY -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_c")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeC -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_memory")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntWriteMemory -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("idempotent")) niceFunctionProperties += Idempotent -> functionName
override def bytePseudoopcode: String = "!byte"
override def deduplicate(options: CompilationOptions, compiledFunctions: mutable.Map[String, CompiledFunction[AssemblyLine]]): Unit =
new MosDeduplicate(rootEnv, options).apply(compiledFunctions)
object MosAssembler {
private val opcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val illegalOpcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val cmosOpcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val sc02Opcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val rockwellOpcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val singleBitBranches = mutable.Map[Opcode.Value, Byte]()
private val wdcOpcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val cmosNopOpcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val ce02Opcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val hudsonOpcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val hudsonTransferOpcodes = mutable.Map[Opcode.Value, Byte]()
private val emulation65816Opcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
private val native65816Opcodes = mutable.Map[(Opcode.Value, AddrMode.Value), Byte]()
def requireHudson(options: CompilationOptions): Unit = {
if (!options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitHudsonOpcodes)){
options.log.fatal("Cannot assemble an unknown opcode TST")
def opcodeFor(opcode: Opcode.Value, addrMode: AddrMode.Value, options: CompilationOptions): Byte = {
val key = opcode -> addrMode
opcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitIllegals)) illegalOpcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitCmosOpcodes)) cmosOpcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitSC02Opcodes)) sc02Opcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitRockwellOpcodes)) rockwellOpcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitRockwellOpcodes) && addrMode == AddrMode.ZeroPageWithRelative) singleBitBranches.get(key._1).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitWdcOpcodes)) wdcOpcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitCmosNopOpcodes)) cmosNopOpcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.Emit65CE02Opcodes)) ce02Opcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitHudsonOpcodes)) hudsonOpcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitHudsonOpcodes) && addrMode == AddrMode.TripleAbsolute) hudsonTransferOpcodes.get(key._1).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitEmulation65816Opcodes)) emulation65816Opcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitNative65816Opcodes)) native65816Opcodes.get(key).foreach(return _)
options.log.fatal("Cannot assemble an unknown opcode " + key)
private def op(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
opcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
if (am == AddrMode.Relative) opcodes(op -> AddrMode.Immediate) = x.toByte
private def cm(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
cmosOpcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def sc(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
sc02Opcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def rw(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
rockwellOpcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def wd(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
wdcOpcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def sb(op: Opcode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op))
singleBitBranches(op) = x.toByte
private def cn(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
cmosNopOpcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def il(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
illegalOpcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def hu(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
hudsonOpcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def ht(op: Opcode.Value,x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op))
hudsonTransferOpcodes(op) = x.toByte
private def ce(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
ce02Opcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def em(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
emulation65816Opcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
private def na(op: Opcode.Value, am: AddrMode.Value, x: Int): Unit = {
if (x < 0 || x > 0xff) FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Invalid code for" + (op -> am))
native65816Opcodes(op -> am) = x.toByte
def getStandardLegalOpcodes: Set[Int] = opcodes.values.map(_ & 0xff).toSet
import AddrMode._
import Opcode._
op(ADC, Immediate, 0x69)
op(ADC, ZeroPage, 0x65)
op(ADC, ZeroPageX, 0x75)
op(ADC, Absolute, 0x6D)
op(ADC, AbsoluteX, 0x7D)
op(ADC, AbsoluteY, 0x79)
op(ADC, IndexedX, 0x61)
op(ADC, IndexedY, 0x71)
op(AND, Immediate, 0x29)
op(AND, ZeroPage, 0x25)
op(AND, ZeroPageX, 0x35)
op(AND, Absolute, 0x2D)
op(AND, AbsoluteX, 0x3D)
op(AND, AbsoluteY, 0x39)
op(AND, IndexedX, 0x21)
op(AND, IndexedY, 0x31)
op(ASL, Implied, 0x0A)
op(ASL, ZeroPage, 0x06)
op(ASL, ZeroPageX, 0x16)
op(ASL, Absolute, 0x0E)
op(ASL, AbsoluteX, 0x1E)
op(BIT, ZeroPage, 0x24)
op(BIT, Absolute, 0x2C)
op(BPL, Relative, 0x10)
op(BMI, Relative, 0x30)
op(BVC, Relative, 0x50)
op(BVS, Relative, 0x70)
op(BCC, Relative, 0x90)
op(BCS, Relative, 0xB0)
op(BNE, Relative, 0xD0)
op(BEQ, Relative, 0xF0)
op(BRK, Implied, 0)
op(BRK, Immediate, 0)
op(CMP, Immediate, 0xC9)
op(CMP, ZeroPage, 0xC5)
op(CMP, ZeroPageX, 0xD5)
op(CMP, Absolute, 0xCD)
op(CMP, AbsoluteX, 0xDD)
op(CMP, AbsoluteY, 0xD9)
op(CMP, IndexedX, 0xC1)
op(CMP, IndexedY, 0xD1)
op(CPX, Immediate, 0xE0)
op(CPX, ZeroPage, 0xE4)
op(CPX, Absolute, 0xEC)
op(CPY, Immediate, 0xC0)
op(CPY, ZeroPage, 0xC4)
op(CPY, Absolute, 0xCC)
op(DEC, ZeroPage, 0xC6)
op(DEC, ZeroPageX, 0xD6)
op(DEC, Absolute, 0xCE)
op(DEC, AbsoluteX, 0xDE)
op(EOR, Immediate, 0x49)
op(EOR, ZeroPage, 0x45)
op(EOR, ZeroPageX, 0x55)
op(EOR, Absolute, 0x4D)
op(EOR, AbsoluteX, 0x5D)
op(EOR, AbsoluteY, 0x59)
op(EOR, IndexedX, 0x41)
op(EOR, IndexedY, 0x51)
op(INC, ZeroPage, 0xE6)
op(INC, ZeroPageX, 0xF6)
op(INC, Absolute, 0xEE)
op(INC, AbsoluteX, 0xFE)
op(CLC, Implied, 0x18)
op(SEC, Implied, 0x38)
op(CLI, Implied, 0x58)
op(SEI, Implied, 0x78)
op(CLV, Implied, 0xB8)
op(CLD, Implied, 0xD8)
op(SED, Implied, 0xF8)
op(JMP, Absolute, 0x4C)
op(JMP, Indirect, 0x6C)
op(JSR, Absolute, 0x20)
op(LDA, Immediate, 0xA9)
op(LDA, ZeroPage, 0xA5)
op(LDA, ZeroPageX, 0xB5)
op(LDA, Absolute, 0xAD)
op(LDA, AbsoluteX, 0xBD)
op(LDA, AbsoluteY, 0xB9)
op(LDA, IndexedX, 0xA1)
op(LDA, IndexedY, 0xB1)
op(LDX, Immediate, 0xA2)
op(LDX, ZeroPage, 0xA6)
op(LDX, ZeroPageY, 0xB6)
op(LDX, Absolute, 0xAE)
op(LDX, AbsoluteY, 0xBE)
op(LDY, Immediate, 0xA0)
op(LDY, ZeroPage, 0xA4)
op(LDY, ZeroPageX, 0xB4)
op(LDY, Absolute, 0xAC)
op(LDY, AbsoluteX, 0xBC)
op(LSR, Implied, 0x4A)
op(LSR, ZeroPage, 0x46)
op(LSR, ZeroPageX, 0x56)
op(LSR, Absolute, 0x4E)
op(LSR, AbsoluteX, 0x5E)
op(NOP, Implied, 0xEA)
op(ORA, Immediate, 0x09)
op(ORA, ZeroPage, 0x05)
op(ORA, ZeroPageX, 0x15)
op(ORA, Absolute, 0x0D)
op(ORA, AbsoluteX, 0x1D)
op(ORA, AbsoluteY, 0x19)
op(ORA, IndexedX, 0x01)
op(ORA, IndexedY, 0x11)
op(TAX, Implied, 0xAA)
op(TXA, Implied, 0x8A)
op(DEX, Implied, 0xCA)
op(INX, Implied, 0xE8)
op(TAY, Implied, 0xA8)
op(TYA, Implied, 0x98)
op(DEY, Implied, 0x88)
op(INY, Implied, 0xC8)
op(ROL, Implied, 0x2A)
op(ROL, ZeroPage, 0x26)
op(ROL, ZeroPageX, 0x36)
op(ROL, Absolute, 0x2E)
op(ROL, AbsoluteX, 0x3E)
op(ROR, Implied, 0x6A)
op(ROR, ZeroPage, 0x66)
op(ROR, ZeroPageX, 0x76)
op(ROR, Absolute, 0x6E)
op(ROR, AbsoluteX, 0x7E)
op(RTI, Implied, 0x40)
op(RTS, Implied, 0x60)
op(SBC, Immediate, 0xE9)
op(SBC, ZeroPage, 0xE5)
op(SBC, ZeroPageX, 0xF5)
op(SBC, Absolute, 0xED)
op(SBC, AbsoluteX, 0xFD)
op(SBC, AbsoluteY, 0xF9)
op(SBC, IndexedX, 0xE1)
op(SBC, IndexedY, 0xF1)
op(STA, ZeroPage, 0x85)
op(STA, ZeroPageX, 0x95)
op(STA, Absolute, 0x8D)
op(STA, AbsoluteX, 0x9D)
op(STA, AbsoluteY, 0x99)
op(STA, IndexedX, 0x81)
op(STA, IndexedY, 0x91)
op(TXS, Implied, 0x9A)
op(TSX, Implied, 0xBA)
op(PHA, Implied, 0x48)
op(PLA, Implied, 0x68)
op(PHP, Implied, 0x08)
op(PLP, Implied, 0x28)
op(STX, ZeroPage, 0x86)
op(STX, ZeroPageY, 0x96)
op(STX, Absolute, 0x8E)
op(STY, ZeroPage, 0x84)
op(STY, ZeroPageX, 0x94)
op(STY, Absolute, 0x8C)
il(KIL, Implied, 0x02) // there are multiple candidates and some others could be a better choice, but whatever, 02 is fine
il(LAX, ZeroPage, 0xA7)
il(LAX, ZeroPageY, 0xB7)
il(LAX, Absolute, 0xAF)
il(LAX, AbsoluteY, 0xBF)
il(LAX, IndexedX, 0xA3)
il(LAX, IndexedY, 0xB3)
il(SAX, ZeroPage, 0x87)
il(SAX, ZeroPageY, 0x97)
il(SAX, Absolute, 0x8F)
il(TAS, AbsoluteY, 0x9B)
il(AHX, AbsoluteY, 0x9F)
il(SAX, IndexedX, 0x83)
il(AHX, IndexedY, 0x93)
il(SHY, AbsoluteX, 0x9C)
il(SHX, AbsoluteY, 0x9E)
il(LAS, AbsoluteY, 0xBB)
il(ANC, Immediate, 0x0B)
il(ALR, Immediate, 0x4B)
il(ARR, Immediate, 0x6B)
il(XAA, Immediate, 0x8B)
il(LXA, Immediate, 0xAB)
il(SBX, Immediate, 0xCB)
il(SLO, ZeroPage, 0x07)
il(SLO, ZeroPageX, 0x17)
il(SLO, IndexedX, 0x03)
il(SLO, IndexedY, 0x13)
il(SLO, Absolute, 0x0F)
il(SLO, AbsoluteX, 0x1F)
il(SLO, AbsoluteY, 0x1B)
il(RLA, ZeroPage, 0x27)
il(RLA, ZeroPageX, 0x37)
il(RLA, IndexedX, 0x23)
il(RLA, IndexedY, 0x33)
il(RLA, Absolute, 0x2F)
il(RLA, AbsoluteX, 0x3F)
il(RLA, AbsoluteY, 0x3B)
il(SRE, ZeroPage, 0x47)
il(SRE, ZeroPageX, 0x57)
il(SRE, IndexedX, 0x43)
il(SRE, IndexedY, 0x53)
il(SRE, Absolute, 0x4F)
il(SRE, AbsoluteX, 0x5F)
il(SRE, AbsoluteY, 0x5B)
il(RRA, ZeroPage, 0x67)
il(RRA, ZeroPageX, 0x77)
il(RRA, IndexedX, 0x63)
il(RRA, IndexedY, 0x73)
il(RRA, Absolute, 0x6F)
il(RRA, AbsoluteX, 0x7F)
il(RRA, AbsoluteY, 0x7B)
il(DCP, ZeroPage, 0xC7)
il(DCP, ZeroPageX, 0xD7)
il(DCP, IndexedX, 0xC3)
il(DCP, IndexedY, 0xD3)
il(DCP, Absolute, 0xCF)
il(DCP, AbsoluteX, 0xDF)
il(DCP, AbsoluteY, 0xDB)
il(ISC, ZeroPage, 0xE7)
il(ISC, ZeroPageX, 0xF7)
il(ISC, IndexedX, 0xE3)
il(ISC, IndexedY, 0xF3)
il(ISC, Absolute, 0xEF)
il(ISC, AbsoluteX, 0xFF)
il(ISC, AbsoluteY, 0xFB)
il(NOP, Immediate, 0x80)
il(NOP, ZeroPage, 0x44)
il(NOP, ZeroPageX, 0x54)
il(NOP, Absolute, 0x5C)
il(NOP, AbsoluteX, 0x1C)
cn(NOP, Immediate, 0x02)
cn(NOP, ZeroPage, 0x44)
cn(NOP, ZeroPageX, 0x54)
cn(NOP, Absolute, 0x5C)
cm(STZ, ZeroPage, 0x64)
cm(STZ, ZeroPageX, 0x74)
cm(STZ, Absolute, 0x9C)
cm(STZ, AbsoluteX, 0x9E)
cm(PHX, Implied, 0xDA)
cm(PHY, Implied, 0x5A)
cm(PLX, Implied, 0xFA)
cm(PLY, Implied, 0x7A)
cm(ORA, IndexedZ, 0x12)
cm(AND, IndexedZ, 0x32)
cm(EOR, IndexedZ, 0x52)
cm(ADC, IndexedZ, 0x72)
cm(STA, IndexedZ, 0x92)
cm(LDA, IndexedZ, 0xB2)
cm(CMP, IndexedZ, 0xD2)
cm(SBC, IndexedZ, 0xF2)
sc(TSB, ZeroPage, 0x04)
sc(TSB, Absolute, 0x0C)
sc(TRB, ZeroPage, 0x14)
sc(TRB, Absolute, 0x1C)
cm(BRA, Relative, 0x80)
cm(BIT, ZeroPageX, 0x34)
cm(BIT, AbsoluteX, 0x3C)
cm(INC, Implied, 0x1A)
cm(DEC, Implied, 0x3A)
cm(JMP, AbsoluteIndexedX, 0x7C)
wd(WAI, Implied, 0xCB)
wd(STP, Implied, 0xDB)
rw(RMB0, ZeroPage, 0x07)
rw(RMB1, ZeroPage, 0x17)
rw(RMB2, ZeroPage, 0x27)
rw(RMB3, ZeroPage, 0x37)
rw(RMB4, ZeroPage, 0x47)
rw(RMB5, ZeroPage, 0x57)
rw(RMB6, ZeroPage, 0x67)
rw(RMB7, ZeroPage, 0x77)
rw(SMB0, ZeroPage, 0x87)
rw(SMB1, ZeroPage, 0x97)
rw(SMB2, ZeroPage, 0xa7)
rw(SMB3, ZeroPage, 0xb7)
rw(SMB4, ZeroPage, 0xc7)
rw(SMB5, ZeroPage, 0xd7)
rw(SMB6, ZeroPage, 0xe7)
rw(SMB7, ZeroPage, 0xf7)
sb(BBR0, 0x0f)
sb(BBR1, 0x1f)
sb(BBR2, 0x2f)
sb(BBR3, 0x3f)
sb(BBR4, 0x4f)
sb(BBR5, 0x5f)
sb(BBR6, 0x6f)
sb(BBR7, 0x7f)
sb(BBS0, 0x8f)
sb(BBS1, 0x9f)
sb(BBS2, 0xaf)
sb(BBS3, 0xbf)
sb(BBS4, 0xcf)
sb(BBS5, 0xdf)
sb(BBS6, 0xef)
sb(BBS7, 0xff)
ce(CPZ, Immediate, 0xC2)
ce(CPZ, ZeroPage, 0xD4)
ce(CPZ, Absolute, 0xDC)
ce(DEZ, Implied, 0x3B)
ce(INZ, Implied,0x1B )
ce(DEC_W, ZeroPage, 0xC3)
ce(INC_W, ZeroPage, 0xE3)
ce(ASL_W, Absolute, 0xCB)
ce(ROL_W, Absolute, 0xEB)
ce(ASR, Implied, 0x43)
ce(ASR, ZeroPage, 0x44)
ce(ASR, ZeroPageX, 0x54)
ce(LDZ, Immediate, 0xA3)
ce(LDZ, Absolute, 0xAB)
ce(LDZ, AbsoluteX, 0xBB)
ce(TAB, Implied, 0x5B)
ce(TBA, Implied, 0x7B)
ce(TAZ, Implied, 0x4B)
ce(TZA, Implied, 0x6B)
ce(TSY, Implied, 0x0B)
ce(TYS, Implied, 0x2B)
ce(PHW, WordImmediate, 0xF4)
ce(PHW, Absolute, 0xFC)
ce(PHZ, Implied, 0xDB)
ce(PLZ, Implied, 0xFB)
ce(JSR, Indirect, 0x22)
ce(JSR, AbsoluteIndexedX, 0x23)
ce(CLE, Implied, 0x02)
ce(SEE, Implied, 0x03)
ce(NEG, Implied, 0x42)
ce(MAP, Implied, 0x5C)
ce(LDA, IndexedSY, 0xE2)
ce(STA, IndexedSY, 0x82)
ce(BSR, LongRelative, 0x63)
ce(BRA, LongRelative, 0x83)
ce(BPL, LongRelative, 0x13)
ce(BMI, LongRelative, 0x33)
ce(BVC, LongRelative, 0x53)
ce(BVS, LongRelative, 0x73)
ce(BCC, LongRelative, 0x93)
ce(BCS, LongRelative, 0xb3)
ce(BNE, LongRelative, 0xd3)
ce(BEQ, LongRelative, 0xf3)
hu(BSR, Relative, 0x44)
hu(CLY, Implied, 0xC2)
hu(CLX, Implied, 0x82)
hu(CLA, Implied, 0x62)
hu(CSH, Implied, 0xD4)
hu(CSL, Implied, 0x54)
hu(SET, Implied, 0xF4)
hu(HuSAX, Implied, 0x22)
hu(SAY, Implied, 0x42)
hu(SXY, Implied, 0x02)
hu(TAM, Immediate, 0x53)
hu(TMA, Immediate, 0x43)
hu(ST0, Immediate, 0x03)
hu(ST1, Immediate, 0x13)
hu(ST2, Immediate, 0x23)
hu(STP, Implied, 0xDB)
ht(TAI, 0xf3)
ht(TIA, 0xe3)
ht(TII, 0x73)
ht(TIN, 0xd3)
ht(TDD, 0xc3)
em(ORA, Stack, 0x03)
em(ORA, IndexedSY, 0x13)
na(ORA, LongIndexedZ, 0x07)
na(ORA, LongIndexedY, 0x17)
na(ORA, LongAbsolute, 0x0F)
na(ORA, LongAbsoluteX, 0x1F)
em(AND, Stack, 0x23)
em(AND, IndexedSY, 0x33)
na(AND, LongIndexedZ, 0x27)
na(AND, LongIndexedY, 0x37)
na(AND, LongAbsolute, 0x2F)
na(AND, LongAbsoluteX, 0x3F)
em(EOR, Stack, 0x43)
em(EOR, IndexedSY, 0x53)
na(EOR, LongIndexedZ, 0x47)
na(EOR, LongIndexedY, 0x57)
na(EOR, LongAbsolute, 0x4F)
na(EOR, LongAbsoluteX, 0x5F)
em(ADC, Stack, 0x63)
em(ADC, IndexedSY, 0x73)
na(ADC, LongIndexedZ, 0x67)
na(ADC, LongIndexedY, 0x77)
na(ADC, LongAbsolute, 0x6F)
na(ADC, LongAbsoluteX, 0x7F)
em(STA, Stack, 0x83)
em(STA, IndexedSY, 0x93)
na(STA, LongIndexedZ, 0x87)
na(STA, LongIndexedY, 0x97)
na(STA, LongAbsolute, 0x8F)
na(STA, LongAbsoluteX, 0x9F)
em(LDA, Stack, 0xA3)
em(LDA, IndexedSY, 0xB3)
na(LDA, LongIndexedZ, 0xA7)
na(LDA, LongIndexedY, 0xB7)
na(LDA, LongAbsolute, 0xAF)
na(LDA, LongAbsoluteX, 0xBF)
em(CMP, Stack, 0xC3)
em(CMP, IndexedSY, 0xD3)
na(CMP, LongIndexedZ, 0xC7)
na(CMP, LongIndexedY, 0xD7)
na(CMP, LongAbsolute, 0xCF)
na(CMP, LongAbsoluteX, 0xDF)
em(SBC, Stack, 0xE3)
em(SBC, IndexedSY, 0xF3)
na(SBC, LongIndexedZ, 0xE7)
na(SBC, LongIndexedY, 0xF7)
na(SBC, LongAbsolute, 0xEF)
na(SBC, LongAbsoluteX, 0xFF)
em(COP, Immediate, 0x02)
em(XBA, Implied, 0xEB)
em(TXY, Implied, 0x9B)
em(TYX, Implied, 0xBB)
em(JSR, LongAbsolute, 0x22)
em(JSR, AbsoluteIndexedX, 0xFC)
na(RTL, Implied, 0x6B)
na(JMP, LongAbsolute, 0x5C)
na(JMP, LongIndirect, 0x7C)
na(BRL, LongRelative, 0x82)
em(PHD, Implied, 0x0B)
em(PLD, Implied, 0x2B)
em(PHB, Implied, 0x8B)
em(PLB, Implied, 0xAB)
em(PHK, Implied, 0x4B)
na(REP, Immediate, 0xC2)
na(SEP, Immediate, 0xE2)
na(XCE, Implied, 0xFB)
na(TCD, Implied, 0x5B)
na(TDC, Implied, 0x7B)
na(TSC, Implied, 0x3B)
na(TCS, Implied, 0x1B)
for {
((narrow, am), code) <- emulation65816Opcodes ++ opcodes ++ cmosOpcodes ++ native65816Opcodes
wide <- Opcode.widen(narrow)
} na(wide, if (am == Immediate) WordImmediate else am, code & 0xff)