mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2024-06-12 06:29:34 +00:00
Karol Stasiak 90e5360bfd Related to #119:
– Detection of simple byte overflow cases.
– Optimization of 8×8→16 multiplication on 6809.
– Multiplication optimizations on Z80.
2021-08-06 21:01:03 +02:00

868 lines
42 KiB

package millfork.compiler
import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CpuFamily, node}
import millfork.env._
import millfork.node._
import AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType
import millfork.compiler.AbstractStatementPreprocessor.hiddenEffectFreeFunctions
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* @author Karol Stasiak
abstract class AbstractStatementPreprocessor(protected val ctx: CompilationContext, statements: List[ExecutableStatement]) {
implicit class StringToFunctionNameOps(val functionName: String) {
def <|(exprs: Expression*): Expression = FunctionCallExpression(functionName, exprs.toList).pos(exprs.head.position)
type VV = Map[String, Constant]
protected val optimize = true // TODO
protected val env: Environment = ctx.env
protected val localPrefix: String = ctx.function.name + "$"
protected val usedIdentifiers: immutable.Iterable[String] with (Nothing => Any) = if (optimize) statements.flatMap(_.getAllExpressions).flatMap(_.getAllIdentifiers) else Set()
protected val trackableVars: Set[String] = if (optimize) {
.filterNot(_.typ.isSigned) // sadly, tracking loses signedness
.filterNot { vname =>
val prefix = vname + "."
} else Set() // TODO
if (ctx.log.traceEnabled && trackableVars.nonEmpty) {
ctx.log.trace("Tracking local variables: " + trackableVars.mkString(", "))
protected val reentrantVars: Set[String] = trackableVars.filter(v => env.get[Variable](v) match {
case _: StackVariable => true
case v:UninitializedMemoryVariable if v.alloc == VariableAllocationMethod.Auto => ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.DangerousOptimizations)
case _ => false
protected val nonreentrantVars: Set[String] = trackableVars -- reentrantVars
protected val optimizeStdlib: Boolean = ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeStdlib)
def apply(): List[ExecutableStatement] = {
optimizeStmts(statements, Map())._1
def optimizeStmts(stmts: Seq[ExecutableStatement], currentVarValues: VV): (List[ExecutableStatement], VV) = {
val result = ListBuffer[ExecutableStatement]()
var cv = currentVarValues
for(stmt <- stmts){
val p = optimizeStmt(stmt, cv)
result += p._1
cv = p._2
result.toList -> cv
def maybeOptimizeForStatement(f: ForStatement): Option[(ExecutableStatement, VV)]
def isNonzero(index: Expression): Boolean = env.eval(index) match {
case Some(c) => !c.isProvablyZero
case _ => true
def isWordPointy(name: String): Boolean = {
env.getPointy(name).elementType.alignedSize == 2
def optimizeStmt(stmt: ExecutableStatement, currentVarValues: VV): (ExecutableStatement, VV) = {
var cv = currentVarValues
val pos = stmt.position
// stdlib:
if (optimizeStdlib) {
stmt match {
case ExpressionStatement(FunctionCallExpression("putstrz", List(TextLiteralExpression(text))))
if StdLibOptUtils.isValidNulTerminated(ctx.options.platform.defaultCodec, text) =>
text.size match {
case 1 =>
ctx.log.debug("Removing putstrz with empty argument", stmt.position)
return EmptyStatement(Nil) -> currentVarValues
case 2 =>
ctx.log.debug("Replacing putstrz with putchar", stmt.position)
return ExpressionStatement(FunctionCallExpression("putchar", List(text.head))) -> currentVarValues
case 3 =>
if (ctx.options.platform.cpuFamily == CpuFamily.M6502) {
ctx.log.debug("Replacing putstrz with putchar", stmt.position)
return IfStatement(FunctionCallExpression("==", List(LiteralExpression(1, 1), LiteralExpression(1, 1))), List(
ExpressionStatement(FunctionCallExpression("putchar", List(text.head))),
ExpressionStatement(FunctionCallExpression("putchar", List(text(1))))
), Nil) -> currentVarValues
case _ =>
case ExpressionStatement(FunctionCallExpression("putpstr", List(TextLiteralExpression(text))))
if StdLibOptUtils.isValidPascal(text) =>
text.length match {
case 1 =>
ctx.log.debug("Removing putpstr with empty argument", stmt.position)
return EmptyStatement(Nil) -> currentVarValues
case 2 =>
ctx.log.debug("Replacing putpstr with putchar", stmt.position)
return ExpressionStatement(FunctionCallExpression("putchar", List(text(1)))) -> currentVarValues
case _ =>
case _ =>
// generic warnings:
stmt match {
case ExpressionStatement(expr@FunctionCallExpression("strzlen" | "putstrz" | "strzcmp" | "strzcopy" | "strzpaste", params)) =>
for (param <- params) checkIfNullTerminated(ctx, stmt, param)
case ExpressionStatement(expr@FunctionCallExpression("pstrlen" | "putpstr" | "pstrcmp" | "pstrcopy" | "pstrpaste", params)) =>
for (param <- params) checkIfLengthPrefixed(ctx, stmt, param)
case ExpressionStatement(expr@FunctionCallExpression(f, List(VariableExpression(v)))) if hiddenEffectFreeFunctions(f)=>
val volatile = ctx.env.maybeGet[ThingInMemory](v).fold(false)(_.isVolatile)
if (!volatile && ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UselessCodeWarning)) {
ctx.log.warn("Pointless expression.", stmt.position)
case ExpressionStatement(expr@FunctionCallExpression(f, List(_: LiteralExpression))) if hiddenEffectFreeFunctions(f) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UselessCodeWarning)) {
ctx.log.warn("Pointless expression.", stmt.position)
case ExpressionStatement(VariableExpression(v)) =>
val volatile = ctx.env.maybeGet[ThingInMemory](v).fold(false)(_.isVolatile)
if (!volatile && ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UselessCodeWarning)) {
ctx.log.warn("Pointless expression.", stmt.position)
case ExpressionStatement(_: LiteralExpression) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UselessCodeWarning)) {
ctx.log.warn("Pointless expression.", stmt.position)
case WhileStatement(condition, Nil, Nil, _) =>
if (!env.isGoodEmptyLoopCondition(condition)) {
ctx.log.warn("Empty loop with a non-volatile condition may be optimized into a no-op or an infinite loop.", stmt.position)
case DoWhileStatement(Nil, Nil, condition, _) =>
if (!env.isGoodEmptyLoopCondition(condition)) {
ctx.log.warn("Empty loop with a non-volatile condition may be optimized into a no-op or an infinite loop.", stmt.position)
case _ =>
new OverflowDetector(ctx).detectOverflow(stmt)
stmt match {
case Assignment(ve@VariableExpression(v), arg) if trackableVars(v) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
Assignment(ve, optimizeExpr(arg, cv)).pos(pos) -> (env.eval(optimizeExpr(arg, Map()), currentVarValues) match {
case Some(c) => cv + (v -> c)
case None => cv - v
case Assignment(target:DerefDebuggingExpression, arg) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
cv = search(target, cv)
Assignment(optimizeExpr(target, cv).asInstanceOf[LhsExpression], optimizeExpr(arg, cv)).pos(pos) -> cv
case Assignment(target:DerefExpression, arg) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
cv = search(target, cv)
Assignment(optimizeExpr(target, cv).asInstanceOf[LhsExpression], optimizeExpr(arg, cv)).pos(pos) -> cv
case Assignment(target:IndirectFieldExpression, arg) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
cv = search(target, cv)
Assignment(optimizeExpr(target, cv).asInstanceOf[LhsExpression], optimizeExpr(arg, cv)).pos(pos) -> cv
case Assignment(target:IndexedExpression, arg) if isWordPointy(target.name) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
cv = search(target, cv)
FunctionCallExpression("pointer", List(VariableExpression(target.name).pos(pos))).pos(pos) #+#
FunctionCallExpression("<<", List(optimizeExpr(target.index, cv), LiteralExpression(1, 1))).pos(pos),
0, false, env.getPointy(target.name).elementType).pos(pos), optimizeExpr(arg, cv)).pos(pos) -> cv
case Assignment(target:IndexedExpression, arg) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
cv = search(target, cv)
Assignment(optimizeExpr(target, cv).asInstanceOf[LhsExpression], optimizeExpr(arg, cv)).pos(pos) -> cv
case Assignment(ve, arg) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
cv = search(ve, cv)
Assignment(ve, optimizeExpr(arg, cv)).pos(pos) -> cv
case ExpressionStatement(expr@FunctionCallExpression(fname, _))
if ctx.env.maybeGet[Thing](fname).exists(i => i.isInstanceOf[MacroFunction]) =>
ExpressionStatement(optimizeExpr(expr, Map())).pos(pos) -> Map()
case ExpressionStatement(expr@FunctionCallExpression("+=", List(VariableExpression(v), arg)))
if currentVarValues.contains(v) =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
ExpressionStatement(optimizeExpr(expr, cv - v)).pos(pos) -> (env.eval(expr, currentVarValues) match {
case Some(c) => if (cv.contains(v)) cv + (v -> (cv(v) + c)) else cv
case None => cv - v
case ExpressionStatement(expr@FunctionCallExpression(op, List(VariableExpression(v), arg)))
if op.endsWith("=") && op != ">=" && op != "<=" && op != ":=" =>
cv = search(arg, cv)
ExpressionStatement(optimizeExpr(expr, cv - v)).pos(pos) -> (cv - v)
case ExpressionStatement(expr) =>
cv = search(expr, cv)
ExpressionStatement(optimizeExpr(expr, cv)).pos(pos) -> cv
case ReturnStatement(Some(expr)) =>
cv = search(expr, cv)
ReturnStatement(Some(optimizeExpr(expr, cv))).pos(pos) -> cv
case IfStatement(cond, th, el) =>
cv = search(cond, cv)
val c = optimizeExpr(cond, cv)
val (t, vt) = optimizeStmts(th, cv)
val (e, ve) = optimizeStmts(el, cv)
IfStatement(c, t, e).pos(pos) -> commonVV(vt, ve)
case WhileStatement(cond, body, inc, labels) =>
cv = search(cond, cv)
val c = optimizeExpr(cond, Map())
val (b, _) = optimizeStmts(body, Map())
val (i, _) = optimizeStmts(inc, Map())
WhileStatement(c, b, i, labels).pos(pos) -> Map()
case DoWhileStatement(body, inc, cond, labels) =>
val c = optimizeExpr(cond, Map())
val (b, _) = optimizeStmts(body, Map())
val (i, _) = optimizeStmts(inc, Map())
DoWhileStatement(b, i, c, labels).pos(pos) -> Map()
case f@ForEachStatement(v, pv, arr, body) =>
for (a <- arr.right.getOrElse(Nil)) cv = search(a, cv)
val a = arr.map(_.map(optimizeExpr(_, Map())))
val (b, _) = optimizeStmts(body, Map())
ForEachStatement(v, pv, a, b).pos(pos) -> Map()
case f@ForStatement(v, st, en, dir, body, Nil) =>
// detect a memset
f.body match {
case List(Assignment(target@IndexedExpression(pointy, index), source)) =>
val sourceType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, source)
val targetType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, target)
if (
!env.isVolatile(VariableExpression(pointy)) &&
!env.isVolatile(index) &&
!env.isVolatile(source) &&
!env.isVolatile(f.end) &&
index.getAllIdentifiers.forall(iv => !ctx.env.overlapsVariable(iv, source)) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(pointy, source) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(pointy, index) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(f.variable, source) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(f.variable, f.start) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(f.variable, f.end) &&
ctx.isConstant(source) &&
sourceType.size <= 1 &&
targetType.size == 1 &&
) {
val sizeExpr = f.direction match {
case ForDirection.DownTo =>
f.start #-# f.end #+# LiteralExpression(1, 2)
case ForDirection.To | ForDirection.ParallelTo =>
f.end #-# f.start #+# LiteralExpression(1, 2)
case ForDirection.Until | ForDirection.ParallelUntil =>
f.end #-# f.start
val w = env.get[Type]("word")
env.eval(sizeExpr) match {
case Some(size) =>
val startOpt = optimizeExpr(f.start, Map())
val sourceOpt = optimizeExpr(source, Map())
(env.getPointy(pointy), env.evalVariableAndConstantSubParts(index)) match {
case (array: ConstantPointy, (Some(VariableExpression(i)), offset)) if i == f.variable =>
// for i,start,until,end { array[i+offset] = source }
// println(s"Detected memset via array $array and index $i")
return MemsetStatement(startOpt #+# GeneratedConstantExpression(array.value + offset, w), size, sourceOpt, f.direction, Some(f)).pos(pos) -> Map()
case (pointer, (Some(VariableExpression(i)), offset)) if i == f.variable =>
// for i,start,until,end { array[i+offset] = source }
// println(s"Detected memset via pointer $pointer and index $i")
return MemsetStatement(startOpt #+# VariableExpression(pointy) #+# GeneratedConstantExpression(offset, w), size, sourceOpt, f.direction, Some(f)).pos(pos) -> Map()
case (_, (None, offset)) if pointy == f.variable =>
// for pointy,start,until,end { pointy[offset] = source }
// println(s"Detected memset via pointer $pointy alone")
return MemsetStatement(startOpt #+# GeneratedConstantExpression(offset, w), size, sourceOpt, f.direction, Some(f)).pos(pos) -> Map()
case _ =>
case _ =>
case _ =>
maybeOptimizeForStatement(f) match {
case Some(x) => x
case None =>
val s = optimizeExpr(st, Map())
val e = optimizeExpr(en, Map())
val (b, _) = optimizeStmts(body, Map())
ForStatement(v, s, e, dir, b).pos(pos) -> Map()
case f@ForStatement(v, st, en, dir, body, increment) =>
val s = optimizeExpr(st, Map())
val e = optimizeExpr(en, Map())
val (b, _) = optimizeStmts(body, Map())
val (i, _) = optimizeStmts(increment, Map())
ForStatement(v, s, e, dir, b, i).pos(pos) -> Map()
case _ => stmt -> Map()
private def checkIfNullTerminated(ctx: CompilationContext, stmt: ExecutableStatement, param: Expression): Unit = {
if (!ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.BuggyCodeWarning)) return
val TERMINATOR = ctx.options.platform.defaultCodec.stringTerminator.head
param match {
case TextLiteralExpression(ch) =>
ch.lastOption match {
case Some(LiteralExpression(TERMINATOR, _)) => //ok
case _ => ctx.log.warn("Passing a non-null-terminated string to a function that expects a null-terminated string.", stmt.position)
case _ =>
private def checkIfLengthPrefixed(ctx: CompilationContext, stmt: ExecutableStatement, param: Expression): Unit = {
if (!ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.BuggyCodeWarning)) return
val TERMINATOR = ctx.options.platform.defaultCodec.stringTerminator.head
param match {
case TextLiteralExpression(ch) =>
if (ch.headOption match {
case Some(LiteralExpression(length, _)) if length == ch.size - 1 => false
case Some(LiteralExpression(length, _)) if length == ch.size + 2 =>
ch.lastOption match {
case Some(LiteralExpression(TERMINATOR, _)) => false
case _ => true
case _ => true
}) {
ctx.log.warn("Passing a non-length-prefixed string to a function that expects a length-prefixed string.", stmt.position)
case _ =>
def search(expr: Expression, cv: VV): VV = {
expr match {
case FunctionCallExpression(op, List(VariableExpression(v), arg)) if op.endsWith("=") && op != "<=" && op != ">=" =>
search(arg, cv - v)
case FunctionCallExpression(name, params)
if hiddenEffectFreeFunctions(name) || env.maybeGet[Type](name).isDefined =>
if (params.isEmpty) cv // to handle compilation errors
else params.map(p => search(p, cv)).reduce(commonVV)
case FunctionCallExpression(_, _) => cv -- nonreentrantVars
case SumExpression(params, _) => params.map(p => search(p._2, cv)).reduce(commonVV)
case HalfWordExpression(arg, _) => search(arg, cv)
case IndexedExpression(_, arg) => search(arg, cv)
case DerefDebuggingExpression(arg, _) => search(arg, cv)
case DerefExpression(arg, _, _, _) => search(arg, cv)
case _ => cv // TODO
def commonVV(a: VV, b: VV): VV = {
if (a.isEmpty) return a
if (b.isEmpty) return b
val keys = a.keySet & b.keySet
if (keys.isEmpty) return Map()
keys.flatMap{ k =>
val aa = a(k)
val bb = b(k)
if (aa == bb) Some(k -> aa) else None
def isHiddenEffectFree(expr: Expression): Boolean = {
expr match {
case _: VariableExpression => true
case _: LiteralExpression => true
case _: ConstantArrayElementExpression => true
case _: GeneratedConstantExpression => true
case FunctionCallExpression(name, params) =>
hiddenEffectFreeFunctions(name) && params.forall(isHiddenEffectFree)
case _ => false // TODO
def optimizeExpr(expr: Expression, currentVarValues: VV, optimizeSum: Boolean = false): Expression = {
val pos = expr.position
// stdlib:
if (optimizeStdlib) {
expr match {
case FunctionCallExpression("strzlen", List(TextLiteralExpression(text))) =>
StdLibOptUtils.evalStrzLen(ctx, expr, ctx.options.platform.defaultCodec , text).foreach(return _)
case FunctionCallExpression("scrstrzlen", List(TextLiteralExpression(text))) =>
StdLibOptUtils.evalStrzLen(ctx, expr, ctx.options.platform.defaultCodec, text).foreach(return _)
case FunctionCallExpression("pstrlen", List(TextLiteralExpression(text))) =>
StdLibOptUtils.evalPStrLen(ctx, expr, text).foreach(return _)
case _ =>
// generic warnings:
expr match {
case FunctionCallExpression("*" | "*=", params) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UselessCodeWarning) && params.exists {
case LiteralExpression(0, _) => true
case _ => false
}) ctx.log.warn("Multiplication by zero.", params.head.position)
case FunctionCallExpression("/" | "/=" | "%%" | "%%=", params) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.BuggyCodeWarning) && params.tail.exists {
case LiteralExpression(0, _) => true
case _ => false
}) ctx.log.warn("Division by zero.", params.head.position)
case FunctionCallExpression("<<" | ">>" | "<<'" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "<<'=" | ">>>>", List(lhs@_, LiteralExpression(0, _))) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UselessCodeWarning)) ctx.log.warn("Shift by zero.", lhs.position)
case expr@FunctionCallExpression("==" | "!=" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=", params) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.BytePointerComparisonWarning)) {
val types = params.map(p => AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, p))
val hasByte = types.exists(t => t.size == 1)
val hasPointer = types.exists(t => t.name == "pointer" || t.isPointy)
if (hasByte && hasPointer) {
ctx.log.warn("Comparison between a byte and a pointer is usually pointless.", expr.position)
for (param <- params) param match {
case TextLiteralExpression(List(_)) =>
ctx.log.info("Did you mean to use a character literal here?", param.position)
case _ =>
case _ =>
expr match {
case IndirectFieldExpression(root, firstIndices, fieldPath) =>
val b = env.get[Type]("byte")
var ok = true
var result = optimizeExpr(root, currentVarValues).pos(pos)
def applyIndex(result: Expression, index: Expression, smallArraySizeInBytes: Option[Int]): Expression = {
AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(env, env.log, result) match {
case pt@PointerType(_, _, Some(targetType)) =>
val zero = env.eval(index) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(0, _)) =>
case _ =>
if (zero) {
DerefExpression(result, 0, false, targetType)
} else {
val indexType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(env, env.log, index)
val (newResult, constantOffset) = result match {
case FunctionCallExpression(pType, List(SumExpression(List((false, newResult), (false, LiteralExpression(offset, _))), false)))
if offset >= 0 && offset < 100 && env.maybeGet[VariableType](pType).exists(_.isPointy) =>
(pType <| newResult) -> offset.toInt
case _ => result -> 0
env.eval(index) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(n, _)) if n >= 0 && (smallArraySizeInBytes.isDefined || (targetType.alignedSize * n) <= 127) =>
if (constantOffset + (targetType.alignedSize * n) <= 127) {
("pointer." + targetType.name) <| newResult,
constantOffset + targetType.alignedSize * n.toInt, false, targetType)
} else {
("pointer." + targetType.name) <| result,
targetType.alignedSize * n.toInt, false, targetType)
case _ =>
val small = smallArraySizeInBytes.isDefined || (indexType.size == 1 && !indexType.isSigned)
smallArraySizeInBytes match {
case Some(sz) if constantOffset != 0 && sz + constantOffset <= 255 =>
val scaledIndex: Expression = scaleIndexForArrayAccess(index, targetType, smallArraySizeInBytes)
var scaledIndexWithOffset = optimizeExpr(scaledIndex #+# LiteralExpression(constantOffset, 1), Map())
val cpuFamily = ctx.options.platform.cpuFamily
if ((cpuFamily == CpuFamily.M6502 || cpuFamily == CpuFamily.I80)
&& AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, scaledIndexWithOffset).size == 1) {
scaledIndexWithOffset = "byte" <| scaledIndexWithOffset
DerefExpression(("pointer." + targetType.name) <| (
("pointer" <| newResult) #+# scaledIndexWithOffset
), 0, false, targetType)
case _ =>
val scaledIndex: Expression = scaleIndexForArrayAccess(index, targetType, smallArraySizeInBytes)
DerefExpression(("pointer." + targetType.name) <| (
("pointer" <| result) #+# optimizeExpr(scaledIndex, Map())
), 0, false, targetType)
case x if x.isPointy =>
val (targetType, arraySizeInBytes) = result match {
case VariableExpression(maybePointy) =>
val pointy = env.getPointy(maybePointy)
pointy.elementType -> (pointy match {
case p:ConstantPointy => p.sizeInBytes
case _ => None
case _ => env.get[Type](x.pointerTargetName) -> None
ctx.log.trace(s"$result is $x and targets $targetType")
env.eval(index) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(n, _)) if n >= 0 && (targetType.alignedSize * n) <= 127 =>
x match {
case _: PointerType =>
DerefExpression(result, targetType.alignedSize * n.toInt, false, targetType)
case _ =>
("pointer." + targetType.name) <| result,
targetType.alignedSize * n.toInt, false, targetType)
case _ =>
val scaledIndex: Expression = scaleIndexForArrayAccess(index, targetType, arraySizeInBytes)
// TODO: re-cast pointer type
DerefExpression(("pointer." + targetType.name) <| (
result #+# optimizeExpr(scaledIndex, Map())
), 0, false, targetType)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Not a pointer type on the left-hand side of `[`", pos)
ok = false
for (index <- firstIndices) {
result = applyIndex(result, index, smallArraySizeInBytes = None)
var currentArraySizeInBytes = Option.empty[Int]
for ((dot, fieldName, indices) <- fieldPath) {
if (dot && ok) {
val pointer = result match {
case DerefExpression(inner, 0, _, _) =>
optimizeExpr(inner, currentVarValues).pos(pos)
case DerefExpression(inner, offset, _, targetType) =>
if (offset == 0) {
("pointer." + targetType.name) <| ("pointer" <| optimizeExpr(inner, currentVarValues).pos(pos))
} else {
("pointer." + targetType.name) <| (
("pointer" <| optimizeExpr(inner, currentVarValues).pos(pos)) #+# LiteralExpression(offset, 2)
case IndexedExpression(name, index) =>
case _ =>
ok = false
ctx.log.error(s"Not a left-hand-side expression", result.position)
fieldName match {
case "pointer" => result = pointer
case "pointer.hi" => result = "hi" <| pointer
case "pointer.lo" => result = "lo" <| pointer
case "addr" => result = "pointer" <| pointer
case "addr.hi" => result = "hi" <| pointer
case "addr.lo" => result = "lo" <| pointer
case _ =>
ctx.log.error(s"Unexpected subfield `$fieldName`", result.position)
ok = false
} else if (ok) {
val (actualFieldName, pointerWrap): (String, Int) = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getActualFieldNameAndPointerWrap(fieldName)
val currentResultType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(env, env.log, result)
result = currentResultType match {
case PointerType(_, _, Some(target)) =>
val subvariables = env.getSubvariables(target).filter(x => x.suffix == "." + actualFieldName)
if (subvariables.isEmpty) {
ctx.log.error(s"Type `${target.name}` does not contain field `$actualFieldName`", result.position)
ok = false
LiteralExpression(0, 1)
} else {
val inner = optimizeExpr(result, currentVarValues, optimizeSum = true).pos(pos)
val subvariable = subvariables.head
val fieldOffset = subvariable.offset
val fieldType = subvariable.typ
val offsetExpression = LiteralExpression(fieldOffset, 2).pos(pos)
subvariable.arrayIndexTypeAndSize match {
case Some((indexType, arraySize)) =>
currentArraySizeInBytes = Some(arraySize * subvariable.typ.alignedSize).filter(_ <= 256)
pointerWrap match {
case 0 | 1 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
("pointer." + fieldType.name) <| ("pointer" <| inner)
} else {
("pointer." + fieldType.name) <| (("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression)
case 2 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
("pointer" <| inner)
} else {
("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression
case 10 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
"lo" <| ("pointer" <| inner)
} else {
"lo" <| (("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression)
case 11 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
"hi" <| (("pointer" <| inner))
} else {
"hi" <| (("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression)
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException
case None =>
currentArraySizeInBytes = None
pointerWrap match {
case 0 =>
DerefExpression(inner, fieldOffset, subvariable.isVolatile, fieldType)
case 1 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
("pointer." + fieldType.name) <| ("pointer" <| inner)
} else {
("pointer." + fieldType.name) <| (
("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression
case 2 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
"pointer" <| inner
} else {
("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression
case 10 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
"lo" <| ("pointer" <| inner)
} else {
"lo" <| (
("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression
case 11 =>
if (fieldOffset == 0) {
"hi" <| ("pointer" <| inner)
} else {
"hi" <| (
("pointer" <| inner) #+# offsetExpression
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Invalid pointer type on the left-hand side of `->`", result.position)
LiteralExpression(0, 1)
if (ok) {
for (index <- indices) {
result = applyIndex(result, index, currentArraySizeInBytes)
currentArraySizeInBytes = None
case DerefDebuggingExpression(inner, 1) =>
DerefExpression(optimizeExpr(inner, currentVarValues, optimizeSum = true), 0, false, env.get[VariableType]("byte")).pos(pos)
case DerefDebuggingExpression(inner, 2) =>
DerefExpression(optimizeExpr(inner, currentVarValues, optimizeSum = true), 0, false, env.get[VariableType]("word")).pos(pos)
case e@TextLiteralExpression(characters) =>
val name = ctx.env.getTextLiteralArrayName(e)
case VariableExpression(v) if currentVarValues.contains(v) =>
val constant = currentVarValues(v)
ctx.log.debug(s"Using node flow to replace $v with $constant", pos)
GeneratedConstantExpression(constant, getExpressionType(ctx, expr)).pos(pos)
case FunctionCallExpression(t1, List(FunctionCallExpression(t2, List(arg))))
if optimize && pointlessDoubleCast(t1, t2, arg) =>
ctx.log.debug(s"Pointless double cast $t1($t2(...))", pos)
optimizeExpr(FunctionCallExpression(t1, List(arg)).pos(pos), currentVarValues)
case FunctionCallExpression(t1, List(arg))
if optimize && pointlessCast(t1, arg) =>
ctx.log.debug(s"Pointless cast $t1(...)", pos)
optimizeExpr(arg, currentVarValues)
case FunctionCallExpression(op@("<<" | "<<'"), List(l, r)) =>
env.eval(l) match {
case Some(c) if c.isProvablyZero =>
env.eval(r) match {
case Some(rc) =>
LiteralExpression(0, c.requiredSize)
case _ =>
FunctionCallExpression(op, List(optimizeExpr(l, currentVarValues), optimizeExpr(r, currentVarValues)))
case _ =>
FunctionCallExpression(op, List(optimizeExpr(l, currentVarValues), optimizeExpr(r, currentVarValues)))
case FunctionCallExpression("nonet", args) =>
// Eliminating variables may eliminate carry
FunctionCallExpression("nonet", args.map(arg => optimizeExpr(arg, Map()))).pos(pos)
case FunctionCallExpression(name, args) =>
if (Environment.constOnlyBuiltinFunction(name)) {
if (ctx.env.eval(expr).isEmpty) {
ctx.log.error(s"`$name` should be only used with constant expressions", expr.position)
ctx.env.maybeGet[Thing](name) match {
case Some(_: MacroFunction) =>
FunctionCallExpression(name, args.map(arg => optimizeExpr(arg, Map()))).pos(pos)
case a =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.CallToOverlappingBankWarning)) {
a match {
case Some(f: FunctionInMemory) =>
val thisBank = ctx.function.bank(ctx.options)
val targetBank = f.bank(ctx.options)
if (ctx.options.platform.isUnsafeToJump(targetBank, thisBank)) {
ctx.log.warn(s"Unsafe call to function `${f.name}` in segment `$targetBank` from function `${ctx.function.name}` in overlapping segment `$thisBank`", expr.position)
case _ =>
FunctionCallExpression(name, args.map(arg => optimizeExpr(arg, currentVarValues))).pos(pos)
case SumExpression(expressions, false) if optimizeSum =>
case (minus, arg) => minus -> optimizeExpr(arg, currentVarValues)
case (_, e) => env.eval(e).exists(_.isProvablyZero)
}, decimal = false).pos(pos)
case SumExpression(expressions, decimal) =>
// don't collapse additions, let the later stages deal with it
// expecially important when inside a nonet operation
SumExpression(expressions.map{case (minus, arg) => minus -> optimizeExpr(arg, currentVarValues)}, decimal).pos(pos)
case IndexedExpression(name, index) =>
val pointy = env.getPointy(name)
val targetType = pointy.elementType
targetType.alignedSize match {
case 1 => IndexedExpression(name, optimizeExpr(index, Map())).pos(pos)
case _ =>
val constantOffset: Option[Long] = env.eval(index) match {
case Some(z) if z.isProvablyZero => Some(0L)
case Some(NumericConstant(n, _)) =>
if (targetType.alignedSize * (n+1) <= 256) Some(targetType.alignedSize * n) else None
case _ => None
constantOffset match {
case Some(o) if o >= 0 && o <= 256 - targetType.size =>
if (pointy.isArray) {
"pointer" <| VariableExpression(name).pos(pos),
o.toInt, false, pointy.elementType).pos(pos)
} else {
o.toInt, false, pointy.elementType).pos(pos)
case _ =>
val arraySizeInBytes = pointy match {
case p: ConstantPointy => p.sizeInBytes
case _ => None
val shifts = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(targetType.alignedSize)
val shrunkElementSize = targetType.alignedSize >> shifts
val shrunkArraySize = arraySizeInBytes.fold(9999)(_.>>(shifts))
val scaledIndex = arraySizeInBytes match {
// "n > targetType.alignedSize" means
// "don't do optimizations on arrays size 0 or 1"
case Some(n) if n > targetType.alignedSize && n <= 256 => targetType.alignedSize match {
case 1 => "byte" <| index
case 2 => "<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(1, 1))
case 4 => "<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(2, 1))
case 8 => "<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(3, 1))
case _ => "*" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(targetType.alignedSize, 1))
case Some(n) if n > targetType.alignedSize && n <= 512 && targetType.alignedSize == 2 =>
"nonet" <| ("<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(1, 1)))
case Some(n) if n > targetType.alignedSize && shrunkArraySize <= 256 =>
"<<" <| ("word" <| ("*" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(shrunkElementSize, 1))), LiteralExpression(shifts, 1))
case _ => targetType.alignedSize match {
case 1 => "word" <| index
case 2 => "<<" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(1, 1))
case 4 => "<<" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(2, 1))
case 8 => "<<" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(3, 1))
case _ => "*" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(targetType.alignedSize, 1))
("pointer" <| VariableExpression(name).pos(pos)) #+# optimizeExpr(scaledIndex, Map()),
0, false, pointy.elementType).pos(pos)
case _ => expr // TODO
private def scaleIndexForArrayAccess(index: Expression, targetType: Type, arraySizeInBytes: Option[Int]): Expression = {
val shifts = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(targetType.alignedSize)
val shrunkElementSize = targetType.alignedSize >> shifts
val shrunkArraySize = arraySizeInBytes.fold(9999)(_.>>(shifts))
val scaledIndex = arraySizeInBytes match {
// "n > targetType.alignedSize" means
// "don't do optimizations on arrays size 0 or 1"
case Some(n) if n > targetType.alignedSize && n <= 256 => targetType.alignedSize match {
case 1 => "byte" <| index
case 2 => "<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(1, 1))
case 4 => "<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(2, 1))
case 8 => "<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(3, 1))
case _ => "*" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(targetType.alignedSize, 1))
case Some(n) if n > targetType.alignedSize && n <= 512 && targetType.alignedSize == 2 =>
"nonet" <| ("<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(1, 1)))
case Some(n) if n > targetType.alignedSize && n <= 512 && targetType.alignedSize == 2 =>
"nonet" <| ("<<" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(1, 1)))
case Some(n) if n > targetType.alignedSize && shrunkArraySize <= 256 =>
"<<" <| ("word" <| ("*" <| ("byte" <| index, LiteralExpression(shrunkElementSize, 1))), LiteralExpression(shifts, 1))
case _ => targetType.alignedSize match {
case 1 => "word" <| index
case 2 => "<<" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(1, 1))
case 4 => "<<" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(2, 1))
case 8 => "<<" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(3, 1))
case _ => "*" <| ("word" <| index, LiteralExpression(targetType.alignedSize, 1))
def pointlessCast(t1: String, expr: Expression): Boolean = {
val typ1 = env.maybeGet[Type](t1).getOrElse(return false)
val typ2 = getExpressionType(ctx, expr)
if (!typ1.isSigned) {
expr match {
case SumExpression(params, false) => if (params.exists(_._1)) return false
case _ =>
typ1.name == typ2.name
def pointlessDoubleCast(t1: String, t2: String, expr: Expression): Boolean = {
val s1 = env.maybeGet[Type](t1).getOrElse(return false).size
val s2 = env.maybeGet[Type](t2).getOrElse(return false).size
if (s1 != s2) return false
val s3 = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, expr).size
s1 == s3
object AbstractStatementPreprocessor {
val hiddenEffectFreeFunctions: Set[String] = Set(
"+", "+'", "-", "-'",
"*", "*'",
"<<", "<<'", ">>", ">>'", ">>>>",
"&", "&&", "||", "|", "^",
"==", "!=", "<", ">", ">=", "<=",
"not", "hi", "lo", "nonet", "sizeof", "typeof"
def mightBeMemset(ctx: CompilationContext, f: ForStatement): Boolean = {
val env = ctx.env
f.body match {
case List(Assignment(target@IndexedExpression(pointy, index), source)) =>
val sourceType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, source)
val targetType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, target)
if (
ctx.isConstant(source) &&
ctx.isConstant(index) &&
sourceType.size <= 1 &&
targetType.size == 1 &&
!env.isVolatile(VariableExpression(pointy)) &&
!env.isVolatile(index) &&
!env.isVolatile(source) &&
!env.isVolatile(f.end) &&
index.getAllIdentifiers.forall(iv => !ctx.env.overlapsVariable(iv, source)) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(pointy, source) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(pointy, index) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(f.variable, source) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(f.variable, f.start) &&
!env.overlapsVariable(f.variable, f.end)
) env.eval(f.end #-# f.start).isDefined else false
case _ => false