mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2024-06-12 06:29:34 +00:00
Karol Stasiak 90e5360bfd Related to #119:
– Detection of simple byte overflow cases.
– Optimization of 8×8→16 multiplication on 6809.
– Multiplication optimizations on Z80.
2021-08-06 21:01:03 +02:00

277 lines
11 KiB

package millfork.compiler.m6809
import millfork.assembly.m6809.{MLine, RegisterSet}
import millfork.compiler.CompilationContext
import millfork.env.{CompoundConstant, Constant, MathOperator, NumericConstant, ThingInMemory}
import millfork.node.{Expression, IndexedExpression, LiteralExpression, M6809Register, VariableExpression}
import millfork.assembly.m6809.MOpcode._
import M6809Register._
import millfork.CompilationFlag
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* @author Karol Stasiak
object M6809MulDiv {
def compileByteMultiplication(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression], updateDerefX: Boolean, forceMul: Boolean = false): List[MLine] = {
var constant = Constant.One
val variablePart = if(forceMul) params else params.flatMap { p =>
ctx.env.eval(p) match {
case Some(c) =>
constant = CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Times, constant, c).quickSimplify
case None => Some(p)
if (!updateDerefX && variablePart.isEmpty) {
return List(MLine.immediate(LDB, constant))
val result = ListBuffer[MLine]()
if (updateDerefX) {
result += MLine.indexedX(LDB, 0)
} else {
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, variablePart.head)
for (factor <- if (updateDerefX) variablePart else variablePart.tail) {
factor match {
case _: VariableExpression =>
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashBIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, factor))
case _ =>
// TODO: optimize?
result += MLine.tfr(B, A)
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashAIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, factor))
result += MLine.inherent(MUL)
constant.loByte.quickSimplify match {
case NumericConstant(0, _) => result += MLine.immediate(LDB, 0)
case NumericConstant(1, _) => ()
case NumericConstant(2, _) => result += MLine.inherentB(ASL)
case NumericConstant(4, _) => result ++= List(MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL))
case NumericConstant(8, _) => result ++= List(MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL))
case NumericConstant(16, _) => result ++= List(MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL))
case NumericConstant(32, _) => result ++= List(MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(ASL))
case NumericConstant(-1 | 255, _) => result += MLine.inherentB(NEG)
case NumericConstant(-2 | 254, _) => result ++= List(MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentB(NEG))
case _ => result ++= List(MLine.immediate(LDA, constant), MLine.inherent(MUL))
if (updateDerefX) {
result += MLine.indexedX(STB, 0)
def compileWordMultiplication(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression], updateDerefX: Boolean): List[MLine] = {
var constant = Constant.One
val variablePart = params.flatMap { p =>
ctx.env.eval(p) match {
case Some(c) =>
constant = CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Times, constant, c).quickSimplify
case None => Some(p)
if (!updateDerefX && variablePart.isEmpty) {
return List(MLine.immediate(LDD, constant))
val result = ListBuffer[MLine]()
if (updateDerefX) {
result += MLine.indexedX(LDD, 0)
result += MLine.pp(PSHS, X)
} else {
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, variablePart.head)
for (factor <- if (updateDerefX) variablePart else variablePart.tail) {
factor match {
case _: VariableExpression =>
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashDIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToX(ctx, factor))
case _ =>
// TODO: optimize?
result += MLine.tfr(D, X)
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashXIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, factor))
result += MLine.absolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__mul_u16u16u16"))
constant.loByte.quickSimplify match {
case NumericConstant(0, _) => result += MLine.immediate(LDD, 0)
case NumericConstant(1, _) => ()
case NumericConstant(2, _) => result ++= List(MLine.inherentB(ASL), MLine.inherentA(ROL))
case _ => result ++= List(MLine.immediate(LDX, constant), MLine.absolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__mul_u16u16u16")))
if (updateDerefX) {
result += MLine.pp(PULS, X)
result += MLine.indexedX(STD, 0)
def compileByteDivision(ctx: CompilationContext, left: Option[Expression], right: Expression, mod: Boolean): List[MLine] = {
ctx.env.eval(right) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(0, _)) =>
ctx.log.error("Division by zero", right.position)
return left match {
case Some(l) => M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, l)
case None => List(MLine.indexedX(CLR, 0))
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) =>
return left match {
case Some(l) =>
if (mod) M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, l) :+ MLine.immediate(LDB, 0)
else M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, l)
case None =>
if (mod) List(MLine.indexedX(CLR, 0))
else Nil
case Some(NumericConstant(n@(2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128), _)) if mod =>
return left match {
case Some(l) => M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, l) :+ MLine.immediate(ANDB, n.toInt - 1)
case None => List(MLine.indexedX(LDB, 0), MLine.immediate(ANDB, n.toInt - 1), MLine.indexedX(STB, 0))
case Some(NumericConstant(q@(2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32), _)) if !mod =>
// division by 2^n takes 2n cycles and n bytes, ignoring loads/stores
val result = ListBuffer[MLine]()
left match {
case Some(l) => result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, l)
case None => result += MLine.indexedX(LDB, 0)
for (i <- 0 until Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(q.toInt)) {
result += MLine.inherentB(LSR)
if (left.isEmpty) {
result += MLine.indexedX(STB, 0)
return result.toList
case Some(NumericConstant(q, _)) if !mod && q >= 128 => {
val result = ListBuffer[MLine]()
left match {
case Some(l) => result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, l)
case None => result += MLine.indexedX(LDB, 0)
result += MLine.immediate(SUBB, q.toInt)
result += MLine.inherent(SEX)
left match {
case Some(l) =>
// TODO: in this order?
result += MLine.tfr(A, B)
result += MLine.immediate(ANDB, 1)
result += MLine.immediate(EORB, 1)
case None =>
result += MLine.immediate(ANDA, 1)
result += MLine.immediate(EORA, 1)
result += MLine.indexedX(STA, 0)
return result.toList
case Some(NumericConstant(q, _)) if !mod && q < 128 => {
// division with a magic constant takes 2+11+2k+6 = 19+2k cycles and 2+1+k+2 = 5+k bytes, ignoring loads/stores for the not-in-place version
val nc = 256 - 256 % q.toInt - 1
var power = 256
var shift = 8
while (power <= nc * (q - 1 - (power - 1) % q)) {
power *= 2
shift += 1
val magic = ((power + q - 1 - (power - 1) % q) / q).toInt
val result = ListBuffer[MLine]()
left match {
case Some(l) => result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, l)
case None => result += MLine.indexedX(LDB, 0)
magic match {
case 1 =>
case 2 =>
result += MLine.inherentB(ASL)
result += MLine.inherentA(ROL)
case 4 if !ctx.options.flags(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize) =>
result += MLine.inherentB(ASL)
result += MLine.inherentA(ROL)
result += MLine.inherentB(ASL)
result += MLine.inherentA(ROL)
case _ =>
result += MLine.immediate(LDA, magic)
result += MLine.inherent(MUL)
for (i <- 8 until shift) {
result += MLine.inherentA(LSR)
left match {
case Some(l) => result += MLine.tfr(A, B)
case None => result += MLine.indexedX(STA, 0)
return result.toList
// TODO: other interesting constants
case _ => ()
val result = ListBuffer[MLine]()
left match {
case None =>
result += MLine.indexedX(LDA, 0)
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashAIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashXIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, right)))
case Some(l) =>
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, l)
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashAIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToB(ctx, right))
result += MLine.absolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__divmod_u8u8u8u8"))
left match {
case Some(_) =>
if (!mod) result += MLine.tfr(A, B)
case None =>
if (mod)
result += MLine.indexedX(STB, 0)
result += MLine.indexedX(STA, 0)
def compileWordDivision(ctx: CompilationContext, left: Option[Expression], right: Expression, mod: Boolean): List[MLine] = {
ctx.env.eval(right) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) =>
return left match {
case Some(l) =>
if (mod) M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, l) :+ MLine.immediate(LDD, 0)
else M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, l)
case None =>
if (mod) List(MLine.inherentA(CLR), MLine.inherentB(CLR), MLine.indexedX(STD, 0))
else Nil
case Some(NumericConstant(n@(2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128), _)) if mod =>
return left match {
case Some(l) => M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, l) ++ List(MLine.inherentA(CLR), MLine.immediate(ANDB, n.toInt - 1))
case None => List(MLine.indexedX(LDB, 1), MLine.inherentA(CLR), MLine.immediate(ANDB, n.toInt - 1), MLine.indexedX(STD, 0))
case Some(NumericConstant(256, _)) if !mod =>
return left match {
case Some(l) => M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, l) ++ List(MLine.tfr(A, B), MLine.inherentA(CLR))
case None => List(MLine.indexedX(LDB, 0), MLine.inherentA(CLR), MLine.indexedX(STD, 0))
// TODO: other interesting constants
case _ => ()
val result = ListBuffer[MLine]()
left match {
case None =>
result += MLine.pp(PSHS, X)
result += MLine.indexedX(LDX, 0)
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashXIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, right))
case Some(l) =>
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToX(ctx, l)
result ++= M6809ExpressionCompiler.stashXIfNeeded(ctx, M6809ExpressionCompiler.compileToD(ctx, right))
result += MLine.absolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__divmod_u16u16u16u16"))
if (!mod) {
result += MLine.tfr(X, D)
if (left.isEmpty) {
result += MLine.pp(PULS, X)
result += MLine.indexedX(STD, 0)