mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2024-06-12 06:29:34 +00:00
Karol Stasiak 90e5360bfd Related to #119:
– Detection of simple byte overflow cases.
– Optimization of 8×8→16 multiplication on 6809.
– Multiplication optimizations on Z80.
2021-08-06 21:01:03 +02:00

135 lines
4.7 KiB

package millfork.env
import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CompilationOptions}
import millfork.compiler.{AbstractExpressionCompiler, CompilationContext}
import millfork.error.Logger
import millfork.node._
* @author Karol Stasiak
class OverflowDetector(env: Environment, options: CompilationOptions) {
def this(ctx: CompilationContext) {
this(ctx.env, ctx.options)
private def log: Logger = options.log
private def isWord(e: Expression): Boolean =
AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(env, log, e) match {
case t: PlainType => t.size == 2
case _ => false
private def isWord(typeName: String): Boolean =
env.maybeGet[Thing](typeName) match {
case Some(t: PlainType) => t.size == 2
case _ => false
private def isWord(typ: Type): Boolean =
typ match {
case t: PlainType => t.size == 2
case _ => false
private def isByte(e: Expression): Boolean =
AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(env, log, e) match {
case t: PlainType => t.size == 1
case _ => false
def warnConstantOverflow(e: Expression, op: String): Unit = {
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.ByteOverflowWarning)) {
log.warn(s"Constant byte overflow. Consider wrapping one of the arguments of $op with word( )", e.position)
def warnDynamicOverflow(e: Expression, op: String): Unit = {
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.ByteOverflowWarning)) {
log.warn(s"Potential byte overflow. Consider wrapping one of the arguments of $op with word( )", e.position)
def scanExpression(e: Expression, willBeAssignedToWord: Boolean): Unit = {
if (willBeAssignedToWord) {
e match {
case FunctionCallExpression("<<", List(l, r)) =>
if (isByte(l) && isByte(r)) {
(env.eval(l), env.eval(r)) match {
case (Some(NumericConstant(lc, 1)), Some(NumericConstant(rc, 1))) =>
if (lc >= 0 && rc >= 0 && (lc << rc) > 255) {
warnConstantOverflow(e, "<<")
case (_, Some(NumericConstant(0, _))) =>
case _ =>
warnDynamicOverflow(e, "<<")
case FunctionCallExpression("*", List(l, r)) =>
if (isByte(l) && isByte(r)) {
(env.eval(l), env.eval(r)) match {
case (Some(NumericConstant(lc, 1)), Some(NumericConstant(rc, 1))) =>
if (lc >= 0 && rc >= 0 && (lc * rc) > 255) {
warnConstantOverflow(e, "*")
case (_, Some(NumericConstant(0, _))) =>
case (_, Some(NumericConstant(1, _))) =>
case (Some(NumericConstant(0, _)), _) =>
case (Some(NumericConstant(1, _)), _) =>
case _ =>
warnDynamicOverflow(e, "*")
case FunctionCallExpression("word" | "unsigned16" | "signed16" | "pointer", List(SumExpression(expressions, _))) =>
if (expressions.map(_._2).forall(isByte)) {
case _ =>
e match {
case SumExpression(expressions, decimal) =>
if (willBeAssignedToWord && !decimal && isByte(e)) env.eval(e) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(n, _)) if n < -128 || n > 255 =>
warnConstantOverflow(e, "+")
case _ =>
for ((_, e) <- expressions) {
scanExpression(e, willBeAssignedToWord = willBeAssignedToWord)
case FunctionCallExpression("word" | "unsigned16" | "signed16" | "pointer", expressions) =>
expressions.foreach(x => scanExpression(x, willBeAssignedToWord = true))
case FunctionCallExpression("|" | "^" | "&" | "not", expressions) =>
expressions.foreach(x => scanExpression(x, willBeAssignedToWord = false))
case FunctionCallExpression(fname, expressions) =>
env.maybeGet[Thing](fname) match {
case Some(f: FunctionInMemory) if f.params.length == expressions.length =>
for ((e, t) <- expressions zip f.params.types) {
scanExpression(e, willBeAssignedToWord = isWord(t))
case _ =>
for (e <- expressions) {
scanExpression(e, willBeAssignedToWord = false)
case _ =>
def detectOverflow(stmt: Statement): Unit = {
stmt match {
case Assignment(lhs, rhs) =>
if (isWord(lhs)) scanExpression(rhs, willBeAssignedToWord = true)
case v: VariableDeclarationStatement =>
v.initialValue match {
case Some(e) => scanExpression(e, willBeAssignedToWord = isWord(v.typ))
case _ =>
case s =>
s.getAllExpressions.foreach(e => scanExpression(e, willBeAssignedToWord = false))