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package millfork.compiler.m6809
import java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService
import millfork.CompilationFlag
import millfork.assembly.Elidability
import millfork.assembly.m6809.{Absolute, DAccumulatorIndexed, Immediate, Indexed, InherentB, MLine, MLine0, MOpcode, RegisterSet, TwoRegisters}
import millfork.compiler.{AbstractExpressionCompiler, BranchIfFalse, BranchIfTrue, BranchSpec, ComparisonType, CompilationContext, NoBranching}
import millfork.node.{DerefExpression, Expression, FunctionCallExpression, GeneratedConstantExpression, IndexedExpression, LhsExpression, LiteralExpression, M6809Register, SeparateBytesExpression, SumExpression, VariableExpression}
import millfork.assembly.m6809.MOpcode._
import millfork.env.{AssemblyOrMacroParamSignature, BuiltInBooleanType, Constant, ConstantBooleanType, ConstantPointy, ExternFunction, FatBooleanType, FlagBooleanType, FunctionInMemory, FunctionPointerType, KernalInterruptPointerType, Label, M6809RegisterVariable, MacroFunction, MathOperator, MemoryAddressConstant, MemoryVariable, NonFatalCompilationException, NormalFunction, NormalParamSignature, NumericConstant, PlainType, StackOffsetThing, StackVariable, StackVariablePointy, StructureConstant, Thing, ThingInMemory, Type, Variable, VariableInMemory, VariableLikeThing, VariablePointy, VariableType}
import scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce
* @author Karol Stasiak
object MExpressionTarget extends Enumeration {
val A, B, D, X, Y, U, NOTHING = Value
def toLd(r: Value): MOpcode.Value = r match {
case A => LDA
case B => LDB
case D => LDD
case X => LDX
case Y => LDY
case U => LDU
case _ => ???
def toLea(r: Value): MOpcode.Value = r match {
case X => LEAX
case Y => LEAY
case U => LEAU
case _ => ???
def size(r: Value): Int = r match {
case A | B => 1
case D | X | Y | U => 2
case NOTHING => 0
import MExpressionTarget.toLd
object M6809ExpressionCompiler extends AbstractExpressionCompiler[MLine] {
def extractConstantOffset(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): (Expression, Int) = {
expr match {
case FunctionCallExpression(pType, List(e))
if ctx.env.maybeGet[VariableType](pType).exists(_.isPointy) =>
var (i, o) = extractConstantOffset(ctx, e)
FunctionCallExpression(pType, List(i)) -> o
case SumExpression(List((false, i), (false, LiteralExpression(o, 1|2))), false) if o >= 0 && o < 127 =>
i -> o.toInt
case SumExpression(List((false, i1), (false, i2), (false, LiteralExpression(o, 1|2))), false) if o >= 0 && o < 127 =>
(i1 #+# i2) -> o.toInt
case _ =>
expr -> 0
def compile(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression, target: MExpressionTarget.Value, branches: BranchSpec = BranchSpec.None): List[MLine] = try {
val env = ctx.env
val exprType = getExpressionType(ctx, expr)
val targetSize = MExpressionTarget.size(target)
if (branches != NoBranching) {
(exprType, branches) match {
case (FatBooleanType, _) =>
return compile(ctx, FunctionCallExpression("!=", List(expr, LiteralExpression(0, 1))), target, branches)
case (ConstantBooleanType(_, false), BranchIfTrue(_)) | (ConstantBooleanType(_, true), BranchIfFalse(_))=>
return compile(ctx, expr, target, NoBranching)
case (ConstantBooleanType(_, true), BranchIfTrue(x)) =>
return compile(ctx, expr, target, NoBranching) :+ MLine.longBranch(BRA, x)
case (ConstantBooleanType(_, false), BranchIfFalse(x)) =>
return compile(ctx, expr, target, NoBranching) :+ MLine.longBranch(BRA, x)
case _ => ()
env.eval(expr) match {
case Some(c) =>
return (target match {
case MExpressionTarget.NOTHING => Nil
case _ => List(MLine.immediate(toLd(target), c))
}) ++ (branches match {
case BranchIfTrue(l) if c.isProvablyNonZero => List(MLine(JMP, Absolute(false), Label(l).toAddress))
case BranchIfTrue(l) =>
// TODO: ??
if (target == MExpressionTarget.NOTHING) List(MLine.immediate(LDB, c), MLine.longBranch(BNE, l))
else List(MLine.longBranch(BNE, l))
case BranchIfFalse(l) if c.isProvablyZero => List(MLine(JMP, Absolute(false), Label(l).toAddress))
case BranchIfFalse(l) =>
// TODO: ??
if (target == MExpressionTarget.NOTHING) List(MLine.immediate(LDB, c), MLine.longBranch(BEQ, l))
else List(MLine.longBranch(BEQ, l))
case NoBranching => Nil
case None =>
expr match {
case VariableExpression(name) =>
env.get[VariableLikeThing](name) match {
case variable: Variable =>
exprType.size match {
case 1 =>
targetSize match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 => List(MLine.variable(ctx, toLd(target), variable))
case 2 => List(MLine.variable(ctx, LDB, variable)) ++ zeroextendB(ctx, target, exprType.isSigned)
case 2 =>
targetSize match {
case 0 => Nil
case 2 => List(MLine.variable(ctx, toLd(target), variable))
case sot: StackOffsetThing =>
sot.subbyte match {
case None =>
if (target == MExpressionTarget.X) calculateStackAddressToX(ctx, sot.offset)
else calculateStackAddressToD(ctx, sot.offset) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case Some(0) => calculateStackAddressToD(ctx, sot.offset) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case Some(1) => calculateStackAddressToD(ctx, sot.offset) ++ targetifyA(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException
case LiteralExpression(c, _) =>
target match {
case MExpressionTarget.NOTHING => Nil
case _ => List(MLine.immediate(MExpressionTarget.toLd(target), NumericConstant(c, MExpressionTarget.size(target))))
case DerefExpression(inner, offset, vol, _) =>
val (i, o) = if (offset == 0) {
extractConstantOffset(ctx, inner)
} else (inner, offset)
val el = if (vol) Elidability.Volatile else Elidability.Elidable
compileToX(ctx, i) match {
case List(l@MLine0(LDX, Immediate, _)) =>
List(l.copy(opcode = toLd(target), addrMode = Absolute(false), parameter = l.parameter + o, elidability = el))
case List(l@MLine0(LDX, addrMode, _)) if addrMode.isDeferenceable && o == 0 =>
List(l.copy(opcode = toLd(target), addrMode = addrMode.dereference(), elidability = el))
case other =>
other :+ MLine(toLd(target), Indexed(M6809Register.X, indirect = false), NumericConstant(o, 2), elidability = el)
case IndexedExpression(name, index) =>
env.getPointy(name) match {
case c: ConstantPointy =>
val (variableIndex, constIndex) = env.evalVariableAndConstantSubParts(index)
val constantOffset = (c.value + constIndex).quickSimplify
variableIndex match {
case (Some(ix)) =>
val prepareIndex = compileToX(ctx, ix)
targetSize match {
case 0 => prepareIndex
case 1 =>
prepareIndex match {
case List(l@MLine0(LDX, Immediate, _)) =>
List(l.copy(opcode = toLd(target), addrMode = Absolute(false), parameter = l.parameter + constantOffset))
case List(l@MLine0(LDX, addrMode, _)) if addrMode.isDeferenceable && constantOffset.isProvablyZero =>
List(l.copy(opcode = toLd(target), addrMode = addrMode.dereference()))
case _ =>
prepareIndex ++ List(MLine.indexedX(toLd(target), constantOffset))
case 2 => prepareIndex ++ List(MLine.indexedX(LDB, constantOffset)) ++ zeroextendB(ctx, target, exprType.isSigned)++targetifyD(ctx, target)
case None =>
targetSize match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 => List(MLine.absolute(toLd(target), constantOffset))
case 2 => List(MLine.absolute(LDB, constantOffset)) ++ zeroextendB(ctx, target, exprType.isSigned)
case v:VariablePointy =>
val (prepareIndex, offset): (List[MLine], Constant) = ctx.env.eval(index) match {
case Some(ix) => List(MLine.absolute(LDX, v.addr)) -> (ix * v.elementType.alignedSize).quickSimplify
case _ =>
v.indexType.size match {
case 1 | 2 =>
(compileToD(ctx, index) ++ List(
MLine.absolute(LDX, v.addr),
MLine(LEAX, DAccumulatorIndexed(M6809Register.X, indirect = false), Constant.Zero)
)) -> Constant.Zero
targetSize match {
case 0 => prepareIndex
case 1 =>
prepareIndex match {
case List(l@MLine0(LDX, addrMode, _)) if addrMode.isDeferenceable && offset.isProvablyZero =>
List(l.copy(opcode = toLd(target), addrMode = addrMode.dereference()))
case _ =>
prepareIndex :+ MLine.indexedX(toLd(target), offset)
case 2 =>
val toD = prepareIndex ++ List(MLine.indexedX(LDB, offset)) ++ zeroextendB(ctx, target, exprType.isSigned)
toD ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case v:StackVariablePointy =>
ctx.env.eval(index) match {
case Some(ix) => List(MLine.variablestack(ctx, LDX, v.offset), MLine.indexedX(LDB, ix * v.elementType.alignedSize))
case e@SumExpression(expressions, decimal) =>
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, expressions.map(_._2)) match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.compileByteSum(ctx, e, fromScratch = true) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.compileWordSum(ctx, e, fromScratch = true) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case 0 => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Non-in-place addition or subtraction of variables larger than 2 bytes is not supported", expr.position)
case SeparateBytesExpression(hi, lo) =>
val h = compile(ctx, hi, MExpressionTarget.A)
val l = compile(ctx, lo, MExpressionTarget.B)
(if (l.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.A))) {
if (h.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.B))) h ++ stashAIfNeeded(ctx, l) else l ++ h
} else h ++ l) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case fce@FunctionCallExpression(functionName, params) =>
functionName match {
case "sizeof" =>
ctx.log.fatal("Unreachable branch: 6809 sizeof")
case "typeof" =>
ctx.log.fatal("Unreachable branch: 6809 typeof")
case "not" =>
assertBool(ctx, "not", params, 1)
compile(ctx, params.head, target, branches.flip)
case "nonet" =>
if (params.length != 1) {
ctx.log.error("Invalid number of parameters", fce.position)
} else {
ctx.env.eval(params.head) match {
case Some(c) =>
target match {
case MExpressionTarget.NOTHING => Nil
case _ => List(MLine.immediate(toLd(target), c))
case _ =>
compileToB(ctx, params.head) ++ List(MLine.immediate(LDA, 0), MLine.inherentA(ROL)) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case "hi" =>
if (params.length != 1) {
ctx.log.error("Invalid number of parameters", fce.position)
} else {
compileToD(ctx, params.head) ++ targetifyA(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case "lo" =>
if (params.length != 1) {
ctx.log.error("Invalid number of parameters", fce.position)
} else {
compileToD(ctx, params.head) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case "call" =>
params match {
case List(fp) =>
getExpressionType(ctx, fp) match {
case KernalInterruptPointerType =>
compileToX(ctx, fp) :+ MLine.absolute(JSR, env.get[ThingInMemory]("call"))
case FunctionPointerType(_, _, _, _, Some(v)) if (v.name == "void") =>
compileToX(ctx, fp) :+ MLine.absolute(JSR, env.get[ThingInMemory]("call"))
case _: FunctionPointerType =>
ctx.log.error("Incompatible function pointer type", fp.position)
compile(ctx, fp, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Not a function pointer", fp.position)
compile(ctx, fp, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
case List(fp, param) =>
getExpressionType(ctx, fp) match {
case KernalInterruptPointerType =>
ctx.log.error("Incompatible function pointer type", fp.position)
compile(ctx, fp, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
case FunctionPointerType(_, _, _, Some(pt), Some(v)) =>
if (pt.size > 2 || pt.size < 1) {
ctx.log.error("Invalid parameter type", param.position)
compile(ctx, fp, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING) ++ compile(ctx, param, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
} else if (getExpressionType(ctx, param).isAssignableTo(pt)) {
// TODO: optimal compile order
pt.size match {
case 1 =>
compileToB(ctx, param) ++ stashBIfNeeded(ctx, compileToX(ctx, fp)) :+ MLine.absolute(JSR, env.get[ThingInMemory]("call"))
case 2 =>
compileToD(ctx, param) ++ stashDIfNeeded(ctx, compileToX(ctx, fp)) :+ MLine.absolute(JSR, env.get[ThingInMemory]("call"))
} else {
ctx.log.error("Invalid parameter type", param.position)
compile(ctx, fp, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING) ++ compile(ctx, param, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Not a function pointer", fp.position)
compile(ctx, fp, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING) ++ compile(ctx, param, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Invalid call syntax", fce.position)
case "*" =>
assertSizesForMultiplication(ctx, params, inPlace = false)
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, params) match {
case 1 => M6809MulDiv.compileByteMultiplication(ctx, params, updateDerefX = false) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case 2 =>
extractWordExpandedBytes(ctx, params) match {
case Some(byteParams) if byteParams.size == 2 =>
M6809MulDiv.compileByteMultiplication(ctx, byteParams, updateDerefX = false) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case _ =>
M6809MulDiv.compileWordMultiplication(ctx, params, updateDerefX = false) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case 0 => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Multiplication of variables larger than 2 bytes is not supported", expr.position)
case "/" =>
assertArithmeticBinary(ctx, params) match {
case (l, r, 1) => M6809MulDiv.compileByteDivision(ctx, Some(l), r, mod = false) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case (l, r, 2) => M6809MulDiv.compileWordDivision(ctx, Some(l), r, mod = false) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case (_, _, 0) => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Division of variables larger than 2 bytes is not supported", expr.position)
case "%%" =>
assertArithmeticBinary(ctx, params) match {
case (l, r, 1) => M6809MulDiv.compileByteDivision(ctx, Some(l), r, mod=true) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case (l, r, 2) =>
if (AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, r).size == 1) {
M6809MulDiv.compileWordDivision(ctx, Some(l), r, mod=true) ++ targetifyDWithNarrowing(ctx, target)
} else {
M6809MulDiv.compileWordDivision(ctx, Some(l), r, mod=true) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case (_, _, 0) => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Division of variables larger than 2 bytes is not supported", expr.position)
case "&" =>
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, params, booleanHint = "&&") match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.compileByteBitwise(ctx, params, fromScratch = true, ANDB, MathOperator.And, 0xff) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.compileWordBitwise(ctx, params, fromScratch = true, ANDA, ANDB, MathOperator.And, 0xffff) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case 0 => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Non-in-place bit operations of variables larger than 2 bytes are not supported", expr.position)
case "|" =>
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, params, booleanHint = "||") match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.compileByteBitwise(ctx, params, fromScratch = true, ORB, MathOperator.Or, 0) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.compileWordBitwise(ctx, params, fromScratch = true, ORA, ORB, MathOperator.Or, 0) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case 0 => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Non-in-place bit operations of variables larger than 2 bytes are not supported", expr.position)
case "^" =>
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, params) match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.compileByteBitwise(ctx, params, fromScratch = true, EORB, MathOperator.Exor, 0) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.compileWordBitwise(ctx, params, fromScratch = true, EORA, EORB, MathOperator.Exor, 0) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case 0 => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Non-in-place bit operations of variables larger than 2 bytes are not supported", expr.position)
case "&&" =>
assertBool(ctx, "&&", params)
branches match {
case BranchIfFalse(_) =>
params.flatMap(compile(ctx, _, target, branches))
case _ =>
val skip = ctx.nextLabel("an")
params.init.flatMap(compile(ctx, _, target, BranchIfFalse(skip))) ++
compile(ctx, params.last, target, branches) ++
case "||" =>
assertBool(ctx, "||", params)
branches match {
case BranchIfTrue(_) =>
params.flatMap(compile(ctx, _, target, branches))
case _ =>
val skip = ctx.nextLabel("or")
params.init.flatMap(compile(ctx, _, target, BranchIfTrue(skip))) ++
compile(ctx, params.last, target, branches) ++
case "==" =>
val size = params.map(p => getExpressionType(ctx, p).size).max
compileTransitiveRelation(ctx, "==", params, target, branches) { (l, r) =>
size match {
case 1 => M6809Comparisons.compile8BitComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.Equal, l, r, branches)
case 2 => M6809Comparisons.compile16BitComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.Equal, l, r, branches)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.compileComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.Equal, l, r, branches)
case "!=" =>
val size = params.map(p => getExpressionType(ctx, p).size).max
compileTransitiveRelation(ctx, "!=", params, target, branches) { (l, r) =>
size match {
case 1 => M6809Comparisons.compile8BitComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.NotEqual, l, r, branches)
case 2 => M6809Comparisons.compile16BitComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.NotEqual, l, r, branches)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.compileComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.NotEqual, l, r, branches)
case "<" =>
val (size, signed) = assertArithmeticComparison(ctx, params)
compileTransitiveRelation(ctx, "<", params, target, branches) { (l, r) =>
size match {
case 1 => M6809Comparisons.compile8BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.LessSigned else ComparisonType.LessUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case 2 => M6809Comparisons.compile16BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.LessSigned else ComparisonType.LessUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.compileComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.LessSigned else ComparisonType.LessUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case ">" =>
val (size, signed) = assertArithmeticComparison(ctx, params)
compileTransitiveRelation(ctx, ">", params, target, branches) { (l, r) =>
size match {
case 1 => M6809Comparisons.compile8BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.GreaterSigned else ComparisonType.GreaterUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case 2 => M6809Comparisons.compile16BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.GreaterSigned else ComparisonType.GreaterUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.compileComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.GreaterSigned else ComparisonType.GreaterUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case "<=" =>
val (size, signed) = assertArithmeticComparison(ctx, params)
compileTransitiveRelation(ctx, "<=", params, target, branches) { (l, r) =>
size match {
case 1 => M6809Comparisons.compile8BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.LessOrEqualSigned else ComparisonType.LessOrEqualUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case 2 => M6809Comparisons.compile16BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.LessOrEqualSigned else ComparisonType.LessOrEqualUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.compileComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.LessOrEqualSigned else ComparisonType.LessOrEqualUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case ">=" =>
val (size, signed) = assertArithmeticComparison(ctx, params)
compileTransitiveRelation(ctx, ">=", params, target, branches) { (l, r) =>
size match {
case 1 => M6809Comparisons.compile8BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqualSigned else ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqualUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case 2 => M6809Comparisons.compile16BitComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqualSigned else ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqualUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.compileComparison(ctx, if (signed) ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqualSigned else ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqualUnsigned, l, r, branches)
case "<<" =>
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, params) match {
case 1 => compileToB(ctx, params(0)) ++ M6809Buitins.compileByteShiftForB(ctx, params(1), left = true) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case 2 => compileToD(ctx, params(0)) ++ M6809Buitins.compileWordShiftForD(ctx, params(1), left = true) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case ">>" =>
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, params) match {
case 1 => compileToB(ctx, params(0)) ++ M6809Buitins.compileByteShiftForB(ctx, params(1), left = false) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case 2 => compileToD(ctx, params(0)) ++ M6809Buitins.compileWordShiftForD(ctx, params(1), left = false) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case ">>>>" =>
// TODO: this works, but is really suboptimal
getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx, params) match {
case 1 | 2 => compileToD(ctx, params(0)) ++
List(MLine.immediate(ANDA, 1)) ++
M6809Buitins.compileWordShiftForD(ctx, params(1), left = false) ++
targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case "<<'" =>
assertArithmeticBinary(ctx, params) match {
case (l, r, 1) => M6809DecimalBuiltins.compileByteDecimalShiftLeft(ctx, Some(l), r) ++ targetifyA(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case (l, r, 2) => ???
case (l, r, _) => ???
case ">>'" =>
assertArithmeticBinary(ctx, params) match {
case (l, r, 1) => M6809DecimalBuiltins.compileByteDecimalShiftRight(ctx, Some(l), r) ++ targetifyA(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
case (l, r, 2) => ???
case (l, r, _) => ???
case "+=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.perform8BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, ADDB)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.perform16BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, ADDD, commutative = true)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.modifyInPlaceViaX(ctx, l, r, ADDB)
case "+'=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 =>
val lc = compileAddressToX(ctx, l)
val rc = compileToA(ctx, r)
val add = List(MLine.indexedX(ADDA, 0), MLine.inherent(DAA), MLine.indexedX(STA, 0))
(lc.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.A)), rc.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.X))) match {
case (false, false) => rc ++ lc ++ add
case (false, true) => rc ++ lc ++ add
case (true, false) => lc ++ rc ++ add
case (true, true) => rc ++ stashAIfNeeded(ctx, lc) ++ add
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.modifyInPlaceViaX(ctx, l, r, ADDA)
case "-=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.perform8BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, SUBB)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.perform16BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, SUBD, commutative = false)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.modifyInPlaceViaX(ctx, l, r, SUBB)
case "-'=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 =>
val lc = compileAddressToX(ctx, l)
val rc = compileToB(ctx, r)
lc ++ List(MLine.pp(PSHS, M6809Register.B)) ++
rc ++ List(MLine.pp(PSHS, M6809Register.B), MLine.immediate(LDA, 0x9a), MLine.accessAndPullS(SUBA), MLine.accessAndPullS(ADDA), MLine.inherent(DAA), MLine.indexedX(STA, 0))
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.modifyInPlaceViaX(ctx, l, r, SUBA)
case "*=" =>
assertSizesForMultiplication(ctx, params, inPlace = true)
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809MulDiv.compileByteMultiplication(ctx, List(r), updateDerefX = true)
case 2 => compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809MulDiv.compileWordMultiplication(ctx, List(r), updateDerefX = true)
case "*'=" =>
assertAllArithmeticBytes("Long multiplication not supported", ctx, params)
val (l, r, 1) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
M6809DecimalBuiltins.compileInPlaceByteMultiplication(ctx, l, r)
case "/=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809MulDiv.compileByteDivision(ctx, None, r, mod=false)
case 2 => compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809MulDiv.compileWordDivision(ctx, None, r, mod=false)
case 0 => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Division of variables larger than 2 bytes is not supported", expr.position)
case "%%=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809MulDiv.compileByteDivision(ctx, None, r, mod=true)
case 2 => compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809MulDiv.compileWordDivision(ctx, None, r, mod=true)
case 0 => Nil
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Division of variables larger than 2 bytes is not supported", expr.position)
case "&=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.perform8BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, ANDB)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.perform16BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, ANDA, ANDB, commutative = true)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.modifyInPlaceViaX(ctx, l, r, ANDB)
case "|=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.perform8BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, ORB)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.perform16BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, ORA, ORB, commutative = true)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.modifyInPlaceViaX(ctx, l, r, ORB)
case "^=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 => M6809Buitins.perform8BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, EORB)
case 2 => M6809Buitins.perform16BitInPlace(ctx, l, r, EORA, EORB, commutative = true)
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.modifyInPlaceViaX(ctx, l, r, EORB)
case "<<=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
// TODO: optimize shifts directly in memory
size match {
case 1 =>
handleInPlaceModification(ctx, l, 1, M6809Buitins.compileByteShiftForB(ctx, r, left = true))
case 2 =>
handleInPlaceModification(ctx, l, 2, M6809Buitins.compileWordShiftForD(ctx, r, left = true))
case _ =>
M6809LargeBuiltins.compileShiftInPlace(ctx, size, l, r, left = true)
case "<<'=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 =>
compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809DecimalBuiltins.compileByteDecimalShiftLeft(ctx, None, r)
case _ => M6809DecimalBuiltins.compileLongDecimalShiftLeft(ctx, l, r)
case ">>=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
// TODO: optimize shifts directly in memory
size match {
case 1 => handleInPlaceModification(ctx, l, 1, M6809Buitins.compileByteShiftForB(ctx, r, left = false))
case 2 => handleInPlaceModification(ctx, l, 2, M6809Buitins.compileWordShiftForD(ctx, r, left = false))
case _ => M6809LargeBuiltins.compileShiftInPlace(ctx, size, l, r, left = false)
case ">>'=" =>
val (l, r, size) = assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx, params)
size match {
case 1 =>
compileAddressToX(ctx, l) ++ M6809DecimalBuiltins.compileByteDecimalShiftRight(ctx, None, r)
case _ => M6809DecimalBuiltins.compileLongDecimalShiftRight(ctx, l, r)
case ">>>>=" => ???
case _ =>
env.maybeGet[Type](fce.functionName) match {
case Some(typ) =>
val sourceType = validateTypeCastAndGetSourceExpressionType(ctx, typ, params)
if (sourceType.isBoollike) {
return compileToFatBooleanInB(ctx, params.head) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = false)
return typ.size match {
// TODO: alternating signedness?
case 1 => compileToB(ctx, params.head) ++ targetifyB(ctx, target, isSigned = typ.isSigned)
case 2 => compileToD(ctx, params.head) ++ targetifyD(ctx, target)
case _ => ???
case None =>
// fallthrough to the lookup below
val f = lookupFunction(ctx, fce)
f match {
case function: MacroFunction =>
val (paramPreparation, statements) = M6809MacroExpander.inlineFunction(ctx, function, params, expr.position)
paramPreparation ++ statements.flatMap { s =>
M6809StatementCompiler.compile(ctx, s) match {
case (code, Nil) => code
case (code, _) => ctx.log.error("Invalid statement in macro expansion", fce.position); code
case _:FunctionInMemory =>
val prepareParams: List[MLine] = f.params match {
case NormalParamSignature(List(param)) if param.typ.size == 1 =>
compileToB(ctx, params.head)
case NormalParamSignature(List(param)) if param.typ.size == 2 =>
compileToD(ctx, params.head)
case NormalParamSignature(signature) =>
params.zip(signature).flatMap { case (paramExpr, paramVar) =>
val callCtx = callingContext(ctx, f.name, paramVar)
paramVar.typ.size match {
case 1 =>
compileToB(ctx, paramExpr) ++ storeB(callCtx, VariableExpression(paramVar.name + "`aa"))
case 2 =>
compileToD(ctx, paramExpr) ++ storeD(callCtx, VariableExpression(paramVar.name + "`aa"))
case _ =>
M6809LargeBuiltins.storeLarge(callCtx, VariableExpression(paramVar.name + "`aa"), paramExpr)
case AssemblyOrMacroParamSignature(signature) =>
params.zip(signature).flatMap { case (e, a) =>
val compiled = a.variable match {
case M6809RegisterVariable(M6809Register.A, _) => compileToA(ctx, e)
case M6809RegisterVariable(M6809Register.B, _) => compileToB(ctx, e)
case M6809RegisterVariable(M6809Register.D, _) => compileToD(ctx, e)
case M6809RegisterVariable(M6809Register.X, _) => compileToX(ctx, e)
case M6809RegisterVariable(M6809Register.Y, _) => compileToY(ctx, e)
case M6809RegisterVariable(M6809Register.U, _) => compileToU(ctx, e)
case _ => ???
if (compiled.length > 1 && params.length > 1) {
ctx.log.error("Too complex parameter for an assembly routine call", e.position)
case _ => ???
val actualCall = f match {
case nf:NormalFunction =>
List(MLine.absolute(JSR, nf.toAddress))
case nf:ExternFunction =>
List(MLine.absolute(JSR, nf.toAddress))
case _ =>
println("Unsupported function: " + f.name)
val storeResult = f.returnType.size match {
case 1 => targetifyB(ctx, target, f.returnType.isSigned)
case 2 => targetifyDWithNarrowing(ctx, target)
case _ =>
if (target == MExpressionTarget.NOTHING) {
} else {
println("Unsupported function: " + f.name)
prepareParams ++ actualCall ++ storeResult
case _ => ???
} catch {
case ex: NonFatalCompilationException =>
ctx.log.error(ex.getMessage, ex.position.orElse(expr.position))
def compileToA(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): List[MLine] = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.A)
def compileToB(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): List[MLine] = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.B)
def compileToFatBooleanInB(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): List[MLine] = {
val sourceType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, expr)
sourceType match {
case FatBooleanType => compileToB(ctx, expr)
case t: ConstantBooleanType =>
List(MLine.immediate(MOpcode.LDB, if (t.value) 1 else 0))
case t: FlagBooleanType =>
val condition = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING, NoBranching)
condition ++ (t.jumpIfFalse.m6809 match {
case BCC => List(MLine.immediate(LDB, 0), MLine.inherentB(ROL))
case BCS => List(MLine.immediate(LDB, 0), MLine.inherentB(ROL), MLine.immediate(EORB, 1))
case o =>
val label = ctx.env.nextLabel("bo")
MLine.immediate(LDB, 0),
MLine.shortBranch(o, label),
case BuiltInBooleanType =>
val label = ctx.env.nextLabel("bo")
val condition = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING, BranchIfFalse(label))
val conditionWithoutJump = condition.init
if (conditionWithoutJump.exists(l => l.parameter match {
case MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l)) if l == label => true
case _ => false
val label2 = ctx.env.nextLabel("bo")
return condition ++ List(
MLine.immediate(LDB, 1),
MLine.shortBranch(BRA, label2),
MLine.immediate(LDB, 0),
condition.last.opcode match {
case BCC =>
conditionWithoutJump ++ List(MLine.immediate(LDB, 0), MLine.inherentB(ROL))
case BCS =>
conditionWithoutJump ++ List(MLine.immediate(LDB, 0), MLine.inherentB(ROL), MLine.immediate(EORB, 1))
case BVC | BVS =>
conditionWithoutJump ++ List(
MLine.immediate(LDB, 0),
case _ =>
conditionWithoutJump ++ List(
MLine.immediate(ANDCC, 0xfe),
MLine.immediate(ORCC, 1),
MLine.immediate(LDB, 0),
case _ =>
def compileToD(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): List[MLine] = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.D)
def compileToX(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): List[MLine] = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.X)
def compileToY(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): List[MLine] = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.Y)
def compileToU(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): List[MLine] = compile(ctx, expr, MExpressionTarget.U)
def zeroextendB(ctx: CompilationContext, target: MExpressionTarget.Value, isSigned: Boolean): List[MLine] = {
val extendToA = if (isSigned) MLine.inherent(SEX) else MLine.immediate(LDA, 0)
target match {
case MExpressionTarget.D => List(extendToA)
case MExpressionTarget.X => List(extendToA, MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.X))
case MExpressionTarget.Y => List(extendToA, MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.Y))
case MExpressionTarget.U => List(extendToA, MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.U))
case _ => ???
def stashAIfNeeded(ctx: CompilationContext, lines: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
if (lines.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.A))) MLine.pp(PSHS, M6809Register.A) :: (lines :+ MLine.pp(PULS, M6809Register.A))
else lines
def stashBIfNeeded(ctx: CompilationContext, lines: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
if (lines.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.B))) MLine.pp(PSHS, M6809Register.B) :: (lines :+ MLine.pp(PULS, M6809Register.B))
else lines
def stashDIfNeeded(ctx: CompilationContext, lines: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
if (lines.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.D))) MLine.pp(PSHS, M6809Register.D) :: (lines :+ MLine.pp(PULS, M6809Register.D))
else lines
def stashXIfNeeded(ctx: CompilationContext, lines: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
if (lines.exists(_.changesRegister(M6809Register.X))) MLine.pp(PSHS, M6809Register.X) :: (lines :+ MLine.pp(PULS, M6809Register.X))
else lines
def stashCarryIfNeeded(ctx: CompilationContext, lines: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
if (lines.exists(_.changesCarryFlag)) MLine.pp(PSHS, M6809Register.CC) :: (lines :+ MLine.pp(PULS, M6809Register.CC))
else lines
def storeA(ctx: CompilationContext, target: LhsExpression): List[MLine] = store8(ctx, target, stashAIfNeeded, STA)
def storeB(ctx: CompilationContext, target: LhsExpression): List[MLine] = store8(ctx, target, stashBIfNeeded, STB)
private def store8(ctx: CompilationContext, target: LhsExpression, stashIfNeeded: (CompilationContext, List[MLine]) => List[MLine], store: MOpcode.Value): List[MLine] = {
target match {
case VariableExpression(name) =>
val variable = ctx.env.get[Variable](name)
List(MLine.variable(ctx, store, variable))
case DerefExpression(inner, offset, vol, _) =>
stashIfNeeded(ctx, compileToX(ctx, inner)) :+ MLine.indexedX(store, NumericConstant(offset, 2)).copy(elidability = if(vol) Elidability.Volatile else Elidability.Elidable)
case IndexedExpression(name, index) =>
ctx.env.getPointy(name) match {
case p: ConstantPointy =>
if (p.readOnly) {
ctx.log.error("Writing to a constant array", target.position)
val (variableIndex, constOffset) = ctx.env.evalVariableAndConstantSubParts(index)
val effectiveBase = (p.value + constOffset).quickSimplify
variableIndex match {
case Some(ix) =>
compileToX(ctx, ix) match {
case List(MLine0(LDX, Immediate, constAddr)) =>
List(MLine(store, Absolute(false), constAddr + effectiveBase))
case List(MLine0(LDX, Absolute(false), constAddr)) if effectiveBase.isProvablyZero =>
List(MLine(store, Absolute(true), constAddr))
case xs =>
stashIfNeeded(ctx, xs) :+ MLine.indexedX(store, effectiveBase)
case None =>
List(MLine.absolute(store, effectiveBase))
case v: VariablePointy =>
ctx.env.eval(index) match {
case Some(ix) =>
if (ix.isProvablyZero) List(MLine(store, Absolute(true), v.addr))
else List(MLine.absolute(LDX, v.addr), MLine.indexedX(store, ix * v.elementType.alignedSize))
case _ =>
v.indexType.size match {
case 1 | 2 =>
MLine.absolute(LDX, v.addr) ::
(compileToD(ctx, index) :+
MLine(LEAX, DAccumulatorIndexed(M6809Register.X, indirect = false), Constant.Zero))) :+
MLine.indexedX(store, Constant.Zero)
case v: StackVariablePointy =>
ctx.env.eval(index) match {
case Some(ix) => List(MLine.variablestack(ctx, LDX, v.offset), MLine.indexedX(store, ix * v.elementType.alignedSize))
def storeD(ctx: CompilationContext, target: LhsExpression): List[MLine] = {
target match {
case VariableExpression(name) =>
val variable = ctx.env.get[Variable](name)
List(MLine.variable(ctx, STD, variable))
case SeparateBytesExpression(hi: LhsExpression, lo: LhsExpression) =>
val sh = storeA(ctx, hi)
val sl = storeB(ctx, lo)
stashBIfNeeded(ctx, sh) ++ sl // TODO: optimize
case DerefExpression(inner, offset, vol, _) =>
val el = if(vol) Elidability.Volatile else Elidability.Elidable
compileToX(ctx, inner) match {
case List(MLine0(LDX, Immediate, constAddr)) =>
List(MLine(STD, Absolute(false), constAddr + offset, elidability = el))
case List(MLine0(LDX, Absolute(false), constAddr)) if offset == 0 =>
List(MLine(STD, Absolute(true), constAddr, elidability = el))
case xs =>
stashDIfNeeded(ctx, xs) :+ MLine(STD, Indexed(M6809Register.X, indirect = false), NumericConstant(offset, 2), elidability = el)
def targetifyB(ctx: CompilationContext, target: MExpressionTarget.Value, isSigned: Boolean): List[MLine] = target match {
case MExpressionTarget.NOTHING => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.B => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.A => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.B, M6809Register.A))
case MExpressionTarget.D | MExpressionTarget.X | MExpressionTarget.Y | MExpressionTarget.U => zeroextendB(ctx, target, isSigned)
def targetifyA(ctx: CompilationContext, target: MExpressionTarget.Value, isSigned: Boolean): List[MLine] = target match {
case MExpressionTarget.NOTHING => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.A => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.B => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B))
case MExpressionTarget.D | MExpressionTarget.X | MExpressionTarget.Y | MExpressionTarget.U =>
List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B)) ++ zeroextendB(ctx, target, isSigned)
def targetifyD(ctx: CompilationContext, target: MExpressionTarget.Value): List[MLine] = target match {
case MExpressionTarget.NOTHING => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.D => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.X => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.X))
case MExpressionTarget.Y => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.Y))
case MExpressionTarget.U => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.U))
//Assume that A=0 and the source type is an unsigned byte stored in D
def targetifyDWithNarrowing(ctx: CompilationContext, target: MExpressionTarget.Value): List[MLine] = target match {
case MExpressionTarget.NOTHING => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.B => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.A => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.B, M6809Register.A))
case MExpressionTarget.D => Nil
case MExpressionTarget.X => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.X))
case MExpressionTarget.Y => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.Y))
case MExpressionTarget.U => List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.U))
def compileAddressToX(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: LhsExpression): List[MLine] = {
expr match {
case VariableExpression(name) =>
ctx.env.get[Thing](name) match {
case variable: VariableInMemory =>
List(MLine.immediate(MOpcode.LDX, variable.toAddress))
case variable: StackVariable =>
List(MLine.variable(ctx, LEAX, variable))
case DerefExpression(inner, offset, vol, _) =>
compileToX(ctx, inner) :+ MLine.indexedX(MOpcode.LEAX, Constant(offset)).copy(elidability = if(vol) Elidability.Volatile else Elidability.Elidable)
case IndexedExpression(aname, index) =>
ctx.env.getPointy(aname) match {
case p: VariablePointy => compileToD(ctx, index #*# p.elementType.alignedSize) ++ List(MLine.absolute(ADDD, p.addr), MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.X))
case p: ConstantPointy =>
// don't optimize arrays of size 0 or 1
if (p.sizeInBytes.exists(_ < 255) && p.elementCount.forall(_ > 1)) {
compileToB(ctx, index #*# p.elementType.alignedSize) ++ List(MLine.immediate(LDX, p.value), MLine.inherent(ABX))
} else {
compileToX(ctx, index #*# p.elementType.alignedSize) :+ MLine.indexedX(LEAX, p.value)
case p:StackVariablePointy => compileToD(ctx, index #*# p.elementType.alignedSize) ++ List(MLine.variablestack(ctx, ADDD, p.offset), MLine.tfr(M6809Register.D, M6809Register.X))
case _ => ???
def handleInPlaceModification(ctx: CompilationContext, l: LhsExpression, size: Int, r: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
compileAddressToX(ctx, l) match {
case List(MLine0(LDX, Immediate, addr)) =>
size match {
case 1 => List(MLine.absolute(LDB, addr)) ++ r ++ List(MLine.absolute(STB, addr))
case 2 => List(MLine.absolute(LDD, addr)) ++ r ++ List(MLine.absolute(STD, addr))
case lc =>
size match {
case 1 =>
lc ++
List(MLine.indexedX(LDB, Constant.Zero)) ++
stashXIfNeeded(ctx, r) ++
List(MLine.indexedX(STB, Constant.Zero))
case 2 =>
lc ++
List(MLine.indexedX(LDD, Constant.Zero)) ++
stashXIfNeeded(ctx, r) ++
List(MLine.indexedX(LDD, Constant.Zero))
private def compileTransitiveRelation(ctx: CompilationContext,
operator: String,
params: List[Expression],
target: MExpressionTarget.Value,
branches: BranchSpec)(binary: (Expression, Expression) => List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
params match {
case List(l, r) => binary(l, r)
case List(_) | Nil =>
case _ =>
params.tail.init.foreach { e =>
if (ctx.env.eval(e).isEmpty) e match {
case VariableExpression(_) =>
case LiteralExpression(_, _) =>
case GeneratedConstantExpression(_, _) =>
case IndexedExpression(_, VariableExpression(_)) =>
case IndexedExpression(_, LiteralExpression(_, _)) =>
case IndexedExpression(_, GeneratedConstantExpression(_, _)) =>
case IndexedExpression(_, SumExpression(sumParams, false)) if isUpToOneVar(sumParams) =>
case _ =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.BuggyCodeWarning)) {
ctx.log.warn("A complex expression may be evaluated multiple times", e.position)
val conjunction = params.init.zip(params.tail).map {
case (l, r) => FunctionCallExpression(operator, List(l, r))
}.reduceLeft((a, b) => FunctionCallExpression("&&", List(a, b)))
compile(ctx, conjunction, target, branches)
def areNZFlagsBasedOnB(code: List[MLine]): Boolean = {
for (line <- code.reverse) {
line.opcode match {
case ADDB | ADCB | SUBB | SBCB | ANDB | ORB => return true
case CLR | ASL | LSR | ASR | ROL | ROR | INC | DEC | NEG => return line.addrMode == InherentB
case CMPB => return line.addrMode == Immediate && line.parameter.isProvablyZero
case PULS | PULU =>
line.addrMode match {
case r: RegisterSet =>
if (r.contains(M6809Register.B)) return false
if (r.contains(M6809Register.CC)) return false
case _ =>
case LEAS | LEAU | PSHS | PSHU | TFR | NOP | ABX => // loop
case _ => return false
def compileToByteReads(ctx: CompilationContext, source: Expression, targetSize: Int): List[List[MLine]] = {
val sourceType = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, source)
ctx.env.eval(source) match {
case Some(const) =>
List.tabulate(targetSize)(i => List(MLine.immediate(LDB, const.subbyteBe(targetSize - 1 - i, targetSize))))
case None =>
sourceType.size match {
case 0 => ???
case 1 =>
List.tabulate(targetSize)(i =>
if (sourceType.isSigned) {
if (i == 0) compileToB(ctx, source) :+ MLine.tfr(M6809Register.B, M6809Register.A)
else if (i == 1) List(
MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B),
MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B)
else List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B))
} else {
if (i == 0) compileToB(ctx, source)
else List(MLine.immediate(LDB, 0))
case 2 =>
List.tabulate(targetSize)(i =>
if (sourceType.isSigned) {
if (i == 0) compileToD(ctx, source)
else if (i == 1) List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B))
else if (i == 2) {
if (targetSize > 3) List(
MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B),
MLine.tfr(M6809Register.B, M6809Register.A)
) else List(
MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B),
} else List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B))
} else {
if (i == 0) compileToD(ctx, source)
else if (i == 1) List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B))
else List(MLine.immediate(LDB, 0))
case _ =>
source match {
case LiteralExpression(value, size) =>
val const = NumericConstant(value, size)
List.tabulate(targetSize)(i => List(MLine.immediate(LDB, const.subbyte(i))))
case GeneratedConstantExpression(const, _) =>
List.tabulate(targetSize)(i => List(MLine.immediate(LDB, const.subbyteBe(targetSize - 1 - i, targetSize))))
case VariableExpression(name) =>
ctx.env.get[VariableLikeThing](name) match {
case v: Variable =>
List.tabulate(targetSize)(i => List(if (i < v.typ.size) MLine.variable(ctx, LDB, v, v.typ.size - 1 - i) else MLine.immediate(LDB, 0)))
case sot: StackOffsetThing =>
List(calculateStackAddressToD(ctx, sot.offset), List(MLine.tfr(M6809Register.A, M6809Register.B)))
case e:DerefExpression =>
val el = if(e.isVolatile) Elidability.Volatile else Elidability.Elidable
List.tabulate(targetSize)(i =>
if (i == 0) compileAddressToX(ctx, e) :+ MLine.indexedX(LDB, 0).copy(elidability = el)
else List(MLine.indexedX(LDB, i).copy(elidability = el))
case e:FunctionCallExpression =>
ctx.env.maybeGet[NormalFunction](e.functionName) match {
case Some(function) =>
val load = M6809ExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, e, MExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
val v = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory](function.name + ".return")
List.tabulate(targetSize) { i =>
if (i == 0) load :+ MLine.variable(ctx, LDB, v, v.typ.size - 1 - i)
else List(if (i < v.typ.size) MLine.variable(ctx, LDB, v, v.typ.size - 1 - i) else MLine.immediate(LDB, 0))
case _ => ???
def calculateStackAddressToD(ctx: CompilationContext, baseOffset: Int): List[MLine] = {
import M6809Register._
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseUForStack)) {
List(MLine.tfr(U, D), MLine.immediate(ADDD, baseOffset))
} else if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseYForStack)) {
List(MLine.tfr(Y, D), MLine.immediate(ADDD, baseOffset))
} else {
List(MLine.tfr(S, D), MLine.immediate(ADDD, baseOffset + ctx.extraStackOffset))
def calculateStackAddressToX(ctx: CompilationContext, baseOffset: Int): List[MLine] = {
import M6809Register._
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseUForStack)) {
List(MLine.indexedU(LEAX, baseOffset))
} else if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.UseYForStack)) {
List(MLine.indexedY(LEAX, baseOffset))
} else {
List(MLine.indexedS(LEAX, baseOffset + ctx.extraStackOffset))