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2023-01-27 18:13:21 +01:00

199 lines
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package millfork.assembly.mos.opt
import millfork.assembly.OptimizationContext
import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CompilationOptions}
import millfork.assembly.mos.{AssemblyLine, AssemblyLine0, OpcodeClasses}
import millfork.assembly.opt.{AnyStatus, FlowCache, SingleStatus, Status}
import millfork.env._
import millfork.node.NiceFunctionProperty
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
* @author Karol Stasiak
object CoarseFlowAnalyzer {
val cache = new FlowCache[AssemblyLine, CpuStatus]("mos forward")
def analyze(f: NormalFunction, code: List[AssemblyLine], optimizationContext: OptimizationContext): List[CpuStatus] = {
cache.get(code).foreach(return _)
val compilationOptions = optimizationContext.options
val niceFunctionProperties = optimizationContext.niceFunctionProperties
def extractNiceConstant[T](callee: String)(matcher: NiceFunctionProperty => Option[T]): Status[T] = {
var result: Status[T] = AnyStatus
breakable {
niceFunctionProperties.foreach{ np =>
if (np._2 == callee) matcher(np._1) match {
case Some(x) =>
result = SingleStatus(x)
case _ =>
val ceFlag = compilationOptions.flag(CompilationFlag.Emit65CE02Opcodes)
val cmosFlag = compilationOptions.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitCmosOpcodes)
val initialStatus =
if (compilationOptions.flag(CompilationFlag.Emit65CE02Opcodes)) CpuStatus.initialStatusCE
else CpuStatus.initialStatusStandard
val functionStartStatus =
if (f.interrupt) {
if (ceFlag) CpuStatus.initialInterruptStatusCE
else if (cmosFlag) CpuStatus.initialInterruptStatusCE
else CpuStatus.initialInterruptStatusStandard
} else initialStatus
val emptyStatus =
if (compilationOptions.flag(CompilationFlag.Emit65CE02Opcodes)) CpuStatus.emptyStatusCE
else CpuStatus.emptyStatusStandard
val flagArray = Array.fill[CpuStatus](code.length)(emptyStatus)
val codeArray = code.toArray
var changed = true
var tFlag = false
while (changed) {
changed = false
var currentStatus: CpuStatus = functionStartStatus
var staSpWasLast = false
var i = 0
while (i < codeArray.length) {
import millfork.assembly.mos.Opcode._
import millfork.assembly.mos.AddrMode._
import millfork.node.MosNiceFunctionProperty._
if (flagArray(i) != currentStatus) {
changed = true
flagArray(i) = currentStatus
var staSpIsNow = false
codeArray(i) match {
case AssemblyLine0(LABEL, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) =>
if (tFlag && optimizationContext.options.flag(CompilationFlag.BuggyCodeWarning)) {
// T flag should not be set at a label!
optimizationContext.log.warn("The SET instruction shouldn't occur before a label")
val L = l
currentStatus = codeArray.indices.flatMap(j => codeArray(j) match {
case AssemblyLine0(_, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(L))) => Some(flagArray(j))
case AssemblyLine0(_, _, StructureConstant(_, List(_, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(L))))) => Some(flagArray(j))
case _ => None
}).fold(currentStatus)(_ ~ _)
case AssemblyLine0(JSR, _, MemoryAddressConstant(th)) =>
currentStatus = initialStatus.copy(
a =
if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeA -> th.name)) currentStatus.a
else extractNiceConstant(th.name){
case SetsATo(x) => Some(x)
case _ => None
ah = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeAH -> th.name)) currentStatus.ah else AnyStatus,
x = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeX -> th.name)) currentStatus.x
else extractNiceConstant(th.name){
case SetsXTo(x) => Some(x)
case _ => None
eqSX = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeX -> th.name)) currentStatus.eqSX else false,
eqSpX = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeX -> th.name)) currentStatus.eqSpX else false,
y = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeY -> th.name)) currentStatus.y
else extractNiceConstant(th.name){
case SetsYTo(x) => Some(x)
case _ => None
a0 = extractNiceConstant(th.name){
case Bit0OfA(x) => Some(x)
case _ => None
a7 = extractNiceConstant(th.name){
case Bit7OfA(x) => Some(x)
case _ => None
src = extractNiceConstant(th.name){
case SetsSourceOfNZ(x) => Some(x)
case _ => None
iz = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeIZ -> th.name)) currentStatus.iz else AnyStatus,
c = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeC -> th.name)) currentStatus.c else AnyStatus
case AssemblyLine0(JSR | BYTE, _, _) =>
currentStatus = initialStatus
case AssemblyLine0(TAX, _, _) if staSpWasLast =>
currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(
x = currentStatus.a,
eqSX = false,
eqSpX = true,
n = currentStatus.a.n(),
z = currentStatus.a.z(),
src = SourceOfNZ.AX)
case AssemblyLine0(ADC | SBC | CMP, _, _) if tFlag =>
currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(z = AnyStatus, n = AnyStatus, v = AnyStatus, c = AnyStatus)
case AssemblyLine0(EOR | AND | ORA, _, _) if tFlag =>
currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(z = AnyStatus, n = AnyStatus, v = AnyStatus, c = AnyStatus)
// TODO: find a better documentation for the T flag
case AssemblyLine0(op, Implied, _) if FlowAnalyzerForImplied.hasDefinition(op) =>
currentStatus = FlowAnalyzerForImplied.get(op)(currentStatus)
case AssemblyLine0(op, Immediate, _) if OpcodeClasses.ShortBranching(op) =>
// don't even both optimizing functions with weird jumps, it's futile
return cache.put(code, List.fill[CpuStatus](code.length)(initialStatus))
case AssemblyLine0(op, Immediate | WordImmediate, NumericConstant(nn, _)) if FlowAnalyzerForImmediate.hasDefinition(op) =>
currentStatus = FlowAnalyzerForImmediate.get(op)(nn.toInt, currentStatus)
case AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage | Absolute | LongAbsolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th: Thing))
if th.name == "__sp" =>
currentStatus = FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.get(STA)(currentStatus, None, true)
staSpIsNow = true
case AssemblyLine0(op, ZeroPage | Absolute | LongAbsolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th: Thing))
if th.name == "__sp" && FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.hasDefinition(op) =>
currentStatus = FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.get(op)(currentStatus, None, true)
case AssemblyLine0(op, ZeroPage | Absolute | LongAbsolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th: Thing))
if th.name == "__reg" && FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.hasDefinition(op) =>
currentStatus = FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.get(op)(currentStatus, Some(0), false)
case AssemblyLine0(op, ZeroPage | Absolute | LongAbsolute, CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus, MemoryAddressConstant(th: Thing), NumericConstant(n, _)))
if th.name == "__reg" && FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.hasDefinition(op) =>
currentStatus = FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.get(op)(currentStatus, Some(n.toInt), false)
case AssemblyLine0(op, ZeroPage | Absolute | LongAbsolute | Relative | LongRelative, _) if FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.hasDefinition(op) =>
currentStatus = FlowAnalyzerForTheRest.get(op)(currentStatus, None, false)
case AssemblyLine0(opcode, addrMode, _) =>
currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(src = AnyStatus)
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesX(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(x = AnyStatus, eqSX = false, eqSpX = false)
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesY(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(y = AnyStatus)
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesAAlways(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = AnyStatus, a0 = AnyStatus, a7 = AnyStatus)
if (addrMode == Implied && OpcodeClasses.ChangesAIfImplied(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = AnyStatus, a0 = AnyStatus, a7 = AnyStatus)
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesAHAlways(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(ah = AnyStatus)
if (addrMode == Implied && OpcodeClasses.ChangesAHIfImplied(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(ah = AnyStatus)
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesNAndZ(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.nz
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesC(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(c = AnyStatus)
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesV(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(v = AnyStatus)
if (OpcodeClasses.ChangesStack(opcode) || OpcodeClasses.ChangesS(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(eqSX = false)
staSpWasLast = staSpIsNow
if (tFlag && optimizationContext.options.flag(CompilationFlag.BuggyCodeWarning)) {
if (OpcodeClasses.ShortBranching(codeArray(i).opcode) || codeArray(i).opcode == JMP || codeArray(i).opcode == JSR) {
// T flag should not be set at a jump!
optimizationContext.log.warn("The SET instruction shouldn't occur before a jump")
tFlag = codeArray(i).opcode == SET
i += 1;
// flagArray.zip(codeArray).foreach{
// case (fl, y) => if (y.isPrintable) println(f"$fl%-32s $y%-32s")
// }
// println("---------------------")
cache.put(code, flagArray.toList)