#!/usr/bin/ruby # This program converts Forth source code colon definitons to OF816 assembly-language # dictionary entries suitable for assembling with ca65. # # It is, in effect, a Forth compiler in its own right. # # Usage: fs2asm.rb index1.yaml [index2.yaml ...] forth-source.fs # Outputs the results on stdout. # # The index files are generated with index.rb, and should reflect all of the dictionaries # present in the system that will be used by the input Forth code or may have label # collisions. # As a trivial example, this source code: # # \ output boolean value as text # : .bool ( f - ) # true if # s" true" # else # s" false" # then # type # ; # # is converted to: # # ; output boolean value as text # dword DOT_BOOL,".bool" # ENTER # ; ( f - ) # .dword TRUE # .dword _IF ; IF # .dword l01 ; false branch # SLIT "true" # .dword _JUMP # .dword l02 # l01: ; ELSE # SLIT "false" # l02: ; THEN # .dword TYPE # EXIT # eword # Features supported outside of colon definitions: # # The input number base can be changed with DECIMAL HEX BINARY and OCTAL. # # There is a basic stack that can contain numbers or labels. # numbers may be placed on the stack in the usual fashion, and labels can be placed with # ' (single-quote/tick). # They can be used within definitions via LITERAL or COMPILE, # no arithmetic is supported at this time. # # Words may be changed to headerless and back to normal with HEADERS and HEADERLESS. # Unsupported features: # # RECURSE $HEX( TO and END-CODE # quotations: [: and ;] # no-name and temporary definitions: :NONAME :TEMP # Bugs: # # Things that don't match words are silently converted into numbers without validation require 'yaml' @LABEL_CHARS = 10 @OP_CHARS = 7 @PARM_CHARS = 15 def emit_comment(comment) if @in_colon @asm += "#{" " * @LABEL_CHARS}; #{comment}\n" else @asm += "; #{comment}\n" end end def emit_line(label = '', opcode = '', parm = '', comment = nil) l = label || '' line = "%-#{@LABEL_CHARS}s%-#{@OP_CHARS}s%-#{@PARM_CHARS}s%s" % [ label != '' ? "#{l}:" : '', "#{opcode} ", "#{parm}", comment ? "; #{comment}" : '' ] @asm += "#{line.rstrip}\n" end def emit_def_start(label, fname, flags = nil, comment = nil) wmacro = @headers ? 'dword' : 'hword' fn = fname if fname.include?('"') fn = fname.gsub(/"/, "'") wmacro += 'q' end line = "%-#{@LABEL_CHARS}s%-#{@OP_CHARS}s%-#{@PARM_CHARS}s%s" % [ "#{wmacro} ", "#{label},\"#{fn}\"#{flags ? ",#{flags}" : ''} ", '', comment ? "; #{comment}" : '' ] @asm += "#{line.rstrip}\n" end def emit_def_end @asm += "eword\n" end def emit_dword(label, comment = nil) emit_line('', '.dword', label, comment) end # consume a character from the input source def consume c = @fs[@inptr] @inptr += 1 if c return c end # Skip blanks, consume characters until the next one is a blank. # For the purposes of this function, anything ASCII 32 (" ") or less is a blank (including # newlines). Discard the final blank and return the consumed characters def parse_word consumed = "" while c = consume if c.ord > 32 @inptr -= 1 # putback break end end while c = consume break if c.ord <= 32 consumed += c end return consumed end # Consume characters until we reach newline or char. Discard the final newline or char # and return the consumed characters def parse(char = " ") consumed = "" while c = consume break if c == char || c == "\n" consumed += c end return consumed end def label_exist?(label) @dictionary.map {|_k, v| v['label']}.include?(label) end def to_label(str) label = str.upcase.tr('#$<>()', 'ndlglr') label.gsub!(/\!/, '_STORE_') label.gsub!(/\@/, '_AT_') label.gsub!(/\&/, '_AND_') label.gsub!(/\^/, 'c') label.gsub!(/\*/, '_STAR_') label.gsub!(/\;/, '_SEMI_') label.gsub!(/\:/, '_COLON_') label.gsub!(/\?/, 'q') label.gsub!(/\'/, 'q') label.gsub!(/\"/, 'Q') label.gsub!(/\//, '_SLASH_') label.gsub!(/\\/, '_BACKSLASH_') label.gsub!(/\./, '_DOT_') label.gsub!(/\,/, '_COMMA_') label.gsub!(/\+/, '_PLUS_') label.gsub!(/\-/, '_MINUS_') label.gsub!(/\=/, '_EQUAL_') label.tr!('^A-Za-z0-9', '_') label.gsub!(/_+/, '_') label.gsub!(/^_+/, '') label.gsub!(/_+$/, '') if label_exist?(label) label += "_00" while label_exist?(label) label.next! end end return label end def l_label @lserial += 1 "l%02d" % @lserial end # consume a comment and emit as assembler comment def f_slash_comment emit_comment(parse("\n")) end def f_paren_comment emit_comment("( #{parse(')')})") end # Process colon definitions def f_colon name = parse_word unless name && name != '' abort("expecting name for colon definition") end label = to_label(name) if @dictionary.key?(name) emit_comment("WARNING: #{name} is not unique, old def no longer available") end @dictionary[name] = { "label" => label } emit_def_start(label, name) emit_line('', 'ENTER') @in_colon = true @lserial = 0 while @in_colon word = parse_word.upcase next if word == "" if @dictionary[word] && @dictionary[word]['flags'] && @dictionary[word]['flags'].include?('F_IMMED') if @macros.key?(word) @macros[word].call else abort("immediate word #{word} does not have matching macro") end elsif @dictionary[word] emit_dword(@dictionary[word]['label']) elsif @macros.key?(word) @macros[word].call else emit_line('', 'ONLIT', word.to_i(@base)) end end end def f_semicolon abort('; while not in definition') unless @in_colon emit_line('', 'EXIT') emit_def_end emit_line @in_colon = false abort("control-flow stack not empty") unless @cflow.empty? end def f_s_quote abort('S" while not in definition') unless @in_colon str = parse('"') emit_line('', 'SLIT', "\"#{str}\"") end def f_dot_quote abort('." while not in definition') unless @in_colon s_quote emit_dword('TYPE') end def f_abort_quote s_quote emit_dword('_ABORTQ') end def f_left_square_bracket @in_colon = false end def f_right_square_bracket @in_colon = true end def f_ahead(comment = nil) abort('AHEAD outside of definition') unless @in_colon l = l_label emit_dword('_JUMP', comment || 'AHEAD') emit_dword(l) @cflow.push({d: :orig, l: l}) end def f_if abort('IF outside of definition') unless @in_colon l = l_label emit_dword('_IF', 'IF') emit_dword(l, "false branch") @cflow.push({d: :orig, l: l}) end def f_else abort('ELSE outside of definition') unless @in_colon l = l_label emit_dword('_JUMP') emit_dword(l) orig = @cflow.pop abort('ELSE control flow mismatch') if orig[:d] != :orig emit_line(orig[:l], '', '','ELSE') @cflow.push({d: :orig, l: l}) end def f_then abort('THEN outside of definition') unless @in_colon orig = @cflow.pop abort('THEN control flow mismatch') if orig[:d] != :orig emit_line(orig[:l], '', '','THEN') end def f_begin abort('BEGIN outside of definition') unless @in_colon l = l_label emit_line(l, '', '','BEGIN') @cflow.push({d: :dest, l: l}) end def f_while abort('WHILE outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('_IF', 'WHILE') l = l_label emit_dword(l) dest = @cflow.pop @cflow.push({d: :orig, l: l}) @cflow.push(dest) end def f_until abort('UNTIL outside of definition') unless @in_colon dest = @cflow.pop abort('UNTIL control flow mismatch') if dest[:d] != :dest emit_dword('_IF', 'UNTIL') emit_dword(dest[:l]) end def f_repeat abort('REPEAT outside of definition') unless @in_colon dest = @cflow.pop abort('REPEAT control flow mismatch (dest)') if dest[:d] != :dest emit_dword('_JUMP', 'REPEAT (dest)') emit_dword(dest[:l]) orig = @cflow.pop abort('REPEAT control flow mismatch (orig)') if orig[:d] != :orig emit_line(orig[:l]) end def f_again abort('AGAIN outside of definition') unless @in_colon dest = @cflow.pop abort('AGAIN control flow mismatch') if dest[:d] != :dest emit_dword('_JUMP', 'AGAIN') emit_dword(dest[:l]) end def f_do abort('DO outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('_DO', 'DO') ahead('to LEAVE target') l = l_label emit_line(l, '', '', '+LOOP target') @cflow.push({d: :loop, l: l}) end def f_qdo abort('DO outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('_QDO', '?DO') ahead('to LEAVE target') l = l_label emit_line(l, '', '', '+LOOP target') @cflow.push({d: :loop, l: l}) end def f_ploop abort('+LOOP outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('_PLOOP', '+LOOP') lp = @cflow.pop abort('LOOP/+LOOP control flow mismatch (target)') if lp[:d] != :loop emit_dword(lp[:l], 'to +LOOP target') orig = @cflow.pop abort('LOOP/+LOOP control flow mismatch (LEAVE)') if orig[:d] != :orig emit_line(orig[:l], '', '','LEAVE target') emit_dword('UNLOOP') end def f_loop abort('LOOP outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('ONE') f_ploop end def f_case abort('CASE outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('_SKIP2', 'CASE') l = l_label @cflow.push({d: :case, l: l}) emit_line(l, '', '', 'matched case target') ahead('to end of CASE') end def f_of abort('OF outside of definition') unless @in_colon l = l_label emit_dword('_OF', 'OF') @cflow.push({d: :of, l: l}) emit_dword(l, 'no match branch') end def f_endof abort('ENDOF outside of definition') unless @in_colon ot = @cflow.pop abort('ENDOF control flow mismatch (OF)') if ot[:d] != :of ct = @cflow[-2] # matched case target abort('ENDOF control flow mismatch (matched CASE)') if ct[:d] != :case emit_dword('_JUMP', 'ENDOF (matched if we got here)') emit_dword(ct[:l]) emit_line(ot[:l]) end def f_endcase abort('ENDCASE outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('DROP', 'ENDCASE') at = @cflow.pop abort('ENDCASE control flow mismatch (failed match jump)') if at[:d] != :orig abort('ENDCASE control flow mismatch (CASE)') if @cflow.pop[:d] != :case emit_line(at[:l]) end def f_tick abort('BUG: \' macro executed inside definition') if @in_colon w = parse_word.upcase abort("#{w}?") unless @dictionary.key?(w) @stack.push(@dictionary[w]['label']) end def f_ctick abort('[\'] outside of definition') unless @in_colon w = parse_word.upcase abort("#{w}?") unless @dictionary.key?(w) l = @dictionary[w]['label'] emit_line('', 'ONLIT', l, "' #{w}") end def f_cchar abort('[CHAR] outside of definition') unless @in_colon c = parse_word emit_line('', 'ONLIT', c.ord, "[CHAR] #{c}") end def f_ascii c = parse_word if @in_colon emit_line('', 'ONLIT', c.ord, "ASCII #{c}") else @stack.push(c.ord) end end def f_control c = parse_word if @in_colon emit_line('', 'ONLIT', c.ord & 0x1F, "CONTROL #{c}") else @stack.push(c.ord & 0x1F) end end def f_ccompile abort('[COMPILE] outside of definition') unless @in_colon w = parse_word.upcase abort("#{w}?") unless @dictionary.key?(w) l = @dictionary[w]['label'] emit_dword('_COMP_LIT', '[COMPILE]') emit_dword(l) end def f_literal abort('LITERAL outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_line('', 'ONLIT', @stack.pop) end def f_postpone abort('POSTPONE outside of definition') unless @in_colon w = parse_word.upcase abort("#{w}?") unless @dictionary.key?(w) l = @dictionary[w]['label'] if @dictionary[w]['flags'] && @dictionary[w]['flags'].include?('F_IMMED') emit_dword(l, 'POSTPONE (imm)') else emit_dword('_COMP_LIT', 'POSTPONE') emit_dword(l) end end def f_compile abort('COMPILE outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword('_COMP_LIT', 'COMPILE') end def f_dnum @stack.push(parse_word.to_i(10)) f_literal if @in_colon end def f_hnum @stack.push(parse_word.to_i(16)) f_literal if @in_colon end def f_onum @stack.push(parse_word.to_i(8)) f_literal if @in_colon end def f_binary @base = 2 end def f_octal @base = 8 end def f_decimal @base = 10 end def f_hex @base = 16 end def f_semis abort(';CODE outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_line('', 'CODE') end def f_does abort('DOES> outside of definition') unless @in_colon f_semis emit_line('', 'jsl', 'f:_does') emit_line('', 'ENTER') emit_dword('RPLUCKADDR') emit_dword('INCR') end def f_compilecomma abort('COMPILE, outside of definition') unless @in_colon emit_dword(@stack.pop) end def f_headers abort('HEADERS inside of definition') if @in_colon @headers = true emit_comment('headers') emit_line end def f_headerless abort('HEADERLESS inside of definition') if @in_colon @headers = false emit_comment('headerless') emit_line end # Macros. For words that are normally immediates and other utility things, is searched: # - for any and all words outside of a colon definition # - whenever a word inside a colon definition is flagged as immediate # - before attempts to convert an unfound word to a number @macros = { '\\' => method(:f_slash_comment), '(' => method(:f_paren_comment), '.(' => method(:f_paren_comment), ':' => method(:f_colon), ';' => method(:f_semicolon), 'S"' => method(:f_s_quote), '."' => method(:f_dot_quote), '"' => method(:f_s_quote), # TODO: implement IEEE 1275-1994/toke version of this 'ABORT"' => method(:f_abort_quote), '[' => method(:f_left_square_bracket), ']' => method(:f_right_square_bracket), 'AHEAD' => method(:f_ahead), 'IF' => method(:f_if), 'ELSE' => method(:f_else), 'THEN' => method(:f_then), 'BEGIN' => method(:f_begin), 'WHILE' => method(:f_while), 'UNTIL' => method(:f_until), 'REPEAT' => method(:f_repeat), 'AGAIN' => method(:f_again), 'DO' => method(:f_do), 'QDO' => method(:f_qdo), '+LOOP' => method(:f_ploop), 'LOOP' => method(:f_loop), 'CASE' => method(:f_case), 'OF' => method(:f_of), 'ENDOF' => method(:f_endof), 'ENDCASE' => method(:f_endcase), 'RECURSIVE' => ->{}, # no-op, it is always findable with this program '\'' => method(:f_tick), '[\']' => method(:f_ctick), '[CHAR]' => method(:f_cchar), 'ASCII' => method(:f_ascii), 'CONTROL' => method(:f_control), '[COMPILE]' => method(:f_ccompile), 'LITERAL' => method(:f_literal), 'POSTPONE' => method(:f_postpone), 'COMPILE' => method(:f_compile), 'H#' => method(:f_hnum), 'D#' => method(:f_dnum), 'O#' => method(:f_onum), 'BINARY' => method(:f_binary), 'OCTAL' => method(:f_octal), 'DECIMAL' => method(:f_decimal), 'HEX' => method(:f_hex), ';CODE' => method(:f_semis), 'DOES>' => method(:f_does), 'COMPILE,' => method(:f_compilecomma), 'HEADERS' => method(:f_headers), 'HEADERLESS' => method(:f_headerless), } # This is the sum of all index files loaded on the command line @dictionary = {} while ARGV.count > 1 yfile = ARGV.shift if File.readable?(yfile) @dictionary.merge!(YAML.load(File.read(yfile))) end end src_file = ARGV.shift unless src_file && File.readable?(src_file) abort("Cannot read source file!") end @base = 16 @fs = File.read(src_file).chars @asm = "" @inptr = 0 @in_colon = false @cflow = [] @stack = [] @lserial = 0 @headers = true while @inptr < @fs.length word = parse_word.upcase next if word == "" if @macros.key?(word) @macros[word].call elsif @dictionary.key?(word) if word.to_i(@base).to_s(@base).upcase == word.upcase @stack.push(word.to_i(@base)) else abort("#{word}: words outside of colon definitions must be macros") end else @stack.push(word.to_i(@base)) end end abort("data stack not empty: #{@stack.inspect}") unless @stack.empty? puts @asm