\ GoSXB ROM Filesystem \ Since the GoSXB has the ability to have unbanked ROM, this is much easier than a stock \ WDC board \ This ROMfs supports: \ * up to 255 files \ * name lengths up to 255 bytes, \ * include/included for forth text \ * load/loaded for FCode \ * AUTOSTART file automatically executed \ future: optionally have file access words such as open-file, read-file, and friends start1 hex ." GoSXB ROMfs by M.G. ... " s" vocabulary ROMfs also ROMfs definitions" eval headerless \ header structure struct 4 field >magic 1 field >nentries 0 field >catalog drop \ no need for struct size, catalog is variable \ file entry structure struct 4 field >offset \ relative to >magic, if 0: no more and rest of struct invalid 4 field >size 1 field >namelen 0 field >name constant $entry-hdr-size defer parse-word s" parse-word" $find drop to parse-word headers \ romfs location 0 value $$romfs-addr [ifdef] file-access-words 0 value $$romfs-tab [endif] \ temp vars for file I/O and such 0 value $curentry : $romfs-first $$romfs-addr >catalog to $curentry ; : $romfs-next $curentry dup >namelen c@ $entry-hdr-size + + to $curentry ; : $romfs-entname ( -- addr len ) $curentry >name $curentry >namelen c@ ; : $romfs-nfiles ( -- count ) $$romfs-addr dup if >nentries c@ then ; \ scan a 65816 bank for ROMfs, every $1000 bytes : $romfs-find-bank ( bank -- ) d# 16 << \ convert bank addr to upper byte ffff 0 do dup i + \ address to probe (middle byte) dup @ 5346474D = \ compare with magic if to $$romfs-addr leave else drop then 1000 +loop drop ; \ scan banks $20-$2F for ROMfs : $romfs-find ( -- ) 30 20 do $$romfs-addr if leave else i $romfs-find-bank then loop [ifdef] file-access-words $$romfs-addr if $romfs-nfiles 2* cells dup alloc-mem dup to $$romfs-tab swap erase then [endif] ; [ifdef] file-access-words \ return address or throw exception : $romfs-addr ( -- addr ) $$romfs-addr ?dup 0= if d# -37 throw then ; [endif] external : romfs-list ( -- ) $romfs-nfiles dup if $romfs-first 0 do $romfs-entname type cr $romfs-next loop else drop then ; : romfs-lookup ( addr len -- addr2 len2 | false ) $romfs-nfiles dup if >r true -rot r> $romfs-first 0 do dup $curentry >namelen c@ = if 2dup $curentry >name swap comp 0= if 2drop drop false $curentry >offset @ $$romfs-addr + $curentry >size @ leave then then $romfs-next loop rot if \ either \ 2drop \ or type ." not found!" cr false then else nip nip then ; external \ See if file exists, if so, eval as text or load as FCode depending on first \ byte : ?romfs-run ( addr u -- ... ) romfs-lookup dup if over 1+ c@ 8 = if \ is probably FCode drop 1 1 byte-load else \ is hopefully text eval then else drop \ hope it wasn't zero bytes long... then ; : included ( c-addr u -- ... ) romfs-lookup dup if eval else d# -69 throw then ; : include ( "< >name" -- ...) parse-word included ; : fc-loaded ( c-addr u -- ... ) romfs-lookup dup if drop 1 byte-load else d# -69 throw then ; : fc-load ( "< >name" -- ... ) parse-word fc-loaded ; headers $romfs-find s" previous definitions" eval ." loaded!" cr $$romfs-addr ?dup if ." ROMfs at " u. cr then s" AUTOEXEC" ?romfs-run fcode-end