; Platform support library for GoSXB cpu_clk = 8000000 .enum ACIA RXD SR CMD CTL TXD = RXD .endenum ACIA1 = $7F80 .enum PIA PIA CRA PIB CRB DDRA = PIA DDRB = PIB .endenum PIA1 = $7FA0 .enum VIA ORB ORA DDRB DDRA T1C_L T1C_H T1L_L T1L_H T2C_L T2C_H SR ACR PCR IFR IER ORA2 IRB = ORB IRA = ORA .endenum VIA1 = $7FC0 VIA2 = $7FE0 dstart "gosxb" dchain H_FORTH ; Make branch off the word FORTH dword GOSXB_TEST,"TEST" ENTER SLIT "Success?" .dword TYPE EXIT eword dend .proc _system_interface ;wdm 3 phx asl tax jmp (.loword(table),x) table: .addr _sf_pre_init .addr _sf_post_init .addr _sf_emit .addr _sf_keyq .addr _sf_key .addr _sf_fcode .addr _sf_reset_all .endproc .export _system_interface .proc _sf_success lda #$0000 tay clc rtl .endproc .proc _sf_fail ldy #.loword(-21) lda #.hiword(-21) sec rtl .endproc .proc _sf_pre_init .if 1 plx jmp _sf_success ; assume WDC monitor already did it .else ; set up TIDE interface, the same way WDC does it php sep #SHORT_A|SHORT_I .a8 .i8 lda #$00 sta VIA2+VIA::ACR lda #$00 sta VIA2+VIA::PCR lda #%00011000 ; b3 = TUSB_RDB; b4 = ??? sta VIA2+VIA::ORB lda #%00011100 ; set PB2, PB3, PB4 as outputs sta VIA2+VIA::DDRB lda #$00 sta VIA2+VIA::DDRA lda VIA2+VIA::IRB pha and #%11101111 ; b4 = ??? sta VIA2+VIA::ORB ldx #$5d jsr wait pla sta VIA2+VIA::ORB lda #%00100000 ; b5 = TUSB_PWRENB : bit VIA2+VIA::IRB ; wait for USB configuration bne :- plp plx jmp _sf_success wait: phx ; note 8-bit mode! ldx #$00 : dex bne :- plx dex bne wait rts .a16 .i16 .endif .endproc .proc _sf_post_init plx ; Here we make a vocabulary definition for the gosxb dictionary ; that we defined at the beginning of this file. ENTER ONLIT LAST_gosxb SLIT "GOSXB" .dword dVOCAB .dword LAST ; now set the head of the vocabulary to the .dword drXT ; last word defined in the neon816 dictionary .dword rBODY .dword STORE CODE jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_emit plx jsr _popay phx php sep #SHORT_A|SHORT_I .a8 .i8 lda #$00 ; ensure VIA2 DDR A is set up for input sta f:VIA2+VIA::DDRA tya sta f:VIA2+VIA::ORA ; set output byte to be sent : lda f:VIA2+VIA::IRB ; wait for FT245RL to be ready to transmit bit #%00000001 ; b0 = TUSB_TXEB bne :- lda f:VIA2+VIA::IRB and #%11111011 ; b2 = TUSB_WR tax ora #%00000100 sta f:VIA2+VIA::ORB ; ensure FT245RL WR high lda #$ff ; set up DDR A for output sta f:VIA2+VIA::DDRA ; to present byte to send nop ; delay a few cycles txa sta f:VIA2+VIA::ORB ; strobe FT245RL WR low lda VIA2+VIA::IRA ; get output byte back (we don't really need it) xba lda #$00 sta f:VIA2+VIA::DDRA ; switch DDR A back to input xba plp .a16 .i16 plx jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_keyq lda #$00 tay ; anticipate false php sep #SHORT_A .a8 sta f:VIA2+VIA::DDRA lda f:VIA2+VIA::IRB bit #%00000010 bne :+ dey ; from $0000 to $FFFF : plp .a16 tya plx jsr _pushay jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_key php tay sep #SHORT_A|SHORT_I .a8 .i8 lda #$00 sta f:VIA2+VIA::DDRA ; Ensure VIA2 DDR A is set up for input : lda f:VIA2+VIA::IRB ; wait for FT245RL to have data & be ready bit #%00000010 ; b1 = TUSB_RXFB bne :- lda f:VIA2+VIA::IRB ora #%00001000 ;b3 = TUSB_RDB tax and #%11110111 sta f:VIA2+VIA::ORB ; strobe FT245RL RD# low nop ;delay some cycles nop nop nop lda f:VIA2+VIA::IRA ; receive byte tay txa sta f:VIA2+VIA::ORB ; strobe FT245RL RD# high plp .a16 .i16 lda #$0000 plx jsr _pushay jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_fcode .if include_fcode ldy #.loword(list) lda #.hiword(list) .else lda #$0000 tay .endif plx jsr _pushay jmp _sf_success .if include_fcode list: .dword 0 .endif .endproc ; SXB really can't do this when ROM is banked out. Maybe restart Forth instead? .proc _sf_reset_all plx jmp _sf_fail .endproc