; Platform support library for Neon816 ; .include "./Neon816-hw.inc" PLATF_DP = DP_END KEYMODS = PLATF_DP ; keyboard modifiers, 16 bits ; b15 = left shift ; b14 = right shift ; b7 = left ctrl ; b6 = right ctrl ; these 3 are same position as set LED command: ; b2 = scroll lock (reserved) ; b1 = num lock (reserved) ; b0 = caps lock PS2DEVS = KEYMODS+2 ; b15=ran b1=mouse, b0=keyboard ; Neon816 dictionary, a bit of a different approach than the other ports ; This will get set up by the post init function of the system interface ; The system interface functions are after this dictionary. ; Note that most of the words are based on words found in NeonFORTH and ; are not subject to the OF816 license terms, but rather any terms that ; Lenore Byron places on them. dstart "neon816" dchain H_FORTH ; Make branch off the word FORTH ; H: ( byte -- ) write byte to PS/2 keyboard port. dword PS2K_STORE,"PS2K!" jsr _popay tya jsr ps2k_write NEXT eword ; H: ( -- f ) f is true if data waiting at PS/2 keyboard port. dword PS2K_QUERY,"PS2K?" jsr ps2k_ready ret: ldy #$0000 bcc :+ dey : tya PUSHNEXT eword ; H: ( -- byte ) read byte from PS/2 keyboard port. dword PS2K_FETCH,"PS2K@" jsr ps2k_read jsr _pusha NEXT eword ; H: ( -- c ) wait for keypress on PS/2 port, c is the character typed. dword PS2KEY,"PS2KEY" jsr ps2_keyin jsr _pusha NEXT eword ; H: ( -- code f ) read raw keycode from PS/2 port. ; H: code is keycode, either xx or E0xx, f is true if break. dword PS2KRAW,"PS2KRAW" jsr ps2_readcode php jsr _pusha ldy #$00 plp bcc :+ dey : tya PUSHNEXT eword ; H: ( byte -- ) write byte to PS/2 mouse port. dword PS2M_STORE,"PS2M!" jsr _popay tya jsr ps2m_write NEXT eword ; H: ( -- f ) f is true if data waiting at PS/2 mouse port. dword PS2M_QUERY,"PS2M?" jsr ps2m_ready bra PS2K_QUERY::ret eword ; H: ( -- byte ) read byte from PS/2 keyboard port. dword PS2M_FETCH,"PS2M@" jsr ps2m_read jsr _pusha NEXT eword ; H: ( -- xmov ymov buttons ) read mouse relative movement ; expects mouse to be in remote mode dword PS2MRAW,"PS2MRAW" lda #$0000 tay jsr _pushay ; 8 X movement jsr _pushay ; 4 Y movement jsr _pushay ; 0 buttons lda #$00EB ; "read data" jsr ps2m_command bne :++ ; not what we expected, return zeros jsr ps2m_read ; buttons, sign bits, overflow bits, etc. tay ; we need it a few times and #$000F ; buttons and "always 1" bit sta STACKBASE+0 jsr ps2m_read ; X movement sta STACKBASE+8 jsr ps2m_read ; Y movement sta STACKBASE+4 tya and #%00010000 ; X sign bit beq :+ lda #$FFFF sta STACKBASE+9,x sta STACKBASE+10,x : tya and #%00100000 ; Y sign bit beq :+ lda #$FFFF sta STACKBASE+5,x sta STACKBASE+6,x : NEXT eword ; detect PS/2 devices, return: ; b0=kbd present, b1=mouse present, b7 = always 1 hword dPS2DET,"$PS2DET" ldy PS2DEVS ; you can't hotplug PS/2 bne done ; so shortcut if we've done this already lda #$8000 ; bit that is always set so we know we did it already pha ldy #$00FF ; PS/2 reset command tya jsr ps2k_write ; reset keyboard tya jsr ps2m_write ; reset mouse stz KEYMODS ; we reset that sucka lda #500 ; wait some time for devices to reset jsr _mswait lda #500 jsr _mswait jsr ps2k_ready ; see if keyboard is ready bcs :+ lda #250 ; give KB just a little more time jsr _mswait jsr ps2k_ready ; and check again : bcc :+ ; if not ready, do not flag it lda #%1 ; otherwise, set the bit ora 1,s sta 1,s : jsr ps2m_ready ; now check on the mouse bcc :+ ; if not there, we are done lda #$F0 ; remote mode - turn off streaming jsr ps2m_command lda #%10 ; and flag present ora 1,s sta 1,s : ply sty PS2DEVS done: lda #$0000 PUSHNEXT eword ; H: ( day hour minutes seconds ms us -- ) set RTC ; The registers must be set starting with the microseconds and ending with the day ; when the day is written the clock registers are copied to the internal registers dword SETRTC,"SETRTC" txa clc adc #20 cmp STK_TOP bcc :+ jmp _stku_err : lda STACKBASE+0,x sta RTCus lda STACKBASE+4,x sta RTCms sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda STACKBASE+8,x sta RTCsec lda STACKBASE+12,x sta RTCmin lda STACKBASE+16,x sta RTChour rep #SHORT_A .a16 lda STACKBASE+20,x sta RTCday txa clc adc #24 tax NEXT eword ; H: ( -- day hour minutes seconds ms us ) get RTC ; The registers must be read starting with the microseconds to copy the internal ; registers to the clock registers. dword GETRTC,"GETRTC" lda #$0000 tay jsr _pushay jsr _pushay jsr _pushay jsr _pushay jsr _pushay jsr _pushay lda RTCus sta STACKBASE+0,x lda RTCms sta STACKBASE+4,x sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda RTCsec sta STACKBASE+8,x lda RTCmin sta STACKBASE+12,x lda RTChour sta STACKBASE+16,x rep #SHORT_A .a16 lda RTCday sta STACKBASE+20,x NEXT eword .proc _getms lda RTCus ; latch clock registers lda RTCms ; get ms rts .endproc ; waits for up to 511 ms (ms timer is 0-999) .proc _mswait and #$1FF beq :++ pha jsr _getms and #$1FF pha : jsr _getms sec ; should we worry about 1 ms? sbc 1,s and #$1FF cmp 3,s bcc :- pla pla : rts .endproc ; NOTE: sets short accumulator and leaves it that way on exit! .proc I2C2_busy_wait sep #SHORT_A nosep: .a8 : lda f:I2C2ctrl rol bcs :- rts .a16 .endproc ; H: ( -- ) start I2C2 communication. dword I2C2START,"I2C2START" jsr I2C2_busy_wait .a8 lda #$01 sta f:I2C2ctrl rep #SHORT_A .a16 NEXT eword ; H: ( -- ) stop I2C2 communication. dword I2C2STOP,"I2C2STOP" jsr I2C2_busy_wait .a8 lda #$02 sta f:I2C2ctrl rep #SHORT_A .a16 NEXT eword ; H: ( byte -- ) write byte to I2C2. dword I2C2_STORE,"I2C2!" jsr _popay jsr I2C2_busy_wait .a8 tya sta f:I2C2io lda #$08 sta f:I2C2ctrl rep #SHORT_A .a16 NEXT eword ; H: ( -- byte ) receive byte from I2C2, send ack. dword I2C2_FETCH_ACK,"I2C2@+" jsr I2C2_busy_wait .a8 lda #$44 dofetch: sta f:I2C2ctrl jsr I2C2_busy_wait::nosep lda f:I2C2io rep #SHORT_A .a16 and #$00FF jsr _pusha NEXT eword ; H: ( -- byte ) receive byte from I2C2, do not send ack. dword I2C2_FETCH,"I2C2@" jsr I2C2_busy_wait .a8 lda #$04 bra I2C2_FETCH_ACK::dofetch .a16 eword ; H: ( offset byte -- ) write byte to VDC at offset dword VDC_C_STORE,"VDCC!" jsr _popay ; pop offset phy ; save low word jsr _popay ; pop value to write pla ; get offset back phx ; save SP tax ; offset to x reg sep #SHORT_A ; whew! that was fun! .a8 tya ; value to A sta f:VDCbase,x rep #SHORT_A .a16 plx ; restore SP NEXT eword ; H: ( offset -- byte ) read byte from VDC at offset dword VDC_C_FETCH,"VDCC@" jsr _popay ; pop offet phx ; save SP tya tax sep #SHORT_A ; whew! that was fun! .a8 lda f:VDCbase,x rep #SHORT_A .a16 plx ; restore SP and #$00FF jsr _pusha NEXT eword ; H: ( offset word -- ) write word to VDC at offset dword VDC_STORE,"VDC!" jsr _popay ; again! again! again! phy jsr _popay pla phx tax tya sta f:VDCbase,x rep #SHORT_A .a16 plx ; restore SP NEXT eword dword VIDSTART,"VIDSTART" ENTER ONLIT $0799 ONLIT $10 .dword VDC_STORE ONLIT $0839 ONLIT $12 .dword VDC_STORE ONLIT $03C7 ONLIT $14 .dword VDC_STORE ONLIT $041E ONLIT $16 .dword VDC_STORE ONLIT $0257 ONLIT $18 .dword VDC_STORE ONLIT $0258 ONLIT $1A .dword VDC_STORE ONLIT $025C ONLIT $1C .dword VDC_STORE ONLIT $0272 ONLIT $1E .dword VDC_STORE vid_on: ONLIT $92 : .dword ZERO .dword VDC_C_STORE .dword ZERO .dword VDC_C_FETCH .dword IF .dword :- ; branch if false .dword I2C2START ONLIT $70 .dword I2C2_STORE ONLIT $08 .dword I2C2_STORE ONLIT $B9 .dword I2C2_STORE .dword I2C2STOP EXIT eword dword VMODELINE,"VMODELINE" ENTER .dword TWO .dword MINUS ONLIT $1E .dword VDC_STORE .dword DECR ONLIT $1C .dword VDC_STORE .dword DECR ONLIT $1A .dword VDC_STORE .dword DECR ONLIT $18 .dword VDC_STORE .dword TWO .dword MINUS ONLIT $16 .dword VDC_STORE .dword DECR ONLIT $14 .dword VDC_STORE .dword DECR ONLIT $12 .dword VDC_STORE .dword DECR ONLIT $10 .dword VDC_STORE JUMP VIDSTART::vid_on eword dword VIDSTOP,"VIDSTOP" ENTER .dword I2C2START ONLIT $70 .dword I2C2_STORE ONLIT $08 .dword I2C2_STORE ONLIT $FE .dword I2C2_STORE .dword I2C2STOP .dword ZERO .dword ZERO .dword VDC_C_STORE EXIT eword ; H: ( -- ) dump display EDID data, first 256 bytes. dword DUMPEDID,"DUMPEDID" dump_size = $0100 ENTER ONLIT dump_size .dword ALLOC ; buffer for downloaded EDID data .dword I2C2START ONLIT $A0 .dword I2C2_STORE .dword ZERO .dword I2C2_STORE .dword I2C2START ONLIT $A1 .dword I2C2_STORE ONLIT dump_size .dword ZERO .dword _DO : .dword I2C2_FETCH_ACK .dword OVER .dword IX .dword PLUS .dword CSTORE .dword ONE .dword _PLOOP .dword :- .dword UNLOOP .dword I2C2_FETCH ; NeonFORTH displays this .dword I2C2STOP .dword DUP ONLIT dump_size .dword DUMP ONLIT dump_size .dword FREE EXIT eword ; H: ( -- ) initialize SPI2. dword SPI2INIT,"SPI2INIT" sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda #$00 sta f:SPI2ctrl sta f:SPI2ctrl2 lda #$05 sta f:SPI2ctrl3 rep #SHORT_A .a16 NEXT eword ; H: ( -- ) start SPI2 communication. dword SPI2START,"SPI2START" sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda #$01 sta f:SPI2ctrl rep #SHORT_A .a16 NEXT eword ; H: ( -- ) stop SPI2 communication. dword SPI2STOP,"SPI2STOP" sep #SHORT_A .a8 : lda f:SPI2ctrl and #$40 bne :- sta f:SPI2ctrl ; note A=0 rep #SHORT_A .a16 NEXT eword ; NOTE: sets short accumulator and leaves it that way on exit! .proc SPI2_busy_wait sep #SHORT_A nosep: .a8 : lda f:SPI2ctrl rol bcs :- rts .a16 .endproc ; H: ( byte -- ) write byte to SPI2. dword SPI2_STORE,"SPI2!" jsr _popay jsr SPI2_busy_wait .a8 tya sta f:SPI2io rep #SHORT_A .a16 NEXT eword ; H: ( -- byte ) fetch byte from SPI2. dword SPI2_FETCH,"SPI2@" jsr SPI2_busy_wait .a8 lda #$00 sta f:SPI2io : lda f:SPI2ctrl bit #$40 bne :- lda f:SPI2io rep #SHORT_A .a16 and #$00FF jsr _pusha NEXT eword dend ; and now for the system interface .proc _system_interface ;wdm 3 phx asl tax jmp (.loword(table),x) table: .addr _sf_pre_init .addr _sf_post_init .addr _sf_emit .addr _sf_keyq .addr _sf_key .addr _sf_fcode .addr _sf_reset_all .endproc .export _system_interface .proc _sf_success lda #$0000 tay clc rtl .endproc .proc _sf_fail ldy #.loword(-21) lda #.hiword(-21) sec rtl .endproc .proc _sf_pre_init ; NeonFORTH does this, presumably to initialize the serial port ; The code from here to the EOC commment was adapted from code written by Lenore Byron sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda #$8D sta f:SERctrlA lda #$06 sta f:SERctrlB lda #$00 sta f:SERctrlC rep #SHORT_A .a16 ; EOC stz KEYMODS stz PS2DEVS plx jmp _sf_success .endproc .scope pStrings .proc keyboard .byte "keyboard" .endproc .proc mouse .byte "mouse" .endproc .proc present .byte " present",$0d,$0a .endproc .endscope .proc _sf_post_init plx ; Here we make a vocabulary definition for the neon816 dictionary ; that we defined at the beginning of this file. ENTER ONLIT LAST_neon816 SLIT "NEON816" .dword dVOCAB .dword LAST ; now set the head of the vocabulary to the .dword drXT ; last word defined in the neon816 dictionary .dword rBODY .dword STORE .dword dPS2DET .dword ONE .dword LAND .dword _IF .dword :+ ONLIT ::pStrings::keyboard ONLIT .sizeof(::pStrings::keyboard) .dword TYPE ONLIT ::pStrings::present ONLIT .sizeof(::pStrings::present) .dword TYPE : .dword dPS2DET .dword TWO .dword LAND .dword _IF .dword :+ ONLIT ::pStrings::mouse ONLIT .sizeof(::pStrings::mouse) .dword TYPE ONLIT ::pStrings::present ONLIT .sizeof(::pStrings::present) .dword TYPE : CODE jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_emit plx ; get forth SP jsr _popay ; grab the top item phx ; and save new SP ; The code from here to the EOC commment was adapted from code written by Lenore Byron sep #SHORT_A .a8 tya sta f:SERio : lda f:SERstat bit #$08 bne :- rep #SHORT_A .a16 ; EOC plx jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_keyq ldy #$0000 ; anticipate false ; The code from here to the EOC commment was adapted from code written by Lenore Byron sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda f:SERstat ; b0=1 if data ready ror bcc :+ iny : rep #SHORT_A .a16 ; EOC tya plx jsr _pushay jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_key ; The code from here to the EOC commment was adapted from code written by Lenore Byron sep #SHORT_A .a8 : lda f:SERstat ror bcc :- lda f:SERio rep #SHORT_A .a16 ; EOC and #$00FF tay lda #$0000 plx jsr _pushay jmp _sf_success .endproc .proc _sf_fcode .if include_fcode ldy #.loword(list) lda #.hiword(list) .else lda #$0000 tay .endif plx jsr _pushay jmp _sf_success .if include_fcode list: .dword 0 .endif .endproc ; TODO.... .proc _sf_reset_all plx jmp _sf_fail .endproc ; return carry set if data waiting at PS/2 keyboard port, clear otherwise ; destroys A .proc ps2k_ready sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda f:PS2Kstat ror rep #SHORT_A .a16 rts .endproc ; read data from PS/2 keyboard port, blocking ; returns byte in A .proc ps2k_read sep #SHORT_A .a8 : lda f:PS2Kstat ror bcc :- lda f:PS2Kio rep #SHORT_A .a16 and #$00FF rts .endproc ; write data byte in A to PS/2 keyboard port .proc ps2k_write sep #SHORT_A .a8 sta f:PS2Kio : lda f:PS2Kstat bit #$08 bne :- rep #SHORT_A .a16 rts .endproc .proc ps2k_command jsr ps2k_write jsr ps2k_read cmp #$00FA rts .endproc ; return carry set if data waiting at PS/2 mouse port, clear otherwise ; destroys A .proc ps2m_ready sep #SHORT_A .a8 lda f:PS2Mstat ror rep #SHORT_A .a16 rts .endproc ; read data from PS/2 mouse port, blocking ; returns byte in A .proc ps2m_read sep #SHORT_A .a8 : lda f:PS2Mstat ror bcc :- lda f:PS2Mio rep #SHORT_A .a16 and #$00FF rts .endproc ; write data byte in A to PS/2 mouse port .proc ps2m_write sep #SHORT_A .a8 sta f:PS2Mio : lda f:PS2Mstat bit #$08 bne :- rep #SHORT_A .a16 rts .endproc .proc ps2m_command jsr ps2m_write lda #10 jsr _mswait jsr ps2m_read cmp #$00FA rts .endproc ; Keyboard translate tables ; unshifted and shifted codes ; if high bit set, jump to special handler routine .proc mktab ; 'main' scan codes' ; $00 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; F9 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; F5 .byte $00,$00 ; F3 .byte $00,$00 ; F1 .byte $00,$00 ; F2 .byte $00,$00 ; F12 ; $08 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; F10 .byte $00,$00 ; F8 .byte $00,$00 ; F6 .byte $00,$00 ; F4 .byte $09,$09 ; Tab .byte '`','~' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $10 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; left alt .byte $80,$80 ; left shift .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $86,$86 ; left control .byte 'q','Q' .byte '1','!' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $18 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte 'z','Z' .byte 's','S' .byte 'a','A' .byte 'w','W' .byte '2','@' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $20 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte 'c','C' .byte 'x','X' .byte 'd','D' .byte 'e','E' .byte '4','$' .byte '3','#' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $28 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte ' ',' ' .byte 'v','V' .byte 'f','F' .byte 't','T' .byte 'r','R' .byte '5','S' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $30 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte 'n','N' .byte 'b','B' .byte 'h','H' .byte 'g','G' .byte 'y','Y' .byte '6','^' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $38 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte 'm','M' .byte 'j','J' .byte 'u','U' .byte '7','&' .byte '8','*' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $40 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte ',','<' .byte 'k','K' .byte 'i','I' .byte 'o','O' .byte '0',')' .byte '9','(' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $48 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte '.','>' .byte '/','?' .byte 'l','L' .byte ';',':' .byte 'p','P' .byte '-','_' .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $50 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $27,'"' .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte '[','{' .byte '=','+' .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $58 .byte $84,$84 ; caps lock .byte $82,$82 ; right shift .byte $0D,$0D ; enter .byte ']','}' .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte '\','|' .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $60 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $08,$7F ; backspace .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $68 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte '1','1' ; keypad .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte '4','4' ; keypad .byte '7','7' ; keypad .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $70 .byte '0','0' ; keypad .byte '.','.' ; keypad .byte '2','2' ; keypad .byte '5','5' ; keypad .byte '6','6' ; keypad .byte '8','8' ; keypad .byte $1B,$1B ; escape .byte $00,$00 ; num lock ; $78 .byte $00,$00 ; F11 .byte '+','+' ; keypad .byte '3','3' ; keypad .byte '-','-' ; keypad .byte '*','*' ; keypad .byte '9','9' ; keypad .byte $00,$00 ; scroll lock .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $80 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; F7 .endproc .proc ektab ; E0 scan codes ; $00 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $08 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $10 .byte $00,$00 ; MM WWW search .byte $00,$00 ; right alt .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $88,$88 ; right control .byte $00,$00 ; MM prev track .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $18 .byte $00,$00 ; MM WWW favorites .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; left GUI ; $20 .byte $00,$00 ; MM WWW refresh .byte $00,$00 ; MM vol down .byte $00,$00 ; MM mute .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; right GUI ; $28 .byte $00,$00 ; MM WWW stop .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; MM calculator .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; 'apps' ; $30 .byte $00,$00 ; MM WWW forward .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; MM vol up .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; MM play/pause .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; ACPI power ; $38 .byte $00,$00 ; MM WWW back .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; MM WWW home .byte $00,$00 ; MM stop .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; ACPI sleep ; $40 .byte $00,$00 ; MM my computer .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $48 .byte $00,$00 ; MM email .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte '/','/' ; keypad .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; MM next track .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $50 .byte $00,$00 ; MM select .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $58 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $0D,$0D ; keypad 'enter' .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; ACPI wake .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $60 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $68 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; end .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $08,$08 ; cursor left .byte $00,$00 ; home .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $70 .byte $00,$00 ; insert .byte $7F,$7F ; delete .byte $0A,$0A ; cursor down .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $15,$15 ; cursor right .byte $0B,$0B ; cursor up .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none ; $78 .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; page down .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; none .byte $00,$00 ; page up .endproc ; Tables of routines for special make/break of keys (values > $80) ; kmktbl and kbktbl must match up. .proc kmktbl .addr mk_lshift-1 ; $80 .addr mk_rshift-1 ; $82 .addr mk_caps-1 ; $84 .addr mk_lctrl-1 ; $86 .addr mk_rctrl-1 ; $88 .endproc .proc kbktbl .addr bk_lshift-1 ; $80 .addr bk_rshift-1 ; $82 .addr bk_caps-1 ; $84 .addr bk_lctrl-1 ; $86 .addr bk_rctrl-1 ; $88 .endproc .proc mk_lshift lda #%1000000000000000 bra makemod .endproc .proc mk_rshift lda #%0100000000000000 bra makemod .endproc .proc mk_caps lda KEYMODS eor #%1 sta KEYMODS ; fall-through to ps2_setLEDs .endproc .proc ps2_setleds lda #$ED ; set LEDs command jsr ps2k_command lda KEYMODS and #%111 jsr ps2k_command rts .endproc .proc mk_lctrl lda #%0000000010000000 bra makemod .endproc .proc mk_rctrl lda #%0000000001000000 ;bra makemod .endproc .proc makemod tsb KEYMODS rts .endproc .proc bk_lshift lda #%1000000000000000 bra breakmod .endproc .proc bk_rshift lda #%0100000000000000 bra breakmod .endproc .proc bk_caps rts .endproc .proc bk_lctrl lda #%0000000010000000 bra breakmod .endproc .proc bk_rctrl lda #%0000000001000000 ;bra breakmod .endproc .proc breakmod trb KEYMODS rts .endproc ; Read a code from the keyboard, return carry set if it was 'break' and clear ; if it was 'make' .proc ps2_readcode phy ; save Y ldy #$0000 ; flag for break phy ; space for extended code byte : jsr ps2k_read cmp #$E1 ; pause/break annoyance beq pausebrk cmp #$E0 ; extended code? bne :+ xba sta 1,s ; yes, put in upper byte on stack bra :- ; back to read : cmp #$F0 ; break code? bne :+ iny ; yes, flag bra :-- ; back to read : ora 1,s ; if none of those, put in lower byte sta 1,s ; inefficient but it works pla ; and get it off the stack done: cpy #$01 ; set carry if break ply ; restore Y rts pausebrk: pla ldy #7 : jsr ps2k_read ; drop 7 bytes dey bne :- lda #$E000 ; bogus scan code bra done .endproc ; get code from translate table for key code in A, return in A ; destroys y, returns 0000 if there is no translation .proc ps2_keytran pha and #$00FF asl tay pla and #$FF00 cmp #$E000 beq ext cpy #.sizeof(mktab) bcs bad lda mktab,y bra done ext: cpy #.sizeof(ektab) bcs bad lda ektab,y bra done bad: lda #$0000 done: cmp #$0001 rts .endproc ; take translated code in A, apply keyboard modifiers, and return result in A ; if special, return carry set .proc ps2_keymod pha ; work with it on stack lda KEYMODS and #%1100000000000000 ; shift keys beq :+ lda 1,s xba sta 1,s : lda 1,s and #$0080 bne :++ ; shortcut special lda KEYMODS ror ; caps into carry bcc :+ lda 1,s and #$00FF cmp #'a' bcc :+ cmp #'z'+1 bcs :+ and #$DF sta 1,s : lda KEYMODS and #%0000000011000000 ; ctrl keys beq :+ lda 1,s and #%11111 ; make ctrl char sta 1,s : pla and #$00FF cmp #$0080 rts .endproc ; Wait for a valid key, when we get one, decode and return .proc ps2_keyin : php : plp jsr ps2_readcode php jsr ps2_keytran bcc :- ; carry is clear if no value for key jsr ps2_keymod bcs special plp bcs :-- ; break code, wait for another rts special: and #$007F tay lda kmktbl,y plp bcc :+ ; if make lda kbktbl,y : jsr :+ bra :--- ; for special, we go back to waiting : pha ; do RTS trick rts .endproc