; Math Library - I don't reinvent the wheel here for multiplication, division, etc. ; others have done great work before me and I credit them when I know who did it. ; 32-bit signed comparison ; C and Z reflect same comparision results as CMP instruction .proc _stest32 lda STACKBASE+6,x eor STACKBASE+2,x bpl samesign lda STACKBASE+2,x ; Kelvin's excellent solution sec rol rts samesign: lda STACKBASE+6,x cmp STACKBASE+2,x bcc :+ ; less than or not equal, done bne :+ lda STACKBASE+4,x cmp STACKBASE+0,x : rts .endproc _test32 = _stest32::samesign .proc _invertay pha tya eor #$FFFF tay pla eor #$FFFF rts .endproc .proc _negateay pha tya eor #$FFFF clc adc #$0001 tay pla eor #$FFFF adc #$0000 rts .endproc .proc _invert lda STACKBASE+0,x eor #$FFFF sta STACKBASE+0,x lda STACKBASE+2,x eor #$FFFF sta STACKBASE+2,x rts .endproc .proc _negate jsr _invert inc STACKBASE+0,x bne :+ inc STACKBASE+2,x : rts .endproc .proc _dinvert jsr _invert lda STACKBASE+4,x eor #$FFFF sta STACKBASE+4,x lda STACKBASE+6,x eor #$FFFF sta STACKBASE+6,x rts .endproc .proc _dnegate jsr _dinvert inc STACKBASE+4,x bne :+ inc STACKBASE+6,x bne :+ inc STACKBASE+0,x bne :+ inc STACKBASE+2,x : rts .endproc .proc _2abs bit STACKBASE+2,x bpl :+ jsr _negate : jsr _swap ; fall-through .endproc .proc _abs bit STACKBASE+2,x bpl :+ jsr _negate : rts .endproc .proc _signum ldy #$FFFF lda STACKBASE+2,x bpl :+ sty STACKBASE+2,x bra done : iny stz STACKBASE+2,x ora STACKBASE+0,x beq done iny done: sty STACKBASE+0,x rts .endproc ; 32-bit unsigned multiplication with 64-bit result ; right-shifting version by dclxvi ; scratch in YR, YR+2 (preserved) .proc _umult N = YR lda N+2 pha lda N pha lda #$00 sta N ldy #32 lsr STACKBASE+6,x ror STACKBASE+4,x l1: bcc l2 clc sta N+2 lda N adc STACKBASE+0,x sta N lda N+2 adc STACKBASE+2,x l2: ror ror N ror STACKBASE+6,x ror STACKBASE+4,x dey bne l1 sta STACKBASE+2,x lda N sta STACKBASE+0,x pla sta N pla sta N+2 rts .endproc ; 64-bit divided by 32-bit with 32-bit quotient and remainder ; Adapted from Garth's routine, just like everyone else :-) ; carry set if divison by zero or overflow ; ( d n -- r q ) ; d.hi = stack(4,6), d.low = stack(8,10), n=stack(0,2) .proc _umdivmod CARRY = YR SCRATCH = YR+2 .if 1 ; shortcut 32-bit by 32-bit division lda STACKBASE+4,x ora STACKBASE+6,x beq _udivmod32 ; go do faster 32-bit divide .endif lda SCRATCH pha lda CARRY pha sec ; first, check for overflow and division by 0 lda STACKBASE+4,x sbc STACKBASE+0,x lda STACKBASE+6,x sbc STACKBASE+2,x bcs overflow lda #33 ; 32 bits + 1 sta XR loop: rol STACKBASE+8,x rol STACKBASE+10,x dec XR beq done rol STACKBASE+4,x rol STACKBASE+6,x stz CARRY rol CARRY sec lda STACKBASE+4,x sbc STACKBASE+0,x sta SCRATCH lda STACKBASE+6,x sbc STACKBASE+2,x tay lda CARRY sbc #0 bcc loop lda SCRATCH sta STACKBASE+4,x sty STACKBASE+6,x bra loop overflow: sec bra done1 done: clc inx ; drop inx inx inx done1: pla sta CARRY pla sta SCRATCH bcs :+ ; leave stack intact if exception jmp _swap1 : rts .endproc ; 32-bit by 32-bit division ; assumes that the second stack entry is zero ; ( d n -- r q ) where d.hi is zero e.g. ( n1 0 n2 -- r q ) ; d.hi = stack(4,6) = 0, d.low = n1 = stack(8,10), n2 = stack(0,2) .proc _udivmod32 lda #32 sta XR l1: asl STACKBASE+8,x ; shift high bit of n1 into r rol STACKBASE+10,x ; clearing the low bit for q rol STACKBASE+4,x ; r.lo rol STACKBASE+6,x ; r.hi lda STACKBASE+4,x ; r.lo sec ; trial subraction sbc STACKBASE+0,x ; n2.lo tay ; save low word lda STACKBASE+6,x ; r.hi sbc STACKBASE+2,x ; n2.hi bcc l2 ; subtraction succeeded? sta STACKBASE+6,x ; r.hi yes, save result sty STACKBASE+4,x ; r.lo inc STACKBASE+8,x ; n1.lo and record a 1 in the quotient l2: dec XR ; next bit bne l1 inx ; kill of top stack item inx inx inx clc ; this *never* overflows jmp _swap1 .endproc ; ( d n -- ud u ) .proc _dnabs lda STACKBASE+2,x ; take absolute value of n1 bpl :+ jsr _negate : lda STACKBASE+6,x ; take absolute value of d bpl :+ dtneg: inx inx inx inx jsr _dnegate dex dex dex dex : rts .endproc _dtucknegate = _dnabs::dtneg .proc _smdivrem lda STACKBASE+6,x ; save dividend sign in MSW of high cell of d pha eor STACKBASE+2,x ; compute result sign and save pha jsr _dnabs ; take absolute value of arguments jsr _umdivmod bcs overflow ; overflow pla ; see if we should negate quotient bpl :+ jsr _negate ; make it negative : pla ; get dividend sign bpl :+ tneg: inx ; negate remainder if it should be negative inx inx inx jsr _negate dex dex dex dex : clc rts overflow: pla ; carry is set, pla does not affect it pla rts .endproc _tucknegate = _smdivrem::tneg .proc _fmdivmod stz WR lda STACKBASE+2,x bpl :+ dec WR jsr _dnabs : lda STACKBASE+6,x bpl :+ lda STACKBASE+0,x clc adc STACKBASE+4,x sta STACKBASE+4,x lda STACKBASE+2,x adc STACKBASE+6,x sta STACKBASE+6,x : jsr _umdivmod bcs :+ bit WR bpl :+ jsr _tucknegate ; clears carry : rts .endproc ; adapted from Lee Davidson routine ; ( u1 -- u1 u2 ) u1 = closest integer <= square root, u2 = remainder ; number popped into WR,WR+2 ; remainder on stack, offsets 0,2 ; root on stack, offsets 4,6 ; temp in YR ; counter in XR .proc _sqroot jsr _peekwr ; get number into WR jsr _stackdecr ; make room for remainder lda #16 ; pairs of bits sta XR ; counter lda #$0000 sta STACKBASE+0,x ; init remainder sta STACKBASE+2,x sta STACKBASE+4,x ; init root sta STACKBASE+6,x lp: asl STACKBASE+4,x ; root = root * 2 asl WR ; now shift 2 bits of number into remainder rol WR+2 rol STACKBASE+0,x rol STACKBASE+2,x asl WR rol WR+2 rol STACKBASE+0,x rol STACKBASE+2,x lda STACKBASE+4,x ; copy root into temp sta YR lda STACKBASE+6,x ; (a bit shorter than immediate load) sta YR+2 sec ; +1 rol YR ; temp = temp * 2 + 1 rol YR+2 lda STACKBASE+2,x ; compare remainder with partial cmp YR+2 bcc next ; skip sub if remainder smaller bne subtr ; but do it if equal lda STACKBASE+0,x cmp YR bcc next ; same deal subtr: lda STACKBASE+0,x ; subtract partial from remainder sbc YR sta STACKBASE+0,x lda STACKBASE+2,X sbc YR+2 sta STACKBASE+2,x inc STACKBASE+4,x ; no need to increment high word, always zero next: dec XR bne lp rts .endproc