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2016-02-22 23:03:50 +00:00
Legal Notice: (C)2006 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your
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This thin wrapper re-uses the CRC Avalon component as a Nios II
custom instruction. The n port of custom instruction is used as
control to the CRC Avalon component. Below are the values of n and
the corresponding operations perform by the custom instruction:
n = 0, Initialize the custom instruction to the initial remainder value
n = 1, Write 8 bits data to custom instruction
n = 2, Write 16 bits data to custom instruction
n = 3, Write 32 bits data to custom instruction
n = 4, Read 32 bits data from the custom instruction
n = 5, Read 64 bits data from the custom instruction
n = 6, Read 96 bits data from the custom instruction
n = 7, Read 128 bits data from the custom instruction
module CRC_Custom_Instruction(clk,
See the Avalon CRC component for details on the meaning of each
parameter listed below.
parameter crc_width = 32;
parameter polynomial_inital = 32'hFFFFFFFF;
parameter polynomial = 32'h04C11DB7;
parameter reflected_input = 1;
parameter reflected_output = 1;
parameter xor_output = 32'hFFFFFFFF;
input clk;
input reset;
input [31:0] dataa;
input [2:0] n;
input clk_en;
input start;
output done;
output [31:0] result;
wire [2:0] address;
wire [3:0] byteenable;
wire write;
wire read;
reg done_delay;
assign write = (n<4);
assign read = (n>3);
assign byteenable = (n==1)?4'b0001 : (n==2)?4'b0011 : (n==3)?4'b1111 : 4'b0000;
assign address = (n==0)?3'b000 : ((n==1)|(n==2)|(n==3))?3'b001 : (n==4)?3'b100 : (n==5)?3'b101 : (n==6)?3'b110 : 3'b111;
assign done = (n>3)? done_delay : start;
always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
done_delay <= 0;
done_delay <= start;
Instantiating the Avalon CRC component and wiring it to be
custom instruction compilant
CRC_Component wrapper_wiring(.clk(clk),
.write(write & start),
defparam wrapper_wiring.crc_width = crc_width;
defparam wrapper_wiring.polynomial_inital = polynomial_inital;
defparam wrapper_wiring.polynomial = polynomial;
defparam wrapper_wiring.reflected_input = reflected_input;
defparam wrapper_wiring.reflected_output = reflected_output;
defparam wrapper_wiring.xor_output = xor_output;