// // Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Markus Hiienkari // // This file is part of Open Source Scan Converter project. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // `include "lat_tester_includes.v" `define TRUE 1'b1 `define FALSE 1'b0 `define HI 1'b1 `define LO 1'b0 `define HSYNC_POL `LO `define VSYNC_POL `LO `define V_MULTMODE_1X 3'd0 `define V_MULTMODE_2X 3'd1 `define V_MULTMODE_3X 3'd2 `define V_MULTMODE_4X 3'd3 `define V_MULTMODE_5X 3'd4 `define PCLK_MUX_1X 2'd0 `define PCLK_MUX_2X 2'd2 `define PCLK_MUX_3X 2'd2 `define PCLK_MUX_4X 2'd3 `define PCLK_MUX_5X 2'd3 `define H_MULTMODE_FULLWIDTH 2'h0 `define H_MULTMODE_ASPECTFIX 2'h1 `define H_MULTMODE_OPTIMIZED 2'h2 `define H_MULTMODE_OPTIMIZED_1X 2'h3 `define SCANLINES_HYBR_CONTR_LOW 2'h1 `define SCANLINES_HYBR_CONTR_MED 2'h2 `define SCANLINES_HYBR_CONTR_HIGH 2'h3 `define VSYNCGEN_LEN 6 `define VSYNCGEN_GENMID_BIT 0 `define VSYNCGEN_CHOPMID_BIT 1 `define FID_EVEN 1'b0 `define FID_ODD 1'b1 `define MIN_VALID_LINES 256 //power of 2 optimization -> ignore lower bits with comparison `define DBLFRAME_THOLD 5 `define FALSE_FIELD (fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_CHOPMID_BIT] & (FID_in == `FID_ODD)) `define HSYNC_LEADING_EDGE ((HSYNC_in_L == `HI) & (HSYNC_in == `LO)) `define VSYNC_LEADING_EDGE ((VSYNC_in_L == `HI) & (VSYNC_in == `LO)) `define PP_PL_START 1 `define PP_HS_VS_DE_START 2 `define PP_ENABLES_START 2 `define PP_RGB_START 4 //`define PP_RLPF_PL_START_EARLY // set if start with 2 `define PP_RLPF_PL_START `PP_RGB_START // minimum 2 `define PP_RLPF_PL_LENGTH 3 // counted from aquisition `define PP_SLGEN_PL_LENGTH 5 `define PP_LT_BORDER_GEN_LENGTH 1 // lt_box / border_mask gen `define PP_RLPF_PL_END (`PP_RLPF_PL_START+`PP_RLPF_PL_LENGTH) `define PP_SLGEN_PL_END (`PP_RLPF_PL_END+`PP_SLGEN_PL_LENGTH) `define PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH (`PP_SLGEN_PL_END+`PP_LT_BORDER_GEN_LENGTH-1'b1) module scanconverter ( input reset_n, input [7:0] R_in, input [7:0] G_in, input [7:0] B_in, input FID_in, input VSYNC_in, input HSYNC_in, input PCLK_in, input clk27, input enable_sc, input [31:0] h_config, input [31:0] h_config2, input [31:0] v_config, input [31:0] misc_config, input [31:0] sl_config, input [31:0] sl_config2, output PCLK_out, output reg [7:0] R_out, output reg [7:0] G_out, output reg [7:0] B_out, output reg HSYNC_out, output reg VSYNC_out, output reg DE_out, output h_unstable, output reg [1:0] fpga_vsyncgen, output pll_lock_lost, output reg [10:0] vmax, output reg [10:0] vmax_tvp, output reg [19:0] pcnt_frame, output ilace_flag, output vsync_flag, input lt_active, input [1:0] lt_mode, output reg [10:0] xpos, output reg [10:0] ypos, input pll_areset, input pll_scanclk, input pll_scanclkena, input pll_configupdate, input pll_scandata, output pll_scandone ); //clock-related signals wire pclk_act; wire pclk_1x, pclk_2x, pclk_3x, pclk_4x, pclk_5x; wire [1:0] pclk_mux_sel; wire pll_lock; //RGB signals®isters: 8 bits per component -> 16.7M colors wire [7:0] R_act, G_act, B_act; wire [7:0] R_lbuf, G_lbuf, B_lbuf; reg [7:0] R_in_L, G_in_L, B_in_L, R_in_LL, G_in_LL, B_in_LL, R_in_LLL, G_in_LLL, B_in_LLL, R_1x, G_1x, B_1x; //H+V syncs + data enable signals®isters wire HSYNC_act, VSYNC_act, DE_act; reg HSYNC_in_L, VSYNC_in_L; reg HSYNC_1x, HSYNC_2x, HSYNC_3x, HSYNC_4x, HSYNC_5x; reg VSYNC_1x, VSYNC_2x, VSYNC_3x, VSYNC_4x, VSYNC_5x; reg DE_1x, DE_2x, DE_3x, DE_4x, DE_5x, DE_3x_prev4x; //registers indicating line/frame change and field type reg FID_cur, FID_last, FID_prev, FID_1x; reg frame_change, frame_change_longpulse, line_change; //H+V counters reg [11:0] linebuf_hoffset_pp; //Offset for line (max. 2047 pixels), MSB indicates which line is read/written wire [11:0] linebuf_hoffset_act; wire [11:0] hcnt_act; reg [11:0] hcnt_1x, hcnt_2x, hcnt_3x, hcnt_4x, hcnt_5x, hcnt_4x_aspfix, hcnt_2x_opt, hcnt_3x_opt, hcnt_4x_opt, hcnt_5x_opt, hcnt_5x_hscomp; reg [2:0] hcnt_2x_opt_ctr, hcnt_3x_opt_ctr, hcnt_4x_opt_ctr, hcnt_5x_opt_ctr; wire [10:0] vcnt_act; reg [10:0] vcnt_tvp, vcnt_1x, vcnt_2x, vcnt_3x, vcnt_4x, vcnt_5x; //max. 2047 //other counters wire [2:0] line_id_act, col_id_act; reg [11:0] hmax[0:1]; reg line_idx; reg [1:0] line_out_idx_2x, line_out_idx_3x, line_out_idx_4x; reg [2:0] line_out_idx_5x; reg [23:0] warn_h_unstable, warn_pll_lock_lost; // post-processing pipeline reg HSYNC_pp[1:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg VSYNC_pp[1:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg DE_pp[1:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [7:0] R_pp[3:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH], G_pp[3:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH], B_pp[3:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [11:0] hcnt_pp /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [10:0] vcnt_pp /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg rlpf_trigger_r[1:`PP_RLPF_PL_START-1] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [7:0] R_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START:`PP_RLPF_PL_END-1], G_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START:`PP_RLPF_PL_END-1], B_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START:`PP_RLPF_PL_END-1] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [2:0] line_id_pp[1:`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-5], col_id_pp[1:`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-5] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg draw_sl_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-4:`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-1] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg border_enable_pp[2:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg lt_box_enable_pp[2:`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; //helper registers for sampling at synchronized clock edges reg pclk_1x_prev3x; reg [1:0] pclk_3x_cnt; reg pclk_1x_prev4x; reg [1:0] pclk_4x_cnt; reg pclk_1x_prev5x; reg pclk_1x_prevprev5x; reg [2:0] pclk_5x_cnt; //configuration registers reg [10:0] H_ACTIVE; //max. 2047 reg [9:0] H_AVIDSTART; //max. 1023 reg [10:0] V_ACTIVE; //max. 2047 reg [6:0] V_AVIDSTART; //max. 127 reg [7:0] H_SYNCLEN; reg [2:0] V_SYNCLEN; reg [5:0] V_MASK; reg [2:0] V_MULTMODE; reg [1:0] H_MULTMODE; reg [10:0] H_MASK; reg [9:0] H_OPT_STARTOFF; reg [2:0] H_OPT_SCALE; reg [2:0] H_OPT_SAMPLE_MULT; reg [2:0] H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL; reg [9:0] H_L5BORDER; reg [9:0] H_L3BORDER; reg [6:0] H_L3_OPT_SAMPLE_COMP; reg [3:0] X_MASK_BR; reg [2:0] X_MASK_COLOR; reg [5:0] X_REV_LPF_STR; reg [3:0] SL_L_STR[4:0] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [3:0] SL_C_STR[5:0] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [4:0] SL_HYBRSTR; reg [4:0] SL_L_OVERLAY; reg [5:0] SL_C_OVERLAY; reg SL_METHOD; reg SL_NO_ALTERN; reg SL_ALTIV; reg X_REV_LPF_ENABLE; reg X_PANASONIC_HACK; // constants for each frame to be calculated off config-registers reg CALC_CONSTS; reg [11:0] H_AVIDSTOP; reg [10:0] V_AVIDSTOP; reg [10:0] H_AVIDMASK_START; reg [11:0] H_AVIDMASK_STOP; reg [7:0] V_AVIDMASK_START; reg [10:0] V_AVIDMASK_STOP; reg [11:0] LT_POS_TOPLEFT_BOX_H_STOP; reg [10:0] LT_POS_TOPLEFT_BOX_V_STOP; reg [11:0] LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_H_START; reg [11:0] LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_H_STOP; reg [10:0] LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_V_START; reg [10:0] LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_V_STOP; reg [11:0] LT_POS_BOTTOMRIGHT_H_START; reg [10:0] LT_POS_BOTTOMRIGHT_V_START; //clk27 related registers reg VSYNC_in_cc_L, VSYNC_in_cc_LL, VSYNC_in_cc_LLL; reg [21:0] clk27_ctr; // min. 6.5Hz reg [2:0] dbl_frame_ctr; reg frame_change_longpulse_cc_L, frame_change_longpulse_cc_LL, frame_change_longpulse_cc_LLL; reg [19:0] pcnt_ctr; assign pclk_1x = PCLK_in; assign PCLK_out = pclk_act; assign ilace_flag = (FID_cur != FID_last); //Scanline generation reg [8:0] Y_rb_tmp; reg [9:0] Y; wire [8:0] Y_sl_hybr_ref_pre, R_sl_hybr_ref_pre, G_sl_hybr_ref_pre, B_sl_hybr_ref_pre; lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref_pre Y_sl_hybr_ref_pre_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(Y[9:2]), .datab(SL_HYBRSTR), .result(Y_sl_hybr_ref_pre) ); lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref_pre R_sl_hybr_ref_pre_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(R_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END]), .datab(SL_HYBRSTR), .result(R_sl_hybr_ref_pre) ); lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref_pre G_sl_hybr_ref_pre_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(G_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END]), .datab(SL_HYBRSTR), .result(G_sl_hybr_ref_pre) ); lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref_pre B_sl_hybr_ref_pre_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(B_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END]), .datab(SL_HYBRSTR), .result(B_sl_hybr_ref_pre) ); wire [8:0] Y_sl_hybr_ref, R_sl_hybr_ref, G_sl_hybr_ref, B_sl_hybr_ref; lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref Y_sl_hybr_ref_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(Y_sl_hybr_ref_pre), .datab(sl_str_tmp), .result(Y_sl_hybr_ref) ); lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref R_sl_hybr_ref_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(R_sl_hybr_ref_pre), .datab(sl_str_tmp), .result(R_sl_hybr_ref) ); lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref G_sl_hybr_ref_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(G_sl_hybr_ref_pre), .datab(sl_str_tmp), .result(G_sl_hybr_ref) ); lpm_mult_4_hybr_ref B_sl_hybr_ref_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(B_sl_hybr_ref_pre), .datab(sl_str_tmp), .result(B_sl_hybr_ref) ); reg [7:0] sl_str, sl_str_tmp, Y_sl_str, R_sl_str, G_sl_str, B_sl_str; reg [7:0] R_sl_sub, G_sl_sub, B_sl_sub; wire [7:0] R_sl_mult, G_sl_mult, B_sl_mult; lpm_mult_4_sl R_sl_mult_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(R_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2]), .datab(~Y_sl_str), .result(R_sl_mult) ); lpm_mult_4_sl G_sl_mult_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(G_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2]), .datab(~Y_sl_str), .result(G_sl_mult) ); lpm_mult_4_sl B_sl_mult_u ( .clock(pclk_act), .dataa(B_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2]), .datab(~Y_sl_str), .result(B_sl_mult) ); //Reverse LPF wire rlpf_trigger_act; reg signed [14:0] R_diff_s15_pre, G_diff_s15_pre, B_diff_s15_pre, R_diff_s15, G_diff_s15, B_diff_s15; reg signed [10:0] R_rlpf_result, G_rlpf_result, B_rlpf_result; function [7:0] apply_reverse_lpf; input [7:0] data_prev; input signed [14:0] diff; reg signed [10:0] result; begin // result = ({3'b0,data_prev,4'b0} - diff) >>> 4; result = {3'b0,data_prev} + ~diff[14:4]; // allow for a small error to reduce adder length apply_reverse_lpf = result[10] ? 8'h00 : |result[9:8] ? 8'hFF : result[7:0]; end endfunction //Mux for active data selection // //List of critical signals: // [RGB]_act, DE_act, HSYNC_act, VSYNC_act // //Non-critical signals and inactive clock combinations filtered out in SDC always @(*) case (V_MULTMODE) default: begin //`V_MULTMODE_1X R_act = R_1x; G_act = G_1x; B_act = B_1x; HSYNC_act = HSYNC_1x; VSYNC_act = VSYNC_1x; DE_act = DE_1x; line_id_act = {2'b00, vcnt_1x[0]}; hcnt_act = hcnt_1x; vcnt_act = vcnt_1x; pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_1X; linebuf_hoffset_act = 0; col_id_act = {2'b00, hcnt_1x[0]}; rlpf_trigger_act = 1'b1; end `V_MULTMODE_2X: begin R_act = R_lbuf; G_act = G_lbuf; B_act = B_lbuf; HSYNC_act = HSYNC_2x; VSYNC_act = VSYNC_2x; DE_act = DE_2x; line_id_act = SL_NO_ALTERN ? {2'b0, {line_out_idx_2x[0]+FID_1x}} : {1'b0, line_out_idx_2x}; hcnt_act = hcnt_2x; vcnt_act = vcnt_2x; case (H_MULTMODE) default: begin //`H_MULTMODE_FULLWIDTH pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_2X; linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_2x; col_id_act = {2'b00, hcnt_2x[0]}; rlpf_trigger_act = 1'b1; end `H_MULTMODE_OPTIMIZED_1X: begin pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_1X; //special case: pclk bypass to enable 2x native sampling linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_2x_opt; col_id_act = {2'b00, hcnt_2x[1]}; rlpf_trigger_act = (hcnt_2x_opt_ctr == 0); end `H_MULTMODE_OPTIMIZED: begin pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_2X; linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_2x_opt; col_id_act = hcnt_2x_opt_ctr; rlpf_trigger_act = (hcnt_2x_opt_ctr == 0); end endcase end `V_MULTMODE_3X: begin R_act = R_lbuf; G_act = G_lbuf; B_act = B_lbuf; HSYNC_act = HSYNC_3x; VSYNC_act = VSYNC_3x; DE_act = DE_3x; line_id_act = {1'b0, line_out_idx_3x}; vcnt_act = vcnt_3x; case (H_MULTMODE) default: begin //`H_MULTMODE_FULLWIDTH pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_3X; linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_3x; hcnt_act = hcnt_3x; col_id_act = {2'b00, hcnt_3x[0]}; rlpf_trigger_act = 1'b1; end `H_MULTMODE_ASPECTFIX: begin pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_4X; linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_4x_aspfix; hcnt_act = hcnt_4x_aspfix; col_id_act = {2'b00, hcnt_4x[0]}; rlpf_trigger_act = 1'b1; end `H_MULTMODE_OPTIMIZED: begin pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_3X; linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_3x_opt; hcnt_act = hcnt_3x; col_id_act = hcnt_3x_opt_ctr; rlpf_trigger_act = (hcnt_3x_opt_ctr == 0); end endcase end `V_MULTMODE_4X: begin R_act = R_lbuf; G_act = G_lbuf; B_act = B_lbuf; HSYNC_act = HSYNC_4x; VSYNC_act = VSYNC_4x; DE_act = DE_4x; line_id_act = SL_NO_ALTERN ? {1'b0, {line_out_idx_4x+{FID_1x, 1'b0}}} : {1'b0, line_out_idx_4x}; hcnt_act = hcnt_4x; vcnt_act = vcnt_4x; pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_4X; case (H_MULTMODE) default: begin //`H_MULTMODE_FULLWIDTH linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_4x; col_id_act = {2'b00, hcnt_4x[0]}; rlpf_trigger_act = 1'b1; end `H_MULTMODE_OPTIMIZED: begin linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_4x_opt; col_id_act = hcnt_4x_opt_ctr; rlpf_trigger_act = (hcnt_4x_opt_ctr == 0); end endcase end `V_MULTMODE_5X: begin R_act = R_lbuf; G_act = G_lbuf; B_act = B_lbuf; HSYNC_act = HSYNC_5x; VSYNC_act = VSYNC_5x; DE_act = DE_5x; line_id_act = line_out_idx_5x; hcnt_act = hcnt_5x; vcnt_act = vcnt_5x; pclk_mux_sel = `PCLK_MUX_5X; case (H_MULTMODE) default: begin //`H_MULTMODE_FULLWIDTH linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_5x_hscomp; col_id_act = {2'b00, hcnt_5x[0]}; rlpf_trigger_act = 1'b1; end `H_MULTMODE_OPTIMIZED: begin linebuf_hoffset_act = hcnt_5x_opt; col_id_act = hcnt_5x_opt_ctr; rlpf_trigger_act = (hcnt_5x_opt_ctr == 0); end endcase end endcase pll_2x pll_pclk ( .areset(pll_areset), .clkswitch(enable_sc), .configupdate(pll_configupdate), .inclk0(clk27), // set videogen clock to primary (power-on default) since both reference clocks must be running during switchover .inclk1(PCLK_in), // is the secondary input clock fully compensated? .scanclk(pll_scanclk), .scanclkena(pll_scanclkena), .scandata(pll_scandata), .c0(pclk_2x), // pclk_3x in secondary config .c1(pclk_5x), // pclk_4x in secondary config .locked(pll_lock), .scandataout(), .scandone(pll_scandone) ); assign pclk_3x = pclk_2x; assign pclk_4x = pclk_5x; cycloneive_clkctrl clkctrl1 ( .clkselect(enable_sc ? pclk_mux_sel : 2'h2), .ena(1'b1), .inclk({pclk_5x, pclk_2x, 1'b0, pclk_1x}), // fitter forbids using both clk27 and pclk_1x here since they're on opposite sides .outclk(pclk_act) // synopsys translate_off , .devclrn(1'b1), .devpor(1'b1) // synopsys translate_on ); defparam clkctrl1.clock_type = "Global Clock", clkctrl1.ena_register_mode = "falling edge", clkctrl1.lpm_type = "cycloneive_clkctrl"; wire [11:0] linebuf_rdaddr = linebuf_hoffset_pp-H_AVIDSTART; wire [11:0] linebuf_wraddr = hcnt_1x-H_AVIDSTART; //TODO: add secondary buffers for interlaced signals with alternative field order linebuf linebuf_rgb ( .data({R_in_L, G_in_L, B_in_L}), .rdaddress ( {~line_idx, linebuf_rdaddr[10:0]} ), .rdclock ( pclk_act ), .wraddress( {line_idx, linebuf_wraddr[10:0]} ), .wrclock ( pclk_1x ), .wren ( !linebuf_wraddr[11] ), .q ( {R_lbuf, G_lbuf, B_lbuf} ) ); //Postprocess pipeline // // Latency with respect to h_cnt/v_cnt before 1st stage: // line_id, col_id: 0 cycles // HSYNC, VSYNC, DE: 1 cycle // RGB: 2 cycles // // Pipeline structure // | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | // |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| // | LBUF | LBUF | | | | | | | | | | // | | | RLPF | RLPF | RLPF | | | | | | | // | | | | Y | Y | | | | | | | // | | | | | | SLG | SLG | SLG | SLG | SLG | | // | | | | | | | | | | | MASK | // | | | | | | | | | | | LTBOX | // | | | | | | | | | | | OSD | integer pp_idx; always @(posedge pclk_act) begin line_id_pp[`PP_PL_START] <= SL_ALTIV ? {2'b00, vcnt_act[0]} : line_id_act; col_id_pp[`PP_PL_START] <= col_id_act; for(pp_idx = `PP_PL_START+1; pp_idx <= `PP_SLGEN_PL_END-5; pp_idx = pp_idx+1) begin line_id_pp[pp_idx] <= line_id_pp[pp_idx-1]; col_id_pp[pp_idx] <= col_id_pp[pp_idx-1]; end hcnt_pp <= hcnt_act; vcnt_pp <= vcnt_act; linebuf_hoffset_pp <= linebuf_hoffset_act; xpos <= hcnt_pp - H_AVIDSTART; ypos <= vcnt_pp - V_AVIDSTART; border_enable_pp[`PP_ENABLES_START] <= ((hcnt_pp < H_AVIDMASK_START) | (hcnt_pp >= H_AVIDMASK_STOP) | (vcnt_pp < V_AVIDMASK_START) | (vcnt_pp >= V_AVIDMASK_STOP)); case (lt_mode) default: begin lt_box_enable_pp[`PP_ENABLES_START] <= 0; end `LT_POS_TOPLEFT: begin lt_box_enable_pp[`PP_ENABLES_START] <= ((hcnt_pp < LT_POS_TOPLEFT_BOX_H_STOP) && (vcnt_pp < LT_POS_TOPLEFT_BOX_V_STOP)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; end `LT_POS_CENTER: begin lt_box_enable_pp[`PP_ENABLES_START] <= ((hcnt_pp >= LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_H_START) && (hcnt_pp < LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_H_STOP) && (vcnt_pp >= LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_V_START) && (vcnt_pp < LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_V_STOP)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; end `LT_POS_BOTTOMRIGHT: begin lt_box_enable_pp[`PP_ENABLES_START] <= ((hcnt_pp >= LT_POS_BOTTOMRIGHT_H_START) && (vcnt_pp >= LT_POS_BOTTOMRIGHT_V_START)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; end endcase for(pp_idx = `PP_ENABLES_START+1; pp_idx <= `PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH; pp_idx = pp_idx+1) begin lt_box_enable_pp[pp_idx] <= lt_box_enable_pp[pp_idx-1]; border_enable_pp[pp_idx] <= border_enable_pp[pp_idx-1]; end HSYNC_pp[`PP_HS_VS_DE_START] <= HSYNC_act; VSYNC_pp[`PP_HS_VS_DE_START] <= VSYNC_act; DE_pp[`PP_HS_VS_DE_START] <= DE_act; for(pp_idx = `PP_HS_VS_DE_START+1; pp_idx <= `PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH; pp_idx = pp_idx+1) begin HSYNC_pp[pp_idx] <= HSYNC_pp[pp_idx-1]; VSYNC_pp[pp_idx] <= VSYNC_pp[pp_idx-1]; DE_pp[pp_idx] <= DE_pp[pp_idx-1]; end HSYNC_out <= HSYNC_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]; VSYNC_out <= VSYNC_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]; DE_out <= DE_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]; // get RGB and delay it R_pp[`PP_RGB_START] <= R_act; G_pp[`PP_RGB_START] <= G_act; B_pp[`PP_RGB_START] <= B_act; for(pp_idx = `PP_RGB_START+1; pp_idx <= `PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH; pp_idx = pp_idx + 1) begin R_pp[pp_idx] <= R_pp[pp_idx-1]; G_pp[pp_idx] <= G_pp[pp_idx-1]; B_pp[pp_idx] <= B_pp[pp_idx-1]; end R_out <= R_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]; G_out <= G_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]; B_out <= B_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]; // reverse LPF ... rlpf_trigger_r[`PP_PL_START] <= rlpf_trigger_act; for(pp_idx = `PP_PL_START+1; pp_idx <= `PP_RLPF_PL_START-1; pp_idx = pp_idx + 1) rlpf_trigger_r[pp_idx] <= rlpf_trigger_r[pp_idx-1]; // Optimized modes repeat pixels. Save previous pixel only when linebuffer offset changes. if (rlpf_trigger_r[`PP_RLPF_PL_START-1]) begin `ifdef PP_RLPF_PL_START_EARLY R_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] <= R_act; G_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] <= G_act; B_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] <= B_act; `else R_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] <= R_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START]; G_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] <= G_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START]; B_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] <= B_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START]; `endif end for(pp_idx = `PP_RLPF_PL_START+1; pp_idx <= `PP_RLPF_PL_END-1; pp_idx = pp_idx + 1) begin R_prev_pp[pp_idx] <= R_prev_pp[pp_idx-1]; G_prev_pp[pp_idx] <= G_prev_pp[pp_idx-1]; B_prev_pp[pp_idx] <= B_prev_pp[pp_idx-1]; end // ... step 1 `ifdef PP_RLPF_PL_START_EARLY R_diff_s15_pre <= (R_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] - R_act); G_diff_s15_pre <= (G_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] - G_act); B_diff_s15_pre <= (B_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] - B_act); `else R_diff_s15_pre <= (R_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] - R_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START]); G_diff_s15_pre <= (G_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] - G_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START]); B_diff_s15_pre <= (B_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START] - B_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_START]); `endif // ... step 2 // R_diff_s15, G_diff_s15, B_diff_s15 are outputs of multiplier IPs 12 pp-stage delay) R_diff_s15 <= (R_diff_s15_pre * X_REV_LPF_STR); G_diff_s15 <= (G_diff_s15_pre * X_REV_LPF_STR); B_diff_s15 <= (B_diff_s15_pre * X_REV_LPF_STR); // ... step 3 if (X_REV_LPF_ENABLE) begin R_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END] <= apply_reverse_lpf(R_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END-1], R_diff_s15); G_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END] <= apply_reverse_lpf(G_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END-1], G_diff_s15); B_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END] <= apply_reverse_lpf(B_prev_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END-1], B_diff_s15); end // calculate Y (based on non-reverseLPF values to keep pipeline length a bit lower) Y_rb_tmp <= {1'b0,R_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END-2]} + {1'b0,B_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END-2]}; Y <= {1'b0,Y_rb_tmp} + {1'b0,G_pp[`PP_RLPF_PL_END-1],1'b0}; // modify scanline strength (3 pp-stages) // ... step 1/3 // Y_sl_hybr_ref_tmp, R_sl_hybr_ref_tmp, G_sl_hybr_ref_tmp, B_sl_hybr_ref_tmp are outputs of multiplier IPs (1 pp-stage delay) if (|(SL_L_OVERLAY & (5'h1< R_sl_str) ? (R_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2]-R_sl_str) : 8'h00; G_sl_sub <= (G_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2] > G_sl_str) ? (G_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2]-G_sl_str) : 8'h00; B_sl_sub <= (B_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2] > B_sl_str) ? (B_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-2]-B_sl_str) : 8'h00; // draw scanline (1 pp-stage) if (draw_sl_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END-1]) begin R_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END] <= SL_METHOD ? R_sl_sub : R_sl_mult; G_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END] <= SL_METHOD ? G_sl_sub : G_sl_mult; B_pp[`PP_SLGEN_PL_END] <= SL_METHOD ? B_sl_sub : B_sl_mult; end // apply LT box / mask if (lt_active) begin R_out <= {8{lt_box_enable_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]}}; G_out <= {8{lt_box_enable_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]}}; B_out <= {8{lt_box_enable_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]}}; end else if (border_enable_pp[`PP_PIPELINE_LENGTH]) begin R_out <= X_MASK_COLOR[2] ? {2{X_MASK_BR}} : 8'h00; G_out <= X_MASK_COLOR[1] ? {2{X_MASK_BR}} : 8'h00; B_out <= X_MASK_COLOR[0] ? {2{X_MASK_BR}} : 8'h00; end end //Generate a warning signal from horizontal instability or PLL sync loss always @(posedge pclk_1x or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin warn_h_unstable <= 1'b0; warn_pll_lock_lost <= 1'b0; end else begin if (hmax[0] != hmax[1]) warn_h_unstable <= 1; else if (warn_h_unstable != 0) warn_h_unstable <= warn_h_unstable + 1'b1; if ((V_MULTMODE > `V_MULTMODE_1X) & ~pll_lock) warn_pll_lock_lost <= 1; else if (warn_pll_lock_lost != 0) warn_pll_lock_lost <= warn_pll_lock_lost + 1'b1; end end assign h_unstable = (warn_h_unstable != 0); assign pll_lock_lost = (warn_pll_lock_lost != 0); //Detect if TVP7002 is skipping VSYNCs. This occurs for interlaced signals fed via digital sync inputs, //causing TVP7002 not to regenerate VSYNC for field 1. Moreover, if leading edges of HSYNC and VSYNC are //too far from each other for field 0, no VSYNC is regenerated at all. This can be avoided by disabling //doubled sampling rates ("AV3 interlacefix") and/or minimizing VSYNC delay induced by RC filter on PCB. //However, TVP7002 datasheet warns that HSYNC/VSYNC should not change simultaneously, so leaving out the //filter may lead to stability issues and is not recommended. A combination of 220ohm resistor and 1nF //capacitor seems to be optimal for 480i/576i, including doubled sampling rates. always @(posedge clk27 or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_GENMID_BIT] <= 1'b0; VSYNC_in_cc_L <= 1'b0; VSYNC_in_cc_LL <= 1'b0; VSYNC_in_cc_LLL <= 1'b0; clk27_ctr <= 0; dbl_frame_ctr <= 0; end else begin if ((VSYNC_in_cc_LLL == `HI) && (VSYNC_in_cc_LL == `LO)) begin // If calculated refresh rate is between 22Hz and 44Hz, assume TVP7002 has skipped a vsync if ((clk27_ctr >= (27000000/44)) && (clk27_ctr <= (27000000/22)) && (dbl_frame_ctr < `DBLFRAME_THOLD)) dbl_frame_ctr <= dbl_frame_ctr + 1'b1; else if ((clk27_ctr < (27000000/44)) && (dbl_frame_ctr > 0)) dbl_frame_ctr <= dbl_frame_ctr - 1'b1; clk27_ctr <= 0; end else if (clk27_ctr < (27000000/10)) begin //prevent overflow clk27_ctr <= clk27_ctr + 1'b1; end if (dbl_frame_ctr == 0) fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_GENMID_BIT] <= 1'b0; else if (dbl_frame_ctr == `DBLFRAME_THOLD) fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_GENMID_BIT] <= 1'b1; VSYNC_in_cc_L <= VSYNC_in; VSYNC_in_cc_LL <= VSYNC_in_cc_L; VSYNC_in_cc_LLL <= VSYNC_in_cc_LL; end end //Calculate exact vertical frequency always @(posedge clk27 or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin frame_change_longpulse_cc_L <= 1'b0; frame_change_longpulse_cc_LL <= 1'b0; frame_change_longpulse_cc_LLL <= 1'b0; pcnt_ctr <= 1; pcnt_frame <= 1; end else begin if (frame_change_longpulse_cc_LL & !frame_change_longpulse_cc_LLL) begin pcnt_ctr <= 1; pcnt_frame <= pcnt_ctr; end else if (pcnt_ctr < 20'hfffff) begin pcnt_ctr <= pcnt_ctr + 1'b1; end frame_change_longpulse_cc_L <= frame_change_longpulse; frame_change_longpulse_cc_LL <= frame_change_longpulse_cc_L; frame_change_longpulse_cc_LLL <= frame_change_longpulse_cc_LL; end end //Forward status flag to CPU assign vsync_flag = ~VSYNC_in_cc_LL; wire [11:0] H_L5BORDER_1920_tmp = (11'd1920-h_config[10:0]); wire [11:0] H_L5BORDER_1600_tmp = (11'd1600-h_config[10:0]); //Buffer the inputs using input pixel clock and generate 1x signals always @(posedge pclk_1x or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin hcnt_1x <= 0; vcnt_1x <= 0; vcnt_tvp <= 0; hmax[0] <= 0; hmax[1] <= 0; vmax <= 0; vmax_tvp <= 0; line_idx <= 0; FID_cur <= 1'b0; FID_last <= 1'b0; line_change <= 1'b0; frame_change <= 1'b0; frame_change_longpulse <= 1'b0; fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_CHOPMID_BIT] <= 1'b0; H_MULTMODE <= 0; V_MULTMODE <= 0; end else begin if (`HSYNC_LEADING_EDGE) begin hcnt_1x <= 0; hmax[line_idx] <= hcnt_1x; line_idx <= line_idx ^ 1'b1; line_change <= 1'b1; end else begin hcnt_1x <= hcnt_1x + 1'b1; line_change <= 1'b0; end if (`HSYNC_LEADING_EDGE) begin if (`VSYNC_LEADING_EDGE) begin // non-interlace frame or even field (interlace) start FID_cur <= 1'b0; FID_last <= FID_cur; vcnt_1x <= 0; frame_change <= 1'b1; vmax <= vcnt_1x; vcnt_tvp <= 0; vmax_tvp <= vcnt_tvp; end else begin vcnt_1x <= vcnt_1x + 1'b1; vcnt_tvp <= vcnt_tvp + 1'b1; end end else if (`VSYNC_LEADING_EDGE) begin // odd field (interlace) start if (!`FALSE_FIELD) begin FID_cur <= 1'b1; FID_last <= FID_cur; vcnt_1x <= 11'h7ff; // -1 for 11 bit word frame_change <= 1'b1; //vmax <= vcnt_1x; end vcnt_tvp <= 0; vmax_tvp <= vcnt_tvp; end else if ((fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_GENMID_BIT]) && (vcnt_tvp == (vmax_tvp>>1)) && (hcnt_1x == (hmax[~line_idx]>>1))) begin //VSM=1 FID_cur <= 1'b1; FID_last <= FID_cur; vcnt_1x <= 11'h7ff; // -1 for 11 bit word frame_change <= 1'b1; //vmax <= vcnt_1x; end else frame_change <= 1'b0; if (`VSYNC_LEADING_EDGE) begin FID_prev <= FID_in; // detect non-interlaced signal with odd-odd field signaling (TVP7002 detects it as interlaced with analog sync inputs). // FID is updated at leading edge of VSYNC if (FID_in == FID_prev) fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_CHOPMID_BIT] <= `FALSE; else if (FID_in == `FID_ODD) // TVP7002 falsely indicates field change with (vcnt < active_lines) fpga_vsyncgen[`VSYNCGEN_CHOPMID_BIT] <= (vcnt_tvp < `MIN_VALID_LINES); end if (frame_change) begin //Read configuration data from CPU H_MULTMODE <= h_config[31:30]; // Horizontal scaling mode V_MULTMODE <= v_config[31:29]; // Line multiply mode H_SYNCLEN <= h_config[27:20]; // Horizontal sync length (0...255) H_AVIDSTART <= h_config[19:11] + h_config[27:20]; // Horizontal sync+backporch length (0...1023) H_ACTIVE <= h_config[10:0]; // Horizontal active length (0...2047) V_SYNCLEN <= v_config[19:17]; // Vertical sync length (0...7) V_AVIDSTART <= v_config[16:11] + v_config[19:17]; // Vertical sync+backporch length (0...127) V_ACTIVE <= v_config[10:0]; // Vertical active length (0...2047) H_MASK <= h_config2[29:19]; V_MASK <= v_config[25:20]; // H_L5BORDER <= h_config[29] ? (11'd1920-h_config[10:0])/2 : (11'd1600-h_config[10:0])/2; H_L5BORDER <= h_config[29] ? H_L5BORDER_1920_tmp[10:1] : H_L5BORDER_1600_tmp[10:1]; // For Line3x 240x360 H_L3BORDER <= h_config[28] ? H_L5BORDER_1920_tmp[10:1] : 10'd0; H_L3_OPT_SAMPLE_COMP <= h_config[28] ? 7'd90 : 7'd0; H_OPT_SCALE <= h_config2[18:16]; H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL <= h_config2[15:13]; H_OPT_SAMPLE_MULT <= h_config2[12:10]; H_OPT_STARTOFF <= h_config2[9:0]; X_PANASONIC_HACK <= misc_config[12]; X_REV_LPF_ENABLE <= (misc_config[11:7] != 5'b00000); X_REV_LPF_STR <= (misc_config[11:7] + 6'd16); X_MASK_COLOR <= misc_config[6:4]; X_MASK_BR <= misc_config[3:0]; SL_NO_ALTERN <= sl_config[31]; SL_METHOD <= sl_config[30]; SL_HYBRSTR <= sl_config[29:25]; SL_L_OVERLAY <= sl_config[24:20]; SL_L_STR[4] <= sl_config[19:16]; SL_L_STR[3] <= sl_config[15:12]; SL_L_STR[2] <= sl_config[11:8]; SL_L_STR[1] <= sl_config[7:4]; SL_L_STR[0] <= sl_config[3:0]; SL_ALTIV <= sl_config2[31]; SL_C_OVERLAY <= sl_config2[29:24]; SL_C_STR[5] <= sl_config2[23:20]; SL_C_STR[4] <= sl_config2[19:16]; SL_C_STR[3] <= sl_config2[15:12]; SL_C_STR[2] <= sl_config2[11:8]; SL_C_STR[1] <= sl_config2[7:4]; SL_C_STR[0] <= sl_config2[3:0]; CALC_CONSTS <= 1'b1; end // generate long pulse for hz counter if (frame_change) frame_change_longpulse <= 1'b1; else if (vcnt_1x > 0) frame_change_longpulse <= 1'b0; if (CALC_CONSTS) begin H_AVIDSTOP <= H_AVIDSTART+H_ACTIVE; V_AVIDSTOP <= V_AVIDSTART+V_ACTIVE; H_AVIDMASK_START <= H_AVIDSTART+H_MASK; H_AVIDMASK_STOP <= H_AVIDSTART+H_ACTIVE-H_MASK; V_AVIDMASK_START <= V_AVIDSTART+V_MASK; V_AVIDMASK_STOP <= V_AVIDSTART+V_ACTIVE-V_MASK; LT_POS_TOPLEFT_BOX_H_STOP <= H_AVIDSTART+(H_ACTIVE/`LT_WIDTH_DIV); LT_POS_TOPLEFT_BOX_V_STOP <= V_AVIDSTART+(V_ACTIVE/`LT_HEIGHT_DIV); LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_H_START <= H_AVIDSTART+(H_ACTIVE/2'h2)-(H_ACTIVE/(`LT_WIDTH_DIV*2'h2)); LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_H_STOP <= H_AVIDSTART+(H_ACTIVE/2'h2)+(H_ACTIVE/(`LT_WIDTH_DIV*2'h2)); LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_V_START <= V_AVIDSTART+(V_ACTIVE/2'h2)-(V_ACTIVE/(`LT_HEIGHT_DIV*2'h2)); LT_POS_CENTER_BOX_V_STOP <= V_AVIDSTART+(V_ACTIVE/2'h2)+(V_ACTIVE/(`LT_HEIGHT_DIV*2'h2)); LT_POS_BOTTOMRIGHT_H_START <= H_AVIDSTART+H_ACTIVE-(H_ACTIVE/`LT_WIDTH_DIV); LT_POS_BOTTOMRIGHT_V_START <= V_AVIDSTART+V_ACTIVE-(V_ACTIVE/`LT_HEIGHT_DIV); CALC_CONSTS <= 1'b0; end R_in_L <= R_in; G_in_L <= G_in; B_in_L <= B_in; HSYNC_in_L <= HSYNC_in; VSYNC_in_L <= VSYNC_in; // Add two delay stages to match linebuf delay R_in_LL <= R_in_L; G_in_LL <= G_in_L; B_in_LL <= B_in_L; R_in_LLL <= R_in_LL; G_in_LLL <= G_in_LL; B_in_LLL <= B_in_LL; R_1x <= R_in_LLL; G_1x <= G_in_LLL; B_1x <= B_in_LLL; HSYNC_1x <= (hcnt_1x < H_SYNCLEN) ? `HSYNC_POL : ~`HSYNC_POL; if (FID_cur == `FID_EVEN) VSYNC_1x <= (vcnt_1x < V_SYNCLEN) ? `VSYNC_POL : ~`VSYNC_POL; else VSYNC_1x <= (((vcnt_1x+1'b1) < V_SYNCLEN) | ((vcnt_1x+1'b1 == V_SYNCLEN) & (hcnt_1x <= (hmax[~line_idx]>>1)))) ? `VSYNC_POL : ~`VSYNC_POL; DE_1x <= ((hcnt_1x >= H_AVIDSTART) & (hcnt_1x < H_AVIDSTOP)) & ((vcnt_1x >= V_AVIDSTART) & (vcnt_1x < V_AVIDSTOP)); FID_1x <= FID_cur; end end //Generate 2x signals for linedouble always @(posedge pclk_2x or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin hcnt_2x <= 0; vcnt_2x <= 0; line_out_idx_2x <= 0; end else begin if ((pclk_1x == 1'b1) & (line_change | frame_change)) begin //aligned with negedge of pclk_1x hcnt_2x <= 0; hcnt_2x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL; hcnt_2x_opt_ctr <= 0; line_out_idx_2x <= 0; if (frame_change) vcnt_2x <= 11'h7ff; // -1 for 11 bit word else if (line_change & (FID_cur == `FID_EVEN)) vcnt_2x <= vcnt_2x + 1'b1; end else if (hcnt_2x == hmax[~line_idx]) begin hcnt_2x <= 0; line_out_idx_2x <= line_out_idx_2x + 1'b1; hcnt_2x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL; hcnt_2x_opt_ctr <= 0; if (FID_cur == `FID_ODD) vcnt_2x <= vcnt_2x + 1'b1; end else begin hcnt_2x <= hcnt_2x + 1'b1; if (hcnt_2x >= H_OPT_STARTOFF) begin if (hcnt_2x_opt_ctr == H_OPT_SCALE-1'b1) begin hcnt_2x_opt <= hcnt_2x_opt + H_OPT_SAMPLE_MULT; hcnt_2x_opt_ctr <= 0; end else hcnt_2x_opt_ctr <= hcnt_2x_opt_ctr + 1'b1; end end HSYNC_2x <= (hcnt_2x < H_SYNCLEN) ? `HSYNC_POL : ~`HSYNC_POL; VSYNC_2x <= (vcnt_2x < V_SYNCLEN) ? `VSYNC_POL : ~`VSYNC_POL; DE_2x <= ((hcnt_2x >= H_AVIDSTART) & (hcnt_2x < ((X_PANASONIC_HACK & (vcnt_2x == V_AVIDSTOP-1'b1) & (line_out_idx_2x==2'h1)) ? (H_AVIDSTOP-12'd98) : H_AVIDSTOP))) & ((vcnt_2x >= V_AVIDSTART) & (vcnt_2x < V_AVIDSTOP)); end end always @(posedge pclk_3x or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin hcnt_3x <= 0; vcnt_3x <= 0; line_out_idx_3x <= 0; end else begin if ((pclk_3x_cnt == 0) & (line_change | frame_change)) begin //aligned with posedge of pclk_1x if (!(frame_change & (FID_cur == `FID_ODD))) begin hcnt_3x <= 0; hcnt_3x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL + H_L3_OPT_SAMPLE_COMP; hcnt_3x_opt_ctr <= 0; line_out_idx_3x <= 0; end if (frame_change) vcnt_3x <= -11'b1-FID_cur; else if (line_change) vcnt_3x <= vcnt_3x + 1'b1; end else if (hcnt_3x == hmax[~line_idx]) begin hcnt_3x <= 0; line_out_idx_3x <= line_out_idx_3x + 1'b1; hcnt_3x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL + H_L3_OPT_SAMPLE_COMP; hcnt_3x_opt_ctr <= 0; end else begin hcnt_3x <= hcnt_3x + 1'b1; if (hcnt_3x >= H_OPT_STARTOFF) begin if (hcnt_3x_opt_ctr == H_OPT_SCALE-1'b1) begin hcnt_3x_opt <= hcnt_3x_opt + H_OPT_SAMPLE_MULT; hcnt_3x_opt_ctr <= 0; end else hcnt_3x_opt_ctr <= hcnt_3x_opt_ctr + 1'b1; end end //track pclk_3x alignment to pclk_1x rising edge (pclk_1x=1 @ 120deg & pclk_1x=0 @ 240deg) if (((pclk_1x_prev3x == 1'b1) & (pclk_1x == 1'b0)) | (pclk_3x_cnt == 2'h2)) pclk_3x_cnt <= 0; else pclk_3x_cnt <= pclk_3x_cnt + 1'b1; pclk_1x_prev3x <= pclk_1x; HSYNC_3x <= (hcnt_3x < H_SYNCLEN) ? `HSYNC_POL : ~`HSYNC_POL; if (FID_cur == `FID_EVEN) VSYNC_3x <= (vcnt_3x < V_SYNCLEN) ? `VSYNC_POL : ~`VSYNC_POL; else begin if ((vcnt_3x+1'b1 == 11'd0) & (line_out_idx_3x == 1) & (hcnt_3x == (hmax[~line_idx]>>1)+1'b1)) VSYNC_3x <= `VSYNC_POL; else if ((vcnt_3x+1'b1 == V_SYNCLEN) & (line_out_idx_3x == 1) & (hcnt_3x == (hmax[~line_idx]>>1)+1'b1)) VSYNC_3x <= ~`VSYNC_POL; end DE_3x <= ((hcnt_3x >= H_AVIDSTART-H_L3BORDER) & (hcnt_3x < H_AVIDSTOP+H_L3BORDER)) & ((vcnt_3x >= V_AVIDSTART) & (vcnt_3x < V_AVIDSTOP)); end end always @(posedge pclk_4x or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin hcnt_4x <= 0; vcnt_4x <= 0; line_out_idx_4x <= 0; end else begin // TODO: better implementation if ((DE_3x == 1) & (DE_3x_prev4x == 0)) hcnt_4x_aspfix <= hcnt_3x - 12'd160; else hcnt_4x_aspfix <= hcnt_4x_aspfix + 1'b1; DE_3x_prev4x <= DE_3x; if ((pclk_4x_cnt == 0) & (line_change | frame_change)) begin //aligned with posedge of pclk_1x hcnt_4x <= 0; hcnt_4x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL; hcnt_4x_opt_ctr <= 0; line_out_idx_4x <= 0; if (frame_change) vcnt_4x <= 11'h7ff; // -1 for 11 bit word else if (line_change & (FID_cur == `FID_EVEN)) vcnt_4x <= vcnt_4x + 1'b1; end else if (hcnt_4x == hmax[~line_idx]) begin hcnt_4x <= 0; line_out_idx_4x <= line_out_idx_4x + 1'b1; hcnt_4x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL; hcnt_4x_opt_ctr <= 0; if ((FID_cur == `FID_ODD) && (line_out_idx_4x == 1)) vcnt_4x <= vcnt_4x + 1'b1; end else begin hcnt_4x <= hcnt_4x + 1'b1; if (hcnt_4x >= H_OPT_STARTOFF) begin if (hcnt_4x_opt_ctr == H_OPT_SCALE-1'b1) begin hcnt_4x_opt <= hcnt_4x_opt + H_OPT_SAMPLE_MULT; hcnt_4x_opt_ctr <= 0; end else hcnt_4x_opt_ctr <= hcnt_4x_opt_ctr + 1'b1; end end //track pclk_4x alignment to pclk_1x rising edge (pclk_1x=1 @ 180deg & pclk_1x=0 @ 270deg) if (((pclk_1x_prev4x == 1'b1) & (pclk_1x == 1'b0)) | (pclk_4x_cnt == 2'h3)) pclk_4x_cnt <= 0; else pclk_4x_cnt <= pclk_4x_cnt + 1'b1; pclk_1x_prev4x <= pclk_1x; HSYNC_4x <= (hcnt_4x < H_SYNCLEN) ? `HSYNC_POL : ~`HSYNC_POL; VSYNC_4x <= (vcnt_4x < V_SYNCLEN) ? `VSYNC_POL : ~`VSYNC_POL; DE_4x <= ((hcnt_4x >= H_AVIDSTART) & (hcnt_4x < H_AVIDSTOP)) & ((vcnt_4x >= V_AVIDSTART) & (vcnt_4x < V_AVIDSTOP)); end end always @(posedge pclk_5x or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin hcnt_5x <= 0; vcnt_5x <= 0; line_out_idx_5x <= 0; end else begin if ((pclk_5x_cnt == 0) & (line_change | frame_change)) begin //aligned with posedge of pclk_1x hcnt_5x <= 0; hcnt_5x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL + 11'd120; hcnt_5x_opt_ctr <= 0; line_out_idx_5x <= 0; if (frame_change) vcnt_5x <= 11'h7ff; // -1 for 11 bit word else if (line_change) vcnt_5x <= vcnt_5x + 1'b1; end else if (hcnt_5x == hmax[~line_idx]) begin hcnt_5x <= 0; line_out_idx_5x <= line_out_idx_5x + 1'b1; hcnt_5x_opt <= H_OPT_SAMPLE_SEL + 11'd120; hcnt_5x_opt_ctr <= 0; end else begin hcnt_5x <= hcnt_5x + 1'b1; if (hcnt_5x >= H_OPT_STARTOFF) begin if (hcnt_5x_opt_ctr == H_OPT_SCALE-1'b1) begin hcnt_5x_opt <= hcnt_5x_opt + H_OPT_SAMPLE_MULT; hcnt_5x_opt_ctr <= 0; end else hcnt_5x_opt_ctr <= hcnt_5x_opt_ctr + 1'b1; end end //track pclk_5x alignment to pclk_1x rising edge (pclk_1x=1 @ 144deg & pclk_1x=0 @ 216deg & pclk_1x=0 @ 288deg) if (((pclk_1x_prevprev5x == 1'b1) & (pclk_1x_prev5x == 1'b0)) | (pclk_5x_cnt == 3'h4)) pclk_5x_cnt <= 0; else pclk_5x_cnt <= pclk_5x_cnt + 1'b1; pclk_1x_prev5x <= pclk_1x; pclk_1x_prevprev5x <= pclk_1x_prev5x; hcnt_5x_hscomp <= hcnt_5x + 11'd121; HSYNC_5x <= (hcnt_5x < H_SYNCLEN) ? `HSYNC_POL : ~`HSYNC_POL; VSYNC_5x <= (vcnt_5x < V_SYNCLEN) ? `VSYNC_POL : ~`VSYNC_POL; DE_5x <= ((hcnt_5x >= H_AVIDSTART-H_L5BORDER) & (hcnt_5x < H_AVIDSTOP+H_L5BORDER)) & ((vcnt_5x >= V_AVIDSTART) & (vcnt_5x < V_AVIDSTOP)); end end endmodule