// // Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Markus Hiienkari // // This file is part of Open Source Scan Converter project. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // module tvp7002_frontend ( input PCLK_i, input CLK_MEAS_i, input reset_n, input [7:0] R_i, input [7:0] G_i, input [7:0] B_i, input HS_i, input VS_i, input HSYNC_i, input VSYNC_i, input DE_i, input FID_i, input sogref_update_i, input vsync_i_type, input [31:0] hv_in_config, input [31:0] hv_in_config2, input [31:0] hv_in_config3, output [7:0] R_o, output [7:0] G_o, output [7:0] B_o, output HSYNC_o, output VSYNC_o, output DE_o, output FID_o, output reg interlace_flag, output datavalid_o, output [10:0] xpos_o, output [10:0] ypos_o, output reg [10:0] vtotal, output reg frame_change, output reg sof_scaler, output reg [19:0] pcnt_frame, output reg [7:0] hsync_width, output reg sync_active ); localparam FID_EVEN = 1'b0; localparam FID_ODD = 1'b1; localparam VSYNC_SEPARATED = 1'b0; localparam VSYNC_RAW = 1'b1; localparam PP_PL_START = 1; localparam PP_PL_END = 4; reg [11:0] h_cnt, h_cnt_sogref; reg [10:0] v_cnt; reg [10:0] vmax_cnt; reg HS_i_prev, VS_i_np_prev; reg HSYNC_i_np_prev, VSYNC_i_np_prev; reg [1:0] fid_next_ctr; reg fid_next; reg [3:0] h_ctr; reg [7:0] R_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [7:0] G_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [7:0] B_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg HSYNC_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg VSYNC_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg FID_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg DE_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg datavalid_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [10:0] xpos_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; reg [10:0] ypos_pp[PP_PL_START:PP_PL_END] /* synthesis ramstyle = "logic" */; // Measurement registers reg [20:0] pcnt_frame_ctr; reg [17:0] syncpol_det_ctr, hsync_hpol_ctr, vsync_hpol_ctr; reg [3:0] sync_inactive_ctr; reg [11:0] pcnt_line, pcnt_line_ctr, meas_h_cnt, meas_h_cnt_sogref; reg [7:0] hs_ctr; reg pcnt_line_stored; reg [10:0] meas_v_cnt; reg meas_hl_det, meas_fid; reg hsync_i_pol, vsync_i_pol; wire [11:0] H_TOTAL = hv_in_config[11:0]; wire [11:0] H_ACTIVE = hv_in_config[23:12]; wire [7:0] H_SYNCLEN = hv_in_config[31:24]; wire [8:0] H_BACKPORCH = hv_in_config2[8:0]; wire [10:0] V_ACTIVE = hv_in_config2[30:20]; wire [3:0] V_SYNCLEN = hv_in_config3[3:0]; wire [8:0] V_BACKPORCH = hv_in_config3[12:4]; wire [11:0] h_cnt_ref = (vsync_i_type == VSYNC_SEPARATED) ? h_cnt_sogref : h_cnt; wire [11:0] even_min_thold = (H_TOTAL / 12'd4); wire [11:0] even_max_thold = (H_TOTAL / 12'd2) + (H_TOTAL / 12'd4); wire [11:0] meas_h_cnt_ref = (vsync_i_type == VSYNC_SEPARATED) ? meas_h_cnt_sogref : meas_h_cnt; wire [11:0] meas_even_min_thold = (pcnt_line / 12'd4); wire [11:0] meas_even_max_thold = (pcnt_line / 12'd2) + (pcnt_line / 12'd4); wire meas_vblank_region = ((pcnt_frame_ctr < (pcnt_frame/16)) | (pcnt_frame_ctr > (pcnt_frame - (pcnt_frame/16)))); wire [11:0] glitch_filt_thold = meas_vblank_region ? (pcnt_line/4) : (pcnt_line/8); // TODO: calculate H/V polarity independently wire VS_i_np = (VS_i ^ ~vsync_i_pol); wire VSYNC_i_np = (VSYNC_i ^ ~vsync_i_pol); wire HSYNC_i_np = (HSYNC_i ^ ~hsync_i_pol); // Sample skip for low-res optimized modes wire [3:0] H_SKIP = hv_in_config3[27:24]; wire [3:0] H_SAMPLE_SEL = hv_in_config3[31:28]; // SOF position for scaler wire [10:0] V_SOF_LINE = hv_in_config3[23:13]; always @(posedge PCLK_i) begin R_pp[1] <= R_i; G_pp[1] <= G_i; B_pp[1] <= B_i; DE_pp[1] <= (h_cnt >= H_SYNCLEN+H_BACKPORCH) & (h_cnt < H_SYNCLEN+H_BACKPORCH+H_ACTIVE) & (v_cnt >= V_SYNCLEN+V_BACKPORCH) & (v_cnt < V_SYNCLEN+V_BACKPORCH+V_ACTIVE); datavalid_pp[1] <= (h_ctr == H_SAMPLE_SEL); xpos_pp[1] <= (h_cnt-H_SYNCLEN-H_BACKPORCH); ypos_pp[1] <= (v_cnt-V_SYNCLEN-V_BACKPORCH); HS_i_prev <= HS_i; VS_i_np_prev <= VS_i_np; if (HS_i_prev & ~HS_i) begin h_cnt <= 0; h_ctr <= 0; HSYNC_pp[1] <= 1'b0; if (fid_next_ctr > 0) fid_next_ctr <= fid_next_ctr - 1'b1; if (fid_next_ctr == 2'h1) begin // regenerated output timings start lagging by one scanline due to vsync detection, // compensate by starting v_cnt from 1 (effectively reduces V_SYNCLEN by 1) v_cnt <= 1; if (~(interlace_flag & (fid_next == FID_EVEN))) begin vmax_cnt <= 0; //vtotal <= vmax_cnt + 1'b1; frame_change <= 1'b1; end else begin vmax_cnt <= vmax_cnt + 1'b1; end end else begin v_cnt <= v_cnt + 1'b1; vmax_cnt <= vmax_cnt + 1'b1; frame_change <= 1'b0; end sof_scaler <= (vmax_cnt == V_SOF_LINE); end else begin if (h_ctr == H_SKIP) begin h_cnt <= h_cnt + 1'b1; h_ctr <= 0; if (h_cnt == H_SYNCLEN-1) HSYNC_pp[1] <= 1'b1; end else begin h_ctr <= h_ctr + 1'b1; end end // vsync leading edge processing per quadrant if (VS_i_np_prev & ~VS_i_np) begin if (h_cnt_ref < even_min_thold) begin fid_next <= FID_ODD; fid_next_ctr <= 2'h1; end else if ((h_cnt_ref > even_max_thold) | ~interlace_flag) begin fid_next <= FID_ODD; fid_next_ctr <= 2'h2; end else begin fid_next <= FID_EVEN; fid_next_ctr <= 2'h2; end end // record starting position of csync leading edge for later FID detection if (sogref_update_i) begin h_cnt_sogref <= (h_cnt > even_max_thold) ? 0 : h_cnt; end if (((fid_next == FID_ODD) & (HS_i_prev & ~HS_i)) | ((fid_next == FID_EVEN) & (h_cnt == (H_TOTAL/2)-1'b1))) begin if (fid_next_ctr == 2'h1) begin VSYNC_pp[1] <= 1'b0; FID_pp[1] <= fid_next; //interlace_flag <= FID_pp[1] ^ fid_next; end else begin if (v_cnt == V_SYNCLEN-1) VSYNC_pp[1] <= 1'b1; end end end // Pipeline stages 1- integer pp_idx; always @(posedge PCLK_i) begin for(pp_idx = PP_PL_START+1; pp_idx <= PP_PL_END-1; pp_idx = pp_idx+1) begin R_pp[pp_idx] <= R_pp[pp_idx-1]; G_pp[pp_idx] <= G_pp[pp_idx-1]; B_pp[pp_idx] <= B_pp[pp_idx-1]; end R_pp[PP_PL_END] <= R_pp[PP_PL_END-1]; G_pp[PP_PL_END] <= G_pp[PP_PL_END-1]; B_pp[PP_PL_END] <= B_pp[PP_PL_END-1]; for(pp_idx = PP_PL_START+1; pp_idx <= PP_PL_END; pp_idx = pp_idx+1) begin HSYNC_pp[pp_idx] <= HSYNC_pp[pp_idx-1]; VSYNC_pp[pp_idx] <= VSYNC_pp[pp_idx-1]; FID_pp[pp_idx] <= FID_pp[pp_idx-1]; DE_pp[pp_idx] <= DE_pp[pp_idx-1]; datavalid_pp[pp_idx] <= datavalid_pp[pp_idx-1]; xpos_pp[pp_idx] <= xpos_pp[pp_idx-1]; ypos_pp[pp_idx] <= ypos_pp[pp_idx-1]; end end // Output assign R_o = R_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign G_o = G_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign B_o = B_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign HSYNC_o = HSYNC_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign VSYNC_o = VSYNC_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign FID_o = FID_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign DE_o = DE_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign datavalid_o = datavalid_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign xpos_o = xpos_pp[PP_PL_END]; assign ypos_o = ypos_pp[PP_PL_END]; // Calculate horizontal and vertical counts always @(posedge CLK_MEAS_i) begin if ((VSYNC_i_np_prev & ~VSYNC_i_np) & (~interlace_flag | (meas_fid == FID_EVEN))) begin pcnt_frame_ctr <= 1; pcnt_line_stored <= 1'b0; pcnt_frame <= interlace_flag ? (pcnt_frame_ctr>>1) : pcnt_frame_ctr[19:0]; end else if (pcnt_frame_ctr < 21'h1fffff) begin pcnt_frame_ctr <= pcnt_frame_ctr + 1'b1; end if (HSYNC_i_np_prev & ~HSYNC_i_np) begin pcnt_line_ctr <= 1; hs_ctr <= 1; // store count 1ms after vsync if (~pcnt_line_stored & (pcnt_frame_ctr > 21'd27000)) begin pcnt_line <= pcnt_line_ctr; hsync_width <= hs_ctr; pcnt_line_stored <= 1'b1; end end else begin pcnt_line_ctr <= pcnt_line_ctr + 1'b1; if (~HSYNC_i_np) hs_ctr <= hs_ctr + 1'b1; end HSYNC_i_np_prev <= HSYNC_i_np; VSYNC_i_np_prev <= VSYNC_i_np; end // Detect sync polarities and activity always @(posedge CLK_MEAS_i) begin if (syncpol_det_ctr == 0) begin hsync_i_pol <= (hsync_hpol_ctr > 18'h1ffff); vsync_i_pol <= (vsync_hpol_ctr > 18'h1ffff); hsync_hpol_ctr <= 0; vsync_hpol_ctr <= 0; if ((vsync_hpol_ctr == '0) | (vsync_hpol_ctr == '1)) begin if (sync_inactive_ctr == '1) sync_active <= 1'b0; else sync_inactive_ctr <= sync_inactive_ctr + 1'b1; end else begin sync_inactive_ctr <= 0; sync_active <= 1'b1; end end else begin if (HSYNC_i) hsync_hpol_ctr <= hsync_hpol_ctr + 1'b1; if (VSYNC_i) vsync_hpol_ctr <= vsync_hpol_ctr + 1'b1; end syncpol_det_ctr <= syncpol_det_ctr + 1'b1; end // Detect interlace and line count always @(posedge CLK_MEAS_i) begin if ((HSYNC_i_np_prev & ~HSYNC_i_np) & (meas_h_cnt > glitch_filt_thold)) begin // detect half-line equalization pulses if ((meas_h_cnt > ((pcnt_line/2) - (pcnt_line/4))) && (meas_h_cnt < ((pcnt_line/2) + (pcnt_line/4)))) begin /*if (meas_hl_det) begin meas_hl_det <= 1'b0; meas_h_cnt <= 0; meas_v_cnt <= meas_v_cnt + 1'b1; end else begin*/ meas_hl_det <= 1'b1; meas_h_cnt <= meas_h_cnt + 1'b1; //end end else begin meas_hl_det <= 1'b0; meas_h_cnt <= 0; meas_v_cnt <= meas_v_cnt + 1'b1; end meas_h_cnt_sogref <= meas_h_cnt; end else if (~VSYNC_i_np & (meas_h_cnt >= pcnt_line)) begin // hsync may be missing during vsync, force line change detect if pcnt_line is exceeded meas_hl_det <= 1'b0; meas_h_cnt <= 0; meas_v_cnt <= meas_v_cnt + 1'b1; end else begin meas_h_cnt <= meas_h_cnt + 1'b1; end if (VSYNC_i_np_prev & ~VSYNC_i_np) begin if ((meas_h_cnt_ref < meas_even_min_thold) | (meas_h_cnt_ref > meas_even_max_thold)) begin meas_fid <= FID_ODD; interlace_flag <= (meas_fid == FID_EVEN); if (vsync_i_type == VSYNC_RAW) begin // vsync leading edge may occur at hsync edge or either side of it if ((HSYNC_i_np_prev & ~HSYNC_i_np) | (meas_h_cnt >= pcnt_line)) begin meas_v_cnt <= 1; vtotal <= meas_v_cnt; end else if (meas_h_cnt < meas_even_min_thold) begin meas_v_cnt <= 1; vtotal <= meas_v_cnt - 1'b1; end else begin meas_v_cnt <= 0; vtotal <= meas_v_cnt; end end else begin meas_v_cnt <= 0; vtotal <= meas_v_cnt; end end else begin meas_fid <= FID_EVEN; interlace_flag <= (meas_fid == FID_ODD); if (meas_fid == FID_EVEN) begin meas_v_cnt <= 0; vtotal <= meas_v_cnt; end end end end endmodule