// // Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Markus Hiienkari // // This file is part of Open Source Scan Converter project. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // //`define DEBUG `define VIDEOGEN `define CPU_RESET_WIDTH 27 //1us module ossc ( input clk27, input ir_rx, inout scl, inout sda, input [1:0] btn, input [7:0] R_in, input [7:0] G_in, input [7:0] B_in, input FID_in, input VSYNC_in, input HSYNC_in, input PCLK_in, output [7:0] HDMI_TX_RD, output [7:0] HDMI_TX_GD, output [7:0] HDMI_TX_BD, output HDMI_TX_DE, output HDMI_TX_HS, output HDMI_TX_VS, output HDMI_TX_PCLK, input HDMI_TX_INT_N, input HDMI_TX_MODE, output reset_n, output LED_G, output LED_R, output LCD_RS, output LCD_CS_N, output LCD_BL, output SD_CLK, inout SD_CMD, inout [3:0] SD_DAT ); wire [7:0] sys_ctrl; wire h_unstable; wire [1:0] pclk_lock; wire [1:0] pll_lock_lost; wire [31:0] h_info, h_info2, v_info, extra_info; wire [10:0] vmax, vmax_tvp; wire [1:0] fpga_vsyncgen; wire [15:0] ir_code; wire [7:0] ir_code_cnt; wire [7:0] R_out, G_out, B_out; wire HSYNC_out; wire VSYNC_out; wire PCLK_out; wire DE_out; wire [7:0] R_out_videogen, G_out_videogen, B_out_videogen; wire HSYNC_out_videogen; wire VSYNC_out_videogen; wire PCLK_out_videogen; wire DE_out_videogen; reg [7:0] cpu_reset_ctr = 0; reg cpu_reset_n = 1'b0; reg [7:0] R_in_L, G_in_L, B_in_L; reg HSYNC_in_L, VSYNC_in_L, FID_in_L; reg [1:0] btn_L, btn_LL; reg ir_rx_L, ir_rx_LL, HDMI_TX_INT_N_L, HDMI_TX_INT_N_LL, HDMI_TX_MODE_L, HDMI_TX_MODE_LL; // Latch inputs from TVP7002 (synchronized to PCLK_in) always @(posedge PCLK_in or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin R_in_L <= 8'h00; G_in_L <= 8'h00; B_in_L <= 8'h00; HSYNC_in_L <= 1'b0; VSYNC_in_L <= 1'b0; FID_in_L <= 1'b0; end else begin R_in_L <= R_in; G_in_L <= G_in; B_in_L <= B_in; HSYNC_in_L <= HSYNC_in; VSYNC_in_L <= VSYNC_in; FID_in_L <= FID_in; end end // Insert synchronizers to async inputs (synchronize to CPU clock) always @(posedge clk27 or negedge cpu_reset_n) begin if (!cpu_reset_n) begin btn_L <= 2'b00; btn_LL <= 2'b00; ir_rx_L <= 1'b0; ir_rx_LL <= 1'b0; HDMI_TX_INT_N_L <= 1'b0; HDMI_TX_INT_N_LL <= 1'b0; HDMI_TX_MODE_L <= 1'b0; HDMI_TX_MODE_LL <= 1'b0; end else begin btn_L <= btn; btn_LL <= btn_L; ir_rx_L <= ir_rx; ir_rx_LL <= ir_rx_L; HDMI_TX_INT_N_L <= HDMI_TX_INT_N; HDMI_TX_INT_N_LL <= HDMI_TX_INT_N_L; HDMI_TX_MODE_L <= HDMI_TX_MODE; HDMI_TX_MODE_LL <= HDMI_TX_MODE_L; end end // CPU reset pulse generation (is this really necessary?) always @(posedge clk27) begin if (cpu_reset_ctr == `CPU_RESET_WIDTH) cpu_reset_n <= 1'b1; else cpu_reset_ctr <= cpu_reset_ctr + 1'b1; end assign reset_n = sys_ctrl[0]; //HDMI_TX_RST_N in v1.2 PCB `ifdef DEBUG assign LED_R = HSYNC_in_L; assign LED_G = VSYNC_in_L; `else assign LED_R = videogen_sel ? 1'b0 : ((pll_lock_lost != 2'h0)|h_unstable); assign LED_G = (ir_code == 0); `endif assign SD_DAT[3] = sys_ctrl[7]; //SD_SPI_SS_N assign LCD_CS_N = sys_ctrl[6]; assign LCD_RS = sys_ctrl[5]; assign LCD_BL = sys_ctrl[4]; //reset_n in v1.2 PCB `ifdef VIDEOGEN wire videogen_sel; assign videogen_sel = ~sys_ctrl[1]; assign HDMI_TX_RD = videogen_sel ? R_out_videogen : R_out; assign HDMI_TX_GD = videogen_sel ? G_out_videogen : G_out; assign HDMI_TX_BD = videogen_sel ? B_out_videogen : B_out; assign HDMI_TX_HS = videogen_sel ? HSYNC_out_videogen : HSYNC_out; assign HDMI_TX_VS = videogen_sel ? VSYNC_out_videogen : VSYNC_out; assign HDMI_TX_PCLK = videogen_sel ? PCLK_out_videogen : PCLK_out; assign HDMI_TX_DE = videogen_sel ? DE_out_videogen : DE_out; `else wire videogen_sel; assign videogen_sel = 1'b0; assign HDMI_TX_RD = R_out; assign HDMI_TX_GD = G_out; assign HDMI_TX_BD = B_out; assign HDMI_TX_HS = HSYNC_out; assign HDMI_TX_VS = VSYNC_out; assign HDMI_TX_PCLK = PCLK_out; assign HDMI_TX_DE = DE_out; `endif sys sys_inst( .clk_clk (clk27), .reset_reset_n (cpu_reset_n), .i2c_opencores_0_export_scl_pad_io (scl), .i2c_opencores_0_export_sda_pad_io (sda), .i2c_opencores_0_export_spi_miso_pad_i (1'b0), .i2c_opencores_1_export_scl_pad_io (SD_CLK), .i2c_opencores_1_export_sda_pad_io (SD_CMD), .i2c_opencores_1_export_spi_miso_pad_i (SD_DAT[0]), .pio_0_sys_ctrl_out_export (sys_ctrl), .pio_1_controls_in_export ({ir_code_cnt, 5'b00000, HDMI_TX_MODE_LL, btn_LL, ir_code}), .pio_2_status_in_export ({VSYNC_out, 2'b00, vmax_tvp, fpga_vsyncgen, 5'h0, vmax}), .pio_3_h_info_out_export (h_info), .pio_4_h_info2_out_export (h_info2), .pio_5_v_info_out_export (v_info), .pio_6_extra_info_out_export (extra_info) ); scanconverter scanconverter_inst ( .reset_n (reset_n), .PCLK_in (PCLK_in), .clk27 (clk27), .HSYNC_in (HSYNC_in_L), .VSYNC_in (VSYNC_in_L), .FID_in (FID_in_L), .R_in (R_in_L), .G_in (G_in_L), .B_in (B_in_L), .h_info (h_info), .h_info2 (h_info2), .v_info (v_info), .extra_info (extra_info), .R_out (R_out), .G_out (G_out), .B_out (B_out), .HSYNC_out (HSYNC_out), .VSYNC_out (VSYNC_out), .PCLK_out (PCLK_out), .DE_out (DE_out), .h_unstable (h_unstable), .fpga_vsyncgen (fpga_vsyncgen), .pclk_lock (pclk_lock), .pll_lock_lost (pll_lock_lost), .vmax (vmax), .vmax_tvp (vmax_tvp) ); ir_rcv ir0 ( .clk27 (clk27), .reset_n (cpu_reset_n), .ir_rx (ir_rx_LL), .ir_code (ir_code), .ir_code_ack (), .ir_code_cnt (ir_code_cnt) ); `ifdef VIDEOGEN videogen vg0 ( .clk27 (clk27), .reset_n (cpu_reset_n & videogen_sel), .R_out (R_out_videogen), .G_out (G_out_videogen), .B_out (B_out_videogen), .HSYNC_out (HSYNC_out_videogen), .VSYNC_out (VSYNC_out_videogen), .PCLK_out (PCLK_out_videogen), .ENABLE_out (DE_out_videogen) ); `endif endmodule