// // Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Markus Hiienkari // // This file is part of Open Source Scan Converter project. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // #include #include #include "system.h" #include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h" #include "i2c_opencores.h" #include "tvp7002.h" //#define SYNCBYPASS // Bypass VGA syncs (for debug - needed for interlace?) //#define ADCPOWERDOWN // Power-down ADCs //#define PLLPOSTDIV // Double-rate PLL with div-by-2 (decrease jitter?) /* Y'Pb'Pr' to R'G'B' CSC coefficients. * * Coefficients from "Colour Space Conversions" (http://www.poynton.com/PDFs/coloureq.pdf). */ const ypbpr_to_rgb_csc_t csc_coeffs[] = { { "Rec. 601", 0x2000, 0x0000, 0x2CE5, 0x2000, 0xF4FD, 0xE926, 0x2000, 0x38BC, 0x0000 }, // eq. 101 { "Rec. 709", 0x2000, 0x0000, 0x323E, 0x2000, 0xFA04, 0xF113, 0x2000, 0x3B61, 0x0000 }, // eq. 105 }; static const alt_u8 Kvco[] = {75, 85, 150, 200}; static const char *Kvco_str[] = { "Ultra low", "Low", "Medium", "High" }; static void tvp_set_clamp_type(video_format fmt) { alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_SOGTHOLD) & 0xF8; switch (fmt) { case FORMAT_YPbPr: //select mid clamp for Pb & Pr status |= 0x5; break; case FORMAT_RGBS: case FORMAT_RGBHV: case FORMAT_RGsB: default: //select bottom clamp (RGB) break; } tvp_writereg(TVP_SOGTHOLD, status); } static void tvp_set_clamp_alc(video_type type, alt_u8 clamp_ref_offset, alt_8 clamp_user_offset, alt_u8 en_alc) { alt_16 clamp_pos = clamp_ref_offset + clamp_user_offset; alt_u8 clamp_width, alc_offset; switch (type) { case VIDEO_LDTV: clamp_pos += 2; clamp_width = 6; alc_offset = 1; break; case VIDEO_HDTV: clamp_pos += 50; clamp_width = 32; alc_offset = 8; break; case VIDEO_SDTV: case VIDEO_EDTV: case VIDEO_PC: default: clamp_pos += 6; clamp_width = 16; alc_offset = 2; break; } // Make sure clamp and ALC positions are within 8bit range if (clamp_pos < 0) clamp_pos = 0; else if (clamp_pos + clamp_width + alc_offset > 255) clamp_pos = 255 - alc_offset - clamp_width; tvp_writereg(TVP_CLAMPSTART, (alt_u8)clamp_pos); tvp_writereg(TVP_CLAMPWIDTH, clamp_width); if (en_alc) { tvp_writereg(TVP_ALCEN, 0x80); //enable ALC tvp_writereg(TVP_ALCPLACE, clamp_pos+clamp_width+alc_offset); } else { tvp_writereg(TVP_ALCEN, 0x00); //disable ALC } } static void tvp_sel_clk(tvp_refclk_t refclk, alt_u8 ext_pclk) { alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_INPMUX2) & 0xF5; //TODO: set SOG and CLP LPF based on mode if (refclk == REFCLK_EXT27) { status |= 0x8; if (!ext_pclk) status |= 0x2; } else { status |= 0x2; } tvp_writereg(TVP_INPMUX2, status); } inline alt_u32 tvp_readreg(alt_u32 regaddr) { I2C_start(I2CA_BASE, TVP_BASE, 0); I2C_write(I2CA_BASE, regaddr, 1); //don't use repeated start as it seems unreliable at 400kHz I2C_start(I2CA_BASE, TVP_BASE, 1); return I2C_read(I2CA_BASE,1); } inline void tvp_writereg(alt_u32 regaddr, alt_u8 data) { I2C_start(I2CA_BASE, TVP_BASE, 0); I2C_write(I2CA_BASE, regaddr, 0); I2C_write(I2CA_BASE, data, 1); } inline void tvp_reset() { /*usleep(10000); IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(PIO_0_BASE, 0x00); usleep(10000); IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(PIO_0_BASE, 0x01); usleep(10000);*/ } inline void tvp_disable_output() { alt_u8 syncproc_rst = tvp_readreg(TVP_MISCCTRL4) | (1<<7); tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL1, 0x13); usleep(10000); tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL2, 0x03); usleep(10000); tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL4, syncproc_rst); usleep(1000); tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL4, syncproc_rst & 0x7F); } inline void tvp_enable_output() { usleep(10000); tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL1, 0x11); usleep(10000); tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL2, 0x00); usleep(10000); } inline void tvp_set_hpllcoast(alt_u8 pre, alt_u8 post) { tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLPRECOAST, pre); tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLPOSTCOAST, post); } inline void tvp_set_linelen_tol(alt_u8 val) { tvp_writereg(TVP_LINELENTOL, val); } inline void tvp_set_ssthold(alt_u8 vsdetect_thold) { tvp_writereg(TVP_SSTHOLD, vsdetect_thold); } void tvp_init() { color_setup_t def_gain_offs = { .r_f_gain = DEFAULT_FINE_GAIN, .g_f_gain = DEFAULT_FINE_GAIN, .b_f_gain = DEFAULT_FINE_GAIN, .r_f_off = DEFAULT_FINE_OFFSET, .g_f_off = DEFAULT_FINE_OFFSET, .b_f_off = DEFAULT_FINE_OFFSET, .c_gain = DEFAULT_COARSE_GAIN, }; // disable output tvp_disable_output(); // Set default configuration (skip those which match register reset values) // Configure external refclk, HPLL generated pclk tvp_sel_clk(REFCLK_EXT27, 0); // Hsync input->output delay (horizontal shift) // Default is 13, which maintains alignment of RGB and hsync at output //tvp_writereg(TVP_HSOUTSTART, 0); // Hsync edge->Vsync edge delay // NOTE: Value 1 syncs the edges! tvp_writereg(TVP_VSOUTALIGN, 1); // Set default CSC coeffs. tvp_sel_csc(&csc_coeffs[0]); // Set default phase //tvp_set_hpll_phase(DEFAULT_SAMPLER_PHASE, 1); // Set min video LPF, max sync LPF //tvp_set_lpf(0); tvp_set_sync_lpf(DEFAULT_SYNC_LPF); // Increase line length tolerance tvp_set_linelen_tol(DEFAULT_LINELEN_TOL); // Use HSYNC leading edge as fine clamp reference // Allows minimizing HSYNC window // Does not work properly for some reason, but is not critical as reference is at most LEADEDGE+MVSWIDTH //tvp_writereg(TVP_OUTFORMAT, 0x0C); // Minimize HSYNC window for best sync stability //tvp_writereg(TVP_MVSWIDTH, 0x03); // Common sync separator threshold // Some arcade games need more that the default 0x40 tvp_set_ssthold(DEFAULT_VSYNC_THOLD); // Analog sync/SoG thresholf //tvp_set_sog_thold(DEFAULT_SYNC_VTH); // Default (3,3) coast may lead to PLL jitter and sync loss (e.g. SNES) tvp_set_hpllcoast(DEFAULT_PRE_COAST, DEFAULT_POST_COAST); //set analog (coarse) gain to max recommended value (-> 91% of the ADC range with 0.7Vpp input) //set rest of the gain digitally (fine) to utilize 100% of the range at the output (0.91*(1+(26/256)) = 1) tvp_set_gain_offset(&def_gain_offs); } void tvp_set_gain_offset(color_setup_t *col) { tvp_writereg(TVP_BG_CGAIN, ((col->c_gain << 4) | col->c_gain)); tvp_writereg(TVP_R_CGAIN, col->c_gain); tvp_writereg(TVP_R_FGAIN, col->r_f_gain); tvp_writereg(TVP_G_FGAIN, col->g_f_gain); tvp_writereg(TVP_B_FGAIN, col->b_f_gain); tvp_writereg(TVP_R_FOFFSET_MSB, col->r_f_off); tvp_writereg(TVP_G_FOFFSET_MSB, col->g_f_off); tvp_writereg(TVP_B_FOFFSET_MSB, col->b_f_off); } // Configure H-PLL (sampling rate, VCO gain and charge pump current) void tvp_setup_hpll(alt_u16 h_samplerate, alt_u16 refclks_per_line, alt_u8 plldivby2) { alt_u32 pclk_est; alt_u8 vco_range; alt_u8 cp_current; alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_HPLLPHASE) & 0xF8; // Enable PLL post-div-by-2 with double samplerate if (plldivby2 && (h_samplerate < 2048)) { tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLPHASE, status|1); h_samplerate = 2*h_samplerate; } else { tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLPHASE, status); } tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLDIV_MSB, (h_samplerate >> 4)); tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLDIV_LSB, ((h_samplerate & 0xf) << 4)); printf("Horizontal samplerate set to %u\n", h_samplerate); pclk_est = ((alt_u32)h_samplerate * (TVP_EXTCLK_HZ/(alt_u32)refclks_per_line)) / 1000; //in kHz printf("Estimated PCLK_HPLL: %lu.%.3lu MHz\n", pclk_est/1000, pclk_est%1000); if (pclk_est < 36000) { vco_range = 0; } else if (pclk_est < 70000) { vco_range = 1; } else if (pclk_est < 135000) { vco_range = 2; } else { vco_range = 3; } cp_current = (40*Kvco[vco_range]+h_samplerate/2) / h_samplerate; //"+h_samplerate/2" for fast rounding if (cp_current > 7) cp_current = 7; printf("VCO range: %s\nCPC: %u\n", Kvco_str[vco_range], cp_current); tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLCTRL, ((vco_range << 6) | (cp_current << 3))); } void tvp_sel_csc(const ypbpr_to_rgb_csc_t *csc) { tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC1HI, (csc->G_Y >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC1LO, (csc->G_Y & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC2HI, (csc->G_Pb >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC2LO, (csc->G_Pb & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC3HI, (csc->G_Pr >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC3LO, (csc->G_Pr & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC4HI, (csc->R_Y >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC4LO, (csc->R_Y & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC5HI, (csc->R_Pb >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC5LO, (csc->R_Pb & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC6HI, (csc->R_Pr >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC6LO, (csc->R_Pr & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC7HI, (csc->B_Y >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC7LO, (csc->B_Y & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC8HI, (csc->B_Pb >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC8LO, (csc->B_Pb & 0xff)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC9HI, (csc->B_Pr >> 8)); tvp_writereg(TVP_CSC9LO, (csc->B_Pr & 0xff)); } void tvp_set_lpf(alt_u8 val) { alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_VIDEOBWLIM) & 0xF0; tvp_writereg(TVP_VIDEOBWLIM, status|val); printf("TVP LPF value set to 0x%x\n", val); } void tvp_set_sync_lpf(alt_u8 val) { alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_INPMUX2) & 0x3F; tvp_writereg(TVP_INPMUX2, status|(val<<6)); printf("Sync LPF value set to 0x%x\n", val); } void tvp_set_clp_lpf(alt_u8 val) { alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_INPMUX2) & 0xCF; tvp_writereg(TVP_INPMUX2, status|(val<<4)); printf("CLP LPF value set to 0x%x\n", val); } alt_u8 tvp_set_hpll_phase(alt_u8 val, alt_u8 sample_mult) { alt_u8 sample_sel; alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_HPLLPHASE) & 0x07; sample_sel = (val*sample_mult)/32; val = val*sample_mult % 32; tvp_writereg(TVP_HPLLPHASE, (val<<3)|status); printf("Phase selection: %u/%u (FPGA), %u/32 (TVP)\n", sample_sel+1, sample_mult, val+1); return sample_sel; } void tvp_set_sog_thold(alt_u8 val) { alt_u8 status = tvp_readreg(TVP_SOGTHOLD) & 0x07; tvp_writereg(TVP_SOGTHOLD, (val<<3)|status); printf("SOG thold set to 0x%x\n", val); } void tvp_set_alcfilt(alt_u8 nsv, alt_u8 nsh) { tvp_writereg(TVP_ALCFILT, (nsv<<3)|nsh); } void tvp_source_setup(video_type type, alt_u16 h_samplerate, alt_u16 refclks_per_line, alt_u8 plldivby2, alt_u8 h_synclen_px, alt_8 clamp_user_offset) { // Due to short MVS width, clamp reference starts prematurely (at the end of MVS window). Adjust offset so that reference moves back to hsync trailing edge. alt_u8 clamp_ref_offset = h_synclen_px - (((30*h_samplerate)/refclks_per_line)+5)/10; // Clamp and ALC tvp_set_clamp_alc(type, clamp_ref_offset, clamp_user_offset, 1); // Setup Macrovision stripper and H-PLL coast signal. // Coast needs to be enabled when HSYNC is missing during VSYNC. RGBHV mode cannot use it, so turn off the internal signal for this mode. // Macrovision stripper filters out glitches and serration pulses that may occur outside of sync window (HSYNC_lead +- TVP_MVSWIDTH*37ns). Enabled for all inputs. switch (type) { case VIDEO_PC: tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL4, 0x0D); break; case VIDEO_LDTV: case VIDEO_SDTV: case VIDEO_EDTV: case VIDEO_HDTV: default: tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL4, 0x09); break; } tvp_setup_hpll(h_samplerate, refclks_per_line, plldivby2); } void tvp_source_sel(tvp_input_t input, tvp_sync_input_t syncinput, video_format fmt) { alt_u8 sync_status; // RGB+SOG input select tvp_writereg(TVP_INPMUX1, (((syncinput <= TVP_SOG3) ? syncinput : 0)<<6) | (input<<4) | (input<<2) | input); // Clamp setup tvp_set_clamp_type(fmt); // HV/SOG sync select if (syncinput > TVP_SOG3) { if (syncinput < TVP_CS_A) tvp_writereg(TVP_SYNCCTRL1, 0x52); else // RGBS tvp_writereg(TVP_SYNCCTRL1, 0x53); usleep(1000); sync_status = tvp_readreg(TVP_SYNCSTAT); if (sync_status & (1<<7)) printf("%s detected, %s polarity\n", (sync_status & (1<<3)) ? "Csync" : "Hsync", (sync_status & (1<<5)) ? "pos" : "neg"); if (sync_status & (1<<4)) printf("Vsync detected, %s polarity\n", (sync_status & (1<<2)) ? "pos" : "neg"); } else { tvp_writereg(TVP_SYNCCTRL1, 0x5B); usleep(1000); sync_status = tvp_readreg(TVP_SYNCSTAT); if (sync_status & (1<<1)) printf("SOG detected\n"); else printf("SOG not detected\n"); } // Enable CSC for YPbPr if (fmt == FORMAT_YPbPr) tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL3, 0x10); else tvp_writereg(TVP_MISCCTRL3, 0x00); #ifdef SYNCBYPASS tvp_writereg(TVP_SYNCBYPASS, 0x03); #else tvp_writereg(TVP_SYNCBYPASS, 0x00); #endif //TODO: //TVP_ADCSETUP printf("\n"); } alt_u8 tvp_check_sync(tvp_sync_input_t syncinput) { alt_u8 sync_status; sync_status = tvp_readreg(TVP_SYNCSTAT); if (syncinput >= TVP_CS_A) return ((sync_status & 0x88) == 0x88); else if (syncinput >= TVP_HV_A) return ((sync_status & 0x90) == 0x90); else return !!(sync_status & (1<<1)); }