/* * File: sd_io.c * Author: Nelson Lombardo * Year: 2015 * e-mail: nelson.lombardo@gmail.com * License at the end of file. */ #include "sd_io.h" #ifdef _M_IX86 // For use over x86 /*****************************************************************************/ /* Private Methods Prototypes - Direct work with PC file */ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * \brief Get the total numbers of sectors in SD card. * \param dev Device descriptor. * \return Quantity of sectors. Zero if fail. */ DWORD __SD_Sectors (SD_DEV* dev); /*****************************************************************************/ /* Private Methods - Direct work with PC file */ /*****************************************************************************/ DWORD __SD_Sectors (SD_DEV *dev) { if (dev->fp == NULL) return(0); // Fail else { fseek(dev->fp, 0L, SEEK_END); return (((DWORD)(ftell(dev->fp)))/((DWORD)512)-1); } } #else // For use with uControllers /****************************************************************************** Private Methods Prototypes - Direct work with SD card ******************************************************************************/ /** \brief Simple function to calculate power of two. \param e Exponent. \return Math function result. */ DWORD __SD_Power_Of_Two(BYTE e); /** \brief Assert the SD card (SPI CS low). */ inline void __SD_Assert (void); /** \brief Deassert the SD (SPI CS high). */ inline void __SD_Deassert (void); /** \brief Change to max the speed transfer. \param throttle */ void __SD_Speed_Transfer (BYTE throttle); /** \brief Send SPI commands. \param cmd Command to send. \param arg Argument to send. \return R1 response. */ BYTE __SD_Send_Cmd(BYTE cmd, DWORD arg); /** \brief Write a data block on SD card. \param dat Storage the data to transfer. \param token Inidicates the type of transfer (single or multiple). */ SDRESULTS __SD_Write_Block(SD_DEV *dev, void *dat, BYTE token); /** \brief Get the total numbers of sectors in SD card. \param dev Device descriptor. \return Quantity of sectors. Zero if fail. */ DWORD __SD_Sectors (SD_DEV *dev); /****************************************************************************** Private Methods - Direct work with SD card ******************************************************************************/ DWORD __SD_Power_Of_Two(BYTE e) { DWORD partial = 1; BYTE idx; for(idx=0; idx!=e; idx++) partial *= 2; return(partial); } inline void __SD_Assert(void){ SPI_CS_Low(); } inline void __SD_Deassert(void){ SPI_CS_High(); } void __SD_Speed_Transfer(BYTE throttle) { if(throttle == HIGH) SPI_Freq_High(); else SPI_Freq_Low(); } BYTE __SD_Send_Cmd(BYTE cmd, DWORD arg) { BYTE wiredata[10]; BYTE crc, res; // ACMD«n» is the command sequense of CMD55-CMD«n» if(cmd & 0x80) { cmd &= 0x7F; res = __SD_Send_Cmd(CMD55, 0); if (res > 1) return (res); } // Select the card __SD_Assert(); // Send complete command set wiredata[0] = cmd; // Start and command index wiredata[1] = (arg >> 24); // Arg[31-24] wiredata[2] = (arg >> 16); // Arg[23-16] wiredata[3] = (arg >> 8 ); // Arg[15-08] wiredata[4] = (arg >> 0 ); // Arg[07-00] // CRC? crc = 0x01; // Dummy CRC and stop if(cmd == CMD0) crc = 0x95; // Valid CRC for CMD0(0) if(cmd == CMD8) crc = 0x87; // Valid CRC for CMD8(0x1AA) wiredata[5] = crc; SPI_W(wiredata, 6); // Receive command response // Wait for a valid response in timeout of 5 milliseconds SPI_Timer_On(5); do { SPI_R(&res, 1); } while((res & 0x80)&&(SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)); SPI_Timer_Off(); // Return with the response value return(res); } SDRESULTS __SD_Write_Block(SD_DEV *dev, void *dat, BYTE token) { WORD idx; BYTE line; // Send token (single or multiple) SPI_RW(token); // Single block write? if(token != 0xFD) { // Send block data for(idx=0; idx!=SD_BLK_SIZE; idx++) SPI_RW(*((BYTE*)dat + idx)); /* Dummy CRC */ SPI_RW(0xFF); SPI_RW(0xFF); // If not accepted, returns the reject error if((SPI_RW(0xFF) & 0x1F) != 0x05) return(SD_REJECT); } #ifdef SD_IO_WRITE_WAIT_BLOCKER // Waits until finish of data programming (blocked) while(SPI_RW(0xFF)==0); return(SD_OK); #else // Waits until finish of data programming with a timeout SPI_Timer_On(SD_IO_WRITE_TIMEOUT_WAIT); do { line = SPI_RW(0xFF); } while((line==0)&&(SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)); SPI_Timer_Off(); #ifdef SD_IO_DBG_COUNT dev->debug.write++; #endif if(line==0) return(SD_BUSY); else return(SD_OK); #endif } DWORD __SD_Sectors (SD_DEV *dev) { BYTE csd[18]; BYTE tkn; DWORD ss = 0; WORD C_SIZE = 0; BYTE C_SIZE_MULT = 0; BYTE READ_BL_LEN = 0; if(__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD9, 0)==0) { // Wait for response SPI_Timer_On(5); // Wait for data packet (timeout of 5ms) do { SPI_R(&tkn, 1); } while((tkn==0xFF)&&(SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)); SPI_Timer_Off(); if(tkn!=0xFE) return 0; // TODO: CRC check SPI_R(csd, 18); if(dev->cardtype & SDCT_SD1) { ss = csd[0]; // READ_BL_LEN[83:80]: max. read data block length READ_BL_LEN = (csd[5] & 0x0F); // C_SIZE [73:62] C_SIZE = (csd[6] & 0x03); C_SIZE <<= 8; C_SIZE |= (csd[7]); C_SIZE <<= 2; C_SIZE |= ((csd[8] >> 6) & 0x03); // C_SIZE_MULT [49:47] C_SIZE_MULT = (csd[9] & 0x03); C_SIZE_MULT <<= 1; C_SIZE_MULT |= ((csd[10] >> 7) & 0x01); } else if(dev->cardtype & SDCT_SD2) { // C_SIZE [69:48] C_SIZE = (csd[7] & 0x3F); C_SIZE <<= 8; C_SIZE |= (csd[8] & 0xFF); C_SIZE <<= 8; C_SIZE |= (csd[9] & 0xFF); // C_SIZE_MULT [--]. don't exits C_SIZE_MULT = 17; //C_SIZE_MULT+2 = 19 printf("csize: %u\n", C_SIZE); } ss = (C_SIZE + 1); // SD_BLK_SIZE = 2^9 //ss *= __SD_Power_Of_Two(C_SIZE_MULT + 2 + READ_BL_LEN - 9); ss *= 1 << (C_SIZE_MULT + 2 + READ_BL_LEN - 9); //ss /= SD_BLK_SIZE; printf("ss: %u\n", ss); return (ss); } else return (0); // Error } #endif // Private methods for uC /****************************************************************************** Public Methods - Direct work with SD card ******************************************************************************/ SDRESULTS SD_Init(SD_DEV *dev) { BYTE initdata[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; #if defined(_M_IX86) // x86 dev->fp = fopen(dev->fn, "r+"); if (dev->fp == NULL) return (SD_ERROR); else { dev->last_sector = __SD_Sectors(dev); #ifdef SD_IO_DBG_COUNT dev->debug.read = 0; dev->debug.write = 0; #endif return (SD_OK); } #else // uControllers BYTE n, cmd, ct, ocr[4]; BYTE idx; BYTE init_trys; ct = 0; for(init_trys=0; ((init_trys!=SD_INIT_TRYS)&&(!ct)); init_trys++) { // Initialize SPI for use with the memory card SPI_Init(); __SD_Deassert(); SPI_Freq_Low(); // 80 dummy clocks //for(idx = 0; idx != 10; idx++) SPI_RW(0xFF); SPI_W(initdata, sizeof(initdata)); /*SPI_Timer_On(500); while(SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE); SPI_Timer_Off();*/ dev->mount = FALSE; SPI_Timer_On(500); while ((__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD0, 0) != 1)&&(SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)); SPI_Timer_Off(); // Idle state // SD version 2? if (__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD8, 0x1AA) == 1) { // Get trailing return value of R7 resp SPI_R(ocr, 4); // VDD range of 2.7-3.6V is OK? if ((ocr[2] == 0x01)&&(ocr[3] == 0xAA)) { // Wait for leaving idle state (ACMD41 with HCS bit)... SPI_Timer_On(1000); while ((SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)&&(__SD_Send_Cmd(ACMD41, 1UL << 30))); SPI_Timer_Off(); // CCS in the OCR? if ((SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)&&(__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD58, 0) == 0)) { SPI_R(ocr, 4); // SD version 2? ct = (ocr[0] & 0x40) ? SDCT_SD2 | SDCT_BLOCK : SDCT_SD2; } } } else { // SD version 1 or MMC? if (__SD_Send_Cmd(ACMD41, 0) <= 1) { // SD version 1 ct = SDCT_SD1; cmd = ACMD41; } else { // MMC version 3 ct = SDCT_MMC; cmd = CMD1; } // Wait for leaving idle state SPI_Timer_On(250); while((SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)&&(__SD_Send_Cmd(cmd, 0))); SPI_Timer_Off(); if(SPI_Timer_Status()==FALSE) ct = 0; if(__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD59, 0)) ct = 0; // Deactivate CRC check (default) if(__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD16, 512)) ct = 0; // Set R/W block length to 512 bytes } } if(ct) { dev->cardtype = ct; dev->mount = TRUE; dev->last_sector = __SD_Sectors(dev) - 1; printf("lastsec %u\n", dev->last_sector); #ifdef SD_IO_DBG_COUNT dev->debug.read = 0; dev->debug.write = 0; #endif __SD_Speed_Transfer(HIGH); // High speed transfer } SPI_Release(); return (ct ? SD_OK : SD_NOINIT); #endif } SDRESULTS SD_Read(SD_DEV *dev, void *dat, DWORD sector, WORD ofs, WORD cnt) { #if defined(_M_IX86) // x86 // Check the sector query if((sector > dev->last_sector)||(cnt == 0)) return(SD_PARERR); if(dev->fp!=NULL) { if (fseek(dev->fp, ((512 * sector) + ofs), SEEK_SET)!=0) return(SD_ERROR); else { if(fread(dat, 1, (cnt - ofs),dev->fp)==(cnt - ofs)) { #ifdef SD_IO_DBG_COUNT dev->debug.read++; #endif return(SD_OK); } else return(SD_ERROR); } } else { return(SD_ERROR); } #else // uControllers SDRESULTS res; BYTE tkn; WORD remaining; res = SD_ERROR; if ((sector > dev->last_sector)||(cnt == 0)) return(SD_PARERR); // Convert sector number to byte address (sector * SD_BLK_SIZE) for SDC1 if (!(dev->cardtype & SDCT_BLOCK)) sector *= SD_BLK_SIZE; if (__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD17, sector) == 0) { SPI_Timer_On(100); // Wait for data packet (timeout of 100ms) do { SPI_R(&tkn, 1); } while((tkn==0xFF)&&(SPI_Timer_Status()==TRUE)); SPI_Timer_Off(); // Token of single block? if(tkn==0xFE) { // Size block (512 bytes) + CRC (2 bytes) - offset - bytes to count remaining = SD_BLK_SIZE + 2 - ofs - cnt; // Skip offset if(ofs) { SPI_R(NULL, ofs); } // I receive the data and I write in user's buffer SPI_R((BYTE*)dat, cnt); // Skip remaining // TODO: CRC SPI_R(NULL, remaining); res = SD_OK; } } SPI_Release(); #ifdef SD_IO_DBG_COUNT dev->debug.read++; #endif return(res); #endif } #ifdef SD_IO_WRITE SDRESULTS SD_Write(SD_DEV *dev, void *dat, DWORD sector) { #if defined(_M_IX86) // x86 // Query ok? if(sector > dev->last_sector) return(SD_PARERR); if(dev->fp != NULL) { if(fseek(dev->fp, SD_BLK_SIZE * sector, SEEK_SET)!=0) return(SD_ERROR); else { if(fwrite(dat, 1, SD_BLK_SIZE, dev->fp)==SD_BLK_SIZE) { #ifdef SD_IO_DBG_COUNT dev->debug.write++; #endif return(SD_OK); } else return(SD_ERROR); } } else return(SD_ERROR); #else // uControllers // Query ok? if(sector > dev->last_sector) return(SD_PARERR); // Single block write (token <- 0xFE) // Convert sector number to bytes address (sector * SD_BLK_SIZE) if(__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD24, sector * SD_BLK_SIZE)==0) return(__SD_Write_Block(dev, dat, 0xFE)); else return(SD_ERROR); #endif } #endif SDRESULTS SD_Status(SD_DEV *dev) { #if defined(_M_IX86) return((dev->fp == NULL) ? SD_OK : SD_NORESPONSE); #else return(__SD_Send_Cmd(CMD0, 0) ? SD_OK : SD_NORESPONSE); #endif } // «sd_io.c» is part of: /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / ulibSD - Library for SD cards semantics (C)Nelson Lombardo, 2015 /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / ulibSD library is a free software that opened under license policy of / following conditions. / / Copyright (C) 2015, ChaN, all right reserved. / / 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, / this condition and the following disclaimer. / / This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "AS IS" / and any warranties related to this software are DISCLAIMED. / The copyright owner or contributors be NOT LIABLE for any damages caused / by use of this software. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Derived from Mister Chan works on FatFs code (http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html): /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / FatFs - FAT file system module R0.11 (C)ChaN, 2015 /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / FatFs module is a free software that opened under license policy of / following conditions. / / Copyright (C) 2015, ChaN, all right reserved. / / 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, / this condition and the following disclaimer. / / This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "AS IS" / and any warranties related to this software are DISCLAIMED. / The copyright owner or contributors be NOT LIABLE for any damages caused / by use of this software. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/