// // Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Markus Hiienkari // // This file is part of Open Source Scan Converter project. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // //`define DEBUG `define PO_RESET_WIDTH 27 //1us module ossc ( input clk27, inout scl, inout sda, input ir_rx, input [1:0] btn, input [1:0] cfg, input TVP_PCLK_i, input [7:0] TVP_R_i, input [7:0] TVP_G_i, input [7:0] TVP_B_i, input TVP_HS_i, input TVP_SOG_i, input TVP_VSYNC_i, output HDMI_TX_PCLK, output reg [7:0] HDMI_TX_RD, output reg [7:0] HDMI_TX_GD, output reg [7:0] HDMI_TX_BD, output reg HDMI_TX_DE, output reg HDMI_TX_HS, output reg HDMI_TX_VS, input HDMI_TX_INT_N, output hw_reset_n, output LED_G, inout LED_R, output LCD_RS, output LCD_CS_N, output LCD_BL, output SD_CLK, inout SD_CMD, inout [3:0] SD_DAT ); wire [31:0] sys_ctrl; wire lt_active = sys_ctrl[15]; wire lt_armed = sys_ctrl[14]; wire [1:0] lt_mode = sys_ctrl[13:12]; wire tvp_vsync_type = sys_ctrl[10]; wire pll_bypass = sys_ctrl[9]; wire remote_event = sys_ctrl[8]; assign SD_DAT[3] = sys_ctrl[7]; //SD_SPI_SS_N assign LCD_CS_N = sys_ctrl[6]; assign LCD_RS = sys_ctrl[5]; wire lcd_bl_on = sys_ctrl[4]; //hw_reset_n in v1.2 PCB wire [1:0] lcd_bl_time = sys_ctrl[3:2]; wire enable_sc = sys_ctrl[1]; assign hw_reset_n = sys_ctrl[0]; //HDMI_TX_RST_N in v1.2 PCB wire [31:0] hv_in_config, hv_in_config2, hv_in_config3, hv_out_config, hv_out_config2, hv_out_config3, xy_out_config, xy_out_config2; wire [31:0] misc_config, sl_config, sl_config2, sl_config3; wire pll_clkout, pll_clkswitch, pll_locked; wire clkmux_clkout; wire [15:0] ir_code; wire [7:0] ir_code_cnt; wire [7:0] R_sc, G_sc, B_sc; wire HSYNC_sc, VSYNC_sc, DE_sc; wire pll_areset, pll_scanclk, pll_scanclkena, pll_configupdate, pll_scandata, pll_scandone, pll_activeclock; wire PCLK_sc; wire pclk_out = PCLK_sc; reg [7:0] po_reset_ctr = 0; reg po_reset_n = 1'b0; wire jtagm_reset_req; wire sys_reset_n = (po_reset_n & ~jtagm_reset_req); reg [7:0] TVP_R, TVP_G, TVP_B; reg TVP_HS, TVP_VS, TVP_FID; reg TVP_VS_sync1_reg, TVP_VS_sync2_reg; reg TVP_SOG_sync1_reg, TVP_SOG_sync2_reg, TVP_SOG_prev; reg TVP_HSYNC_sync1_reg, TVP_HSYNC_sync2_reg; reg TVP_VSYNC_sync1_reg, TVP_VSYNC_sync2_reg; reg [1:0] btn_L, btn_LL; reg ir_rx_L, ir_rx_LL, HDMI_TX_INT_N_L, HDMI_TX_INT_N_LL; reg vsync_flag_sync1_reg, vsync_flag_sync2_reg; reg [1:0] cfg_reg; reg cfg_stored; wire TVP_SOG_ALT_i; wire TVP_HSYNC_i = cfg_reg[1] ? TVP_SOG_i : TVP_SOG_ALT_i; reg [23:0] resync_led_ctr, warn_pll_lock_lost; reg resync_strobe_sync1_reg, resync_strobe_sync2_reg, resync_strobe_prev; wire resync_strobe_i; wire resync_strobe = resync_strobe_sync2_reg; wire [31:0] controls = {ir_code_cnt, 3'b000, vsync_flag_sync2_reg, pll_activeclock, cfg_reg[0], btn_LL, ir_code}; wire lt_sensor = btn_LL[1]; wire lt_trigger = DE_sc & G_sc[0]; wire [1:0] lt_mode_synced; wire [15:0] lt_lat_result; wire [11:0] lt_stb_result; wire lt_trig_waiting; wire lt_finished; reg remove_event_prev; reg [14:0] to_ctr, to_ctr_ms; wire lcd_bl_timeout; wire [1:0] osd_color; wire osd_enable_pre; wire osd_enable = osd_enable_pre & ~lt_active; wire [10:0] xpos_sc; wire [10:0] ypos_sc; wire resync_indicator = (warn_pll_lock_lost != 0) | (resync_led_ctr != 0); wire LED_R_i = lt_active ? lt_trig_waiting : resync_indicator; assign LED_G = lt_active ? ~lt_sensor : (ir_code == 0) & (~resync_indicator | cfg_reg[1]); assign LCD_BL = lcd_bl_on ? (~lcd_bl_timeout | lt_active) : 1'b0; assign HDMI_TX_PCLK = pclk_out; // TVP7002 RGB digitizer always @(posedge TVP_PCLK_i) begin TVP_R <= TVP_R_i; TVP_G <= TVP_G_i; TVP_B <= TVP_B_i; TVP_HS <= TVP_HS_i; TVP_VS <= TVP_VSYNC_i; // sync to pclk TVP_SOG_sync1_reg <= TVP_HSYNC_i; TVP_SOG_sync2_reg <= TVP_SOG_sync1_reg; TVP_SOG_prev <= TVP_SOG_sync2_reg; TVP_VS_sync1_reg <= TVP_VSYNC_i; TVP_VS_sync2_reg <= TVP_VS_sync1_reg; end always @(posedge clk27) begin // sync to always-running fixed meas clk TVP_HSYNC_sync1_reg <= TVP_HSYNC_i; TVP_HSYNC_sync2_reg <= TVP_HSYNC_sync1_reg; TVP_VSYNC_sync1_reg <= TVP_VSYNC_i; TVP_VSYNC_sync2_reg <= TVP_VSYNC_sync1_reg; end wire [7:0] TVP_R_post, TVP_G_post, TVP_B_post; wire TVP_HSYNC_post, TVP_VSYNC_post, TVP_DE_post, TVP_FID_post, TVP_datavalid_post; wire TVP_fe_interlace, TVP_fe_frame_change, TVP_sof_scaler, TVP_sync_active; wire [19:0] TVP_fe_pcnt_frame; wire [7:0] TVP_hsync_width; wire [10:0] TVP_fe_vtotal, TVP_fe_xpos, TVP_fe_ypos; tvp7002_frontend u_tvp_frontend ( .PCLK_i(TVP_PCLK_i), .CLK_MEAS_i(clk27), .reset_n(sys_reset_n), .R_i(TVP_R), .G_i(TVP_G), .B_i(TVP_B), .HS_i(TVP_HS), .VS_i(TVP_VS_sync2_reg), .HSYNC_i(TVP_HSYNC_sync2_reg), .VSYNC_i(TVP_VSYNC_sync2_reg), .DE_i(1'b0), .FID_i(1'b0), .sogref_update_i(TVP_SOG_prev & ~TVP_SOG_sync2_reg), .vsync_i_type(tvp_vsync_type), .hv_in_config(hv_in_config), .hv_in_config2(hv_in_config2), .hv_in_config3(hv_in_config3), .misc_config(misc_config), .R_o(TVP_R_post), .G_o(TVP_G_post), .B_o(TVP_B_post), .HSYNC_o(TVP_HSYNC_post), .VSYNC_o(TVP_VSYNC_post), .DE_o(TVP_DE_post), .FID_o(TVP_FID_post), .interlace_flag(TVP_fe_interlace), .datavalid_o(TVP_datavalid_post), .xpos_o(TVP_fe_xpos), .ypos_o(TVP_fe_ypos), .vtotal(TVP_fe_vtotal), .frame_change(TVP_fe_frame_change), .sof_scaler(TVP_sof_scaler), .pcnt_frame(TVP_fe_pcnt_frame), .hsync_width(TVP_hsync_width), .sync_active(TVP_sync_active) ); // Insert synchronizers to async inputs (synchronize to CPU clock) always @(posedge clk27 or negedge po_reset_n) begin if (!po_reset_n) begin {btn_L, btn_LL} <= '0; {ir_rx_L, ir_rx_LL} <= '0; {HDMI_TX_INT_N_L, HDMI_TX_INT_N_LL} <= '0; {cfg_stored, cfg_reg} <= '0; end else begin {btn_L, btn_LL} <= {btn, btn_L}; {ir_rx_L, ir_rx_LL} <= {ir_rx, ir_rx_L}; {HDMI_TX_INT_N_L, HDMI_TX_INT_N_LL} <= {HDMI_TX_INT_N, HDMI_TX_INT_N_L}; if (!cfg_stored) cfg_reg <= cfg; cfg_stored <= 1'b1; end end // Power-on reset pulse generation (not strictly necessary) always @(posedge clk27) begin if (po_reset_ctr == `PO_RESET_WIDTH) po_reset_n <= 1'b1; else po_reset_ctr <= po_reset_ctr + 1'b1; end // Sync vsync flag to CPU clock always @(posedge clk27) begin {vsync_flag_sync1_reg, vsync_flag_sync2_reg} <= {~VSYNC_sc, vsync_flag_sync1_reg}; end // LCD backlight timeout counters always @(posedge clk27) begin if (remote_event != remove_event_prev) begin to_ctr <= 15'd0; to_ctr_ms <= 15'd0; end else begin if (to_ctr == 27000-1) begin to_ctr <= 0; if (to_ctr_ms < 15'h7fff) to_ctr_ms <= to_ctr_ms + 1'b1; end else begin to_ctr <= to_ctr + 1'b1; end end case (lcd_bl_time) default: lcd_bl_timeout <= 0; //off 2'b01: lcd_bl_timeout <= (to_ctr_ms >= 3000); //3s 2'b10: lcd_bl_timeout <= (to_ctr_ms >= 10000); //10s 2'b11: lcd_bl_timeout <= (to_ctr_ms >= 30000); //30s endcase remove_event_prev <= remote_event; end // Generate a warning signal from sync lock loss always @(posedge clk27) begin if (enable_sc) begin if (~resync_strobe_prev & resync_strobe) begin resync_led_ctr <= {24{1'b1}}; end else if (resync_led_ctr > 0) begin resync_led_ctr <= resync_led_ctr - 1'b1; end end resync_strobe_sync1_reg <= resync_strobe_i; resync_strobe_sync2_reg <= resync_strobe_sync1_reg; resync_strobe_prev <= resync_strobe_sync2_reg; end // Generate a warning signal from PLL lock loss always @(posedge clk27 or negedge sys_reset_n) begin if (!sys_reset_n) begin warn_pll_lock_lost <= 1'b0; end else begin if (~pll_areset & ~pll_locked) warn_pll_lock_lost <= 1; else if (warn_pll_lock_lost != 0) warn_pll_lock_lost <= warn_pll_lock_lost + 1'b1; end end // Control PLL reference clock switchover always @(posedge clk27) begin pll_clkswitch <= (pll_activeclock != enable_sc); end // Output registers always @(posedge pclk_out) begin if (osd_enable) begin if (osd_color == 2'h0) begin {HDMI_TX_RD, HDMI_TX_GD, HDMI_TX_BD} <= 24'h000000; end else if (osd_color == 2'h1) begin {HDMI_TX_RD, HDMI_TX_GD, HDMI_TX_BD} <= 24'h0000ff; end else if (osd_color == 2'h2) begin {HDMI_TX_RD, HDMI_TX_GD, HDMI_TX_BD} <= 24'hffff00; end else begin {HDMI_TX_RD, HDMI_TX_GD, HDMI_TX_BD} <= 24'hffffff; end end else begin {HDMI_TX_RD, HDMI_TX_GD, HDMI_TX_BD} <= {R_sc, G_sc, B_sc}; end HDMI_TX_HS <= HSYNC_sc; HDMI_TX_VS <= VSYNC_sc; HDMI_TX_DE <= DE_sc; end // A modified <= v1.7 board uses LED_R for TVP_HSYNC input ALT_IOBUF led_r_iobuf (.i(LED_R_i), .oe(cfg_reg[1]), .o(TVP_SOG_ALT_i), .io(LED_R)); pll_2x pll_pclk ( .areset(pll_areset), .clkswitch(pll_clkswitch), .configupdate(pll_configupdate), .inclk0(clk27), // set videogen clock to primary (power-on default) since both reference clocks must be running during switchover .inclk1(TVP_PCLK_i), // is the secondary input clock fully compensated? .scanclk(pll_scanclk), .scanclkena(pll_scanclkena), .scandata(pll_scandata), .activeclock(pll_activeclock), .c0(pll_clkout), .locked(pll_locked), .scandataout(), .scandone(pll_scandone) ); cycloneive_clkctrl clkctrl1 ( .clkselect(pll_bypass ? 2'h0 : 2'h2), .ena(1'b1), .inclk({1'b0, pll_clkout, 1'b0, TVP_PCLK_i}), // fitter forbids using both clk27 and pclk_1x here since they're on opposite sides .outclk(clkmux_clkout) // synopsys translate_off , .devclrn(1'b1), .devpor(1'b1) // synopsys translate_on ); defparam clkctrl1.clock_type = "Global Clock", clkctrl1.ena_register_mode = "falling edge", clkctrl1.lpm_type = "cycloneive_clkctrl"; sys sys_inst( .clk_clk (clk27), .reset_reset_n (sys_reset_n), .pulpino_0_config_testmode_i (1'b0), .pulpino_0_config_fetch_enable_i (1'b1), .pulpino_0_config_clock_gating_i (1'b0), .pulpino_0_config_boot_addr_i (32'h00010000), .master_0_master_reset_reset (jtagm_reset_req), .i2c_opencores_0_export_scl_pad_io (scl), .i2c_opencores_0_export_sda_pad_io (sda), .i2c_opencores_0_export_spi_miso_pad_i (1'b0), .i2c_opencores_1_export_scl_pad_io (SD_CLK), .i2c_opencores_1_export_sda_pad_io (SD_CMD), .i2c_opencores_1_export_spi_miso_pad_i (SD_DAT[0]), .pio_0_sys_ctrl_out_export (sys_ctrl), .pio_1_controls_in_export (controls), .sc_config_0_sc_if_fe_status_i ({19'h0, TVP_sync_active, TVP_fe_interlace, TVP_fe_vtotal}), .sc_config_0_sc_if_fe_status2_i ({4'h0, TVP_hsync_width, TVP_fe_pcnt_frame}), .sc_config_0_sc_if_lt_status_i (32'h00000000), .sc_config_0_sc_if_hv_in_config_o (hv_in_config), .sc_config_0_sc_if_hv_in_config2_o (hv_in_config2), .sc_config_0_sc_if_hv_in_config3_o (hv_in_config3), .sc_config_0_sc_if_hv_out_config_o (hv_out_config), .sc_config_0_sc_if_hv_out_config2_o (hv_out_config2), .sc_config_0_sc_if_hv_out_config3_o (hv_out_config3), .sc_config_0_sc_if_xy_out_config_o (xy_out_config), .sc_config_0_sc_if_xy_out_config2_o (xy_out_config2), .sc_config_0_sc_if_misc_config_o (misc_config), .sc_config_0_sc_if_sl_config_o (sl_config), .sc_config_0_sc_if_sl_config2_o (sl_config2), .sc_config_0_sc_if_sl_config3_o (sl_config3), .osd_generator_0_osd_if_vclk (PCLK_sc), .osd_generator_0_osd_if_xpos (xpos_sc), .osd_generator_0_osd_if_ypos (ypos_sc), .osd_generator_0_osd_if_osd_enable (osd_enable_pre), .osd_generator_0_osd_if_osd_color (osd_color), .pll_reconfig_0_pll_reconfig_if_areset (pll_areset), .pll_reconfig_0_pll_reconfig_if_scanclk (pll_scanclk), .pll_reconfig_0_pll_reconfig_if_scanclkena (pll_scanclkena), .pll_reconfig_0_pll_reconfig_if_configupdate (pll_configupdate), .pll_reconfig_0_pll_reconfig_if_scandata (pll_scandata), .pll_reconfig_0_pll_reconfig_if_scandone (pll_scandone) ); scanconverter #( .EMIF_ENABLE(0), .NUM_LINE_BUFFERS(2) ) scanconverter_inst ( .PCLK_CAP_i(TVP_PCLK_i), .PCLK_OUT_i(clkmux_clkout), .reset_n(hw_reset_n), //TODO: sync to pclk_capture .R_i(TVP_R_post), .G_i(TVP_G_post), .B_i(TVP_B_post), .HSYNC_i(TVP_HSYNC_post), .VSYNC_i(TVP_VSYNC_post), .DE_i(TVP_DE_post), .FID_i(TVP_FID_post), .datavalid_i(TVP_datavalid_post), .interlaced_in_i(TVP_fe_interlace), .frame_change_i(TVP_fe_frame_change), .xpos_i(TVP_fe_xpos), .ypos_i(TVP_fe_ypos), .h_in_active(hv_in_config[23:12]), .hv_out_config(hv_out_config), .hv_out_config2(hv_out_config2), .hv_out_config3(hv_out_config3), .xy_out_config(xy_out_config), .xy_out_config2(xy_out_config2), .misc_config(misc_config), .sl_config(sl_config), .sl_config2(sl_config2), .sl_config3(sl_config3), .testpattern_enable(~enable_sc), .lb_enable(enable_sc), .ext_sync_mode(1'b0), .ext_frame_change_i(1'b0), .ext_R_i(8'h00), .ext_G_i(8'h00), .ext_B_i(8'h00), .PCLK_o(PCLK_sc), .R_o(R_sc), .G_o(G_sc), .B_o(B_sc), .HSYNC_o(HSYNC_sc), .VSYNC_o(VSYNC_sc), .DE_o(DE_sc), .xpos_o(xpos_sc), .ypos_o(ypos_sc), .resync_strobe(resync_strobe_i), .emif_br_clk(1'b0), .emif_br_reset(1'b0), .emif_rd_addr(), .emif_rd_read(), .emif_rd_rdata(0), .emif_rd_waitrequest(0), .emif_rd_readdatavalid(0), .emif_rd_burstcount(), .emif_wr_addr(), .emif_wr_write(), .emif_wr_wdata(), .emif_wr_waitrequest(0), .emif_wr_burstcount() ); ir_rcv ir0 ( .clk27 (clk27), .reset_n (po_reset_n), .ir_rx (ir_rx_LL), .ir_code (ir_code), .ir_code_ack (), .ir_code_cnt (ir_code_cnt) ); lat_tester lt0 ( .clk27 (clk27), .pclk (PCLK_sc), .active (lt_active), .armed (lt_armed), .sensor (lt_sensor), .trigger (lt_trigger), .VSYNC_in (VSYNC_sc), .mode_in (lt_mode), .mode_synced (lt_mode_synced), .lat_result (lt_lat_result), .stb_result (lt_stb_result), .trig_waiting (lt_trig_waiting), .finished (lt_finished) ); /*Ävideogen vg0 ( .clk27 (PCLK_sc), .reset_n (po_reset_n & ~enable_sc), .lt_active (lt_active), .lt_mode (lt_mode_synced), .R_out (R_out_vg), .G_out (G_out_vg), .B_out (B_out_vg), .HSYNC_out (HSYNC_out_vg), .VSYNC_out (VSYNC_out_vg), .DE_out (DE_out_vg), .xpos (xpos_vg), .ypos (ypos_vg) );*/ endmodule