# Working notes for pushing images to Docker Hub > Note: It appears that the personal accounts on Docker Hub no longer automatically build based on a Github repository being tagged. (Maybe they never did as it's been 4 years!) ## Login ```bash $ docker login Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one. Username: a2geek Password: WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/rob/.docker/config.json. Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store Login Succeeded ``` ## Built and Tag This created the `latest` tag: ```bash $ docker build -t a2geek/cc65-pipeline . Sending build context to Docker daemon 135.2kB Step 1/5 : FROM alpine:latest ---> e7d92cdc71fe Step 2/5 : LABEL description="This is a cc65 Docker container intended to be used for build pipelines." ---> 207cf150f1f0 Step 3/5 : ENV BUILD_DIR="/tmp" CC65_VERSION="V2.19" NULIB2_VERSION="v3.1.0" AC_VERSION="1.7.0" BASTOOLS_VERSION="0.3.1" ASU_VERSION="1.2.1" ---> 06228100af88 Step 4/5 : COPY bin /usr/local/bin ---> 0e009844ebc9 Step 5/5 : RUN a bunch of stuff ---> 78d59c93b46b Successfully built 78d59c93b46b Successfully tagged a2geek/cc65-pipeline:latest ``` ... and this tagged it with the date: ```bash $ docker tag 78d59c93b46b a2geek/cc65-pipeline:2022-03-06 ``` Check: ```bash $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE a2geek/cc65-pipeline 2022-03-06 78d59c93b46b 31 minutes ago 238MB a2geek/cc65-pipeline latest 78d59c93b46b 31 minutes ago 238MB 8c7e891250c4 38 minutes ago 238MB ``` ## Push to Docker Hub: ```bash $ docker push a2geek/cc65-pipeline The push refers to repository [docker.io/a2geek/cc65-pipeline] d2d7d7253122: Pushed e3169423110d: Pushed 5216338b40a7: Mounted from a2geek/concourse-image 2022-03-06: digest: sha256:48ab14d15ca474c1e28913e133a5edf2f30853a14936b27936772562cbb665f0 size: 947 d2d7d7253122: Layer already exists e3169423110d: Layer already exists 5216338b40a7: Layer already exists latest: digest: sha256:48ab14d15ca474c1e28913e133a5edf2f30853a14936b27936772562cbb665f0 size: 947 ```