.LIST ; bootrom for py65 monitor in 65Org16 mode ; based on ; Intel Hex format loader by Ross Archer (9 February 2001, freeware) ; from http: http://www.6502.org/source/monitors/intelhex/intelhex.htm ; ; use this monitor like this: ; PYTHONPATH=. python py65/monitor.py -m 65Org16 ; load bootrom.bin fe00 ; goto fe00 START = $FFFFFe00 ; I/O is memory-mapped in py65: PUTC = $f001 GETC = $f005 ; blocking input ; Note that Hex format for 65Org16 uses ';' not ':' as the start of record mark ; also note that some fields are now composed of 16-bit elements: ; previously: ; length offset type data checksum ; :/08/E008/00/08090A0B0C0D0E0F/xx ; now ; ;/10/E008/00/00080009000A000B000C000D000E000F/xx ; Zero-page storage DPL = $00 ; data pointer (two bytes) used by PUTSTRI DPH = $01 ; high of data pointer RECLEN = $02 ; record length in bytes START_LO = $03 START_HI = $04 RECTYPE = $05 CHKSUM = $06 ; record checksum accumulator DLFAIL = $07 ; flag for download failure TEMP = $08 ; save hex value TMPHEX = $09 ; save another hex value ; where the RAM program MUST have its first instruction ENTRY_POINT = $0200 .ORG START sei ; disable interrupts cld ; binary mode arithmetic ldx #$1FFFF ; Set up the stack pointer txs ; " ; Download Intel hex. The program you download MUST have its entry ; instruction (even if only a jump to somewhere else) at ENTRY_POINT. HEXDNLD lda #0 sta START_HI ; store all programs in bank 0 (page 0) for now sta DLFAIL ;Start by assuming no D/L failure jsr PUTSTRI .byte 13,10,13,10 .byte "Send 65Org16 code in" .byte " variant Intel Hex format" .byte " at 19200,n,8,1 ->" .byte 13,10 .byte 0 ; Null-terminate unless you prefer to crash. HDWRECS jsr GETSER ; Wait for start of record mark ';' cmp #';' bne HDWRECS ; not found yet ; Start of record marker has been found lda #0 sta CHKSUM jsr GETHEX ; Get the record length sta RECLEN ; save it jsr GET4HX ; Get the 16-bit offset sta START_LO jsr GETHEX ; Get the record type sta RECTYPE ; & save it bne HDER1 ; end-of-record ldx RECLEN ; number of data bytes to write to memory ldy #0 ; start offset at 0 HDLP1 jsr GET4HX ; Get the first/next/last data word sta (START_LO),y ; Save it to RAM iny ; update data pointer dex ; decrement character count dex ; ... twice bne HDLP1 jsr GETHEX ; get the checksum lda CHKSUM bne HDDLF1 ; If failed, report it ; Another successful record has been processed lda #'#' ; Character indicating record OK = '#' sta PUTC ; write it out but don't wait for output jmp HDWRECS ; get next record HDDLF1 lda #'F' ; Character indicating record failure = 'F' sta DLFAIL ; download failed if non-zero sta PUTC ; write it to transmit buffer register jmp HDWRECS ; wait for next record start HDER1 cmp #1 ; Check for end-of-record type beq HDER2 jsr PUTSTRI ; Warn user of unknown record type .byte 13,10,13,10 .byte "Unknown record type $" .byte 0 ; null-terminate unless you prefer to crash! lda RECTYPE ; Get it sta DLFAIL ; non-zero --> download has failed jsr PUTHEX ; print it lda #13 ; but we'll let it finish so as not to jsr PUTSER ; falsely start a new d/l from existing lda #10 ; file that may still be coming in for jsr PUTSER ; quite some time yet. jmp HDWRECS ; We've reached the end-of-record record HDER2 jsr GETHEX ; get the checksum lda CHKSUM ; Add previous checksum accumulator value beq HDER3 ; checksum = 0 means we're OK! jsr PUTSTRI ; Warn user of bad checksum .byte 13,10,13,10 .byte "Bad record checksum!",13,10 .byte 0 ; Null-terminate or 6502 go bye-bye jmp START HDER3 lda DLFAIL beq HDEROK ;A download failure has occurred jsr PUTSTRI .byte 13,10,13,10 .byte "Download Failed",13,10 .byte "Aborting!",13,10 .byte 0 ; null-terminate every string yada yada. jmp START HDEROK jsr PUTSTRI .byte 13,10,13,10 .byte "Download Successful!",13,10 .byte "Jumping to location $" .byte 0 ; by now, I figure you know what this is for. :) lda #HI(ENTRY_POINT) ; Print the entry point in hex jsr PUTHEX lda #LO(ENTRY_POINT) jsr PUTHEX jsr PUTSTRI .byte 13,10 .byte 0 ; stop lemming-like march of the program ctr. thru data jmp ENTRY_POINT ; jump to canonical entry point ; For py65, the input routine will block until a character arrives GETSER lda GETC rts ; get four ascii chars, adding both octets into the checksum GET4HX jsr GETHEX asl a asl a asl a asl a asl a asl a asl a asl a sta TMPHEX jsr GETHEX ora TMPHEX rts ; get two ascii chars, add into the checksum GETHEX jsr GETSER jsr MKNIBL ; Convert to 0..F numeric asl a asl a asl a asl a ; This is the upper nibble and #$F0 sta TEMP jsr GETSER jsr MKNIBL ora TEMP sta TEMP clc adc CHKSUM ; Add in the checksum and #$ff sta CHKSUM ; lda TEMP rts ; return with the nibble received ; Convert the ASCII nibble to numeric value from 0-F: MKNIBL cmp #'9'+1 ; See if it's 0-9 or 'A'..'F' (no lowercase yet) bcc MKNNH ; If we borrowed, we lost the carry so 0..9 sbc #7+1 ; Subtract off extra 7 (sbc subtracts off one less) ; If we fall through, carry is set unlike direct entry at MKNNH MKNNH sbc #'0'-1 ; subtract off '0' (if carry clear coming in) and #$0F ; no upper nibble no matter what rts ; and return the nibble ; Put byte in A as hexydecascii PUTHEX pha ; lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a jsr PRNIBL pla PRNIBL and #$0F ; strip off the low nibble cmp #$0A bcc NOTHEX ; if it's 0-9, add '0' else also add 7 adc #6 ; Add 7 (6+carry=1), result will be carry clear NOTHEX adc #'0' ; If carry clear, we're 0-9 ; Write the character in A as ASCII: PUTSER sta PUTC rts ;Put the string following in-line until a NULL out to the console PUTSTRI pla ; Get the low part of "return" address (data start address) sta DPL pla sta DPH ; Get the high part of "return" address ; (data start address) ; Note: actually we're pointing one short PSINB ldy #1 lda (DPL),y ; Get the next string character inc DPL ; update the pointer bne PSICHO ; if not, we're pointing to next character inc DPH ; account for page crossing PSICHO ora #0 ; Set flags according to contents of Accumulator beq PSIX1 ; don't print the final NULL jsr PUTSER ; write it out jmp PSINB ; back around PSIX1 inc DPL ; bne PSIX2 ; inc DPH ; account for page crossing PSIX2 jmp (DPL) ; return to byte following final NULL ; ; Dummy interrupt handlers GOIRQ GONMI RTI ; vectors .ORG $FFFFFFFA NMIENT .word GONMI RSTENT .word START IRQENT .word GOIRQ .end ; finally. das Ende.