; trivial demo program: read input, swap case and write out ; assemble using Anton Treuenfels' HXA assembler ; with I6502.A macro file ; HXA_TW.EXE swapcase.asm ; (runs on Linux if you have WINE installed) ; which will make ; SWAPCASE.HEX ; where the first line should not be input to the hexloader .hexfile .cpu T_32_M16 .assume BIT32=1032, BIT32R=3210 .include "i6502.a" ; I/O is memory-mapped in py65: PUTC = $f001 GETC = $f005 ; blocking input ; the py65 hexload boot ROM will only load to $0200 .ORG $200 another lda GETC eor #$20 ; swap upper and lower case as a demo sta PUTC jmp another