#include #include "emulation.h" /* RMB, SMB, BBR, BBS are handled specially */ void emul_rmb(rk65c02emu_t *, void *, instruction_t *, uint8_t); /* Implementation of emulation of instructions follows below */ /* AND - logical AND */ void emul_and(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.A &= (instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i)); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.A); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.A); } /* ASL - shift left one bit */ void emul_asl(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { bool ncarry; uint8_t val; ncarry = false; val = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); /* carry flag value equals contents of bit 7 */ if (val & 0x80) e->regs.P |= P_CARRY; else e->regs.P &= ~P_CARRY; /* shift left by one bit */ val <<= 1; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, val); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, val); instruction_data_write_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i, val); } /* BIT - check if one or more bits are set */ void emul_bit(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { /* uint8_t v = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); printf("%x\n", v);*/ /* zero flag set if acculumator AND memory equals zero */ if (e->regs.A & instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i)) e->regs.P &= ~P_ZERO; else e->regs.P |= P_ZERO; if (BIT(instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i), 6)) e->regs.P |= P_SIGN_OVERFLOW; else e->regs.P &= ~P_SIGN_OVERFLOW; if (BIT(instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i), 7)) e->regs.P |= P_NEGATIVE; else e->regs.P &= ~P_NEGATIVE; } /* CLC - clear carry flag */ void emul_clc(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.P &= ~P_CARRY; } /* DEC - decrement memory location/acumulator */ void emul_dec(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { uint8_t val; /* this is absurdly inefficient */ val = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); val--; instruction_data_write_1(e, id, i, val); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, val); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, val); } /* DNX - decrement X */ void emul_dex(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.X--; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.X); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.X); } /* DNY - decrement Y */ void emul_dey(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.Y--; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.Y); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.Y); } /* EOR - logical exclusive OR */ void emul_eor(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.A ^= instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.A); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.A); } /* INC - increment memory location/acumulator */ void emul_inc(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { uint8_t val; /* this is absurdly inefficient */ val = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); val++; instruction_data_write_1(e, id, i, val); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, val); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, val); } /* INX - increment X */ void emul_inx(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.X++; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.X); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.X); } /* INY - increment Y */ void emul_iny(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.Y++; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.Y); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.Y); } /* LDA - load to accumulator */ void emul_lda(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.A = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.A); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.A); } /* LDX - load to X */ void emul_ldx(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.X = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.X); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.X); } /* LDY - load to Y */ void emul_ldy(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.Y = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.Y); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.Y); } /* LSR - shift right one bit */ void emul_lsr(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { uint8_t val; val = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); /* carry flag value equals contents of bit 0 */ if (val & 0x1) e->regs.P |= P_CARRY; else e->regs.P &= ~P_CARRY; /* shift right by one bit */ val >>= 1; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, val); /* XXX: cannot ever be negative */ instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, val); instruction_data_write_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i, val); } /* NOP - do nothing */ void emul_nop(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { } /* ORA - logical inclusive OR */ void emul_ora(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.A |= instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.A); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.A); } /* PHA - push accumulator to stack */ void emul_pha(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { stack_push(e, e->regs.A); } /* PHP - push processor flags to stack */ void emul_php(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { stack_push(e, e->regs.P); } /* PHX - push X to stack */ void emul_phx(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { stack_push(e, e->regs.X); } /* PHY - push Y to stack */ void emul_phy(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { stack_push(e, e->regs.Y); } /* PLA - pull from stack to accumulator */ void emul_pla(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.A = stack_pop(e); instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.A); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.A); } /* PLA - pull from stack to processor flags */ void emul_plp(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.P = stack_pop(e) | P_UNDEFINED; } /* PLX - pull from stack to X */ void emul_plx(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.X = stack_pop(e); } /* PLY - pull from stack to X */ void emul_ply(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.Y = stack_pop(e); } /* RMBx - reset or set memory bit (handles RMB0-RMB7) */ void emul_rmb(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i, uint8_t bit) { uint8_t val; val = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); val &= ~(1 << bit); instruction_data_write_1(e, id, i, val); } void emul_rmb0(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 0); } void emul_rmb1(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 1); } void emul_rmb2(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 2); } void emul_rmb3(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 3); } void emul_rmb4(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 4); } void emul_rmb5(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 5); } void emul_rmb6(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 6); } void emul_rmb7(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { emul_rmb(e, id, i, 7); } /* ROL - rotate left */ void emul_rol(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { bool ncarry; uint8_t val; ncarry = false; val = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); /* new carry flag value equals contents of bit 7 */ if (val & 0x80) ncarry = true; /* shift left by one bit */ val <<= 1; /* bit 0 is set from current value of carry flag */ if (e->regs.P & P_CARRY) val |= 0x1; else val &= ~0x1; if (ncarry) e->regs.P |= P_CARRY; else e->regs.P &= ~P_CARRY; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, val); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, val); instruction_data_write_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i, val); } /* ROR - rotate right */ void emul_ror(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { bool ncarry; uint8_t val; ncarry = false; val = instruction_data_read_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i); /* new carry flag value equals contents of bit 0 */ if (val & 0x1) ncarry = true; /* shift right by one bit */ val >>= 1; /* bit 7 is set from current value of carry flag */ if (e->regs.P & P_CARRY) val |= 0x80; else val &= ~0x80; if (ncarry) e->regs.P |= P_CARRY; else e->regs.P &= ~P_CARRY; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, val); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, val); instruction_data_write_1(e, (instrdef_t *) id, i, val); } /* SEC - set the carry flag */ void emul_sec(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.P |= P_CARRY; } /* STP - stop the processor */ void emul_stp(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->state = STOPPED; e->stopreason = STP; } /* STA - store accumulator */ void emul_sta(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { instruction_data_write_1(e, id, i, e->regs.A); } /* STX - store X */ void emul_stx(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { instruction_data_write_1(e, id, i, e->regs.X); } /* STY - store Y */ void emul_sty(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { instruction_data_write_1(e, id, i, e->regs.Y); } /* STZ - store zero */ void emul_stz(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { instruction_data_write_1(e, id, i, 0); } /* TAX - transfer accumulator to X */ void emul_tax(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.X = e->regs.A; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.X); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.X); } /* TAY - transfer accumulator to Y */ void emul_tay(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.Y = e->regs.A; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.Y); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.Y); } /* TSX - transfer stack pointer to X */ void emul_tsx(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.X = e->regs.SP; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.X); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.X); } /* TXA - transfer X to accumulator */ void emul_txa(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.A = e->regs.X; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.A); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.A); } /* TXS - transfer X to stack pointer */ void emul_txs(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.SP = e->regs.X; } /* TYA - transfer Y to accumulator */ void emul_tya(rk65c02emu_t *e, void *id, instruction_t *i) { e->regs.A = e->regs.Y; instruction_status_adjust_zero(e, e->regs.A); instruction_status_adjust_negative(e, e->regs.A); }