Made functions complete, no more partial functions

This commit is contained in:
Aearnus 2018-05-31 00:51:34 -07:00
parent 04b384a6c0
commit 8b1771d2c9
2 changed files with 204 additions and 117 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module DSL.SixtyFiveOhTwo where
module DSL.SixtyFiveOhTwo
(module DSL.SixtyFiveOhTwo,
module DSL.SixtyFiveOhTwo.Types)
import DSL.SixtyFiveOhTwo.Types
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
@ -26,23 +31,6 @@ type Instruction = State InstructionState ()
runInstructions :: Instruction -> B.ByteString
runInstructions ins = (execState ins emptyState) ^. bytestring
-- Remember, it's little endian
data AddressingMode =
Implied |
Accumulator |
Immediate Word8 |
Relative Int8 | -- Signed
ZeroPageRelative Int8 | -- Signed
Absolute Word16 |
AbsoluteX Word16 |
AbsoluteY Word16 |
ZeroPage Word8 |
ZeroPageX Word8 |
ZeroPageY Word8 |
ZeroPageIndirect Word8 |
Indirect Word16 |
IndirectX Word8 |
IndirectY Word8
splitW16 :: Word16 -> (Word8, Word8)
splitW16 w = (lo, hi) -- Little endian
@ -111,7 +99,9 @@ call name = do
-- for the 65C02 instruction set
adc :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
adc :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
adc (Immediate b) = genericOp 105 b
adc (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 101 b
adc (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 117 b
@ -122,7 +112,8 @@ adc (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 114 b
adc (IndirectX b) = genericOp 97 b
adc (IndirectY b) = genericOp 113 b
and :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
and :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
and (Immediate b) = genericOp 41 b
and (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 37 b
and (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 53 b
@ -133,111 +124,144 @@ and (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 50 b
and (IndirectX b) = genericOp 33 b
and (IndirectY b) = genericOp 49 b
asl :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
asl :: IsElem a '[AccumulatorKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
asl (Accumulator) = genericNoByteOp 10
asl (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 6 b
asl (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 22 b
asl (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 14 b
asl (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 30 b
bbr0 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr0 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr0 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 15 b
bbr1 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr1 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr1 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 31 b
bbr2 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr2 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr2 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 47 b
bbr3 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr3 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr3 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 63 b
bbr4 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr4 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr4 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 79 b
bbr5 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr5 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr5 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 95 b
bbr6 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr6 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr6 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 111 b
bbr7 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbr7 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbr7 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 127 b
bbs0 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs0 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs0 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 143 b
bbs1 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs1 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs1 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 159 b
bbs2 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs2 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs2 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 175 b
bbs3 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs3 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs3 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 191 b
bbs4 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs4 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs4 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 207 b
bbs5 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs5 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs5 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 223 b
bbs6 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs6 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs6 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 239 b
bbs7 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bbs7 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageRelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bbs7 (ZeroPageRelative b) = genericOp 255 b
bcc :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bcc :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bcc (Relative b) = genericOp 144 b
bcs :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bcs :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bcs (Relative b) = genericOp 176 b
beq :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
beq :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
beq (Relative b) = genericOp 240 b
bit :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bit :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bit (Immediate b) = genericOp 137 b
bit (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 36 b
bit (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 52 b
bit (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 44 b
bit (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 60 b
bmi :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bmi :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bmi (Relative b) = genericOp 48 b
bne :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bne :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bne (Relative b) = genericOp 208 b
bpl :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bpl :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bpl (Relative b) = genericOp 16 b
bra :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bra :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bra (Relative b) = genericOp 128 b
brk :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
brk :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
brk (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 0
bvc :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bvc :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bvc (Relative b) = genericOp 80 b
bvs :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
bvs :: IsElem a '[RelativeKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
bvs (Relative b) = genericOp 112 b
clc :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
clc :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
clc (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 24
cld :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
cld :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
cld (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 216
cli :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
cli :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
cli (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 88
clv :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
clv :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
clv (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 184
cmp :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
cmp :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
cmp (Immediate b) = genericOp 201 b
cmp (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 197 b
cmp (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 213 b
@ -248,30 +272,36 @@ cmp (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 210 b
cmp (IndirectX b) = genericOp 193 b
cmp (IndirectY b) = genericOp 209 b
cpx :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
cpx :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, AbsoluteKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
cpx (Immediate b) = genericOp 224 b
cpx (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 228 b
cpx (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 236 b
cpy :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
cpy :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, AbsoluteKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
cpy (Immediate b) = genericOp 192 b
cpy (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 196 b
cpy (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 204 b
dec :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
dec :: IsElem a '[AccumulatorKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
dec (Accumulator) = genericNoByteOp 58
dec (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 198 b
dec (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 214 b
dec (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 206 b
dec (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 222 b
dex :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
dex :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
dex (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 202
dey :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
dey :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
dey (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 136
eor :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
eor :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
eor (Immediate b) = genericOp 73 b
eor (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 69 b
eor (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 85 b
@ -282,28 +312,34 @@ eor (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 82 b
eor (IndirectX b) = genericOp 65 b
eor (IndirectY b) = genericOp 81 b
inc :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
inc :: IsElem a '[AccumulatorKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
inc (Accumulator) = genericNoByteOp 26
inc (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 230 b
inc (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 246 b
inc (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 238 b
inc (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 254 b
inx :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
inx :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
inx (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 232
iny :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
iny :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
iny (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 200
jmp :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
jmp :: IsElem a '[AbsoluteKind, IndirectKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
jmp (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 76 b
jmp (Indirect b) = genericTwoByteOp 108 b
jmp (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 124 b
jsr :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
jsr :: IsElem a '[AbsoluteKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
jsr (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 32 b
lda :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
lda :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
lda (Immediate b) = genericOp 169 b
lda (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 165 b
lda (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 181 b
@ -314,31 +350,36 @@ lda (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 178 b
lda (IndirectX b) = genericOp 161 b
lda (IndirectY b) = genericOp 177 b
ldx :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
ldx :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageYKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
ldx (Immediate b) = genericOp 162 b
ldx (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 166 b
ldx (ZeroPageY b) = genericOp 182 b
ldx (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 174 b
ldx (AbsoluteY b) = genericTwoByteOp 190 b
ldy :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
ldy :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
ldy (Immediate b) = genericOp 160 b
ldy (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 164 b
ldy (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 180 b
ldy (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 172 b
ldy (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 188 b
lsr :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
lsr :: IsElem a '[AccumulatorKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
lsr (Accumulator) = genericNoByteOp 74
lsr (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 70 b
lsr (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 86 b
lsr (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 78 b
lsr (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 94 b
nop :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
nop :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
nop (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 234
ora :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
ora :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
ora (Immediate b) = genericOp 9 b
ora (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 5 b
ora (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 21 b
@ -349,75 +390,96 @@ ora (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 18 b
ora (IndirectX b) = genericOp 1 b
ora (IndirectY b) = genericOp 17 b
pha :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
pha :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
pha (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 72
php :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
php :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
php (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 8
phx :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
phx :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
phx (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 218
phy :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
phy :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
phy (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 90
pla :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
pla :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
pla (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 104
plp :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
plp :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
plp (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 40
plx :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
plx :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
plx (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 250
ply :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
ply :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
ply (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 122
rmb0 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb0 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb0 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 7 b
rmb1 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb1 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb1 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 23 b
rmb2 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb2 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb2 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 39 b
rmb3 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb3 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb3 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 55 b
rmb4 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb4 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb4 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 71 b
rmb5 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb5 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb5 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 87 b
rmb6 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb6 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb6 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 103 b
rmb7 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rmb7 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rmb7 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 119 b
rol :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rol :: IsElem a '[AccumulatorKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rol (Accumulator) = genericNoByteOp 42
rol (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 38 b
rol (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 54 b
rol (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 46 b
rol (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 62 b
ror :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
ror :: IsElem a '[AccumulatorKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
ror (Accumulator) = genericNoByteOp 106
ror (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 102 b
ror (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 118 b
ror (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 110 b
ror (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 126 b
rti :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rti :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rti (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 64
rts :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
rts :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
rts (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 96
sbc :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
sbc :: IsElem a '[ImmediateKind, ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
sbc (Immediate b) = genericOp 233 b
sbc (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 229 b
sbc (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 245 b
@ -428,40 +490,52 @@ sbc (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 242 b
sbc (IndirectX b) = genericOp 225 b
sbc (IndirectY b) = genericOp 241 b
sec :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
sec :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
sec (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 56
sed :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
sed :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
sed (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 248
sei :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
sei :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
sei (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 120
smb0 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb0 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb0 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 135 b
smb1 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb1 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb1 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 151 b
smb2 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb2 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb2 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 167 b
smb3 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb3 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb3 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 183 b
smb4 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb4 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb4 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 199 b
smb5 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb5 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb5 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 215 b
smb6 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb6 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb6 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 231 b
smb7 :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
smb7 :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
smb7 (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 247 b
sta :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
sta :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind, AbsoluteYKind, ZeroPageIndirectKind, IndirectXKind, IndirectYKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
sta (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 133 b
sta (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 149 b
sta (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 141 b
@ -471,50 +545,63 @@ sta (ZeroPageIndirect b) = genericOp 146 b
sta (IndirectX b) = genericOp 129 b
sta (IndirectY b) = genericOp 145 b
stp :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
stp :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
stp (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 219
stx :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
stx :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageYKind, AbsoluteKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
stx (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 134 b
stx (ZeroPageY b) = genericOp 150 b
stx (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 142 b
sty :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
sty :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
sty (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 132 b
sty (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 148 b
sty (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 140 b
stz :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
stz :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind, ZeroPageXKind, AbsoluteKind, AbsoluteXKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
stz (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 100 b
stz (ZeroPageX b) = genericOp 116 b
stz (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 156 b
stz (AbsoluteX b) = genericTwoByteOp 158 b
tax :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
tax :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
tax (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 170
tay :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
tay :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
tay (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 168
trb :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
trb :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind, AbsoluteKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
trb (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 20 b
trb (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 28 b
tsb :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
tsb :: IsElem a '[ZeroPageKind, AbsoluteKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
tsb (ZeroPage b) = genericOp 4 b
tsb (Absolute b) = genericTwoByteOp 12 b
tsx :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
tsx :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
tsx (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 186
txa :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
txa :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
txa (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 138
txs :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
txs :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
txs (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 154
tya :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
tya :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
tya (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 152
wai :: AddressingMode -> Instruction
wai :: IsElem a '[ImpliedKind] ~ 'True
=> AddressingMode a -> Instruction
wai (Implied) = genericNoByteOp 203

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ data AddressingMode (k :: AddressingKind) where
Accumulator :: AddressingMode 'AccumulatorKind
Immediate :: Word8 -> AddressingMode 'ImmediateKind
Relative :: Int8 -> AddressingMode 'RelativeKind -- Signed
ZeroPageRelative :: Int8 -> AddressingMode 'ZeroPageKind -- Signed
ZeroPageRelative :: Int8 -> AddressingMode 'ZeroPageRelativeKind -- Signed
Absolute :: Word16 -> AddressingMode 'AbsoluteKind
AbsoluteX :: Word16 -> AddressingMode 'AbsoluteXKind
AbsoluteY :: Word16 -> AddressingMode 'AbsoluteYKind