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Seth Morabito 2ebdd254b3 Work In Progress: CPU behavior, UI changes
This is something of a "Work in Progress" checkpoint of several features
that are all half baked:

1. Allow loading of 16KB ROM files at address $C000 at run-time, not
   just at startup. See the "Load ROM..." File menu item.

2. Introduces the notion of "CPU Behaviors", so the core 6502 CPU
   implementation can match the behavior of either an early NMOS 6502, late
   NMOS 6502, or CMOS 65C02. Very little of this is actually implemented so

3. Adds a completely bogus implementation of the 6522 VIA (it
   does absolutely nothing right now).

4. Changes the address of the ACIA in the simulated system to match a
   real hardware implementation I put together.
2012-11-25 22:49:21 -08:00

153 lines
3.5 KiB

; minimal monitor for EhBASIC and 6502 simulator V1.05
; To run EhBASIC on the simulator load and assemble [F7] this file, start the simulator
; running [F6] then start the code with the RESET [CTRL][SHIFT]R. Just selecting RUN
; will do nothing, you'll still have to do a reset to run the code.
.feature labels_without_colons
.include "basic.asm"
; put the IRQ and MNI code in RAM so that it can be changed
IRQ_vec = VEC_SV+2 ; IRQ code vector
NMI_vec = IRQ_vec+$0A ; NMI code vector
; setup for the 6502 simulator environment
IO_AREA = $8800
ACIAdata = IO_AREA ; simulated ACIA r/w port
ACIAstatus = IO_AREA+1
ACIAcommand = IO_AREA+2
ACIAcontrol = IO_AREA+3
; now the code. all this does is set up the vectors and interrupt code
; and wait for the user to select [C]old or [W]arm start. nothing else
; fits in less than 128 bytes
.segment "MONITOR"
.org $FF00 ; pretend this is in a 1/8K ROM
; reset vector points here
CLD ; clear decimal mode
LDX #$FF ; empty stack
TXS ; set the stack
; Initialize the ACIA
LDA #$09
STA ACIAcommand
LDA #$1A ; Set output for 8-N-1 2400
STA ACIAcontrol
; set up vectors and interrupt code, copy them to page 2
LDY #END_CODE-LAB_vec ; set index/count
LDA LAB_vec-1,Y ; get byte from interrupt code
STA VEC_IN-1,Y ; save to RAM
DEY ; decrement index/count
BNE LAB_stlp ; loop if more to do
; now do the signon message, Y = $00 here
LDA LAB_mess,Y ; get byte from sign on message
BEQ LAB_nokey ; exit loop if done
JSR V_OUTP ; output character
INY ; increment index
BNE LAB_signon ; loop, branch always
JSR V_INPT ; call scan input device
BCC LAB_nokey ; loop if no key
AND #$DF ; mask xx0x xxxx, ensure upper case
CMP #'W' ; compare with [W]arm start
BEQ LAB_dowarm ; branch if [W]arm start
CMP #'C' ; compare with [C]old start
BNE RES_vec ; loop if not [C]old start
JMP LAB_COLD ; do EhBASIC cold start
JMP LAB_WARM ; do EhBASIC warm start
; byte out to simulated ACIA
PHA ; save accumulator
LDA ACIAstatus ; Read 6551 status
AND #$10 ; Is tx buffer full?
BEQ ACIAout_w ; if not, loop back
PLA ; Otherwise, restore accumulator
STA ACIAdata ; write byte to 6551
; byte in from simulated ACIA
LDA ACIAstatus ; Read 6551 status
AND #$08 ;
BEQ LAB_nobyw ; If rx buffer empty, no byte
LDA ACIAdata ; Read byte from 6551
SEC ; Flag byte received
CLC ; flag no byte received
no_load ; empty load vector for EhBASIC
no_save ; empty save vector for EhBASIC
; vector tables
.word ACIAin ; byte in from simulated ACIA
.word ACIAout ; byte out to simulated ACIA
.word no_load ; null load vector for EhBASIC
.word no_save ; null save vector for EhBASIC
; EhBASIC IRQ support
PHA ; save A
LDA IrqBase ; get the IRQ flag byte
LSR ; shift the set b7 to b6, and on down ...
ORA IrqBase ; OR the original back in
STA IrqBase ; save the new IRQ flag byte
PLA ; restore A
; EhBASIC NMI support
PHA ; save A
LDA NmiBase ; get the NMI flag byte
LSR ; shift the set b7 to b6, and on down ...
ORA NmiBase ; OR the original back in
STA NmiBase ; save the new NMI flag byte
PLA ; restore A
.byte $0D,$0A,"6502 EhBASIC [C]old/[W]arm ?",$00
; sign on string
; system vectors
.segment "VECTORS"
.org $FFFA
.word 0 ; NMI vector
.word RES_vec ; RESET vector
.word 0 ; IRQ vector