mirror of https://github.com/makarcz/vm6502.git synced 2024-09-30 17:55:48 +00:00
Marek Karcz 67f1a62596 Version 2.0
Version 2.0, full emulation of 6502 op-codes, fully tested and functional. Extended description in ReadMe file. Bin2Hex tool to convert binary images to memory definition format. Microchess, EhBasic added.
2016-03-13 19:12:14 -04:00

315 lines
4.3 KiB

; test program #1
; address: $0200
; load Acc with value 12
; write Acc to address $c000 (49152)
; nop
; nop
; lda #$0c
; sta $c000
; brk
$EA $EA $A9 $0c $8D $00 $c0 $00 $00
; test program #2
; address: $0400
; copy 0-terminated string from
; address $d000 to $0200
; "Hello World!"
; ORG=$0400
; hello:
; ldx #0
; loop:
; lda $d000,x
; beq $06 ;branch to end (+6) if A=0
; sta $0200,x
; inx
; bne $f5 ; branch to loop (-11) if X<>0
; end:
; brk
$A2 $00
$BD $00 $d0
$F0 $06
$9D $00 $02
$D0 $F5
$00 $00
; data
; address: $d000
;DEC: 53248
; "Hello World!"
72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 33 0
; test program #3 - copy Hello World! string to $0300
; using different assembly instructions
; address: $0500
; ORG=$0500 ;dec: 1280
; hello:
; lda #0
; sta $05
; ldx $05
; loop:
; lda $d000,x
; sta $0300,x
; beq end ;(+6)
; inx
; beq end ;(+3)
; jmp loop
; end:
; brk
;DEC: 1280
$A9 $00
$85 $05
$A6 $05
$BD $00 $d0
$9D $00 $03
$F0 $06
$F0 $03
$4C $06 $05
$00 $00
; test program #4
; left-shift memory location $05 at zero page,
; then location $06 using zero page indexed addressing,
; then memory location $c001 (outside zero page) using absolute addressing
; then location $c002 using indexed absolute addressing
; and finally left-shift Acc.
; stop after each step for debugging
; exit loop when Acc=0
; start:
; lda #$ff
; ldx #$01
; sta $05
; sta $05,x
; sta $c000,x
; inx
; sta $c000,x
; ldx #$01
; loop2:
; brk
; asl $05
; asl $05,x
; asl $c001
; asl $c001,x
; asl
; bne loop2 ;(-15 or $f1)
; brk
$A9 $FF
$A2 $01
$85 $05
$95 $05
$9D $00 $C0
$9D $00 $C0
$A2 $01
$00 $00
$06 $05
$16 $05
$0E $01 $C0
$1E $01 $C0
$D0 $F1
$00 $00
; test program #5
; Test ORA opcode with various arguments and addressing modes.
; At each break, the contents of Acc should equal $AA.
; start:
; lda #$aa ;%10101010
; sta $05
; sta $aa
; lda #$00
; tax
; ora ($05,x)
; brk
; lda #$00
; ora $05
; brk
; lda #$00
; ora #$aa
; brk
; lda #$00
; ora $0005
; brk
; lda #$05
; sta $06
; lda #$00
; sta $07
; tay
; ora ($06),y
; brk
; lda #$00
; tax
; ora $05,x
; brk
; lda #$00
; tay
; ora $0005,y
; brk
; lda #$00
; tax
; ora $0005,x
; brk
$A9 $AA
$85 $05
$85 $AA
$A9 $00
$01 $05
$00 $00
$A9 $00
$05 $05
$00 $00
$A9 $00
$09 $AA
$00 $00
$A9 $00
$0D $05 $00
$00 $00
$A9 $05
$85 $06
$A9 $00
$85 $07
$11 $06
$00 $00
$A9 $00
$15 $05
$00 $00
$A9 $00
$19 $05 $00
$00 $00
$A9 $00
$1D $05 $00
$00 $00
; test program #6
; Test JSR opcode.
; After each break examine memory at $c000 and $c001.
; After 1-st break, $c000 should equal $dd.
; Return address-1 ($0802) should be on stack.
; After 2-nd break, PC counter should be at $0805.
; After 3-rd break, $c000 should equal $ee.
; Return address-1 ($0807) should be on stack.
; After 4-th break, PC counter should be at $080a.
; start:
; jsr sub1
; brk
; jsr sub2
; brk
; brk
; brk
; sub1:
; lda #$dd
; sta $c000
; brk
; rts
; sub2:
; lda #$ee
; sta $c000
; brk
; rts
$20 $0B $08
$00 $00
$20 $13 $08
$A9 $DD
$8D $00 $C0
$00 $00
$A9 $EE
$8D $00 $C0
$00 $00
; test program #7
; Test ADC opcode.
; Expected results:
; First break: Acc=$01, Carry=1
; 2-nd break: Acc=$02, Carry=1
; 3-rd break: Acc=$22, Carry=0
; 4-th break: Acc=$23, Carry=0
; start:
; clc
; lda #$ff
; adc #$02
; brk
; sec
; lda #$ff
; adc #$02
; brk
; clc
; lda #$20
; adc #$02
; brk
; sec
; lda #$20
; adc #$02
; brk
$A9 $FF
$69 $02
$00 $00
$A9 $FF
$69 $02
$00 $00
$A9 $20
$69 $02
$00 $00
$A9 $20
$69 $02
$00 $00
; test program #8
; Test ROR opcode.
; start:
; sec
; lda #$00
; loop:
; ror
; brk
; bcc loop ;(-5 -> $FB)
; brk
$A9 $00
$00 $00
$90 $FB
$00 $00