There are two ways of installing WUDSN IDE. If you are using a Windows operating system, I recommend downloading the ready to run zero installation distribution:

Click to download the Windows 64-bit version
It contains the Eclipse Platform, the Java Runtime Environment, the latest stable version of the WUDSN IDE plugin, all supported compilers and an emulator for each supported platform. All paths to folders, compilers and emulators are pre-configured. Unpack the content of this archive to the directory "C:\jac\wudsn" and click the "WUDSN IDE" link. Eclipse will open with the predefined workspace that contains "Hello World" examples for different platforms.

If you use another operating system, or want to use the latest version of WUDSN or want to install compilers and emulators more selectively, read the descriptions of the installation steps below. In addition, the following previous versions of the zero installation distribution are available In case something is not correct or not working, please contact me.

Installing Eclipse   » top
Installing WUDSN IDE   » top
Installing compilers like ATASM, MADS, XASM...   » top
Installing Atari800Win and other emulators   » top
Creating and compiling an example project   » top
Further information on assembler programming   » top