A project like WUDSN IDE is not possible and not worth anything without the contributions provided by others. So here's the list of credits of all involved people and related projects.

Compiler Contributor
ACME Krzysztof Dabrowski (BruSH/ElysiuM)
ATASM M. Schmelzenbach (schmelze)
DASM Peter H. Froehlich (pfh)
KickAss Mads Nielsen (Slammer)
MADS Tomasz Biela (tebe)
XASM Piotr Fusik (fox)
Linux compiling Carsten Strohmann (cas)
Mac OS X compiling Spookt
Graphic library or tool Contributor
FAIL Piotr Fusik (fox)
Grafx2 Adrien Destugues (PulkoMandy), Yves Rizoud (yrizoud)
Sound library Contributor
ASAP Piotr Fusik (fox)
JSIDPLAY2 Ken Händel (kenchis)
File system library Contributor
AppleCommander Robert Greene (robgreene)
Emulator Contributor
AppleWin (Apple II) Nick Westgate (sicklittlemonkey)
Altirra (Atari 8-bit) Avery Lee (phaeron)
Atari800Win (Atari 8-bit) Marcin Lewandowski (jaskier)
CCS64 (C64) Håkan Sundell (phs)
JACE (Apple II) Brendan Robert (BLuRry)
Stella (Atari VCS) Stephen Anthony, Bradford Mott, Eckhard Stolberg, Brian Watson
Virtu (Apple II) Sean Fausett (fool)
Eclipse plugin or library Contributor
Eclipse Eclipse Foundation
x86 ASM Plugin Andy Reek, Daniel Mitte
Rhino JavaScript engine Mozilla Foundation
Eclipse Hex Editor Plugin (used as inspiration) Marcel Palko (randallco)
Java Hex Editor & Plugin Pordi Estaqual (pestatije)
Java Expression Language Parser Aaron Gadberry (aaron)