echo off rem rem The image and file resource files for the IDE help are original in the "site\productions\java\ide" folder. rem The are linked into the "com.wudsn.ide.asm/help/productions/java/ide project" folder via a symbolic link. rem This way, the Eclipse build uses the latest versions automatically. rem The HTML files for the online help are original in the com.wudsn.ide.asm/help" folder. rem They have to be copied into the Joomla using the "export.bat" script when something is changed. rem rem Important: Run this script in an Administrator shell. rem echo on setlocal set REPOSITORY=C:\jac\system\Java\Programming\Repositories\WUDSN-IDE set SITE=C:\jac\system\WWW\Sites\ set SYMBOLIC_LINK=%REPOSITORY%\com.wudsn.ide.asm\help\productions\java\ide set REAL_FOLDER=%SITE%\productions\java\ide rmdir %SYMBOLIC_LINK% mklink /D %SYMBOLIC_LINK% %REAL_FOLDER% pause