Peter Dell 0423e79c7a Make command line/parameter parsing tolerant regarding consecutive spaces
Use REGEX instead of standard  split(" ")
2024-01-30 01:50:43 +01:00

861 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2009 - 2021 <a href="https://www.wudsn.com" target="_top">Peter Dell</a>
* This file is part of WUDSN IDE.
* WUDSN IDE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WUDSN IDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WUDSN IDE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.wudsn.ide.lng.editor;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint;
import org.eclipse.swt.program.Program;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout;
import org.eclipse.ui.IViewReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleView;
import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
import com.wudsn.ide.base.common.FileUtility;
import com.wudsn.ide.base.common.HexUtility;
import com.wudsn.ide.base.common.MarkerUtility;
import com.wudsn.ide.base.common.NumberUtility;
import com.wudsn.ide.base.common.ProcessWithLogs;
import com.wudsn.ide.base.common.StringUtility;
import com.wudsn.ide.base.hardware.Hardware;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.HardwareUtility;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.LanguagePlugin;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.LanguageUtility;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.Texts;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.breakpoint.LanguageBreakpoint;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.Compiler;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerConsole;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerDefinition;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerFileWriter;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerFiles;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerFiles.SourceFile;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerProcessLogParser;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerProcessLogParser.Marker;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerSymbol;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.compiler.CompilerVariables;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.preferences.CompilerRunPreferences;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.runner.Runner;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.runner.RunnerDefinition;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.runner.RunnerId;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.runner.RunnerPaths.RunnerPath;
import com.wudsn.ide.lng.symbol.CompilerSymbolsView;
* Implementation of the "Compile" command.
* @author Peter Dell
final class LanguageEditorCompileCommand {
* Commands.
public static final String COMPILE = "com.wudsn.ide.lng.editor.LanguageEditorCompileCommand";
public static final String COMPILE_AND_RUN = "com.wudsn.ide.lng.editor.LanguageEditorCompileAndRunCommand";
public static final String COMPILE_AND_RUN_WITH = "com.wudsn.ide.lng.editor.LanguageEditorCompileAndRunWithCommand";
* The owning plugin.
private LanguagePlugin plugin;
* Creation is private.
private LanguageEditorCompileCommand() {
plugin = LanguagePlugin.getInstance();
* Creates a message associated with the main source file of an
* {@link CompilerFiles} instance. The message is not bound to a line number.
* @param files The {@link CompilerFiles} not <code>null</code>.
* @param severity The message severity, see {@link IMarker#SEVERITY}
* @param message The message, may contain parameter "{0}" to "{9}". May be
* empty, not <code>null</code>.
* @param parameters The format parameters for the message, may be empty, not
* <code>null</code>.
private void createMainSourceFileMessage(CompilerFiles files, int severity, String message, String... parameters) {
if (files == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'files' must not be null.");
MarkerUtility.createMarker(files.mainSourceFile.iFile, 0, severity, message, parameters);
* Executes a compile command.
* @param languageEditor The language editor, not <code>null</code>.
* @param files The compiler files, not <code>null</code>.
* @param commandId The command id, see {@link #COMPILE},
* {@link #COMPILE_AND_RUN} ,
* @param runnerId The runner id, may be empty or <code>null</code>.
* @throws RuntimeException
public static void execute(ILanguageEditor languageEditor, CompilerFiles files, String commandId, String runnerId)
throws RuntimeException {
if (languageEditor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'languageEditor' must not be null.");
if (files == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'files' must not be null.");
if (commandId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'commandId' must not be null.");
// Ensure all current changes in all open editors are saved.
if (!IDE.saveAllEditors(new IResource[] { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot() }, false)) {
IWorkbenchPage page = languageEditor.getSite().getPage();
LanguageEditorCompileCommand instance;
instance = new LanguageEditorCompileCommand();
try {
instance.executeInternal(languageEditor, files, commandId, runnerId);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw ex;
try {
// Remember active editor.
IWorkbenchPart activePart = page.getActivePart();
// Show console.
CompilerConsole compilerConsole = instance.plugin.getCompilerConsole();
IConsoleView consoleView = (IConsoleView) page.showView(IConsoleConstants.ID_CONSOLE_VIEW);
// Show problems view.
// Reactivate previously active editor.
} catch (PartInitException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot show view.", ex);
* Splits a string a one or more spaces, unless they are quoted.
* @param commandLine The command line to be split, not <code>null</code>.
* @return The array of string, may be empty, not <code>null</code>.
private static String[] splitAtSpaces(String commandLine) {
if (commandLine == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'commandLine' must not be null.");
return commandLine.split("\s+(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)", -1);
private boolean executeInternal(ILanguageEditor languageEditor, CompilerFiles files, String commandId,
String runnerId) {
if (languageEditor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'languageEditor' must not be null.");
if (files == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'files' must not be null.");
if (commandId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'commandId' must not be null.");
LanguageEditorFilesLogic languageEditorFilesLogic = LanguageEditorFilesLogic.createInstance(languageEditor);
// Remove existing problem markers from all files.
if (!languageEditorFilesLogic.removeMarkers(files)) {
return false;
// Check annotations
if (!files.sourceFile.filePath.equals(files.mainSourceFile.filePath)) {
// Determine and check hardware.
Hardware hardware = languageEditorFilesLogic.getHardware(files);
if (hardware == null) {
return false;
// Check files based on the compiler definition.
if (!languageEditorFilesLogic.validateOutputFile(files)) {
return false;
// Create wrapper for run properties.
CompilerDefinition compilerDefinition = languageEditor.getCompilerDefinition();
CompilerRunPreferences compilerRunPreferences = new CompilerRunPreferences(
languageEditor.getLanguageHardwareCompilerPreferences(), files.mainSourceFile.languageAnnotationValues);
// Check if output file is modifiable in case it already exists.
long outputFileLastModified = -1;
if (files.outputFile.exists()) {
boolean canWrite = files.outputFile.canWrite();
if (canWrite) {
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(files.outputFile, true);
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
plugin.logError("Cannot close file output stream", null, ex);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
canWrite = false;
if (!canWrite) {
// ERROR: Output file '{0}' cannot be opened for writing. End
// all applications which may keep the file open.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E106, files.outputFileName);
return false;
outputFileLastModified = files.outputFile.lastModified();
// Get and check path to compiler executable.
String compilerPreferencesText = LanguageUtility.getCompilerPreferencesText(compilerDefinition.getLanguage());
String compilerExecutablePath = languageEditor.getLanguagePreferences()
if (StringUtility.isEmpty(compilerExecutablePath)) {
// ERROR: Path to {0} '{1}' executable is not set in the '{2}' preferences.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E100, compilerDefinition.getText(),
compilerDefinition.getName(), compilerPreferencesText);
return false;
File compilerExecutableFile = new File(compilerExecutablePath);
if (!compilerExecutableFile.exists()) {
// ERROR: Path to {0} '{1}' executable in the '{2}' preferences points to
// non-existing file '{3}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E103, compilerDefinition.getText(),
compilerDefinition.getName(), compilerPreferencesText, compilerExecutablePath);
return false;
// Get and check compiler executable parameters.
String compilerParameters = compilerRunPreferences.getParameters();
if (StringUtility.isEmpty(compilerParameters)) {
compilerParameters = compilerDefinition.getDefaultParameters();
// The parameters are first split at spaces (unless they are quotes) and then
// substituted.
// This allows for parameters and file paths inner spaces to be used.
// In some case addition quotes must be places around parameters, for
// example for the "${sourceFilePath}". This can be used to avoid
// problems with absolute file path under Unix starting with "/" or path
// containing white spaces.
compilerParameters = compilerParameters.trim();
String compilerParameterArray[] = splitAtSpaces(compilerParameters);
if (compilerParameterArray.length == 0) {
// ERROR: The {0} '{1}' does not specify default parameters.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E101, compilerDefinition.getText(),
return false;
// From here on, the method is linear, i.e. there is no "return" until
// the end.
// Special handling for direct execution of ".jar" files.
String[] fullCommandLineArray;
int offset;
if (compilerExecutablePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
offset = 3;
fullCommandLineArray = new String[offset + compilerParameterArray.length];
fullCommandLineArray[0] = "java";
fullCommandLineArray[1] = "-jar";
fullCommandLineArray[2] = compilerExecutablePath;
} else {
offset = 1;
fullCommandLineArray = new String[offset + compilerParameterArray.length];
fullCommandLineArray[0] = compilerExecutablePath;
// Map parameter with variables replacement.
for (int i = 0; i < compilerParameterArray.length; i++) {
String parameter = compilerParameterArray[i];
parameter = CompilerVariables.replaceVariables(parameter, files);
fullCommandLineArray[i + offset] = parameter;
ProcessWithLogs compilerProcess = new ProcessWithLogs(fullCommandLineArray, files.mainSourceFile.folder);
CompilerConsole compilerConsole = plugin.getCompilerConsole();
compilerConsole.println("Compiling for hardware " + hardware.name() + " on "
+ new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date()) + ": " + compilerProcess.getCommandArrayString());
try {
compilerProcess.exec(System.out, System.err, true);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ERROR: Cannot execute {0} process '{1}' in working directory '{2}'. System
// error: {3}
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E105, compilerDefinition.getText(),
compilerProcess.getCommandArrayString(), compilerProcess.getWorkingDirectory().getPath(),
// Refresh the output and the symbols file resource.
if (files.outputFolderPath.equals(files.mainSourceFile.folderPath)
|| files.outputFolderPath.equals(files.sourceFile.folderPath)) {
try {
IResource outputResource = files.mainSourceFile.iFile.getParent();
if (outputResource != null) {
outputResource.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null);
outputResource = files.sourceFile.iFile.getParent();
if (outputResource != null) {
outputResource.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null);
} catch (CoreException ex) {
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
return false;
compilerConsole.println("Compiler '" + compilerDefinition.getName() + "' output:");
// Compiling is over, check the result.
Compiler compiler = languageEditor.getCompiler();
boolean compilerSuccess = compiler.isSuccessExitValue(compilerProcess.getExitValue());
if (compilerSuccess) {
if (files.outputFile.exists()) {
if (files.outputFile.length() > 0) {
if (files.outputFile.lastModified() != outputFileLastModified) {
// INFO: Output file '{0}' created or updated with {1}
// (${2}) bytes.
long fileLength = files.outputFile.length();
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO, Texts.MESSAGE_I109,
files.outputFilePath, Long.toString(fileLength),
// Handle disk images
CompilerFileWriter compilerFileWriter = HardwareUtility
if (!compilerFileWriter.createOrUpdateDiskImage(files)) {
return false;
if (commandId.equals(COMPILE_AND_RUN) || commandId.equals(COMPILE_AND_RUN_WITH)) {
openOutputFile(languageEditor, files, compilerRunPreferences, compilerConsole, runnerId);
} else {
// ERROR: Output file not updated. Check the error
// messages and the console log.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E108);
} else {
// ERROR: Output file created but empty. Check the error
// messages and the console log.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E126);
} else {
// ERROR: No output file created. Check the error messages and
// the
// console log.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E107);
// Output an additional message if the reason for the compiler's exit
// value is not already contained in the error messages.
boolean errorFound = parseLogs(languageEditor, files, compilerProcess);
if (!compilerSuccess && !errorFound) {
// ERROR: {0} process ended with return code {1}. Check the error messages and
// the console log.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E127, compilerDefinition.getText(),
return true;
* Check the status message attached to annotation values and create markers for
* them.
* @param sourceFile The source file, not <code>null</code>.
private void checkAnnotations(SourceFile sourceFile) {
if (sourceFile == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'sourceFile' must not be null.");
var annotationValues = sourceFile.languageAnnotationValues;
for (String key : annotationValues.keySet()) {
var value = annotationValues.get(key);
int markerSeverity;
for (var status : value.statusList) {
switch (status.getSeverity()) {
case IStatus.WARNING:
markerSeverity = IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING;
case IStatus.ERROR:
markerSeverity = IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported severity " + status.getSeverity());
MarkerUtility.createMarker(sourceFile.iFile, value.lineNumber, markerSeverity, "{0}",
* Creates or deletes the breakpoints file based on the runner.
* @param languageEditor The language editor, not <code>null</code>.
* @param files The compiler files, not <code>null</code>.
* @param runner The runner, not <code>null</code>.
* @since 1.6.1
private void createBreakpointsFile(ILanguageEditor languageEditor, CompilerFiles files, Runner runner) {
if (languageEditor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'languageEditor' must not be null.");
if (files == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'files' must not be null.");
if (runner == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'runner' must not be null.");
File breakpointsFile = runner.createBreakpointsFile(files);
IBreakpointManager breakpointManager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager();
IBreakpoint breakpoints[];
if (breakpointManager.isEnabled()) {
breakpoints = breakpointManager.getBreakpoints(LanguageBreakpoint.DEBUG_MODEL_ID);
} else {
breakpoints = new IBreakpoint[0];
if (breakpointsFile == null) {
if (breakpoints.length > 0) {
// WARNING: Breakpoints will be ignored because the application
// '{0}' does not support passing source level breakpoints.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING, Texts.MESSAGE_W120,
new String[] { runner.getDefinition().getName() });
// If breakpoints are present, a breakpoints file is generated.
if (breakpoints.length >= 0) {
LanguageBreakpoint[] languageBreakpoints = new LanguageBreakpoint[breakpoints.length];
System.arraycopy(breakpoints, 0, languageBreakpoints, 0, breakpoints.length);
StringBuilder breakpointBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int activeBreakpointCount = runner.createBreakpointsFileContent(languageBreakpoints, breakpointBuilder);
try {
FileUtility.writeString(breakpointsFile, breakpointBuilder.toString());
} catch (CoreException ex) {
// ERROR: Cannot open breakpoints file '{0}' for output. System
// error: {1}
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E122,
new String[] { breakpointsFile.getPath(), ex.getMessage() });
// INFO: Breakpoints file '{0}' created with {1} active breakpoints.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO, Texts.MESSAGE_I121, new String[] {
breakpointsFile.getPath(), NumberUtility.getLongValueDecimalString(activeBreakpointCount) });
} else {
// If no breakpoints are present, the breakpoints file is deleted.
if (breakpointsFile.exists()) {
if (!breakpointsFile.delete()) {
// ERROR: Cannot delete empty breakpoints file '{0}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E123,
new String[] { breakpointsFile.getPath() });
private void openOutputFile(ILanguageEditor languageEditor, CompilerFiles files,
CompilerRunPreferences compilerRunPreferences, CompilerConsole compilerConsole, String runnerId) {
if (languageEditor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'languageEditor' must not be null.");
if (files == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'files' must not be null.");
if (compilerRunPreferences == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'compilerRunPreferences' must not be null.");
if (compilerConsole == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'compilerConsole' must not be null.");
String[] fullCommandLineArray;
ProcessWithLogs runnerProcess;
fullCommandLineArray = null;
// If the runner id was no specified explicitly, the default from the
// preferences is used.
if (runnerId == null || StringUtility.isEmpty(runnerId)) {
runnerId = compilerRunPreferences.getRunnerId();
Hardware hardware = compilerRunPreferences.getHardware();
Runner runner;
runner = plugin.getRunnerRegistry().getRunner(hardware, runnerId);
if (runner == null) {
// ERROR: Definition for application '{0}' from the preferences of
// hardware '{1}' is not registered.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E116, runnerId,
createBreakpointsFile(languageEditor, files, runner);
String runnerCommandLine;
runnerCommandLine = compilerRunPreferences.getRunnerCommandLine(runnerId);
if (StringUtility.isEmpty(runnerCommandLine)) {
runnerCommandLine = runner.getDefinition().getDefaultCommandLine();
runnerCommandLine = runnerCommandLine.trim();
// The parameters are first split and then substituted.
// This allows for parameters and file paths inner spaces to
// be used. In some case addition quotes must be places around
// parameters, for example for the "${outputFilePath}" for
// MADS. Otherwise using absolute file path under Unix starting
// "/" may cause conflicts.
String[] commandLineArray = splitAtSpaces(runnerCommandLine);
// Execution type: DEFAULT_APPLICATION
if (runnerId.equals(RunnerId.DEFAULT_APPLICATION)) {
String extension = files.outputFileName;
int index = extension.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index > 0) {
extension = extension.substring(index);
Program program = Program.findProgram(extension);
if (program == null) {
// ERROR: Cannot open output file '{0}' with the
// standard application since no application is
// registered for the file extension '{1}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E115, files.outputFilePath,
} else {
if (Program.launch(files.outputFilePath)) {
// INFO: Opening output file '{0}' with
// application
// '{1}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO, Texts.MESSAGE_I118, files.outputFilePath,
compilerConsole.println("Running '" + runner.getDefinition().getName() + "': " + program.getName()
+ " " + files.outputFilePath);
} else {
// ERROR: Cannot open output file '{0}' with
// application '{1}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E119, files.outputFilePath,
// Execution type: predefined or USER_DEFINED_APPLICATION
else {
boolean error = false;
String runnerExecutablePath = compilerRunPreferences.getRunnerExecutablePath(runnerId);
if (StringUtility.isEmpty(runnerExecutablePath)) {
runnerExecutablePath = plugin.getRunnerPaths().getDefaultRunnerAbsolutePath(hardware, runnerId);
if (runnerCommandLine.contains(RunnerDefinition.RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_PATH)) {
if (StringUtility.isEmpty(runnerExecutablePath)) {
// ERROR: Path to application executable is not
// set in the preferences of application '{0}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E112,
error = true;
} else {
File runnerExecutableFile = new File(runnerExecutablePath);
if (!runnerExecutableFile.exists()) {
// ERROR: Path to '{0}' application
// executable in the preferences points to
// non-existing file '{1}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E114,
runner.getDefinition().getName(), runnerExecutablePath);
error = true;
if (!error) {
fullCommandLineArray = new String[commandLineArray.length];
for (int i = 0; i < commandLineArray.length; i++) {
String parameter = commandLineArray[i];
parameter = CompilerVariables.replaceVariables(parameter, files);
parameter = replaceRunnerParameters(parameter, runnerExecutablePath);
parameter = parameter.replace(RunnerDefinition.OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, files.outputFilePath);
fullCommandLineArray[i] = parameter;
// INFO: Opening output file '{0}' with application '{1}'.
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO, Texts.MESSAGE_I118, files.outputFilePath,
runnerProcess = new ProcessWithLogs(fullCommandLineArray, files.outputFolder);
"Running '" + runner.getDefinition().getName() + "': " + runnerProcess.getCommandArrayString());
try {
boolean wait = compilerRunPreferences.isRunnerWaitForCompletion(runnerId);
runnerProcess.exec(compilerConsole.getPrintStream(), compilerConsole.getPrintStream(), wait);
.println("Application returned with exit code " + runnerProcess.getExitValue() + ".");
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ERROR: Cannot execute application '{0}' process '{1}' in
// working directory '{2}'. System error: {3}
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Texts.MESSAGE_E113,
runner.getDefinition().getName(), runnerProcess.getCommandArrayString(),
runnerProcess.getWorkingDirectory().getPath(), ex.getMessage());
private String replaceRunnerParameters(String parameter, String runnerExecutablePath) {
if (parameter == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'parameter' must not be null.");
if (runnerExecutablePath == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'runnerExecutablePath' must not be null.");
parameter = parameter.replace(RunnerDefinition.RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_PATH, runnerExecutablePath);
return parameter;
private boolean parseLogs(ILanguageEditor languageEditor, CompilerFiles files, ProcessWithLogs compileProcess) {
if (languageEditor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'languageEditor' must not be null.");
if (files == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'files' must not be null.");
if (compileProcess == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'compileProcess' must not be null.");
Compiler compiler = languageEditor.getCompiler();
CompilerProcessLogParser logParser = compiler.createLogParser();
// Line parser with main source file and logs.
logParser.setLogs(files, compileProcess.getOutputLog(), compileProcess.getErrorLog());
Set<Marker> set = new HashSet<Marker>();
List<IMarker> markers = new ArrayList<IMarker>();
while (logParser.nextMarker()) {
Marker markerProxy = logParser.getMarker();
while (markerProxy != null) { // Loop to add main marker and its
// detail markers
if (!set.contains(markerProxy)) {
try {
IFile iFile = markerProxy.getIFile();
IMarker marker = iFile.createMarker(IMarker.PROBLEM);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, markerProxy.getSeverity());
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, markerProxy.getMessage());
int lineNumber = markerProxy.getLineNumber();
if (lineNumber > 0) {
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, lineNumber);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.TRANSIENT, true);
} catch (CoreException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
markerProxy = markerProxy.getDetailMarker();
boolean errorOccurred = positionToFirstErrorOrWarning(languageEditor, markers);
parseCompilerSymbols(languageEditor, files, logParser);
return errorOccurred;
* Positions to the first error or warning in any file for which markers have
* been created.
* @param languageEditor The language editor, not <code>null</code>. Used as
* basis for opening another editor when required.
* @param markers The modifiable list of marker, may be empty, not
* <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> if an error was found.
private boolean positionToFirstErrorOrWarning(ILanguageEditor languageEditor, List<IMarker> markers) {
if (languageEditor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'languageEditor' must not be null.");
if (markers == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'markers' must not be null.");
Collections.sort(markers, new Comparator<IMarker>() {
public int compare(IMarker o1, IMarker o2) {
int result = o1.getResource().getFullPath().toString()
if (result == 0) {
result = o1.getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, 0) - o2.getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, 0);
return result;
String positioningMode = languageEditor.getLanguagePreferences().getEditorCompileCommandPositioningMode();
boolean ignoreWarnings = positioningMode.equals(LanguageEditorCompileCommandPositioningMode.FIRST_ERROR);
IMarker firstWarningMarker = null;
IMarker firstErrorMarker = null;
for (IMarker marker : markers) {
switch (marker.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, 0)) {
if (!ignoreWarnings) {
if (firstWarningMarker == null) {
firstWarningMarker = marker;
if (firstErrorMarker == null) {
firstErrorMarker = marker;
IMarker firstMarker = firstErrorMarker;
if (firstMarker == null) {
firstMarker = firstWarningMarker;
if (firstMarker != null) {
MarkerUtility.gotoMarker(languageEditor, firstMarker);
return firstErrorMarker != null;
private void parseCompilerSymbols(ILanguageEditor languageEditor, CompilerFiles files,
CompilerProcessLogParser logParser) {
if (languageEditor == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'languageEditor' must not be null.");
if (files == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'files' must not be null.");
if (logParser == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'logParser' must not be null.");
List<CompilerSymbol> compilerSymbols;
compilerSymbols = new ArrayList<CompilerSymbol>();
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
String message = ex.getMessage();
if (message == null) {
message = ex.getClass().getName();
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, message);
LanguagePlugin.getInstance().logError("Error in addCompilerSymbols()", null, ex);
} catch (CoreException ex) {
String message = ex.getMessage();
if (message == null) {
message = ex.getClass().getName();
createMainSourceFileMessage(files, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, message);
// Display symbols.
IViewReference[] references = languageEditor.getSite().getPage().getViewReferences();
for (IViewReference reference : references) {
if (reference.getId().equals(CompilerSymbolsView.ID)) {
CompilerSymbolsView compilerSymbolsView = (CompilerSymbolsView) reference.getView(true);
if (compilerSymbolsView != null) {
compilerSymbolsView.setSymbols(files, compilerSymbols);