
448 lines
17 KiB

FIXED? Productions images max size/width?
FIXED? https://search.google.com/search-console/mobile-usability/drilldown?resource_id=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wudsn.com%2F&item_key=CAk&hl=en
FIXED? ROM checker HTML: <th style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-collapse:collapse;;white-space:nowrap;">CRC32</th>
Check symlinks in DASM Tests (https://github.com/peterdell/wudsn-ide-tools/blob/main/ASM/DASM/test/delete_empty_binary.asm)
"wudsn-ide-tools-main/ASM/DASM/test/cmdline_defs/declare_var_mac.asm: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\jac\\wudsn\\daily\\Install\\wudsn-ide-tools-main\\ASM\\DASM\\test\\cmdline_defs\\declare_var_mac.asm'
wudsn-ide-tools-main/ASM/DASM/test/delete_empty_binary.asm: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\jac\\wudsn\\daily\\Install\\wudsn-ide-tools-main\\ASM\\DASM\\test\\delete_empty_binary.asm'
wudsn-ide-tools-main/ASM/DASM/test/m_switch_2.asm: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\jac\\wudsn\\daily\\Install\\wudsn-ide-tools-main\\ASM\\DASM\\test\\m_switch_2.asm'
wudsn-ide-tools-main/ASM/DASM/test/m_switch_3.asm: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\jac\\wudsn\\daily\\Install\\wudsn-ide-tools-main\\ASM\\DASM\\test\\m_switch_3.asm'
Traq: Asked for COVIDEMO final on fb on 2022-12-18
JHusak: Test his fixed Axel F
SnakeIt zip kaputt, kein BIN
Littel50 hat kein TTT
Auf https://www.stcarchiv.de/?
LED Tags
Für Sillyventure
Symbols automatisch einbleden
.lst verknüpfen
Contenttypes .pas
Geos EPROM über den Shop
Alex Bolloni - Abbuc
Hansi Richstein Lapis Philosophum
Holger Janz
1200er Bad Apple startet direkt RETURN
Mule geht nicht auf The!Cart
SillyPack: Empty DL before warmstart (G2F)
Kirschpacman - Video in HD? und dann öffentlich machen? Plus Video Description mit Link
load "$",8
load "*ustr*",8,1
Dynamic menu contributions for Compile & Run?!?
Shadow City Scape on VCS
FakeFade.asm, Pixels Stage 5/6.asm
- Fix 240th scanline in ABBUC 99 Intro
- Shadebobs in 256 color mode / 256 color char plasma
insane: Source for Chaos Zoomer
PM Sinus Scroller over GTIA (Hardwired Statue)
Zoomer like in Shrine
Pseudo Roller Coaster (with text as PM or PM as border)
JHV 2002 final version
COLACE Shade Bobs
Rastersplits in GTIA for "JAC" and "505" (or Player 5 overlay)
Game: Monex
Planned Tutorials:
Altirra Tips:
MyDOS/Altirra: H: device and wildcards does not work.
.tracecio in XL/XE OS
bx "pc=$e694 and y>=$80" \".printf \"CIO call failed: status=$%02x\" y ; g"
bt siov "Dev=$%02X Cmd=$%02X Sector=$%04X >> Buffer $%04X[$%04X] | Result=$%%02X" db(ddevic)+db(dunit)-1 db(dcomnd) dw(daux1) dw(dbuflo) dw(dbytlo) -- y
The debugger now has psuedovariables for the frame counter (@frame), clock cycle counter (@clk), and CPU clock cycle counter (@cclk). This means that you can now measure the frame and cycle counts of your main loop as follows:
bp -n main "r @t2 @frame-@t0; r @t3 @clk-@t1; r @t0 @frame; r @t1 @clk"
wx @t2
wx @t3
Creation of D64 disk images, http://droid64.sourceforge.net
Add Vice!
${runnerExecutablePath} -moncommand ${outputFilePathWithoutExtenstion}.vs ${outputFilePath}
Add 65C02 Support / Special Instructions for WDC CPU, see Erhard Pütz
- Verify ATASM 1.07 support
- Update to https://atari.miribilist.com/atasm/VERSION.TXT V1.9
- Compile without dynamic links to cygwin!
- V1.51 is stable, but actually there a frequent new build on
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/tass64/
- ACME: new directive type "END_OF_SOURCE" missing to stop parsing
Siehe Screenshot und Beispiel-Sourcen von SvOlli.
Viele Befürworter aus auf NESDEV
Interessent Luke Coletti, coletti@mbari.org, https://www.facebook.com/jeanpaul.mari.3
In main file: ip65.s
Add ICL "include file" for all include files
In include files:
Add ; @com.wudsn.ide.asm.mainsourcefile=ip65.s
Comment repeated include out
In all files:
.include => icl
.res => .ds
.bss => ;.bss
.code => ;.code
macro arg: arg => %1
.endmacro => .endm
.import => ;.import
.export => ;.export
.importzp => ;.importzp
.exportzp => ;.exportzp
: => @
:- => @-
:+ => @+
- Check if syntax of MADS.html is correct
- MADS 1.9.3: verify supported commands/add illegal opcodes/Overview of illegal opcodes per compiler
- MADS 1.9.x: anonymous labels, @/@F/@B
- Directive ".ifdef" and .ifndef missing in syntax highlighting?
- MADS: ".cb" directive missing in WUDSN definition
- MADS: label SET/EXT expression
- MADS: label SMB string
- .FILESIZE, .SIZEOF #CYCLE, .SEGDEF, .SEGMENT, .ENDSEG in MADS (tebe: .LEN = .FILESIZE = .SIZEOF (something for everyone))
- own type of .ARRAY
- Support .NOWARN , .nowarn animated_tiles .proc
directive .NOWARN only on begining line
Have indicator if instruction can occur once/multiple time/only at beginning
- .var/.zpvar label "one1" => "one" error (from recording)
- m_assert_same_1k dl assignde to wrong file
C:\Users\D025328\Documents\Eclipse\workspace.jac\TheCart\asm\TheCartStudio\Cartmenu-Kernel-Equates.asm (215) ERROR: DL crosses 1k boundary between $23F9 - $2418
=> Posted in MADS thread
- Label file virtual bank are incorrect
=> Posted in MADS thread
- Illegal opcodes in MADS
- examples/test6502_illegal.asm is new
- examples/test65816.asm =>BRL W ;$82 is new/changed
- .var: Make new instruction type like equate and label, handle fully in the base class not in MadsCompilerSourceParser
- MADS english documentation thread link http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/118976-mads-assembler-english-documentation-project/
- MADS & Linux, http://atariage.com/forums/topic/145386-wudsn-ide-the-free-integrated-atari-8-bit-development-plugin-for-eclipse/page-21#entry3140118
- Add status on WUDSN feature list
- verify Illegal opcodes, DTV opcodes and related constants
- Incude file handling
- Check out KickVice: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=93255
- AutoSource File Extension?
- New functions in 3.23/24
Functions Description
getStructName() Returns the name of the structure
getNoOfFields() Returns the number of defined fields
getFieldNames() Returns a list containing the fieldnames
get(index) Returns the fieldvalue of the field given by an integer index (0 is the first
defined filed)
get(name) Returns the value of the field given by a fieldname string
set(index,value) Sets the value of a field given by an integer index
set(name,value) Sets the value of a field given by a name
Now the cool thing is to have
Assembler options: -vicesymbols
Emulator options: -moncommand %b.vs
- XASM: Include 3.1.0 (done except OS-X), Verify supported commands for XASM 3.0.2/3.10
What about the MacOS Version of XASM? Install D compiler? DMG distribution does not work in VM ware.
- Remove src folder from builds
- Changing font is better now, but still leaves numbers and $,- symbols with old font. But as you said, closing editors and reopening fixes it.
- Content assist for "Procdure XYZ in include ..." when there is no include
- Have dedicated instruction, outline type and icon for ".ARRAY", ".VAR/.ZPVAR" and ".CONST"
- PreferencesTransfer Video tutorial
- Document @style attribute
- Include Jexel for Expression parsing: http://code.google.com/p/jexel/issues/detail?id=19
- Parse file only once, put parsing & container into editor instead of ContentOutline
- Update JSidPlay, see https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsidplay2/
- Implement ATASCI/PETSCII Editor (currently in .tst plugin)
- have public abstract class LabelDecorator implements ILabelDecorator and display type icon tooltips
- GFX Editor: Fail 1.0.2 updates/fixes need to be incorporated
- GFX Editor: RIP not working for all images (header size, bug in FAIl also)
- HR2 not working with BORIS9901.HR2
Assembler Editor Navigation:
- Position in outline based on the editor selection (like Java editor does when clicking within methods)
- HexEdit
Have Ctrl-F for Text and Hex Search ("FF??ad??12")
Display ATASCI Disk Directory (Reharden)
- Fonts: Have Mark create the TTF fonts for Atari, maybe later also for C64.
- http://fontforge.org/autotrace.html
- http://members.bitstream.net/~marksim/atarimac/fonts.html (mail send 2014-07-27)
- http://style64.org/c64-truetype/license
- Complete and document hex editor
- cut/copy/paste/insert
- Menu enabling for cut & paste only if selection is modifiable
- Base Plugin / BinDiff, have - Have binary comparator in base plugin
Editor General:
- When closing the last open file or opening file from outside of the workspace, the action to open folders and to compile the file are to be disabled / not updated correctly => instanceof AssemblerEditor ist OK, aber getCurrentIFile() == null => Check (I)PropertyTester
Online Help:
- Update CPU implement it correctly (working, but illegal opcodes missing in XML files and have to be added)
- Make Oxyron opcode tables accessible per CPU
- Altirra settings: Reuse and break into Debugger (picture)
- http://atariage.com/forums/topic/229914-wudsn-ide-how-to-create-an-bank-switched-rom/
MAD Pascal
- Syntax Highlighting
- PacMad Example Source Code
Screen shots for identifier content assist, sort by (name, type), include macros in instruction assist, remove macros from identifier assist, put ":" separators into compiler syntax, support compound identifiers and their scope
Read http://static.googleusercontent.com/external_content/untrusted_dlcp/www.google.com/en//webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf
Add story for The Pawn: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/211841-graphictext-adventure-games-re-done-the-screens/#entry2747139
<a href="home/stories/images/1987-the-pawn.jpg" target="_blank">
<img src="home/stories/images/1987-the-pawn.png" alt="One of the most impressing game reports in 1987"/>
Add Altirra/Wine/WUDSN on MacOSX
Add Apple II answers
"Compiler & Run" not visible in toolbar => Customize Perspective (context/normal menu)
- brauche ich auch unter "General Eclipse Enhancements" die Option "WUDSN Base Feature"?
Nein. Das ist ein Teil von WUDSN mit allgemeinen Eclipse Verbesserungen den man separat installieren kann.
Ist bei WUDSN IDE schon mit drin.
External Features:
- Automatic horizontal lines at ".endp" / ".endl" or box highlighting etc.
See http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/m/1276647/#msg_1276647
See EditBox feature request, https://sourceforge.net/p/editbox/feature-requests/7/
External Bugs:
Apple II: Apple Commander Bugs
NullPointer Exception due to getFormattedDisks(), http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?unc=detail&aid=3536934&group_id=67414&atid=517814
NullPointer Exception due to getFile(), https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3538070&group_id=67414&atid=517814
Adaptation required: DiskWindow:53, should be this.parentShell=parentShell
Adaptation required: SWTAppleCommander:67 imageManager should not be static
Support ProDOS by genrating .po disk in addition
Eclipse Bugs:
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=382599 [Bug 382599] Help: Icons not taken from IToc2/ITopic2 Implementations
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=375810 [Bug 375810] Command isEnabled() not evaluated at startup
Stella Bugs:
trapwrite fooled by push to stack, sent on 2014-06-17
> Situation: SP =$FF
> I write "trapwrite $ff" to find out where the memory location is changed. While STA $FF will cause a trap, a "PHA" or "PHP" will not
> because is write to $1ff but that's actually just the same as $ff effectively.
> So adding a bit mask to the address before comparing it for the trap should mend this.
auto-loading symbols fails
fails if the binary is a known ROM image because Stella then tries to load the "<known ROM title>.sym>" instead of the "<actual ROM file>.sym".
Convert HTML and PHP files to UTF-8:
C:\Temp>c:\jac\bin\wbin\recode latin1..utf-8 <test1.html >test.utf8
- HTML: http://validator.w3.org/
- XML: http://www.xmlvalidation.com/index.php?id=1&L=0
- Browser version: http://netrenderer.de/index.php (esp. IE 7/8)
Testing Run/Debug Arguments:
-os ${target.os} -ws ${target.ws} -arch ${target.arch} -nl en_US
-os ${target.os} -ws ${target.ws} -arch ${target.arch} -nl de_DE
Linked Reference Folder:
Create Symbolic Link Folders:
Run script "com.wudsn.ide.asm/help/create-links.bat" as administrator.
Embed youtube videos:
<iframe width="336" height="288" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ET9DK23e5uQ?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ET9DK23e5uQ frameborder=" 0 allowfullscreen></iframe>
Eclipse Links:
http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Image-Viewer/Image_viewer.html - A Basic Image Viewer
http://blog.eclipse-tips.com/2008/07/selection-dialogs-in-eclipse.html - Dialogs in Eclipse
http://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/Editor/Eclipse/site.xml - XML Editor
Team Versioning Tools:
Mercurial: http://cbes.javaforge.com/update
URL https://code.google.com/p/jexel
NOW https://github.com/sin90lzc/jexel
========= Check!
- In this form, the priority bits enable specific signals that cause elements to suppress lower priority elements. Conflicts cause elements to cross-disable each other, resulting in black since the background also drops out. If no priority bits are set, however, then most of the cross-disable signals are shut off, resulting in the following set of reduced logic equations:
SP0 = P0SP1 = P1 * (/P0 + MULTI)SP2 = P2 * /P01 * /PF01SP3 = P3 * /P01 * /PF01 * (/P2 + MULTI)SF0 = PF0 * /SF3SF1 = PF1 * /SF3SF2 = PF2 * /P01SF3 = PF3 * /P01
The effect is that playfields 0 and 1 can mix with players 0 and 1, and playfields 2 and 3 can mix with players 2 and 3. The mix result is the bitwise OR of the bit patterns of the involved color registers. P0/P1/PF0/PF1 have priority over P2/P3/PF2/PF3.
- http://atariage.com/forums/topic/202347-nostys-tomek-cartridge-for-8-bit-atari-great/
HML, Finland
- Aspongy/Update on Pouet & Fandal
- JHV 2002
- ABBUC 34
Roses are FF0000, Violetts are 0000FF
Design & Conquer
Fonts from dafont.com
$4b $fe = ASR #$FE = LSR with result <C>=0
anx #$00 ; code $AB stable with argument #$00
00C0 LDA $6803,Y ; 4cyc ; B9 03 68
00C3 ADC $9132,Y ; 4cyc ; 79 32 91
00C6 ADC $AEBB,Y ; 4cyc ; 79 BB AE
00C9 ADC $9111,Y ; 4cyc ; 79 11 91
00CC STA $DE ;FRE+4 ; 3cyc ; 85 DE
00CE INY ; 2cyc ; C8
00CF LDA $6803,Y ; 4cyc ; B9 03 68
00D2 ADC $9132,Y ; 4cyc ; 79 32 91
00D5 ADC $AEBB,Y ; 4cyc ; 79 BB AE
00D8 ADC $9111,Y ; 4cyc ; 79 11 91
00DB STA $E1 ;FR1+1 ; 3cyc ; 85 E1
00DD LDA $0652 ; 4cyc ; AD 52 06 // $00,$00,$00..$01,$01
00E0 ORA $0546 ; 4cyc ; 0D 46 05 // $00,$00,$00..$10,$10s
00E3 STA $CB00,X ; 5cyc ; 9D 00 CB
00E6 INX ; 2cyc ; E8
00E7 INY ; 2cyc ; C8
00E8 CPY #$40 ; 2cyc ; C0 40
00EA BNE $00C0 ;IOCMD ; 2cyc ; D0 D4
Insane: Chaos Zoom
- http://pouet.net/topic.php?which=7787
- effekt als javascript http://bel.fi/alankila/rotzoomer.html
add r0, r0, r0 lsl #8 multiplies r0 by 257 mod 2^32
add r0, r0, #47 adds a prime number
each time you execute this two-instruction LCG pseudo-random generator you get a uniformly-distributed 32-bit random number. Ideal for starfield and other noisy generation.