2018-12-30 16:29:54 +01:00

699 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 <a href="http://www.wudsn.com" target="_top">Peter Dell</a>
* This file is part of WUDSN IDE.
* WUDSN IDE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WUDSN IDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WUDSN IDE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.wudsn.ide.gfx.converter.atari8bit;
import com.wudsn.ide.gfx.converter.FilesConverterData;
import com.wudsn.ide.gfx.converter.PaletteMapper;
import com.wudsn.ide.gfx.converter.generic.LinearBitMapConverter;
import com.wudsn.ide.gfx.model.Palette;
import com.wudsn.ide.gfx.model.RBGUtility;
* <u>RIP picture format description</u><br/>
* Original text by Rocky of Madteam taken from Syzygy Magazine <br/>
* RIP picture was shown first time in Orneta of Poland in '97 in Igor demo by
* Madteam. There we copied several disks of RIP images. RIP is a new graphics
* storage format on Atari 8-bit. It is based on already famous HIP picture
* format (Gr.9 + Gr.10). Theoretically it is possible to get 144 colors (there
* are about 40 in practice) with resolution of 160x238 (RIP mode 32; 16 lum x 9
* col). RIP is more complicated than HIP, because of the header which contains
* a lot of information about colors, resolution and a note from the author. RIP
* can have various vertical sizes (max. 238 lines) which cause less space on
* disk and faster reading. <br/>
* <br/>
* (E.g. we have a logo with 50 lines. Our logo will be saved with 200 lines as
* HIP and takes about 16kB but saved as RIP - only 4kB plus several bytes of
* header. That's a difference, isn't it?) In addition RIP can be colored and
* HIP can only be grey scaled. (HIP can also be colored but there is no room
* for color info in the header.) The first one can still be packed (algorithm
* in end phase) for RIP dedicated Visage viewer which is able to recognize its
* size, colors, compression method and displaying on screen. Saving HIP as RIP
* is no problem 'couse of similar data format. Adapting existing HIP viewers
* for RIP pictures shouldn't be problematic too; Only what has to be done is
* format recognition, displaying of various image height and setting colors
* (for Gr.10) from the header (see below). <br/>
* <br/>
* <u>How to make a RIP picture?</u><br/>
* It can be quite difficult. There is a converter for Amiga and PC. This is not
* a real converter from any graphics format (GIF, IFF or Jpeg) to RIP. To make
* a RIP picture, you will have to use programs not only dedicated to RIP. The
* best for Amiga is Personal Paint and for PC - Display. It's quite a large
* job. One picture has to be divided into two others. Next: size modification,
* color palette reduction (one of these two pictures has to be 16 grey scales
* what can be done with almost all programs and the other picture has to be in
* 9 colors, what most programs for the Amiga and PC simply cannot do). The
* effect can be very satisfactory, but it might also be completely bad, which
* happens quite often (none of the pics is perfect). You can then always create
* a HIP picture, which is better in this case (grey scale is easier to do) but
* you will be limited to 200 lines. Well, life is brutal... <br/>
* <br/>
* <u>Header description:</u><br/>
* In 'Description' filed text with quotes (") is pure ASCII string.
* <pre>
* Offset | Len | Description
* --------------------------------------------
* 0 | 3 | "RIP" - RIP image identifier
* 3 | 4 | version:
* | | "1.x " - standard RIP
* | | "2.0 " - Multi RIP
* 7 | 1 | graphics mode:
* | | $20 - RIP or HIP
* | | $30 - Multi RIP, palette at the end of file
* | | $0f - Graphics 8
* | | $4f - Graphics 9
* | | $8f - Graphics 10
* | | $cf - Graphics 11
* | | $0e - Graphics 15
* 8 | 2 | compression method:
* | | 0, 0 - no compress
* | | 0, 1 - RIPPCK
* 10 | 2 | header length in bytes, MSB/LSB !!!
* 12 | 1 | not used
* 13 | 1 | image width in pixels (max. 80) *see below
* 14 | 1 | not used
* 15 | 1 | image height in lines (max. 238)
* 16 | 1 | display option (?), standard set to $20
* 17 | 1 | author note length in bytes (max. 256)
* 18 | 2 | "T:" - text identifier
* 20 | n | author note
* 20+n | 1 | number of colors (fixed = 9 from Gr.10)
* 21+n | 3 | "CM:" - color map identifier
* 24+n | 9 | color values **see below
* 33+n | 3 | "PCK" - Multi RIP packed file only, means packed
* | | images data
* </pre>
* Directly after header images data are stored. First Gr.10, next Gr.9.
* HIP and RIP are 80 pixels wide pictures with shifted 9-color plan (Gr.10)
* relativelly to 16-grey shaded plan (Gr.9) for half pixel right. Thus, they
* appear as 160x200, but one pic has only 80x200;
* Number of colors is fixed to 9 now but it may change. So, take number of
* colors from 20+n byte of header (n - length of author note) for safety. (RIP
* mode 48 has more colors !!)
* Displaying RIP "1.x" picture routine is similar to HIP routine. The only
* difference is to set color registers with values put behind "CM:" while Gr.10
* line.
* Information above is enough for writing own procedure showing RIP 1.x
* picture. For now I don't have any info about Multi RIP especially for
* compression algorithm and color palette. The only thing I know for sure is
* the palette should be changed every 2 scanlines. Maybe someone else knows a
* little bit more about Multi RIP (or RIP mode 48 with many more colors than
* mode 32)...
* Note: This implementation is based on FAIL 1.0.1 and allows 239 lines tough
* the specification above states 238 as the maximum.
// TODO Verify against FAIL 1.0.2, check if the spurious grey spot and bugs are
// gone
public class LinearBitMapRIPConverter extends LinearBitMapConverter {
private final static class RIPFile {
public static final byte RIP = 0x20;
public static final byte MULTI_RIP = 0x30;
private int graphicsMode;
private int width;
private int height;
private int[] palette;
private byte[] unpackedImage;
private RIPFile(int graphicsMode, int width, int height, int[] palette,
byte[] unpacked_image) {
this.graphicsMode = graphicsMode;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.palette = palette;
this.unpackedImage = unpacked_image;
public static RIPFile createInstance(byte[] bytes) {
if (bytes == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'bytes' must not be null.");
if (bytes.length < 23) {
return null;
int graphicsMode = bytes[7];
int headerLength = (bytes[11] & 0xff) + 256 * (bytes[12] & 0xff);
int width = bytes[13] & 0xff;
int height = bytes[15] & 0xff;
int textLength = bytes[17] & 0xff;
if (bytes.length < 20 + textLength) {
return null;
int paletteLength = bytes[20 + textLength] & 0xff;
int dataLength = bytes.length - headerLength;
if (bytes[0] != 'R' || bytes[1] != 'I' || bytes[2] != 'P'
|| width > 80 || height > 239 || textLength > 152
|| bytes[18] != 'T' || bytes[19] != ':'
|| paletteLength != 9 || bytes[21 + textLength] != 'C'
|| bytes[22 + textLength] != 'M'
|| bytes[23 + textLength] != ':') {
return null;
byte[] unpackedImage = new byte[24576];
// Check compression mode.
switch (bytes[9]) {
case 0:
// No compression.
if (dataLength > unpackedImage.length) {
return null;
System.arraycopy(bytes, headerLength, unpackedImage, 0,
// Compression
case 1:
if (!ShannonFano.unpack(bytes, headerLength, dataLength,
unpackedImage)) {
return null;
return null;
// Check graphic mode
switch (graphicsMode) {
case RIP:
int frame_len = (width / 2) * height;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
int ix = 2 * frame_len + y * 8 + x;
if (y > 0 && unpackedImage[ix] == 0)
unpackedImage[ix] = unpackedImage[ix - 8];
return null;
int[] palette = new int[paletteLength];
for (int i = 0; i < paletteLength; i++) {
palette[i] = bytes[24 + textLength + i] & 0xff;
RIPFile result = new RIPFile(graphicsMode, width, height, palette,
return result;
public int getGraphicsMode() {
return graphicsMode;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public int[] getPalette() {
return palette;
public byte[] getUnpackedImage() {
return unpackedImage;
private static final class ShannonFano {
private static void unpack_cnibl(byte data[], int dataOffset, int size,
int output[]) {
int x = dataOffset;
int y = 0;
while (y < size) {
int a = data[x++] & 0xff;
output[y++] = a >>> 4;
output[y++] = a & 0x0f;
private static void unpack_sort(byte data[], int dataOffset, int size,
int tre01[], int tre02[]) {
int[] pom = new int[16];
int y;
int x;
int md_ = 0;
int md = 0;
unpack_cnibl(data, dataOffset, size, tre02);
for (y = 0; y < size; y++) {
x = 0;
do {
y = 0;
do {
if (x == tre02[y]) {
tre01[md_++] = y;
} while (y < size);
} while (x < 16);
x = 0;
do {
y = pom[x];
while (y != 0) {
tre02[md++] = x;
} while (x < 16);
private static void unpack_fano(byte data[], int dataOffset, int size,
int tre01[], int tre02[], int l0[], int h0[], int l1[],
int h1[], int lhOffset) {
int p;
int err;
int l;
int nxt;
int y;
unpack_sort(data, dataOffset, size, tre01, tre02);
clearMemory(l0, lhOffset, size);
clearMemory(l1, lhOffset, size);
clearMemory(h0, lhOffset, size);
clearMemory(h1, lhOffset, size);
p = 0;
err = 0;
l = 0;
nxt = 0;
y = 0;
do {
if (tre02[y] != 0) {
int x;
int tmp;
int val;
int a;
p += err;
x = tre02[y];
if (x != l) {
l = x;
err = 0x10000 >>> x;
tmp = p;
val = tre01[y];
x = tre02[y];
a = 0;
for (;;) {
int z = lhOffset + a;
tmp <<= 1;
if (tmp < 0x10000) {
if (x == 0) {
a = val;
l0[z] = a;
a = h0[z];
if (a == 0) {
a = ++nxt;
h0[z] = a;
} else {
tmp &= 0xFFFF;
if (x == 0) {
a = val;
l1[z] = a;
a = h1[z];
if (a == 0) {
a = ++nxt;
h1[z] = a;
} while (y < size);
private static void clearMemory(int[] array, int offset, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
array[offset + i] = 0;
public static boolean unpack(byte data[], int dataOffset,
int dataLength, byte unpackedData[]) {
if (data == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'data' must not be null.");
if (dataOffset < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'dataOffset' must not be negative, specified value is "
+ dataOffset + ".");
if (unpackedData == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'unpackedData' must not be null.");
int[] adl0 = new int[576];
int[] adh0 = new int[576];
int[] adl1 = new int[576];
int[] adh1 = new int[576];
int[] tre01 = new int[256];
int[] tre02 = new int[256];
int unpacked_len;
int sx, sxend;
int cx, dx;
int lic, csh, c;
// "PCK" header (16 bytes) + 288 bytes shannon-fano
if (dataLength < 16 + 288 || data[dataOffset + 0] != 'P'
|| data[dataOffset + 1] != 'C'
|| data[dataOffset + 2] != 'K') {
return false;
unpacked_len = (data[dataOffset + 4] & 0xff) + 256
* (data[dataOffset + 5] & 0xff) - 33;
if (unpacked_len > 0x5EFE) {
return false;
// Buggy pictures?!
if (unpacked_len == 16811) {
unpacked_len = 16800;
unpack_fano(data, dataOffset + 16, 64, tre01, tre02, adl0, adh0,
adl1, adh1, 0);
unpack_fano(data, dataOffset + 16 + 32, 256, tre01, tre02, adl0,
adh0, adl1, adh1, 64);
unpack_fano(data, dataOffset + 16 + 160, 256, tre01, tre02, adl0,
adh0, adl1, adh1, 320);
sx = dataOffset + 16 + 288;
sxend = dataOffset + dataLength + 1;
dx = 0;
lic = -1;
csh = 0;
do {
// GBIT();
if (--lic < 0) {
if (sx >= sxend) {
return false;
csh = data[sx++] & 0xff;
lic = 7;
c = (csh & (1 << lic));
if (c == 0) {
int a = 0;
for (;;) {
int y = a;
// GBIT();
if (--lic < 0) {
if (sx >= sxend) {
return false;
csh = data[sx++] & 0xff;
lic = 7;
c = (csh & (1 << lic));
if (c == 0) {
if ((a = adh0[320 + y]) == 0) {
unpackedData[dx] = (byte) adl0[320 + y];
} else {
if ((a = adh1[320 + y]) == 0) {
unpackedData[dx] = (byte) adl1[320 + y];
} else {
int a = 0;
for (;;) {
int y = a;
// GBIT();
if (--lic < 0) {
if (sx >= sxend) {
return false;
csh = data[sx++] & 0xff;
lic = 7;
c = (csh & (1 << lic));
if (c == 0) {
if ((a = adh0[64 + y]) == 0) {
a = adl0[64 + y];
} else {
if ((a = adh1[64 + y]) == 0) {
a = adl1[64 + y];
cx = dx - (a + 2);
a = 0;
for (;;) {
int y = a;
// GBIT();
if (--lic < 0) {
if (sx >= sxend) {
return false;
csh = data[sx++] & 0xff;
lic = 7;
c = (csh & (1 << lic));
if (c == 0) {
if ((a = adh0[y]) == 0) {
a = adl0[y];
} else {
if ((a = adh1[y]) == 0) {
a = adl1[y];
if (cx > 0) {
System.arraycopy(unpackedData, cx, unpackedData, dx,
a + 2);
dx += a + 2;
} while (dx < unpacked_len);
return true;
public LinearBitMapRIPConverter() {
public boolean canConvertToImage(byte[] bytes) {
if (bytes == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'bytes' must not be null.");
RIPFile ripFile = RIPFile.createInstance(bytes);
if (ripFile == null) {
return false;
return true;
public void convertToImageSizeAndPalette(FilesConverterData data,
byte[] bytes) {
if (data == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'data' must not be null.");
if (bytes == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'bytes' must not be null.");
RIPFile ripFile = RIPFile.createInstance(bytes);
if (ripFile == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("canConvertToImage() not called");
int columns;
int rows;
columns = (ripFile.getWidth() + 1) / 2;
rows = ripFile.getHeight();
setImageSizeAndPalette(data, columns, rows, Palette.TRUE_COLOR, null);
public void convertToImageDataSize(FilesConverterData data) {
data.setImageDataWidth(data.getParameters().getColumns() * 4 + 1);
public boolean convertToImageData(FilesConverterData data) {
if (data == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter 'data' must not be null.");
int rows = data.getParameters().getRows();
int columns = data.getParameters().getColumns();
PaletteMapper paletteMapper = new Atari8BitPaletteMapper();
// Compute palette.
RIPFile ripFile = RIPFile.createInstance(data
if (ripFile == null) {
return false;
byte[] unpackedImage = ripFile.getUnpackedImage();
int[] graphics10Colors;
switch (ripFile.getGraphicsMode()) {
case RIPFile.RIP:
graphics10Colors = ripFile.getPalette();
graphics10Colors = new int[ripFile.getPalette().length];
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported graphics mode "
+ ripFile.getGraphicsMode() + ".");
// Compute the offsets in the file.
int offset9, offset10;
int frameSize = rows * columns;
offset10 = 0;
offset9 = offset10 + frameSize;
int[] buffer1 = new int[columns * 4 + 1];
int[] buffer2 = new int[columns * 4 + 1];
for (int y1 = 0; y1 < rows; y1++) {
// MultiRIP mode?
if (ripFile.getGraphicsMode() == RIPFile.MULTI_RIP) {
int offset = frameSize * 2 + ((y1 >>> 1) << 3);
for (int i = 0; i < graphics10Colors.length - 1; i++) {
graphics10Colors[i + 1] = unpackedImage[offset + i] & 0xff;
for (int x1 = 0; x1 < columns; x1++) {
if (offset9 >= unpackedImage.length) {
return true;
int byte9 = unpackedImage[offset9++];
if (offset10 >= unpackedImage.length) {
return true;
int byte10 = unpackedImage[offset10++];
// Byte 1 is the GTIA 9 byte, take the values as brightness
// values
int color1 = (byte9 & mask_4bit[0]) >>> shift_4bit[0];
int color2 = (byte9 & mask_4bit[1]) >>> shift_4bit[1];
// Byte 2 is the GTIA 10 byte, take the values from the GTIA 10
// palette
int color3 = (byte10 & mask_4bit[0]) >>> shift_4bit[0];
int color4 = (byte10 & mask_4bit[1]) >>> shift_4bit[1];
color3 = graphics10Colors[Atari8BitUtility.GRAPHICS_10_REGISTERS[color3]];
color4 = graphics10Colors[Atari8BitUtility.GRAPHICS_10_REGISTERS[color4]];
// Put the color values in the row buffer, shifted by 1 pixel
int x = x1 << 2;
buffer1[x + 0] = color1;
buffer1[x + 1] = color1;
buffer1[x + 2] = color2;
buffer1[x + 3] = color2;
buffer2[x + 1] = color3;
buffer2[x + 2] = color3;
buffer2[x + 3] = color4;
buffer2[x + 4] = color4;
// Merge the two buffers into combined color values.
for (int x = 0; x < buffer1.length; x++) {
int atariColor = RBGUtility.combineRGBColor(
data.setDirectPixel(x, y1, atariColor);
return true;