mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 08:29:31 +00:00
Fixing label pools
* label pools don't go out of scope so they can be declared in an include file and used by the includer file * label pool labels can be either global or local * code fixes * updated struse * updated binaries
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ Primarily tested with personal archive of sources written for Kick assmebler, DA
* irp (indefinite repeat)
* Label Pools were destroyed after each scope so they did not work in include files which defeated their purpose. Label pools are now persistent through scopes.
* Labels reserved from label pools now distinguish between global and local. Use [.!@$] as a prefix to reserve a local label from a label pool (previously always local)
* Merlin macro parameters are not required on the MAC line, scope braces ('{', '}') can be used in the first column in Merlin.
* First line of a Merlin macro was sometimes ignored, two sequential subtractions were ignored in expressions.
* Pushing source contexts (macro, rept, include etc.) will always increment the scope depth.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Add this #define to *one* C++ file before #include "struse.h" to create the impl
#ifndef __STRUSE_H__
#define __STRUSE_H__
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <inttypes.h> // uint8_t etc.
#include <string.h> // memcpy, memmove
#include <stdio.h> // printf, vsnprintf
#include <stdarg.h> // va_list
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ public:
strl_t get_len() const { return length; }
char get_first() const { return (string && length) ? *string : 0; }
char get_last() const { return (string && length) ? string[length-1] : 0; }
char pop_first() { if (length && string) { char c = *string++; --length; return c; } return 0; }
strl_t limit_pos(strl_t pos) { return pos<length ? pos : length; }
@ -104,7 +105,8 @@ public:
unsigned int fnv1a(unsigned int seed = 2166136261) const;
unsigned int fnv1a_lower(unsigned int seed = 2166136261) const;
unsigned int fnv1a_append(unsigned int base_fnv1a_hash) const { return fnv1a(base_fnv1a_hash); }
uint64_t fnv1a_64(uint64_t seed = 0xcbf29ce484222325ULL) const;
unsigned short fnv1a_16( unsigned int seed = 2166136261 ) const;
uint64_t fnv1a_64(uint64_t seed = 14695981039346656037ULL) const;
// whitespace ignore fnv1a (any sequence whitespace is replaced by one space)
unsigned int fnv1a_ws(unsigned int seed = 2166136261) const;
@ -125,7 +127,8 @@ public:
// convert hexadecimal string to unsigned integer
size_t ahextoui() const;
size_t ahextoui_skip();
uint64_t ahextou64() const;
uint64_t ahextoui_skip();
size_t abinarytoui_skip();
// output string with newline (printf)
@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ public:
strl_t len_float_number() const;
// count characters that can be converted to a hexadecimal number
strl_t len_hex() const { for (strl_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!is_hex((uint8_t)string[i])) return i; } return length; }
strl_t len_hex() const;
// check if string is a valid floating point number
bool is_float_number() const { return valid() && len_float_number() == length; }
@ -322,10 +325,11 @@ public:
// return position in this string of the first occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, not case sensitive
int find(const strref str) const;
int find(const strref str, strl_t pos) const; // find first instance after pos
int find_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const;
// return position in this string of the first occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, not case sensitive
int find(const char *str) const;
int find(const char *str, strl_t pos = 0) const;
strl_t find_or_full(const char *str) const { int f = find(str); return f < 0 ? length : strl_t(f); }
// return position in this string of the first occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, case sensitive
@ -347,9 +351,6 @@ public:
// return position in this string of the last occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, case sensitive
int find_last_case(const strref str) const;
// find first instance after pos
int find(const strref str, strl_t pos) const;
// find first instance after pos allowing escape codes in search string
int find_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const;
@ -375,6 +376,10 @@ public:
int count_lines(strref substring) const { return is_substr(substring.get()) ?
count_lines(strl_t(substring.get()-get())) : -1; }
strl_t prev_line_pos( strl_t pos );
strl_t start_line_pos( strl_t pos );
strl_t end_line_pos( strl_t pos );
// rolling hash find
int find_rh(strref str) const { return _find_rh(get(), get_len(), str.get(), str.get_len()); }
int find_rh_case(strref str) const {
@ -430,6 +435,9 @@ public:
// move string forward to the first whitespace character
void skip_to_whitespace() { skip(len_grayspace()); }
// if bom detected skip it
strref skip_bom();
// cut white space characters at end of string
void clip_trailing_whitespace() { if (valid()) {
const char *e = string+length; while (*--e<=0x20 && length) { length--; } } }
@ -543,6 +551,9 @@ public:
strref after_last(char c) const { int o = find_last(c); if (o>=0)
return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return strref(); }
strref after_last(char c, char d) const { int o = find_last(c, d); if (o>=0)
return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return strref(); }
strref get_alphanumeric() const { strref r(*this); r.skip_whitespace();
if (strl_t l = r.len_alphanumeric()) return strref(string, l); return strref(); }
@ -558,25 +569,26 @@ public:
if (e>=0) return get_substr(strl_t(s+1), strl_t(e-s-1)); } return strref(); }
// tokenization
strref split(strl_t pos) { pos = limit_pos(pos); strref ret = strref(string, pos); *this += pos; return ret; }
strref split(int pos) { split(strl_t(pos)); }
strref split_token(char c) { int t = find(c); if (t<0) t = (int)length; strref r = strref(string, strl_t(t)); *this += t+1; return r; }
strref split_token_any(const strref chars) { strref r; int t = find_any_char_of(chars);
if (t>=0) { r = strref(string, t); *this += t; } return r; }
strref split_token_trim(char c) { strref r = split_token(c); skip_whitespace(); r.trim_whitespace(); return r; }
strref split_token_any_trim(const strref chars) { int t = find_any_char_of(chars);
if (t<0) t = (int)length; strref r = strref(string, t); *this += t+1; r.trim_whitespace(); return r; }
strref split_range(const strref range, strl_t pos=0) { int t = find_any_char_or_range(range, pos);
if (t<0) t = (int)length; strref r = strref(string, t); *this += t; return r; }
strref split_range_trim(const strref range, strl_t pos=0) { int t = find_any_char_or_range(range, pos);
if (t<0) t = (int)length; strref r = strref(string, t); *this += t; r.trim_whitespace(); trim_whitespace(); return r; }
strref split_label() { skip_whitespace(); strref r(string, len_label()); *this += r.length; skip_whitespace(); return r; }
strref split(strl_t pos);
strref split(int pos);
strref split_token(char c);
strref split_token_any(const strref chars);
strref split_token_trim(char c);
strref split_token_any_trim(const strref chars);
strref split_range(const strref range, strl_t pos=0);
strref split_range_trim(const strref range, strl_t pos=0);
strref split_label();
strref split_lang();
// get a snippet, previous and full current line around a position
strref get_snippet( strl_t pos );
// grab a block of text starting with (, [ or { and end with the corresponding number of ), ] or }
strref scoped_block_skip();
// scoped_block_skip with C style comments
strref scoped_block_comment_skip(bool include = false);
strl_t scoped_block_comment_len();
strref scoped_block_comment_skip(bool include = false) { strref ret = split(scoped_block_comment_len()); if (!include) { ++ret; ret.clip(1); } return ret; }
// check matching characters that are terminated by any character in term or ends
strl_t match_chars_str(const strref match, const strref term = strref());
@ -614,8 +626,6 @@ strl_t _strmod_copy(char *string, strl_t cap, const char *str);
strl_t _strmod_copy(char *string, strl_t cap, strref str);
strl_t _strmod_append(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const char *str);
strl_t _strmod_append(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strref str);
strl_t _strmod_relativize_path(char *string, strl_t cap, strref base_path, strref target_path);
strl_t _strown_absolutize_path(char *string, strl_t cap, strref base_path, strref relative_path);
strl_t _strmod_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const strref sub, strl_t pos);
strl_t _strmod_utf8_tolower(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap);
void _strmod_substrcopy(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t src, strl_t dst, strl_t chars);
@ -625,6 +635,8 @@ strl_t _strmod_format_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t pos
strl_t _strmod_remove(char *string, strl_t length, char a);
strl_t _strmod_remove(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t start, strl_t len);
strl_t _strmod_exchange(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t start, strl_t size, const strref insert);
strl_t _strmod_cleanup_path(char *file, strl_t len);
strl_t _strmod_relative_path(char *out, strl_t cap, strref orig, strref target);
// intermediate template class to support writeable string classes. use strown or strovl which inherits from this.
template <class B> class strmod : public B {
@ -731,14 +743,14 @@ public:
int find_after_last(char a, char b) const { return get_strref().find_after_last(a, b); }
int find_after_last(char a1, char a2, char b) const { return get_strref().find_after_last(a1, a2, b); }
int find(const strref str) const { return get_strref().find(str); }
int find(const char *str) const { return get_strref().find(str); }
int find(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { get_strref().find(str, pos); }
int find(const char *str, strl_t pos = 0) const { return get_strref().find(str, pos); }
int find_case(const strref str) const { return get_strref().find_case(str); }
int find_case(const char *str) const { return get_strref().find_case(str); }
int find_last(const strref str) const { return get_strref().find_last(str); }
int find_last(const char *str) const { return get_strref().find_last(str); }
int find_last_case(const strref str) const { return get_strref().find_last_case(str); }
int substr_count(const strref p) const { return get_strref().substr_count(p); }
int find(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { get_strref().find(str, pos); }
// rolling hash string search
int find_rh(strref str) const { return get_strref().find_rh(str); }
@ -869,8 +881,8 @@ public:
strmod& operator<<(strref str) { return append(str); }
// append a character repeatedly
void append_to(char c, strl_t pos) { if (len() >= pos) set_len_int(pos); else {
strl_t ol = len(); set_len(pos); for (strl_t p = ol; p < len(); ++p) charstr()[p] = c; } }
strmod& pad_to(char c, strl_t pos) { if (len() >= pos) set_len_int(pos); else {
strl_t ol = len(); set_len(pos); for (strl_t p = ol; p < len(); ++p) charstr()[p] = c; } return *this; }
// prepend this string with a substring
void prepend(const strref o) { insert(o, 0); }
@ -951,6 +963,17 @@ public:
void erase(strl_t pos, strl_t length) { if (pos<len()) { if ((pos+length)>len())
length = len()-pos; if (length) { for (strl_t i = 0; i<length; i++)
charstr()[pos+i] = charstr()[pos+i+length]; } sub_len_int(length); } }
strmod& cleanup_path() {
set_len(_strmod_cleanup_path(charstr(), get_len()));
return *this;
// find a relative path between an original folder and a target file path (returns this as a strref)
strmod& relative_path(strref orig_folder, strref target_path) {
set_len(_strmod_relative_path(charstr(), cap(), orig_folder, target_path));
return *this;
template <strl_t S> class strown_base {
@ -1398,6 +1421,14 @@ unsigned int strref::fnv1a(unsigned int seed) const
return hash;
// get 16 bit fnv1a hash of a string, this is officially done by xor folding
unsigned short strref::fnv1a_16(unsigned int seed) const
unsigned int hash = fnv1a(seed);
return (unsigned short)(hash ^ (hash>>16));
uint64_t strref::fnv1a_64(uint64_t seed) const
uint64_t hash = seed;
@ -1405,7 +1436,7 @@ uint64_t strref::fnv1a_64(uint64_t seed) const
unsigned const char *scan = (unsigned const char*)string;
strl_t left = length;
while (left--)
hash = (*scan++ ^ hash) * 0x100000001b3ULL;
hash = (*scan++ ^ hash) * 1099511628211;
return hash;
@ -1431,7 +1462,7 @@ unsigned int strref::fnv1a_ws(unsigned int seed) const
uint8_t c = *scan++;
if (c<' ')
c = ' ';
hash = (*scan++ ^ hash) * 16777619;
hash = (c ^ hash) * 16777619;
if (c==' ') {
while (left && *scan<=0x20) {
@ -1468,17 +1499,19 @@ uint64_t strref::atoui() const
if (string) {
const unsigned char *s = get_u();
const unsigned char *e = s + length;
while (s!=e && *s<=0x20) s++;
if (s<e) {
uint64_t v = 0;
while (s!=e) {
unsigned char c = *s++;
if (c<'0' || c>'9') break;
v = c-'0' + v*10;
return v;
strl_t left = length;
while (left && *s<=0x20) { s++; left--; }
if (left>=2 && *s=='0' && s[1]=='x' ) { return ahextou64(); }
uint64_t v = 0;
while (left) {
unsigned char c = *s++;
if (c<'0' || c>'9') break;
v = c-'0' + v*10;
return v;
return 0;
@ -1561,7 +1594,37 @@ size_t strref::ahextoui() const
// convert a hexadecimal string to an unsigned integer
size_t strref::ahextoui_skip()
uint64_t strref::ahextou64() const
const char *scan = string;
strl_t left = length;
while (*scan<=0x20 && left) {
if (!left)
return 0;
if (left>2 && *scan=='0' && (scan[1]=='x' || scan[1]=='X')) {
scan += 2;
left -= 2;
uint64_t hex = 0;
while (left) {
char c = *scan++;
if (c>='0' && c<='9')
hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'0');
else if (c>='a' && c<='f')
hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'a'+10);
else if (c>='A' && c<='F')
hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'A'+10);
return hex;
// convert a hexadecimal string to an unsigned integer
uint64_t strref::ahextoui_skip()
const char *scan = string;
strl_t left = length;
@ -1575,7 +1638,8 @@ size_t strref::ahextoui_skip()
scan += 2;
left -= 2;
strl_t hex = 0;
if( left > 16 ) { left = 16; }
uint64_t hex = 0;
while (left) {
char c = *scan;
if (c>='0' && c<='9')
@ -1665,6 +1729,17 @@ int strref::count_char(char c) const
return count;
// skip bom header of a utf-8 file if detected
strref strref::skip_bom()
const uint8_t* buf = get_u();
if( length >= 3 && buf && buf[ 0 ] == 0xef && buf[ 1 ] == 0xbb && buf[ 2 ] == 0xbf )
return strref( string + 3, length - 3 );
return *this;
// find a character in a string
static int int_find_char(char c, const char *scan, strl_t length)
@ -2446,9 +2521,9 @@ int strref::find_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const
// find a substring within a string case ignored
int strref::find(const char *str) const
int strref::find(const char *str, strl_t pos) const
if (!str || !valid())
if (!str || !valid() || pos>=length)
return -1;
const uint8_t *stru = (const uint8_t*)str;
@ -2456,10 +2531,10 @@ int strref::find(const char *str) const
if (!c)
return 0;
const uint8_t *scan = get_u();
const uint8_t *scan = get_u() + pos;
const uint8_t *compare = stru;
strl_t l = length;
strl_t l = length - pos;
while (l) {
if (int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++)==c) {
bool equal = true;
@ -3135,6 +3210,42 @@ int strref::count_lines() const {
return count;
strl_t strref::prev_line_pos( strl_t pos )
if( !pos || !length ) { return pos; }
const char *start = string;
pos = pos < length ? pos : length;
char c = start[pos];
if( c==0x0a || c==0x0d ) --pos;
if(pos && ((c==0x0a && start[pos]==0x0d) || (c==0x0d && start[pos]==0x0a))) --pos;
while( pos && start[pos-1]!=0x0a && start[pos-1]!=0x0d ) --pos;
return pos;
strl_t strref::start_line_pos( strl_t pos )
if( !pos || !length ) { return pos; }
const char *start = string;
pos = pos < length ? pos : length;
while( pos && start[pos-1]!=0x0a && start[pos-1]!=0x0d ) --pos;
return pos;
strl_t strref::end_line_pos( strl_t pos )
const char *start = string;
if( pos > length ) { return length; }
while( pos < length ) {
if (start[pos]==0x0a || start[pos] == 0x0d) { return pos; }
return pos;
// find any char from str in this string at position
// (does not check for escape codes or ranges)
@ -3956,6 +4067,115 @@ int strref::find_quoted(char d) const
return -1;
strref strref::split( strl_t pos ) {
pos = limit_pos( pos );
strref ret = strref( string, pos );
*this += pos;
return ret;
strref strref::split( int pos ) {
return split( strl_t( pos ) );
strref strref::split_token( char c ) {
int t = find( c );
if ( t < 0 ) t = ( int )length;
strref r = strref( string, strl_t( t ) );
*this += t + 1;
return r;
strref strref::split_token_any( const strref chars )
strref r; int t = find_any_char_of( chars );
if ( t >= 0 ) {
r = strref( string, t );
*this += t;
return r;
strref strref::split_token_trim( char c ) {
strref r = split_token( c );
return r;
strref strref::split_token_any_trim( const strref chars )
int t = find_any_char_of( chars );
if ( t < 0 ) t = ( int )length;
strref r = strref( string, t );
*this += t + 1;
return r;
strref strref::split_range( const strref range, strl_t pos )
int t = find_any_char_or_range( range, pos );
if ( t < 0 ) t = ( int )length;
strref r = strref( string, t );
*this += t;
return r;
strref strref::split_range_trim( const strref range, strl_t pos )
int t = find_any_char_or_range( range, pos );
if ( t < 0 ) t = ( int )length;
strref r = strref( string, t );
*this += t;
return r;
strref strref::split_label() {
strref r( string, len_label() );
*this += r.length;
return r;
// split string based on common programming tokens (words, quotes, scopes, numbers)
strref strref::split_lang()
char c = get_first();
strl_t l = 1;
if (c == '"')
int f = find_after('"', 1);
l = f >= 0 ? (strl_t)(f+1) : get_len();
else if (c == '{' || c=='(')
strref f2(*this);
l = f2.scoped_block_comment_skip(true).get_len();
else if (strref::is_number(c) || c == '-')
if ((c == '0' && string[1] == 'x') || string[1] == 'X')
l = 2 + (*this + 2).len_hex();
l = len_float_number();
l = len_grayspace();
strref r = split(l); // control character
return r;
strref strref::get_snippet( strl_t pos )
strref snippet(string, end_line_pos(pos));
return snippet;
// grab a block of text starting with (, [ or { and end with the corresponding number of ), ] or }
strref strref::scoped_block_skip()
@ -3987,12 +4207,12 @@ strref strref::scoped_block_skip()
// scoped_block_skip with C style comments
strref strref::scoped_block_comment_skip(bool include)
strl_t strref::scoped_block_comment_len()
char scope = get_first();
if (length && (scope == '(' || scope == '[' || scope == '{'))
if (length && (scope == '(' || scope == '[' || scope == '{' || scope == '<'))
char close = scope == '(' ? ')' : (scope == '[' ? ']' : '}');
char close = scope == '<' ? '>' : (scope == '(' ? ')' : (scope == '[' ? ']' : '}'));
const char *scan = string;
strl_t depth = 0;
strl_t left = length;
@ -4010,21 +4230,14 @@ strref strref::scoped_block_comment_skip(bool include)
else if (c == close)
} while (depth && left);
if (!depth) {
strl_t block_len = strl_t(scan - string);
strref block = strref(string, block_len);
if (!include) {
block.length -= 2;
string += block_len;
length -= block_len;
return block;
if (!depth)
return strl_t(scan-string);
return strref();
return 0;
// return the current line of text and move this string ahead to the next.
// note: supports all known line feed configurations.
strref strref::next_line()
@ -4153,6 +4366,16 @@ strl_t strref::len_float_number() const
return has_value ? length-left : 0;
// count number of valid hexadecimal characters, leading 0x not valid
strl_t strref::len_hex() const
for (strl_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!is_hex((uint8_t)string[i]))
return i;
return length;
// insert a substring into a string
strl_t _strmod_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const strref sub, strl_t pos)
@ -4776,6 +4999,81 @@ strl_t _strmod_utf8_toupper(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap) {
return (strl_t)(end-string);
strl_t _strmod_cleanup_path(char *file, strl_t len)
strl_t pos = 0;
char *trg = file;
while (len) {
char c = *file++;
if (c=='/')
trg[pos] = c;
if ((c=='/' || c=='\\') && len>=3 && *file=='.' && file[1]=='.' && (file[2] =='/' || file[2]=='\\') && pos) {
// attempt to rewind
strl_t rew = pos-1;
while (rew) {
if (trg[rew-1] == '/' || trg[rew-1]=='\\')
pos = rew;
file += 3;
len -= 3;
} else {
return pos;
// determine a
strl_t _strmod_relative_path(char *out, strl_t cap, strref orig, strref target)
// remove trailing folder separator from source
char c = orig.get_last();
if (c=='/' || c=='\\')
// skip as many characters as matches at start of path
strl_t same_count = orig.prefix_len(target, '/', '\\');
// make sure that prior character is a folder (sub paths may share a prefix)
if (same_count != orig.get_len()) {
while( same_count ) {
c = orig.get()[same_count-1];
if (c == '/' || c=='\\')
// orig may be a path without ending in a folder separator
if (same_count == orig.get_len() && target.get_len() > same_count && (target.get()[same_count] == '/' || target.get()[same_count]=='\\'))
// skip the path of the path that is the same
orig += same_count;
target += same_count;
// count the number of folders to step up (number of folder separators)
strl_t step_up = orig.count_char('/') + orig.count_char('\\');
strl_t len = 0;
while (step_up-- && cap) {
strl_t add = _strmod_copy(out, cap, "../");
out += add;
len += add;
cap -= add;
c = target.get_first();
if (c=='/' || c=='\\')
if (cap)
len += _strmod_copy(out, cap, target);
return len;
/* revision history
@ -1590,7 +1590,6 @@ public:
LabelPool* GetLabelPool(strref pool_name);
StatusCode AddLabelPool(strref name, strref args);
StatusCode AssignPoolLabel(LabelPool &pool, strref args);
void FlushLabelPools(int scope_exit);
// Late expression evaluation
void AddLateEval(int target, int pc, int scope_pc, strref expression,
@ -2070,16 +2069,16 @@ uint8_t* Asm::BuildExport(strref append, int &file_size, int &addr)
int start_block = FixedExport[f]->address;
int end_block = FixedExport[f + 1]->start_address;
if ((end_block - start_block) >= (i->address - i->start_address)) {
int addr = start_block;
int addr_block = start_block;
int sec = id;
while (sec >= 0) {
Section &s = allSections[sec];
addr += s.align_address <= 1 ? 0 :
(s.align_address - (addr % s.align_address)) % s.align_address;
addr += s.address - s.start_address;
addr_block += s.align_address <= 1 ? 0 :
(s.align_address - (addr_block % s.align_address)) % s.align_address;
addr_block += s.address - s.start_address;
sec = s.next_group;
if (addr <= end_block) {
if (addr_block <= end_block) {
insert_after = f;
@ -2681,7 +2680,6 @@ StatusCode Asm::ExitScope()
StatusCode error = FlushLocalLabels(scope_depth);
if (error >= FIRST_ERROR)
return error;
if (scope_depth<0)
@ -2886,17 +2884,17 @@ StatusCode Asm::BuildMacro(Macro &m, strref arg_list)
if (tag) {
strref match("]*{0-9}");
strl_t pos = 0;
while (strref tag = macexp.find_wildcard(match, pos)) {
while (strref tag_mac = macexp.find_wildcard(match, pos)) {
bool success = false;
strl_t offs = strl_t(tag.get() - macexp.get());
strl_t offs = strl_t(tag_mac.get() - macexp.get());
if (!offs || !strref::is_valid_label(macexp[offs])) {
int t = (int)(tag + 1).atoi();
int t = (int)(tag_mac + 1).atoi();
strref args = arg;
if (t > 0) {
for (int skip = 1; skip < t; skip++)
strref a = args.split_token_trim(';');
macexp.exchange(offs, tag.get_len(), a);
macexp.exchange(offs, tag_mac.get_len(), a);
pos += a.get_len();
success = true;
@ -2981,7 +2979,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::BuildEnum(strref name, strref declaration)
while (strref line = declaration.line()) {
line = line.before_or_full(',');
strref name = line.split_token_trim('=');
strref member_name = line.split_token_trim('=');
line = line.before_or_full(';').before_or_full(c_comment).get_trimmed_ws();
if (line) {
StatusCode error = EvalExpression(line, etx, value);
@ -2992,7 +2990,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::BuildEnum(strref name, strref declaration)
struct MemberOffset member;
member.offset = (uint16_t)value;
member.name = name;
member.name = member_name;
member.name_hash = member.name.fnv1a();
member.sub_struct = strref();
@ -3898,18 +3896,6 @@ LabelPool* Asm::GetLabelPool(strref pool_name)
return nullptr;
// When going out of scope, label pools are deleted.
void Asm::FlushLabelPools(int scope_exit)
uint32_t i = 0;
while (i<labelPools.count()) {
if (labelPools.getValue(i).scopeDepth >= scope_exit)
// Add a label pool
StatusCode Asm::AddLabelPool(strref name, strref args)
@ -3970,16 +3956,19 @@ StatusCode Asm::AddLabelPool(strref name, strref args)
StatusCode Asm::AssignPoolLabel(LabelPool &pool, strref label)
strref type = label;
label = type.split_token('.');
int bytes = 1;
switch (strref::tolower(type.get_first())) {
case 'l': bytes = 4; break;
case 't': bytes = 3; break;
case 'd':
case 'w': bytes = 2; break;
int sz = label.find_at( '.', 1 );
if (sz > 0) {
label = type.split( sz );
switch (strref::tolower(type.get_first())) {
case 'l': bytes = 4; break;
case 't': bytes = 3; break;
case 'd':
case 'w': bytes = 2; break;
if (GetLabel(label))
if (GetLabel(label)) { return ERROR_POOL_LABEL_ALREADY_DEFINED; }
uint32_t addr;
StatusCode error = pool.Reserve(bytes, addr);
if (error != STATUS_OK)
@ -3997,7 +3986,9 @@ StatusCode Asm::AssignPoolLabel(LabelPool &pool, strref label)
pLabel->external = false;
pLabel->reference = false;
MarkLabelLocal(label, true);
if (label[ 0 ] == '.' || label[ 0 ] == '@' || label[ 0 ] == '!' || label[ 0 ] == ':' || label.get_last() == '$') {
MarkLabelLocal( label, true );
LabelAdded(pLabel, !!pool.scopeDepth);
return error;
@ -5998,7 +5989,7 @@ bool Asm::List(strref filename)
if (line_fix[pos] == '\t')
line_fix.exchange(pos, 1, pos & 1 ? strref(" ") : strref(" "));
out.append_to(' ', aCPUs[cpu].timing ? 40 : 33);
out.pad_to(' ', aCPUs[cpu].timing ? 40 : 33);
fprintf(f, STRREF_FMT "\n", STRREF_ARG(out));
@ -6018,10 +6009,10 @@ bool Asm::List(strref filename)
if (lst.startClock() && cycles_depth<MAX_DEPTH_CYCLE_COUNTER) {
cycles_depth++; cycles[cycles_depth].clr();
out.append_to(' ', 6); out.sprintf_append("c>%d", cycles_depth);
out.pad_to(' ', 6); out.sprintf_append("c>%d", cycles_depth);
if (lst.stopClock()) {
out.append_to(' ', 6);
out.pad_to(' ', 6);
if (cycles[cycles_depth].complex())
out.sprintf_append("c<%d = %d + m%d + i%d + d%d", cycles_depth,
cycles[cycles_depth].base, cycles[cycles_depth].a16,
@ -6035,7 +6026,7 @@ bool Asm::List(strref filename)
if (lst.size && lst.wasMnemonic()) {
out.append_to(' ', 18);
out.pad_to(' ', 18);
uint8_t *buf = si->output + lst.address;
uint8_t op = mnemonic[*buf];
uint8_t am = addrmode[*buf];
@ -6065,7 +6056,7 @@ bool Asm::List(strref filename)
out.sprintf_append(fmt, opcode_table[op].instr, buf[1]);
if (aCPUs[cpu].timing) {
out.append_to(' ', 33);
out.pad_to(' ', 33);
if (cycleCnt::sum_plus(aCPUs[cpu].timing[*buf])==1)
out.sprintf_append("%d+", cycleCnt::get_base(aCPUs[cpu].timing[*buf]));
else if (cycleCnt::sum_plus(aCPUs[cpu].timing[*buf]))
@ -6076,7 +6067,7 @@ bool Asm::List(strref filename)
out.append_to(' ', aCPUs[cpu].timing ? 40 : 33);
out.pad_to(' ', aCPUs[cpu].timing ? 40 : 33);
strref line = lst.code.get_skipped(lst.line_offs).get_line();
strown<128> line_fix(line);
@ -7138,19 +7129,19 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int size;
int size_export;
int addr;
if (uint8_t *buf = assembler.BuildExport(aAppendNames[e], size, addr)) {
if (uint8_t *buf = assembler.BuildExport(aAppendNames[e], size_export, addr)) {
if (FILE *f = fopen(file.c_str(), "wb")) {
if (load_header) {
uint8_t load_addr[2] = { (uint8_t)addr, (uint8_t)(addr >> 8) };
fwrite(load_addr, 2, 1, f);
if (size_header) {
uint8_t byte_size[2] = { (uint8_t)size, (uint8_t)(size >> 8) };
uint8_t byte_size[2] = { (uint8_t)size_export, (uint8_t)(size_export >> 8) };
fwrite(byte_size, 2, 1, f);
fwrite(buf, size, 1, f);
fwrite(buf, size_export, 1, f);
@ -7169,8 +7160,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
(int)i, STRREF_ARG(s.name), s.dummySection ? "yes" : "no",
s.IsRelativeSection() ? "yes" : "no", s.IsMergedSection() ? "yes" : "no", s.start_address, s.address);
if (s.pRelocs) {
for (relocList::iterator i = s.pRelocs->begin(); i != s.pRelocs->end(); ++i)
printf("\tReloc value $%x at offs $%x section %d\n", i->base_value, i->section_offset, i->target_section);
for (relocList::iterator rel = s.pRelocs->begin(); rel != s.pRelocs->end(); ++rel)
printf("\tReloc value $%x at offs $%x section %d\n", rel->base_value, rel->section_offset, rel->target_section);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user