mirror of https://github.com/ksherlock/x65.git synced 2025-03-25 10:30:50 +00:00

Implementing Eval Functions, complimented by IFCONST, IFBLANK and IFNBLANK

This commit is contained in:
Carl-Henrik Skårstedt 2020-01-10 14:20:00 -08:00
parent 758b4349eb
commit a535295929
2 changed files with 138 additions and 12 deletions

@ -6,12 +6,32 @@
dc.b rept
eval Checking defined function, Should be 0: .defined(test_stack)
test_stack = 0
eval Checking referenced function, Should be 0: .referenced(test_stack)
eval Checking defined function, Should be 1: .defined(test_stack)
PUSH test_stack
eval Checking referenced function, Should be 1: .referenced(test_stack)
test_stack = 10
eval test_stack
eval Push Before Pull: test_stack
PULL test_stack
eval test_stack
eval Pull original: test_stack
eval Checking symbol is not const (0): .const(test_stack)
const ConstAddress = $1000
eval Checking symbol is const (0): .const(ConstAddress)
eval This should be blank (1): .blank()
eval This should be blank (1): .blank({})
eval This should be not be blank (0): .blank({monkeys})
.ifconst test_stack
eval Checking ifconst with non-const symbol, should not print:
.ifconst ConstAddress
eval Checking ifconst with const symbol, this should print:
zp_len_lo = $a7
zp_len_hi = $a8


@ -279,6 +279,9 @@ enum AssemblerDirective {
AD_IF, // #IF: Conditional assembly follows based on expression
AD_IFDEF, // #IFDEF: Conditional assembly follows based on label defined or not
AD_IFNDEF, // #IFNDEF: Conditional assembly inverted from IFDEF
AD_IFCONST, // #IFCONST: Conditional assembly follows based on label being const
AD_IFBLANK, // #IFBLANK: Conditional assembly follows based on rest of line empty
AD_IFNBLANK, // #IFNBLANK: Conditional assembly follows based on rest of line not empty
AD_ELSE, // #ELSE: Otherwise assembly
AD_ELIF, // #ELIF: Otherwise conditional assembly follows
AD_ENDIF, // #ENDIF: End a block of #IF/#IFDEF
@ -317,6 +320,7 @@ enum AssemblerDirective {
// evaluation functions
enum EvalFuncs {
EF_DEFINED, // DEFINED(label) 1 if label is defined
EF_REFERENCED, // REFERENCED(label) 1 if label has been referenced in this file
EF_BLANK, // BLANK() 1 if the contents within the parenthesis is empty
EF_CONST, // CONST(label) 1 if label is a const label
EF_SIN, // SIN(index, period, amplitude)
@ -1005,6 +1009,9 @@ DirectiveName aDirectiveNames[] {
{ "IF", AD_IF },
{ "IFBLANK", AD_IFBLANK }, // #IFBLANK: Conditional assembly follows based on rest of line empty
{ "IFNBLANK", AD_IFNBLANK }, // #IFDEF: Conditional assembly follows based on rest of line not empty
{ "ELSE", AD_ELSE },
{ "ELIF", AD_ELIF },
@ -1072,10 +1079,12 @@ struct EvalFuncNames {
EvalFuncNames aEvalFunctions[] = {
{ "DEFINED", EF_DEFINED }, // DEFINED(label) 1 if label is defined
{ "BLANK", EF_BLANK }, // BLANK() 1 if the contents within the parenthesis is empty
{ "CONST", EF_CONST }, // CONST(label) 1 if label is a const label
{ "SIN", EF_SIN }, // SIN(index, period, amplitude)
{ "DEFINED", EF_DEFINED }, // DEFINED(label) 1 if label is defined
{ "DEF", EF_DEFINED }, // DEFINED(label) 1 if label is defined
{ "REFERENCED", EF_REFERENCED }, // REFERENCED(label) 1 if label has been referenced in this file
{ "BLANK", EF_BLANK }, // BLANK() 1 if the contents within the parenthesis is empty
{ "CONST", EF_CONST }, // CONST(label) 1 if label is a const label
{ "TRIGSIN", EF_SIN }, // TRIGSIN(index, period, amplitude)
static const int nDirectiveNames = sizeof(aDirectiveNames) / sizeof(aDirectiveNames[0]);
@ -1554,6 +1563,7 @@ public:
bool constant; // the value of this label can not change
bool external; // this label is globally accessible
bool reference; // this label is accessed from external and can't be used for evaluation locally
bool referenced; // this label has been found via GetLabel and can be assumed to be referenced for some purpose
} Label;
@ -1840,6 +1850,9 @@ public:
StatusCode EvalStruct(strref name, int &value);
StatusCode BuildEnum(strref name, strref declaration);
// Check if function is a valid function and if so evaluate the expression
bool EvalFunction(strref function, strref &expression, int &value);
// Calculate a value based on an expression.
EvalOperator RPNToken_Merlin(strref &expression, const struct EvalContext &etx,
EvalOperator prev_op, int16_t &section, int &value);
@ -1851,7 +1864,7 @@ public:
int ReptCnt() const;
// Access labels
Label* GetLabel(strref label);
Label * GetLabel(strref label, bool reference_check = false);
Label* GetLabel(strref label, int file_ref);
Label* AddLabel(uint32_t hash);
bool MatchXDEF(strref label);
@ -3436,6 +3449,56 @@ StatusCode Asm::EvalStruct(strref name, int &value) {
return STATUS_OK;
bool Asm::EvalFunction(strref function, strref& expression, int &value)
// all eval functions take a parenthesis with arguments
if (expression.get_first() != '(') { return false; }
strref expRet = expression;
strref params = expRet.scoped_block_comment_skip();
if (function.get_first() == '.') { ++function; }
for (int i = 0; i < nEvalFuncs; ++i) {
if (function.same_str(aEvalFunctions[i].name)) {
switch (aEvalFunctions[i].function) {
expression = expRet;
value = GetLabel(params, true) != nullptr ? 1 : 0;
return true;
expression = expRet;
if (Label* label = GetLabel(params, true)) { value = label->referenced; return true; }
return false;
case EF_BLANK:
expression = expRet;
if (params.get_first() == '{') { params = params.scoped_block_comment_skip(); }
value = params.is_empty();
return true;
case EF_CONST:
expression = expRet;
if (Label* label = GetLabel(params, true)) {
return label->constant;
return false;
case EF_SIN:
expression = expRet;
value = 0; // TODO: implement trigsin
return true;
return false;
return false;
@ -3577,6 +3640,7 @@ EvalOperator Asm::RPNToken(strref &exp, const struct EvalContext &etx, EvalOpera
if (!pLabel && label.same_str("rept")) { value = etx.rept_cnt; return EVOP_VAL; }
if (!pLabel) { if (StringSymbol *pStr = GetString(label)) { subexp = pStr->get(); return EVOP_EXP; } }
if (!pLabel) { if (EvalFunction(label, exp, value)) { return EVOP_VAL; } }
if (!pLabel || !pLabel->evaluated) return EVOP_NRY; // this label could not be found (yet)
value = pLabel->value; section = int16_t(pLabel->section); return pLabel->reference ? EVOP_XRF : EVOP_VAL;
@ -4118,12 +4182,14 @@ StatusCode Asm::CheckLateEval(strref added_label, int scope_end, bool print_miss
// Get a label record if it exists
Label *Asm::GetLabel(strref label) {
Label *Asm::GetLabel(strref label, bool reference_check) {
uint32_t label_hash = label.fnv1a();
uint32_t index = FindLabelIndex(label_hash, labels.getKeys(), labels.count());
while (index < labels.count() && label_hash == labels.getKey(index)) {
if (label.same_str(labels.getValue(index).label_name)) {
return labels.getValues()+index;
Label *label = labels.getValues() + index;
if (!reference_check) { label->referenced = true; }
return label;
@ -4138,7 +4204,9 @@ Label *Asm::GetLabel(strref label, int file_ref) {
uint32_t index = FindLabelIndex(label_hash, labs.labels.getKeys(), labs.labels.count());
while (index < labs.labels.count() && label_hash == labs.labels.getKey(index)) {
if (label.same_str(labs.labels.getValue(index).label_name)) {
return labs.labels.getValues()+index;
Label *label = labs.labels.getValues()+index;
label->referenced = true;
return label;
@ -4332,6 +4400,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::AssignPoolLabel(LabelPool &pool, strref label) {
pLabel->constant = true;
pLabel->external = false;
pLabel->reference = false;
pLabel->referenced = false;
bool local = false;
if (label[ 0 ] == '.' || label[ 0 ] == '@' || label[ 0 ] == '!' || label[ 0 ] == ':' || label.get_last() == '$') {
@ -4388,7 +4457,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::AssignLabel(strref label, strref expression, bool make_constant)
if (pLabel->constant && pLabel->evaluated && val!=pLabel->value) {
} else { pLabel = AddLabel(label.fnv1a()); }
} else { pLabel = AddLabel(label.fnv1a()); pLabel->referenced = false; }
pLabel->label_name = label;
@ -4420,6 +4489,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::AddressLabel(strref label)
bool constLabel = false;
if (!pLabel) {
pLabel = AddLabel(label.fnv1a());
pLabel->referenced = false; // if this label already exists but is changed then it may already have been referenced
} else if (pLabel->constant && pLabel->value!=CurrSection().GetPC()) {
} else { constLabel = pLabel->constant; }
@ -5114,6 +5184,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::Directive_XREF(strref label)
pLabelXREF->external = true;
pLabelXREF->constant = false;
pLabelXREF->reference = true;
pLabelXREF->referenced = false; // referenced is only within the current object file
return STATUS_OK;
@ -5549,6 +5620,41 @@ StatusCode Asm::ApplyDirective(AssemblerDirective dir, strref line, strref sourc
if (NewConditional()) { // Start new conditional block
CheckConditionalDepth(); // Check if nesting
// ifdef doesn't need to evaluate the value, just determine if it exists or not
strref label_name = line.split_range_trim(label_end_char_range);
if (Label* label = GetLabel(label_name, etx.file_ref)) {
if (label->constant) { ConsumeConditional(); }
else { SetConditional(); }
else { SetConditional(); }
if (NewConditional()) { // Start new conditional block
CheckConditionalDepth(); // Check if nesting
if (line.is_empty())
if (NewConditional()) { // Start new conditional block
CheckConditionalDepth(); // Check if nesting
if (!line.is_empty())
case AD_ELSE:
if (ConditionalAsm()) {
if (ConditionalConsumed())
@ -7215,7 +7321,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::ReadObjectFile(strref filename, int link_to_section)
int16_t f = (int16_t)l.flags;
int external = f & ObjFileLabel::OFL_XDEF;
if (external == ObjFileLabel::OFL_XDEF) {
if (!lbl) { lbl = AddLabel(name.fnv1a()); } // insert shared label
if (!lbl) { lbl = AddLabel(name.fnv1a()); lbl->referenced = false; } // insert shared label
else if (!lbl->reference) { continue; }
} else { // insert protected label
while ((file_index + external) >= (int)externals.size()) {