mirror of https://github.com/ksherlock/x65.git synced 2025-03-22 19:30:17 +00:00

Fixed a case where addressing mode got confused because a function with multiple parameters was used as the address

This commit is contained in:
Carl-Henrik Skårstedt 2020-01-21 16:49:20 -08:00
parent 53f69edc5a
commit c1de91e3f1
2 changed files with 164 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Add this #define to *one* C++ file before #include "struse.h" to create the impl
#ifndef __STRUSE_H__
#define __STRUSE_H__
#include <inttypes.h> // uint8_t etc.
#include <inttypes.h> // uint32_t etc.
#include <string.h> // memcpy, memmove
#include <stdio.h> // printf, vsnprintf
#include <stdarg.h> // va_list
@ -128,12 +128,15 @@ public:
// convert hexadecimal string to unsigned integer
size_t ahextoui() const;
uint64_t ahextou64() const;
uint64_t ahextoui_skip();
size_t ahextoui_skip();
size_t abinarytoui_skip();
// output string with newline (printf)
void writeln();
// single digit number
static char num_to_char(uint8_t num) { return num<10 ? (num+'0'):(num+'a'-10); }
// is character empty such as space, tab, linefeed etc.?
static bool is_ws(uint8_t c) { return c <= ' '; }
static bool is_ws(char c) { return (uint8_t)c <= ' '; }
@ -238,6 +241,9 @@ public:
// check if string is a valid floating point number
bool is_float_number() const { return valid() && len_float_number() == length; }
// check if matching first char and skip if match
bool grab_char( char c ) { if(length && string[0]==c) { length--; string++; return true; } return false; }
// wildcard search
strref find_wildcard(const strref wild, strl_t pos = 0, bool case_sensitive = true) const;
strref next_wildcard(const strref wild, strref prev, bool case_sensitive = true) const {
@ -282,6 +288,7 @@ public:
(str.get_len()==length || !is_alphanumeric((uint8_t)str[length])); }
bool is_prefix_case_of(const strref str) const { return prefix_len_case(str)==get_len(); }
bool is_prefix_float_number() const { return len_float_number() > 0; }
bool grab_prefix( const char* str ) { strl_t p = prefix_len( str ); if( !str[ p ] ) { skip( p ); return true; } return false; }
// suffix compare
strl_t suffix_len(const strref str) const;
@ -364,6 +371,9 @@ public:
// find any char from str or char range or char - with backslash prefix
int find_range_char_within_range(const strref range_find, const strref range_within, strl_t pos = 0) const;
// find but not within parenthesis
int find_skip_parens(char token) const;
// counts
int substr_count(const strref str) const; // count the occurrences of the argument in this string
int substr_count_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const;
@ -521,6 +531,10 @@ public:
strref before_or_full(char c) const {
int o = find(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string, o); return *this; }
strref before_or_full_track_parens(char c) const {
int o = find_skip_parens(c); if (o >= 0) return strref(string, o); return *this;
strref before_last(char c) const {
int o = find_last(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string, o); return strref(); }
@ -575,20 +589,29 @@ public:
strref split_token_any(const strref chars);
strref split_token_trim(char c);
strref split_token_any_trim(const strref chars);
strref split_token_track_parens(char c);
strref split_token_trim_track_parens(char c);
strref split_range(const strref range, strl_t pos=0);
strref split_range_trim(const strref range, strl_t pos=0);
strref split_label();
strref split_lang();
strref split_num();
// get a snippet, previous and full current line around a position
strref get_snippet( strl_t pos );
// grab a block of text starting with (, [ or { and end with the corresponding number of ), ] or }
strref scoped_block_skip();
strref scoped_block_skip( bool quotes = false );
// scoped_block_skip with C style comments
strl_t scoped_block_comment_len();
strl_t scoped_block_utf8_comment_len();
strref scoped_block_comment_skip(bool include = false) { strref ret = split(scoped_block_comment_len()); if (!include) { ++ret; ret.clip(1); } return ret; }
strref scoped_block_utf8_comment_skip( bool include = false ) {
strref ret = split( scoped_block_utf8_comment_len() );
if( !include ) { ++ret; ret.clip( 1 ); }
return ret;
// check matching characters that are terminated by any character in term or ends
strl_t match_chars_str(const strref match, const strref term = strref());
@ -610,6 +633,7 @@ public:
int l = strref(string+f, length-f).find(b); if (l<0) l = 0; return strref(string+f, l); }
strref get_quote_xml() const;
strref skip_quote_xml();
int find_quoted_xml(char d) const; // returns length up to the delimiter d with xml quotation rules, or -1 if delimiter not found
int find_quoted(char d) const; // returns length up to the delimiter d with c/c++ quotation rules, or -1 if delimiter not found
@ -628,10 +652,12 @@ strl_t _strmod_append(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const char *str);
strl_t _strmod_append(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strref str);
strl_t _strmod_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const strref sub, strl_t pos);
strl_t _strmod_utf8_tolower(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap);
strl_t _strmod_write_utf8( char *string, strl_t cap, size_t code, strl_t pos );
void _strmod_substrcopy(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t src, strl_t dst, strl_t chars);
void _strmod_tolower(char *string, strl_t length);
void _strmod_toupper(char *string, strl_t length);
strl_t _strmod_format_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t pos, strref format, const strref *args);
strl_t _strmod_append_num(char* str, strl_t left, uint32_t num, strl_t size, uint32_t radix);
strl_t _strmod_remove(char *string, strl_t length, char a);
strl_t _strmod_remove(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t start, strl_t len);
strl_t _strmod_exchange(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t start, strl_t size, const strref insert);
@ -721,6 +747,7 @@ public:
bool is_prefix_word(const strref str) const { return get_strref().is_prefix_word(str); }
bool is_prefix_case_of(const strref str) const { return get_strref().is_prefix_case_of(str); }
bool is_prefix_float_number() const { return get_strref().is_prefix_float_number(); }
bool grab_prefix( const char* str ) { return get_strref().grab_prefix( str ); }
// whole word compare (prefix match + next char is whitespace or end of string)
bool is_word(const strref str) const { return get_strref().is_word(str); }
@ -908,6 +935,11 @@ public:
void format_insert(const strref format, const strref *args, strl_t pos) {
set_len_int(_strmod_format_insert(charstr(), len(), cap(), pos, format, args)); }
strmod& append_num(uint32_t num, strl_t size, strl_t radix) {
add_len_int( _strmod_append_num( charstr() + len(), cap() - len(), num, size, radix ) );
return *this;
// c style sprintf (work around windows _s preference)
#ifdef _WIN32
int sprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format);
@ -1567,7 +1599,7 @@ size_t strref::ahextoui() const
const char *scan = string;
strl_t left = length;
while (*scan<=0x20 && left) {
while (left && *scan<=0x20) {
@ -1624,7 +1656,7 @@ uint64_t strref::ahextou64() const
return hex;
// convert a hexadecimal string to an unsigned integer
uint64_t strref::ahextoui_skip()
size_t strref::ahextoui_skip()
const char *scan = string;
strl_t left = length;
@ -1638,8 +1670,8 @@ uint64_t strref::ahextoui_skip()
scan += 2;
left -= 2;
if( left > 16 ) { left = 16; }
uint64_t hex = 0;
if (left > 16) { left = 16; }
size_t hex = 0;
while (left) {
char c = *scan;
if (c>='0' && c<='9')
@ -1733,9 +1765,8 @@ int strref::count_char(char c) const
strref strref::skip_bom()
const uint8_t* buf = get_u();
if( length >= 3 && buf && buf[ 0 ] == 0xef && buf[ 1 ] == 0xbb && buf[ 2 ] == 0xbf )
return strref( string + 3, length - 3 );
if (length >= 3 && buf && buf[0] == 0xef && buf[1] == 0xbb && buf[2] == 0xbf) {
return strref(string + 3, length - 3);
return *this;
@ -1863,6 +1894,20 @@ int strref::find_last(char c, char d) const
return -1;
int strref::find_skip_parens(char token) const
int parens = 0;
const char* scan = string;
strl_t left = length;
while (left && (parens || *scan != token)) {
if (*scan == '(') { ++parens; } else if (*scan == ')' && parens) { --parens; }
if (left) { return length - left; }
return -1;
// compare a string with a substring case sensitive
static bool int_compare_substr_case(const char *scan, strl_t length, const char *check, strl_t chk_len)
@ -4046,6 +4091,28 @@ strref strref::get_quote_xml() const
return strref();
// if this string begins as an xml quote return that.
strref strref::skip_quote_xml()
char quote_char = get_first();
if( quote_char != '"' && quote_char != '\'' )
return strref();
const char *scan = string + 1;
strl_t left = length - 1;
while( left ) {
char c = *scan++;
if( c == quote_char ) {
strref ret( string + 1, length - left - 1 );
string = scan+1;
length = left-2;
return ret;
return strref();
// find the character d outside of a quote
int strref::find_quoted(char d) const
@ -4086,6 +4153,15 @@ strref strref::split_token( char c ) {
return r;
strref strref::split_token_track_parens(char c)
int t = find_skip_parens(c);
if (t < 0) t = (int)length;
strref r = strref(string, strl_t(t));
*this += t + 1;
return r;
strref strref::split_token_any( const strref chars )
strref r; int t = find_any_char_of( chars );
@ -4096,6 +4172,13 @@ strref strref::split_token_any( const strref chars )
return r;
strref strref::split_token_trim_track_parens(char c)
strref r = split_token_track_parens(c);
return r;
strref strref::split_token_trim( char c ) {
strref r = split_token( c );
@ -4140,6 +4223,19 @@ strref strref::split_label() {
return r;
strref strref::split_num() {
strref r( string, 0 );
while( length && *string >= '0' && *string <= '9' ) {
return r;
// split string based on common programming tokens (words, quotes, scopes, numbers)
strref strref::split_lang()
@ -4177,18 +4273,22 @@ strref strref::get_snippet( strl_t pos )
// grab a block of text starting with (, [ or { and end with the corresponding number of ), ] or }
strref strref::scoped_block_skip()
strref strref::scoped_block_skip(bool quotes)
char scope = get_first();
if (length && (scope == '(' || scope == '[' || scope == '{')) {
char close = scope=='(' ? ')' : (scope=='[' ? ']' : '}');
const char *scan = string;
bool inQuote = false;
strl_t depth = 0;
strl_t left = length;
do {
char c = *scan++;
if (c==scope)
if( inQuote ) {
if( c == '"' ) { inQuote = false; }
} else if( quotes && c=='"' ) { inQuote = true; }
else if( c == scope )
else if (c==close)
@ -4236,6 +4336,31 @@ strl_t strref::scoped_block_comment_len()
return 0;
strl_t strref::scoped_block_utf8_comment_len()
strref str = *this;
size_t scope = str.pop_utf8();
if( length && ( scope == '(' || scope == '[' || scope == '{' || scope == '<' ) )
char close = scope == '<' ? '>' : ( scope == '(' ? ')' : ( scope == '[' ? ']' : '}' ) );
strl_t depth = 1;
do {
size_t c = str.pop_utf8();
if( c == '/' && str.get_len() && ( str[0] == '/' || str[1] == '*' ) ) {
c = str.pop_utf8();
strl_t skip = c == '/' ? str.len_next_line() : str.find_or_full( "*/" );
str += skip;
else if( c == scope )
else if( c == close )
} while( depth && str.valid() );
if( !depth )
return strl_t( str.string - string );
return 0;
// return the current line of text and move this string ahead to the next.
@ -4513,6 +4638,25 @@ strl_t _strmod_format_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t pos
return length;
strl_t _strmod_append_num( char* str, strl_t left, uint32_t num, strl_t size, uint32_t radix )
strl_t div = 1;
if( !size ) {
uint32_t mul = 1;
do { ++size; mul *= radix; } while( mul <= num );
for( strl_t n = 1; n<size; ++n ) { div *= radix; }
strl_t added = 0;
for( strl_t a = 0; a<size && left; ++a ) {
char v = (num / div) % radix + '0';
div /= radix;
*str++ = v <= '9' ? v : (v + 'a' - '0' - 10);
return added;
// remove all instances of a character from a string
strl_t _strmod_remove(char *string, strl_t length, char a)

View File

@ -5200,7 +5200,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::Directive_Import(strref line)
if (param) {
struct EvalContext etx;
EvalExpression(param.split_token_trim(','), etx, skip);
EvalExpression(param.split_token_trim_track_parens(','), etx, skip);
if (param) { EvalExpression(param, etx, len); }
@ -5390,7 +5390,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::Directive_DC(strref line, int width, strref source_file)
struct EvalContext etx;
while (strref exp_dc = line.split_token_trim(',')) {
while (strref exp_dc = line.split_token_trim_track_parens(',')) {
int value = 0;
if (!CurrSection().IsDummySection()) {
if (Merlin() && exp_dc.get_first() == '#') // MERLIN allows for an immediate declaration on data
@ -5431,7 +5431,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::Directive_DS(strref line)
struct EvalContext etx;
strref size = line.split_token_trim(',');
strref size = line.split_token_trim_track_parens(',');
if (STATUS_OK != EvalExpression(size, etx, value))
int fill = 0;
@ -6015,7 +6015,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::GetAddressMode(strref line, bool flipXY, uint32_t &validModes, A
else { suffix.clear(); }
++block_suffix; block_suffix.clip(1); block_suffix.trim_whitespace();
++line; line.skip_whitespace();
strref block = block_suffix.split_token_trim( ',' );
strref block = block_suffix.split_token_trim_track_parens( ',' );
if( line.get_first() == '>' ) { // [>$aaaa]
if( c == '[' ) { addrMode = AMB_REL_L; validModes &= AMM_REL_L; expression = block+1; }
@ -6154,7 +6154,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::GetAddressMode(strref line, bool flipXY, uint32_t &validModes, A
addrMode = AMB_ACC;
} else { // absolute (zp, offs x, offs y)
addrMode = force_24 ? AMB_ABS_L : (force_zp ? AMB_ZP : AMB_ABS);
expression = line.split_token_trim(',');
expression = line.split_token_trim_track_parens(',');
if( force_abs ) { validModes &= AMM_ABS | AMM_ABS_X | AMM_ABS_Y | AMM_REL | AMM_REL_X; }
if( force_zp ) { validModes &= AMM_ZP | AMM_ZP_X | AMM_ZP_REL_X | AMM_ZP_Y_REL |
@ -6193,7 +6193,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::AddOpcode(strref line, int index, strref source_file) {
switch (validModes) {
case AMC_BBR:
addrMode = AMB_ZP_ABS;
expression = line.split_token_trim(',');
expression = line.split_token_trim_track_parens(',');
if (!expression || !line)
@ -6208,7 +6208,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::AddOpcode(strref line, int index, strref source_file) {
addrMode = AMB_BLK_MOV;
expression = line.before_or_full(',');
expression = line.before_or_full_track_parens(',');
error = GetAddressMode(line, !!(validModes & AMM_FLIPXY), validModes, addrMode, op_param, expression);
@ -6393,7 +6393,7 @@ StatusCode Asm::AddOpcode(strref line, int index, strref source_file) {
struct EvalContext etx;
etx.pc = CurrSection().GetPC()-2;
error = EvalExpression(line, etx, value);
AddLateEval(CurrSection().DataOffset(), CurrSection().GetPC(), scope_address[scope_depth], line, source_file, LateEval::LET_BYTE);