# Asm6502 - Sublime Text Package [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/3) is a great text editor that supports custom languages and build scripts, Asm6502.sublime-package is a single file collection of config files that enable Asm6502 language syntax, Asm6502 Build and an Asm6502 color theme that's got some c64 colors in it as well. Copy Asm6502.sublime-package from this folder to: Windows: ``` %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\ ``` OSX: ``` ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/ ``` Compile a 64 or 32 bit release build of Asm6502 and put it into c:\c64\asm6502\asm6502.exe Download the Vice C64 Emulator into c:\vice or c:\c64\vice Within Sublime Text set the Build System to Asm6502 with a 6502 .s or .asm source file loaded and press Ctrl+B to build, or Ctrl+6 to build and launch Vice with the built prg file. With sincere apologies to the author of the Sublime Text package for Kick Assembler without which I would have spent countless hours to figure this out, check out the kick assembler Sublime package here: http://goatpower.org/projects-releases/sublime-package-kick-assembler-c64/ Feel free to modify this package as desired. To open up the individual files add a '.zip' extension to Asm6502.sublime-package and unzip it and paste the files to ``` %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Asm6502 ```