/* String User Classes The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Carl-Henrik Skårstedt Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. https://github.com/sakrac/struse Add this #define to *one* C++ file before #include "struse.h" to create the implementation: #define STRUSE_IMPLEMENTATION // in other words, this sequence should be at the top of one file: #include ... #define STRUSE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "struse.h" */ #ifndef __STRUSE_H__ #define __STRUSE_H__ #include // memcpy, memmove #include // printf, vsnprintf #include // va_list // // Naming Rules: // // find* returns a position of a string where a match if found or -1 if not // skip*/clip* trims beginning or end of string based on condition // get_* returns a property, single character or substring // before*/after* returns a substring matching the condition // is_* returns a bool for a character or whole string test // len_* return the number of characters matching the condition from the start of the string // *_last indicates that search is done from the end of the string // *_rh indicates a rolling hash search is used // *_esc indicates that the search string allows for escape codes (\x => x) // same_str* is a full string compare and returns true or false based on condtions // *_range indicates that the result is filtered by a given set of valid characters // typedef unsigned int strl_t; // helper defines for sprintf/printf with strop // example: printf("string is " STROP_FMT "\n", STROP_ARG(strref)) #define STRREF_FMT "%.*s" #define STRREF_ARG(s) (int)(s).get_len(), (s).get() // internal helper functions for strref int _find_rh(const char *text, strl_t len, const char *comp, strl_t comp_len); int _find_rh_case(const char *text, strl_t len, const char *comp, strl_t comp_len); // strref holds a reference to a constant substring (const char*) class strref { protected: const char *string; strl_t length; public: strref() { clear(); } strref(const char *str); strref(const char *str, strl_t len) : string(str), length(len) {} strref(const char *str, int len) : string(str), length(strl_t(len)) {} bool valid() const { return string && length; } void clear() { string = nullptr; length = 0; } const char* get() const { return string; } strl_t get_len() const { return length; } char get_first() const { return (string && length) ? *string : 0; } char get_last() const { return (string && length) ? string[length-1] : 0; } strl_t limit_pos(strl_t pos) { return pos=string && sub<=(string+length); } strl_t substr_offs(strref substr) const { if (is_substr(substr.get())) return strl_t(substr.get()-get()); return 0; } strl_t substr_end_offs(strref substr) const { if (is_substr(substr.get())) return strl_t(substr.get()-get()) + substr.get_len(); return 0; } bool is_empty() const { return length==0; } // get fnv1a hash for string unsigned int fnv1a(unsigned int seed = 2166136261) const; unsigned int fnv1a_lower(unsigned int seed = 2166136261) const; unsigned int fnv1a_append(unsigned int base_fnv1a_hash) const { return fnv1a(base_fnv1a_hash); } // whitespace ignore fnv1a (any sequence whitespace is replaced by one space) unsigned int fnv1a_ws(unsigned int seed = 2166136261) const; // convert string to basic integer int atoi() const; // convert string to floating point float atof() const; double atod() const; // number of characters of basic integer in string int atoi_skip(); // convert hexadecimal string to signed integer int ahextoi() const; // convert hexadecimal string to unsigned integer unsigned int ahextoui() const; unsigned int ahextoui_skip(); unsigned int abinarytoui_skip(); // output string with newline (printf) void writeln(); // is character empty such as space, tab, linefeed etc.? static bool is_ws(unsigned char c) { return c <= ' '; } // is character a number? static bool is_number(unsigned char c) { return c>='0' && c<='9'; } // is character a hexadecimal number? static bool is_hex(char c) { return is_number(c) || (c>='A' && c<='F') || (c>='a' && c<='f'); } // is character alphabetic (A-Z or a-z)? static bool is_alphabetic(unsigned char c) { return (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z'); } // is character alphabetic or numeric? static bool is_alphanumeric(char c) { return is_number(c) || is_alphabetic(c); } // is character valid as part of a label? (num, _, A-Z, a-z) static bool is_valid_label(unsigned char c) { return c=='_' || is_alphanumeric(c); } // word separators are non-alphanumeric characters except apostrophe. static bool is_sep_ws(unsigned char c) { return c!='\'' && !is_alphanumeric(c); } // is control character? (!-/, ?-@, [-^, {-~) static bool is_control(unsigned char c) { return !is_ws(c) && !is_alphanumeric(c) && c!='_'; } // choice of upper/lowercase conversions static char tolower(char c); static char toupper(char c); static char tolower_win(char c); static char toupper_win(char c); static char tolower_amiga(char c); static char toupper_amiga(char c); static char tolower_macos(char c); static char toupper_macos(char c); static int tolower_unicode(int c); static int toupper_unicode(int c); // operators // strref += int: move string forward (skip) void operator+=(const strl_t skip) { if (skip=0 && strl_t(skip) strref / strref < strref: greater than and lesser than operators bool operator>(const strref o) const; bool operator<(const strref o) const; // strref[int]: get character at position char operator[](unsigned int pos) const { return pos 0; } // suffix compare strl_t suffix_len(const strref str) const; strl_t suffix_len_case(const strref str) const; bool is_suffix_of(const strref str) const { return suffix_len(str)==get_len(); } bool is_suffix_case_of(const strref str) { return suffix_len_case(str)==get_len(); } bool has_suffix(const char *str) const { return strref(str).is_suffix_of(*this); } // whole word compare (prefix match + next char is whitespace or end of string) bool is_word(const strref str) const { return prefix_len(str)==str.get_len() && whitespace_at(str.get_len()); } bool is_word_case(const strref str) const { return prefix_len_case(str)==str.get_len() && whitespace_at(str.get_len()); } // string search // find first index of char c int find(char c) const; // find first index of char c after pos int find_at(char c, strl_t pos) const; // find first index of char c after index pos (find_at(c, pos+1)) int find_after(char c, strl_t pos) const; // find first index of char c after index pos or return length for full string int find_or_full(char c, strl_t pos) const; int find_or_full_esc(char c, strl_t pos) const; // find last position of char c int find_last(char c) const; // find first position of either char c or char d int find(char c, char d) const; // find last position of either char c or char d int find_last(char c, char d) const; // find first after last in string int find_after_last(char a, char b) const { return find_after(b, find_last(a)+1); } int find_after_last(char a1, char a2, char b) const { int w = find_last(a1, a2)+1; int l = strref(string+w, length-w).find(b); return l>=0?l+w:-1; } // return position in this string of the first occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, not case sensitive int find(const strref str) const; int find_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const; // return position in this string of the first occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, not case sensitive int find(const char *str) const; // return position in this string of the first occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, case sensitive int find_case(const strref str, strl_t pos = 0) const; // return position in this string of the first occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, case sensitive int find_case(const char *str) const; int find_case_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const; int find_case_esc_range(const strref str, const strref range, strl_t pos) const; int find_esc_range(const strref str, const strref range, strl_t pos) const; // return position in this string of the last occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, not case sensitive int find_last(const strref str) const; int find_last_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const; // return position in this string of the last occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, not case sensitive int find_last(const char *str) const; // return position in this string of the last occurrence of the argument or negative if not found, case sensitive int find_last_case(const strref str) const; // find first instance after pos int find(const strref str, strl_t pos) const; // find first instance after pos allowing escape codes in search string int find_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const; // find any char from str in this string at position int find_any_char_of(const strref range, strl_t pos = 0) const; // find any char from str or char range or char - with backslash prefix int find_any_char_or_range(const strref range, strl_t pos = 0) const; int find_any_not_in_range(const strref range, strl_t pos = 0) const; // find any char from str or char range or char - with backslash prefix int find_range_char_within_range(const strref range_find, const strref range_within, strl_t pos = 0) const; // counts int substr_count(const strref str) const; // count the occurrences of the argument in this string int substr_count_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const; int substr_case_count(const strref str) const; // count the occurrences of the argument in this string int substr_label_case_count(const strref str) const; int count_repeat(char c, strl_t pos) const; int count_repeat_reverse(char c, strl_t pos) const; int count_lines() const; int count_lines(strl_t pos) const { return strref(string, pos=0 && strl_t(len)0?string:nullptr, len>0?(strl_t(len)='A')) break; l--; } return strref(string, length-l); } strref before(char c) const { int o = find(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string, o); return strref(); } strref before(char c, char d) const { int o = find(c, d); if (o>=0) return strref(string, o); return strref(); } strref before_or_full(char c) const { int o = find(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string, o); return *this; } strref before_last(char c) const { int o = find_last(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string, o); return strref(); } strref before_last(char c, char d) const { int o = find_last(c, d); if (o>=0) return strref(string, o); return strref(); } strref before_or_full(const strref str) const { int o = find(str); if (o<0) return *this; return strref(string, o); } strref after_or_full(const strref str) const { int o = find(str); if (o<0) return *this; return strref(string+o, length-o); } strref after_or_full(char c) const { int o = find(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return *this; } strref after_or_full(char c, char d) const { int o = find(c, d); if (o>=0) return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return *this; } strref after(char c) const { int o = find(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return strref(); } strref after_last_or_full(char c) const { int o = find_last(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return *this; } strref after_last_or_full(char c, char d) const { int o = find_last(c, d); if (o>=0) return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return *this; } strref after_last(char c) const { int o = find_last(c); if (o>=0) return strref(string+o+1, length-o-1); return strref(); } strref get_alphanumeric() const { strref r(*this); r.skip_whitespace(); if (int l = r.len_alphanumeric()) return strref(string, l); return strref(); } strref get_label() const { return strref(string, len_label()); } strref before_or_full_case(const strref str) const { int o = find_case(str); if (o<0) return *this; return strref(string, o); } strref after_or_full_case(const strref str) const { int o = find_case(str); if (o<0) return *this; return strref(string+o, length-o); } strref between(char c, char d) { int s = find(c); if (s>=0) { int e = find_after(d, s); if (e>=0) return get_substr(s+1, e-s-1); } return strref(); } // tokenization strref split(strl_t pos) { pos = limit_pos(pos); strref ret = strref(string, pos); *this += pos; return ret; } strref split_token(char c) { int t = find(c); if (t<0) t = length; strref r = strref(string, t); *this += t+1; return r; } strref split_token_any(const strref chars) { strref r; int t = find_any_char_of(chars); if (t>=0) { r = strref(string, t); *this += t; } return r; } strref split_token_trim(char c) { strref r = split_token(c); skip_whitespace(); r.trim_whitespace(); return r; } strref split_token_any_trim(const strref chars) { int t = find_any_char_of(chars); if (t<0) t = length; strref r = strref(string, t); *this += t+1; r.trim_whitespace(); return r; } strref split_range(const strref range, strl_t pos=0) { int t = find_any_char_or_range(range, pos); if (t<0) t = length; strref r = strref(string, t); *this += t; return r; } strref split_range_trim(const strref range, strl_t pos=0) { int t = find_any_char_or_range(range, pos); if (t<0) t = length; strref r = strref(string, t); *this += t; r.trim_whitespace(); trim_whitespace(); return r; } strref split_label() { skip_whitespace(); strref r(string, len_label()); *this += r.length; skip_whitespace(); return r; } // grab a block of text starting with (, [ or { and end with the corresponding number of ), ] or } strref scoped_block_skip(); strref get_line() const; // return the current line even if empty,t don't change this line strref get_line(strl_t line) const; // return line by index strref next_line(); // return the current line even if empty and skip this to line after strref line() { strref ret; while (valid() && !ret.valid()) ret = next_line(); return ret;} // return the current or next valid line skip this to line after strref next_token(char c) { int o = find(c); if (o<0) o = get_len(); return split(o); } strref token_chunk(char c) const { int o = find(c); if (o<0) return *this; return strref(string, o); } void token_skip(const strref chunk) { skip(chunk.length+1); } strref find_token(const char *substr, char token) const; strref find_token_case(const char *substr, char token) const; strref find_token(strref substr, char token) const; strref find_token_case(strref substr, char token) const; strref within_last(char a, char b) const { int f = find_last(a)+1; int l = strref(string+f, length-f).find(b); if (l<0) l = 0; return strref(string+f, l); } strref within_last(char a1, char a2, char b) const { int f = find_last(a1, a2)+1; int l = strref(string+f, length-f).find(b); if (l<0) l = 0; return strref(string+f, l); } strref get_quote_xml() const; int find_quoted_xml(char d) const; // returns length up to the delimiter d with xml quotation rules, or -1 if delimiter not found int find_quoted(char d) const; // returns length up to the delimiter d with c/c++ quotation rules, or -1 if delimiter not found strref next_chunk_xml(char open, char close) const { int s = find_quoted_xml(open); if (s<0) return strref(); strref left = get_skipped(s+1); return left.get_clipped(left.find_quoted_xml(close)); } strref next_chunk_quoted(char open, char close) const { int s = find_quoted(open); if (s<0) return strref(); strref left = get_skipped(s+1); return left.get_clipped(left.find_quoted(close)); } void skip_chunk(const strref chunk) { strl_t add = strl_t(chunk.string-string)+chunk.length+1UL; if (add class strmod : public B { // mirror base class unsafe size operations (doesn't check capacity) void add_len_int(strl_t l) { B::add_len_int(l); } void sub_len_int(strl_t l) { B::sub_len_int(l); } void set_len_int(strl_t l) { B::set_len_int(l); } void dec_len_int() { B::dec_len_int(); } void inc_len_int() { B::inc_len_int(); } public: strmod() { clear(); } explicit operator strref() { return strref(charstr(), len()); } // mirror base template class strl_t cap() const { return B::cap(); } char* charstr() { return B::charstr(); } const char* charstr() const { return B::charstr(); } strl_t len() const { return B::len(); } // get a strref version of this string strref get_strref() { return strref(charstr(), len()); } strref get_strref() const { return strref(charstr(), len()); } strl_t get_len() const { return B::len(); } // basic tests and operations void clear() { set_len_int(0); } bool valid() const { return charstr() && len(); } operator bool() const { return valid(); } bool empty() const { return !len(); } bool full() const { return len() == cap(); } const char* get() const { return charstr(); } char get_first() const { return (charstr() && len()) ? *charstr() : 0; } char get_last() const { return (charstr() && len()) ? charstr()[len()-1] : 0; } void copy(strref o) { set_len_int(_strmod_copy(charstr(), cap(), o)); } bool is_substr(const char *sub) const { return sub>=charstr() && sub<=(charstr()+len()); } // public size operators (checks for capacity) strl_t fit_add(strl_t desired) { return (desired+len()) < cap() ? desired : (cap()-len()); } bool set_len(strl_t l) { if (l<=cap()) { set_len_int(l); return true; } set_len_int(cap()); return false; } void add_len(strl_t l) { add_len_int(fit_add(l)); } // offset operators will always return a strref strref operator+(const strl_t skip) { if (skip=0 && strl_t(skip)= pos) set_len_int(pos); else { strl_t ol = len(); set_len(pos); for (strl_t p = ol; p < len(); ++p) charstr()[p] = c; } } // prepend this string with a substring void prepend(const strref o) { insert(o, 0); } // prepend this string with a c string void prepend(const char *s) { insert(strref(s), 0); } // format this string using {n} notation to index into the args list void format(const strref format, const strref *args) { set_len_int(_strmod_format_insert(charstr(), 0, cap(), 0, format, args)); } // append a formatted string, return the appended part as a strref strref format_append(const strref format, const strref *args) { strl_t l = len(); set_len_int(_strmod_format_insert(charstr(), len(), cap(), len(), format, args)); return strref(charstr()+l, len()-l); } // prepend a formatted string, return the prepend part as a strref strref format_prepend(const strref format, const strref *args) { strl_t l = len(); set_len_int(_strmod_format_insert(charstr(), len(), cap(), 0, format, args)); return strref(charstr(), len()-l); } // insert a formatted string void format_insert(const strref format, const strref *args, strl_t pos) { set_len_int(_strmod_format_insert(charstr(), len(), cap(), pos, format, args)); } // c style sprintf (work around windows _s preference) #ifdef _WIN32 int sprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); set_len_int(vsnprintf_s(charstr(), cap(), _TRUNCATE, format, args)); va_end(args); return len(); } int sprintf_at(strl_t pos, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); int l = vsnprintf_s(charstr()+pos, cap()-pos, _TRUNCATE, format, args); if (l+pos>len()) set_len(l+pos); va_end(args); return l; } int sprintf_append(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); int l = 0; if (len()len()) set_len(l+pos); va_end(args); return l; } int sprintf_append(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); int l = vsnprintf(end(), cap()-len(), format, args); va_end(args); add_len_int(l); return l; } #endif // replace instances of character c with character d strref replace(char c, char d) { if (char *b = charstr()) { for (strl_t i = len(); i; i--) { if (*b==c) *b = d; b++; } } return get_strref(); } // replace instances of substring a with substring b strref replace(const strref a, const strref b) { set_len(_strmod_inplace_replace_int(charstr(), len(), cap(), a, b)); return get_strref(); } // replace strings bookended by a specific string strref replace_bookend(const strref a, const strref b, const strref bookend) { if (len() && get() && a && bookend) set_len(_strmod_inplace_replace_bookend_int(charstr(), len(), cap(), a, b, bookend)); return get_strref(); } // replace a string found within this string with another string void exchange(strl_t pos, strl_t size, const strref insert) { set_len_int(_strmod_exchange(charstr(), len(), cap(), pos, size, insert)); } void exchange(const strref original, const strref insert) { if (is_substr(original.get())) { exchange(strl_t(original.get()-get()), original.get_len(), insert); } } // remove a part of this string strref remove(strl_t start, strl_t length) { set_len_int(_strmod_remove(charstr(), len(), cap(), start, length)); return get_strref(); return get_strref(); } // remove all instances of a character from this string strl_t remove(char a) { set_len_int(_strmod_remove(charstr(), len(), cap(), a)); return get_strref(); } // zero terminate this string and return it const char *c_str() { charstr()[len()len()) length = len()-pos; if (length) { for (strl_t i = 0; i class strown_base { char string[S]; strl_t length; protected: void add_len_int(strl_t l) { length += l; } // unsafe add len (size already checked) void sub_len_int(strl_t l) { length -= l; } // unsafe sub len (size already checked) void set_len_int(strl_t l) { length = l; } void dec_len_int() { length--; } void inc_len_int() { length++; } public: strl_t cap() const { return S; } char* charstr() { return string; } const char* charstr() const { return string; } strl_t len() const { return length; } }; class strovl_base { protected: char *string_ptr; strl_t string_length; strl_t string_space; void add_len_int(strl_t l) { string_length += l; } // unsafe add len (size already checked) void sub_len_int(strl_t l) { string_length -= l; } // unsafe sub len (size already checked) void set_len_int(strl_t l) { string_length = l; } void dec_len_int() { string_length--; } void inc_len_int() { string_length++; } public: strl_t cap() const { return string_space; } strl_t len() const { return string_length; } char *charstr() { return string_ptr; } const char* charstr() const { return string_ptr; } void invalidate() { string_ptr = nullptr; string_space = 0; } void set_overlay(char *ptr, strl_t space) { string_ptr = ptr; string_space = space; } void set_overlay(char *ptr, strl_t space, strl_t len) { string_ptr = ptr; string_space = space; string_length = len; } }; // owned string class, instance with 'strown name' template class strown : public strmod > { public: strown(const char *s) { strmod >::copy(s); } explicit strown(strref s) { strmod >::copy(s); } strown() {} }; // overlay string class, instance with 'strovl name(char *, size)' class strovl : public strmod { public: strovl() { invalidate(); string_length = 0; } strovl(char *ptr, strl_t space) { set_overlay(ptr, space); string_length = 0; } strovl(char *ptr, strl_t space, strl_t length) { set_overlay(ptr, space); string_length = length; } }; // helper for relative strings. purpose is for string collections that may need to grow // by allocating a new buffer and copying. requires calling get(base strref) tp use string. class strref_rel { protected: strl_t offset; strl_t length; public: strref_rel() { clear(); } strref_rel(const strref_rel &rel) : offset(rel.offset), length(rel.length) {} strref_rel(strref orig, strref base) { if (base.is_substr(orig.get())) { offset = strl_t(orig.get()-base.get()); length = orig.get_len(); } else length = 0; } strref_rel(strref orig, strovl base) : strref_rel(orig, base.get_strref()) {} strref_rel(const char *str, strl_t len, strref base) { if (base.is_substr(str)) { offset = strl_t(str-base.get()); length = len; } else length = 0; } strref get(strref base) { return strref(base.get() + offset, length); } strref get(strovl base) { return strref(base.get() + offset, length); } strl_t get_len() { return length; } bool valid() const { return length>0; } operator bool() const { return valid(); } void clear() { length = 0; } }; // dynamic collection of strings in a single fixed char array template class strcol { char _buffer[S]; strl_t end_buf; char* push_back_len(char *w, char *e, strl_t len) { while (w>= 7; } return w; } char* push_back_int(const char *s, strl_t l, strl_t o) { char *e = _buffer+S, *w = push_back_len(_buffer+o, e, l); if (strl_t(e-w)=end_buf; } bool last(strl_t curr) const { return end(next(curr)); } strl_t get_len(strl_t curr) { strl_t o = 0, s = 0; char c; do { c = _buffer[curr++]; o += strl_t(c&0x7f)<= end_buf) return end_buf; strl_t o = 0, s = 0; char c; do { c = _buffer[curr++]; o += strl_t(c&0x7f)<next(curr); else curr = 0; } bool operator==(const iterator &i) const { return curr==i.curr && coll==i.coll; } bool operator!=(const iterator &i) const { return curr!=i.curr || coll!=i.coll; } void erase() { coll->erase(curr); } strref operator*() { return coll->get(curr); } }; iterator end() { return iterator(*this, end_buf); } iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); } }; #ifdef STRUSE_IMPLEMENTATION //#include #include // atof // Windows extended ascii: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9hxt0028(v=vs.80).aspx // Unicode: http://unicode-table.com/en/#basic-latin // Mac OS Roman ascii: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_Roman // Amiga ascii: http://www.amigacoding.com/index.php/AMOSi:ASCII_Table static const unsigned char _aMacOSRomanHigh_ToLower[0x80] = { 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x96, 0x9a, 0x9f, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x9b, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd8, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0x89, 0x90, 0x87, 0x91, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, 0x93, 0x97, 0x99, 0xf0, 0x98, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9d, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff }; static const unsigned char _aMacOSRomanHigh_ToUpper[0x80] = { 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0xe7, 0xcb, 0xe5, 0x80, 0xcc, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0xe9, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xea, 0xed, 0xeb, 0xec, 0x84, 0xee, 0xf1, 0xef, 0x85, 0xcd, 0xf2, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0x86, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xce, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd9, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff }; unsigned char int_tolower_macos_roman_ascii(unsigned char c) { if (c>='A' && c<='Z') return c+'a'-'A'; if (c>=0x80) return _aMacOSRomanHigh_ToLower[c&0x7f]; return c; } unsigned char int_toupper_macos_roman_ascii(unsigned char c) { if (c>='a' && c<='z') return c+'A'-'a'; if (c>=0x80) return _aMacOSRomanHigh_ToUpper[c&0x7f]; return c; } unsigned char int_tolower_amiga_ascii(unsigned char c) { if (c>='A' && c<='Z') return c+'a'-'A'; if (c>=0xc0 && c<0xe0) return c+0x20; return c; } unsigned char int_toupper_amiga_ascii(unsigned char c) { if (c>='a' && c<='z') return c+'A'-'a'; if (c>=0xe0) return c-0x20; return c; } unsigned char int_toupper_win_ascii(unsigned char c) { if (c<'a') return c; if (c<='z') return c+'A'-'a'; switch (c) { case 0x84: return 0x83; case 0x86: return 0x8f; case 0x82: return 0x90; case 0x91: return 0x92; case 0x94: return 0x99; case 0x81: return 0x9a; } return c; } unsigned char int_tolower_win_ascii(unsigned char c) { if (c<'A') return c; if (c<='Z') return c+'a'-'A'; switch (c) { case 0x8e: return 0x84; case 0x8f: return 0x86; case 0x90: return 0x82; case 0x92: return 0x91; case 0x99: return 0x94; case 0x9a: return 0x81; } return c; } // General lowercase of unicode range unsigned int int_tolower_unicode(unsigned int c) { if (c<'A' || c==0xd7 || c==0x138 || c==0x149) return c; if (c<='Z') return c+'a'-'A'; if (c<0xc0) return c; if (c<0xe0 || (c>=0x391 && c<0x3ab) || (c>=0x3d8 && c<0x3f0) || (c>=0x410 && c<0x430)) return c+0x20; if (c<0x100) return c; if (c<0x178) { if (c>0x138 && c<0x149) return ((c-1)|1)+1; return c | 1; } if ((c>=0x460 && c<0x482) || (c>=0x48a && c<0x4c0) || (c>=0x4d0 && c<0x530)) return c | 1; if (c>=0x4c1 && c<0x4cf) return ((c-1)|1)+1; if (c>=0x400 && c<0x410) return c+0x50; if (c>=0x531 && c<0x556) return c+0x30; if (c==0x178) return 0xff; if (c==0x4c0) return 0x4cf; return c; } // General uppercase of unicode range unsigned int int_toupper_unicode(unsigned int c) { if (c<'a' || c==0xd7 || c==0x138 || c==0x149) return c; if (c<='z') return c+'A'-'c'; if (c<0xe0) return c; if (c==0xff) return 0x178; if (c<0x100 || (c>=0x3b1 && c<0x3cb) || (c>=0x3f8 && c<0x410) || (c>=0x430 && c<0x450)) return c-0x20; if (c<0x178) { if (c>0x138 && c<0x149) return ((c-1)&1UL)+1; return c & ~1UL; } if ((c>=0x460 && c<0x482) || (c>=0x48a && c<0x4c0) || (c>=0x4d0 && c<0x530)) return c & ~1UL; if (c>=0x4c1 && c<0x4cf) return ((c-1)&1UL)+1; if (c>=0x450 && c<0x460) return c-0x50; if (c>=0x561 && c<0x586) return c-0x30; if (c==0x4cf) return 0x4c0; return c; } // english latin lowercase unsigned char int_tolower_ascii7(unsigned char c) { if (c<='Z' && c>='A') return c+'a'-'A'; return c; } // english latin uppercase unsigned char int_toupper_ascii7(unsigned char c) { if (c>='a' && c<='z') return c+'A'-'a'; return c; } // convert escape codes to characters // supports: \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v, \000, \x00 // any other character is returned as same static strl_t int_get_esc_code(const char *buf, strl_t left, unsigned char &code) { strl_t step = 0; if (!left) return step; char c = *buf++; left--; step++; if (c=='x' && left && strref::is_hex(*buf)) { // parse hex char code c = 0; for (int r = 0; r<2 && left; r++) { char n = *buf++; if (!strref::is_hex(n)) break; c = (c<<4) + n - (n<='9' ? '0' : (n<='F'?('A'-0xA) : ('a'-0xa))); step++; left--; } } else if (c>='0' && c<='7') { // parse octal char code c -= '0'; for (int r = 0; r<2 && left; r++) { char n = *buf++; if (n<'0' || n>'7') break; c = c*8 + n-'0'; step++; left--; } } else { // check for custom escape code symbol switch (c) { case 'a': c = 7; break; case 'b': c = 8; break; case 'f': c = 12; break; case 'n': c = 10; break; case 'r': c = 13; break; case 't': c = 9; break; case 'v': c = 11; break; } } code = c; return step; } // tolower/toupper implementation char strref::tolower(char c) { return int_tolower_ascii7(c); } char strref::toupper(char c) { return int_toupper_ascii7(c); } char strref::tolower_win(char c) { return int_tolower_win_ascii(c); } char strref::toupper_win(char c) { return int_toupper_win_ascii(c); } char strref::tolower_amiga(char c) { return int_tolower_amiga_ascii(c); } char strref::toupper_amiga(char c) { return int_toupper_amiga_ascii(c); } char strref::tolower_macos(char c) { return int_tolower_macos_roman_ascii(c); } char strref::toupper_macos(char c) { return int_toupper_macos_roman_ascii(c); } int strref::tolower_unicode(int c) { return int_tolower_unicode(c); } int strref::toupper_unicode(int c) { return int_toupper_unicode(c); } // use printf to print current string on a single line void strref::writeln() { if (valid()) { printf(STRREF_FMT "\n", STRREF_ARG(*this)); } else printf("\n"); } // construct a strref from const char* strref::strref(const char *str) { if (!str || !*str) { string = nullptr; length = 0; } else { string = str; strl_t l = 0; while (*str++) l++; length = l; } } // get fnv1a hash of a string unsigned int strref::fnv1a(unsigned int seed) const { unsigned int hash = seed; if (string) { unsigned const char *scan = (unsigned const char*)string; strl_t left = length; while (left--) hash = (*scan++ ^ hash) * 16777619; } return hash; } // get lowercase fnv1a hash of a string unsigned int strref::fnv1a_lower(unsigned int seed) const { unsigned const char *scan = (unsigned const char*)string; unsigned int hash = seed; strl_t left = length; while (left--) hash = (int_toupper_ascii7(*scan++) ^ hash) * 16777619; return hash; } // get fnv1a hash of a string and treat any number whitespace as a single space unsigned int strref::fnv1a_ws(unsigned int seed) const { unsigned const char *scan = (unsigned const char*)string; unsigned int hash = seed; strl_t left = length; while (left--) { unsigned char c = *scan++; if (c<' ') c = ' '; hash = (*scan++ ^ hash) * 16777619; if (c==' ') { while (left && *scan<=0x20) { left--; scan++; } } } return hash; } // convert numeric string to integer int strref::atoi() const { if (!string) return 0; const char *s = string; strl_t l = length; while (l && s && *s<=0x20) { s++; l--; } if (!l) return 0; bool neg = false; if (*s=='-') { neg = true; l--; s++; } int v = 0; while (l) { char c = *s++; l--; if (c<'0' || c>'9') break; v = c-'0' + v*10; } return neg ? -v : v; } // convert numeric string into floating point value float strref::atof() const { if (string[length]==0) return (float)::atof(string); strown<64> num(*this); return (float)::atof(num.c_str()); } // convert numeric string into double precision floating point value double strref::atod() const { if (string[length]==0) return ::atof(string); strown<64> num(*this); return ::atof(num.c_str()); } // convert numeric string to integer and move string forward int strref::atoi_skip() { const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; while (*scan<=0x20 && left) { scan++; left--; } if (!left) return 0; bool neg = false; if (*scan=='-') { neg = true; left--; } int value = 0; while (left) { char c = *scan; if (c<'0' || c>'9') break; left--; scan++; value = c-'0' + value*10; } string += length-left; length = left; return neg ? -value : value; } // convert a hexadecimal string to an unsigned integer unsigned int strref::ahextoui() const { const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; while (*scan<=0x20 && left) { scan++; left--; } if (!left) return 0; if (left>2 && *scan=='0' && (scan[1]=='x' || scan[1]=='X')) { scan += 2; left -= 2; } strl_t hex = 0; while (left) { char c = *scan++; left--; if (c>='0' && c<='9') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'0'); else if (c>='a' && c<='f') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'a'+10); else if (c>='A' && c<='F') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'A'+10); else break; } return hex; } // convert a hexadecimal string to an unsigned integer unsigned int strref::ahextoui_skip() { const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; while (*scan<=0x20 && left) { scan++; left--; } if (!left) return 0; if (left>2 && *scan=='0' && (scan[1]=='x' || scan[1]=='X')) { scan += 2; left -= 2; } strl_t hex = 0; while (left) { char c = *scan; if (c>='0' && c<='9') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'0'); else if (c>='a' && c<='f') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'a'+10); else if (c>='A' && c<='F') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'A'+10); else break; scan++; left--; } length -= strl_t(scan-string); string = scan; return hex; } // convert a binary string to an unsigned integer unsigned int strref::abinarytoui_skip() { skip_whitespace(); const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; if (!left) return 0; strl_t bin = 0; while (left) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*scan; if (c<'0' || c>'1') break; scan++; left--; bin = (bin<<1) | (c-'0'); } length -= strl_t(scan-string); string = scan; return bin; } // convert a hexadecimal string to a signed integer int strref::ahextoi() const { const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; while (*scan<=0x20 && left) { scan++; left--; } if (!left) return 0; bool neg = *scan=='-'; if (neg) { scan++; left--; } if (left>2 && *scan=='0' && (scan[1]=='x' || scan[1]=='X')) { scan += 2; left -= 2; } strl_t hex = 0; while (left) { char c = *scan++; left--; if (c>='0' && c<='9') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'0'); else if (c>='a' && c<='f') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'a'+10); else if (c>='A' && c<='F') hex = (hex<<4) | (c-'A'+10); else break; } return neg ? -(int)hex : (int)hex; } // count instances of a character in a string int strref::count_char(char c) const { strl_t left = length; const char *scan = string; int count = 0; while (left) { if (*scan++ == c) count++; left--; } return count; } // find a character in a string static int int_find_char(char c, const char *scan, strl_t length) { strl_t left = length; while (left) { if (*scan++ == c) return length - left; left--; } return -1; } // find a character in a string after pos int strref::find(char c) const { if (!valid()) return -1; return int_find_char(c, string, length); } // find an instance of a char after pos int strref::find_after(char c, strl_t pos) const { if (length>pos) { int o = int_find_char(c, string + pos + 1, length - pos - 1); if (o >= 0) return o + pos + 1; } return -1; } // find an instance of a char at pos or after int strref::find_at(char c, strl_t pos) const { if (length>pos) { int o = int_find_char(c, string + pos, length - pos); if (o >= 0) return o + pos; } return -1; } // find an instance of a char at pos or after or return full string int strref::find_or_full(char c, strl_t pos) const { if (!string) return 0; if (pos>=length) return length; int o = int_find_char(c, string + pos, length - pos); if (o >= 0) return o + pos; return length; } // ignore matches that are in escape codes int strref::find_or_full_esc(char c, strl_t pos) const { if (!string) return 0; if (pos>=length) return length; strl_t left = length-pos; const char *scan = string+pos; while (left) { char m = *scan++; if (m=='\\' && left) { scan++; left--; } else if (m==c) return length-left; left--; } return length; } // find last position of character c int strref::find_last(char c) const { if (length && string) { strl_t left = length; const char *scan = string + left; while (left) { if (*--scan == c) return left - 1; left--; } } return -1; } // find first position of either c or d int strref::find(char c, char d) const { strl_t left = length; if (const char *scan = string) { while (left) { char n = *scan++; if (n == c || n == d) return length - left; left--; } } return -1; } // find last instance of either character c or d int strref::find_last(char c, char d) const { if (length && string) { strl_t left = length - 1; const char *scan = string + left; while (left) { char n = *--scan; if (n == c || n == d) return left - 1; left--; } } return -1; } // compare a string with a substring case sensitive static bool int_compare_substr_case(const char *scan, strl_t length, const char *check, strl_t chk_len) { if (length < chk_len) return false; if (scan==nullptr || check==nullptr) return scan==check; for (strl_t cl = 0; cl length) return false; return int_compare_substr(string + pos, length - pos, str.string, str.length); } // allow escape codes in search string bool strref::same_substr_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { if (pos >= length) return false; const char *scan = string + pos; const char *compare = str.string; strl_t compare_left = str.length; while (compare_left) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*compare++; compare_left--; if (c=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, c); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } if (int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++) != int_tolower_ascii7(c)) return false; } return true; } // case sensitive substring compare bool strref::same_substr_case(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { if ((str.length+pos) > length) return false; return int_compare_substr_case(string + pos, length - pos, str.string, str.length); } // allow escape codes in search string bool strref::same_substr_case_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { if (pos >= length) return false; const char *scan = string + pos; const char *compare = str.string; strl_t compare_left = str.length; while (compare_left) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*compare++; compare_left--; if (c=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, c); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } if (*scan++ != c) return false; } return true; } // iterate over tokens to find a string that matches substr case ignored strref strref::find_token(const char *substr, char token) const { strref parse = *this; while (strref chunk = parse.token_chunk(token)) { if (chunk.same_str(substr)) return chunk; parse.token_skip(chunk); } return strref(); } // iterate over tokens to find a string matching substr case ignored strref strref::find_token(strref substr, char token) const { strref parse = *this; while (strref chunk = parse.token_chunk(token)) { if (chunk.same_str(substr)) return chunk; parse.token_skip(chunk); } return strref(); } // iterate over tokens to find a string matching substr case sensitive strref strref::find_token_case(const char *substr, char token) const { strref parse = *this; while (strref chunk = parse.token_chunk(token)) { if (chunk.same_str_case(substr)) return chunk; parse.token_skip(chunk); } return strref(); } // iterate over tokens to find a string matching substr case sensitive strref strref::find_token_case(strref substr, char token) const { strref parse = *this; while (strref chunk = parse.token_chunk(token)) { if (chunk.same_str_case(substr)) return chunk; parse.token_skip(chunk); } return strref(); } // determine if string is greater than other string bool strref::operator>(const strref o) const { const char *scan = string; const char *compare = o.string; strl_t left = length>o.length ? o.length : length; while (left) { char c1 = *scan++; char c2 = *compare++; if (c1>c2) return true; else if (c1o.length; } // determine if string is lesser than other string bool strref::operator<(const strref o) const { const char *scan = string; const char *compare = o.string; strl_t left = length>o.length ? o.length : length; while (left) { char c1 = *scan++; char c2 = *compare++; if (c1c2) return false; left--; } return length=find_len) { if (int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++)==c) { if (int_compare_substr(scan, left - 1, compare, find_len - 1)) return length-left; } left--; } return -1; } // find a substring within a string case ignored int strref::find_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length= find_len) { char d = int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++); if (d == c && (left == length || bookend.char_matches_ranges(p)) && (left == find_len || bookend.char_matches_ranges(int_tolower_ascii7(scan[find_len-1])))) { if (int_compare_substr(scan, left - 1, compare, find_len - 1)) return length - left; } p = d; left--; } return -1; } // find a substring within a string case ignored starting at pos int strref::find(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length= find_len) { if (int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++) == c) { if (int_compare_substr(scan, left - 1, compare, find_len - 1)) return length - left; } left--; } return -1; } // find case sensitive allow escape codes (\x => x) in search string int strref::find_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || pos>=length) return -1; // start scan buffer pointers const char *scan = string + pos; const char *compare = str.string; // number of characters left in each buffer strl_t scan_left = length - pos; strl_t compare_left = str.length; // get first character unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*compare++; compare_left--; if (c=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, c); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } // sweep the scan buffer for the matching string while (scan_left) { if (*scan++ == c) { const char *chk_scan = scan; const char *chk_compare = compare; strl_t chk_scan_left = scan_left; strl_t chk_compare_left = compare_left; while (chk_compare_left) { unsigned char d = (unsigned char)*chk_compare++; chk_compare_left--; if (d=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, d); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } if (!chk_scan_left || int_tolower_ascii7(*chk_scan++)!=int_tolower_ascii7(d)) { chk_compare_left = 1; break; } chk_scan_left--; } if (!chk_compare_left) return length - scan_left; } scan_left--; } return -1; } // find a substring within a string case ignored int strref::find(const char *str) const { if (!str || !valid()) return -1; char c = int_tolower_ascii7(*str++); if (!c) return 0; const char *scan = string; const char *compare = str; strl_t l = length; while (l) { if (int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++)==c) { bool equal = true; const char *scan_chk = scan; while (char c2 = *compare++) { if (int_tolower_ascii7(*scan_chk++)!=int_tolower_ascii7(c2)) { compare = str; equal = false; break; } } if (equal) return length-l; } l--; } return -1; } // find a substring within a string case sensitive int strref::find_case(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length=length) return -1; const char *scan = string + pos; const char *compare = str.string, *compare_chk = compare; strl_t left2 = str.length - pos; strl_t left = length; while (left>=left2) { if (*scan++==*compare_chk) { const char *scan_chk = scan; compare_chk++; while (--left2) { if (*scan_chk++!=*compare_chk++) { compare_chk = compare; left2 = str.length; break; } } if (!left2) return length-left; } left--; } return -1; } // find case sensitive allow escape codes (\x => x) in search string int strref::find_case_esc(const strref str, strl_t pos) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || pos>=length) return -1; // start scan buffer pointers const char *scan = string + pos; const char *compare = str.string; // number of characters left in each buffer strl_t scan_left = length - pos; strl_t compare_left = str.length; // get first character unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*compare++; compare_left--; if (c=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, c); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } // sweep the scan buffer for the matching string while (scan_left) { if (*scan++ == c) { const char *chk_scan = scan; const char *chk_compare = compare; strl_t chk_scan_left = scan_left; strl_t chk_compare_left = compare_left; while (chk_compare_left) { unsigned char d = (unsigned char)*chk_compare++; chk_compare_left--; if (d=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, d); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } if (!chk_scan_left || *chk_scan++!=d) { chk_compare_left = 1; break; } chk_scan_left--; } if (!chk_compare_left) return length - scan_left; } scan_left--; } return -1; } // checks if a range is an exclusion static strref int_check_exclude(strref range, bool &include) { const char *rng = range.get(); strl_t rng_left = range.get_len(); if (rng_left && *rng == '!') { include = false; return range + 1; } include = true; return range; } // checks if character c matches range static bool int_char_match_range_case(char c, const char *rng_chk, strl_t rng_lft) { // no match yet, check skipped character against allowed range bool match = false; while (rng_lft) { unsigned char m = (unsigned char)*rng_chk++; rng_lft--; // escape code? if (m == '\\' && rng_lft) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(rng_chk, rng_lft, m); rng_chk += skip; rng_lft -= skip; } // range? if (rng_lft>1 && *rng_chk == '-') { rng_chk++; rng_lft--; unsigned char n = (unsigned char)*rng_chk++; rng_lft--; // escape code for range end? if (n == '\\' && rng_lft) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(rng_chk, rng_lft, n); rng_chk += skip; rng_lft -= skip; } if (c >= m && c <= n) { match = true; break; } } else if (c == m) { match = true; break; } } return match; } // checks if character c matches range static bool int_char_match_range(char c, const char *rng_chk, strl_t rng_lft) { // no match yet, check skipped character against allowed range bool match = false; while (rng_lft) { unsigned char m = (unsigned char)*rng_chk++; rng_lft--; // escape code? if (m == '\\' && rng_lft) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(rng_chk, rng_lft, m); rng_chk += skip; rng_lft -= skip; } // range? if (rng_lft>1 && *rng_chk == '-') { rng_chk++; rng_lft--; unsigned char n = (unsigned char)*rng_chk++; rng_lft--; // escape code for range end? if (n == '\\' && rng_lft) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(rng_chk, rng_lft, n); rng_chk += skip; rng_lft -= skip; } if (c >= int_tolower_ascii7(m) && c <= int_tolower_ascii7(n)) { match = true; break; } } else if (c == int_tolower_ascii7(m)) { match = true; break; } } return match; } // find case sensitive allow escape codes (\x => x) in search string int strref::find_case_esc_range(const strref str, const strref range, strl_t pos) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || pos>=get_len() || !range.get_len()) return -1; // start scan buffer pointers const char *scan = string + pos; const char *compare = str.string; // number of characters left in each buffer strl_t scan_left = length - pos; strl_t compare_left = str.length; // get first character unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*compare++; compare_left--; if (c=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, c); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } // check if range is inclusive or exclusive bool include; strref rng = int_check_exclude(range, include); // sweep the scan buffer for the matching string while (scan_left) { unsigned char b = (unsigned char)*scan++; // check for string match if (b == c) { const char *chk_scan = scan; const char *chk_compare = compare; strl_t chk_scan_left = scan_left; strl_t chk_compare_left = compare_left; while (chk_compare_left) { unsigned char d = (unsigned char)*chk_compare++; chk_compare_left--; unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*chk_scan++; chk_scan_left--; if (d=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, d); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } if (c!=d) { chk_compare_left = 1; break; } } if (!chk_compare_left) return length - scan_left; } // no match yet, check character against range // check if character is allowed bool match = int_char_match_range_case(b, rng.get(), rng.get_len()); if ((match && !include) || (!match && include)) return -1; scan_left--; } return -1; } // find substring, allow escape codes (\x => x) in search string int strref::find_esc_range(const strref str, const strref range, strl_t pos) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || pos>=get_len() || !range.get_len()) return -1; // start scan buffer pointers const char *scan = string + pos; const char *compare = str.string; // number of characters left in each buffer strl_t scan_left = length - pos; strl_t compare_left = str.length; // get first character unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*compare++; compare_left--; if (c=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, c); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } // check if range is inclusive or exclusive bool include; strref rng = int_check_exclude(range, include); // sweep the scan buffer for the matching string while (scan_left) { unsigned char b = int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++); // check for string match if (b == c) { const char *chk_scan = scan; const char *chk_compare = compare; strl_t chk_scan_left = scan_left; strl_t chk_compare_left = compare_left; while (chk_compare_left) { unsigned char d = (unsigned char)int_tolower_ascii7(*chk_compare++); chk_compare_left--; unsigned char c = (unsigned char)int_tolower_ascii7(*chk_scan++); chk_scan_left--; if (d=='\\' && compare_left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(compare, compare_left, d); compare += skip; compare_left -= skip; } if (c!=d) { chk_compare_left = 1; break; } } if (!chk_compare_left) return length - scan_left; } // no match yet, check character against range bool match = int_char_match_range(b, rng.get(), rng.get_len()); // check if character is allowed if ((match && !include) || (!match && include)) return -1; scan_left--; } return -1; } // find a substring within a string case sensitive int strref::find_case(const char *str) const { if (!str || !valid()) return -1; char c = *str++; if (!c) return 0; const char *scan = string; const char *compare = str; strl_t left = length; while (left) { if (*scan++==c) { bool equal = true; const char *pb = scan; while (char c2 = *compare++) { if (*pb++!=c2) { compare = str; equal = false; break; } } if (equal) return length-left; } left--; } return -1; } // find last matching substring within a string case ignored int strref::find_last(const strref str) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length0) { left--; if (int_tolower_ascii7(*--scan)==c) { const char *scan_chk = scan; const char *cmp_chk = compare; strl_t left_check = str.length; while (--left_check) { if (int_tolower_ascii7(*--scan_chk)!=int_tolower_ascii7(*--cmp_chk)) { left_check = 1; break; } } if (!left_check) return left-str.length+1; } } return -1; } // find last matching substring within a string case ignored int strref::find_last_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length0) { left--; char d = int_tolower_ascii7(*--scan); if (d == c && (left==length || bookend.char_matches_ranges(p))) { const char *scan_chk = scan; const char *cmp_chk = compare; strl_t left_check = str.length; while (--left_check) { if (int_tolower_ascii7(*--scan_chk) != int_tolower_ascii7(*--cmp_chk)) { left_check = 1; break; } } if (!left_check) { if (string == scan_chk || bookend.char_matches_ranges(int_tolower_ascii7(*--scan_chk))) return left - str.length + 1; } } p = d; } return -1; } // find last matching substring within a string case ignored int strref::find_last(const char *str) const { if (!str || !*str || !valid()) return -1; const char *scan = string+length; const char *compare = str + strlen(str); unsigned char c = int_tolower_ascii7(*--compare); int l = length; while (l>=0) { l--; if (int_tolower_ascii7(*--scan)==c) { const char *scan_chk = scan; const char *cmp_chk = compare; while (cmp_chk>str) { if (int_tolower_ascii7(*--scan_chk)!=int_tolower_ascii7(*--cmp_chk)) { cmp_chk = compare; break; } } if (cmp_chk==str) return int(scan_chk-string); } } return -1; } // find last matching substring within a string case sensitive int strref::find_last_case(const strref str) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length=0) { if (*--scan==*compare_chk) { const char *scan_chk = scan; while (--left_chk) { if (*--scan_chk!=*--compare_chk) { compare_chk = compare; left_chk = str.length; break; } } if (!left_chk) return length-left; } left--; } return -1; } // count number of matching substrings in string int strref::substr_count(const strref str) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length=substrlen) { while (left && int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++)!=c) left--; if (left && left>=substrlen) { // first character matches and enough characters remain for a potential match const char *compare = str.string+1; strl_t sr = substrlen-1; const char *scan_chk = scan; while (sr && int_tolower_ascii7(*compare++)==int_tolower_ascii7(*scan_chk++)) sr--; if (sr==0) { scan = scan_chk; left -= substrlen-1; count++; } } } return count; } // count number of matching substrings in string int strref::substr_count_bookend(const strref str, const strref bookend) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length= substrlen) { while (left) { char d = int_tolower_ascii7(*scan++); if (d == c && bookend.char_matches_ranges(p)) break; p = d; left--; } if (left && left >= substrlen) { // first character matches and enough characters remain for a potential match const char *compare = str.string + 1; strl_t sr = substrlen - 1; const char *scan_chk = scan; while (sr && int_tolower_ascii7(*compare++) == int_tolower_ascii7(*scan_chk++)) sr--; if (sr == 0 && (scan_chk == (string + length) || bookend.char_matches_ranges(int_tolower_ascii7(*scan_chk++)))) { scan = scan_chk; left -= substrlen - 1; count++; } } } return count; } // count number of matching substrings in string int strref::substr_case_count(const strref str) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length=substrlen) { while (left && *scan++!=c) left--; if (left && left>=substrlen) { // first character matches and enough characters remain for a potential match const char *compare = str.string+1; strl_t sr = substrlen-1; const char *scan_chk = scan; while (sr && *compare++==*scan_chk++) sr--; if (sr==0) { scan = scan_chk; left -= substrlen-1; count++; } } } return count; } // count number of matching substrings that are bounded by separators and case sensitive in string int strref::substr_label_case_count(const strref str) const { if (!str.valid() || !valid() || length=substrlen) { while (left) { char d = *scan++; if (d==c) break; left--; p = d; } if (!is_valid_label(p) && left && left>=substrlen) { // first character matches and enough characters remain for a potential match const char *compare = str.string+1; strl_t sr = substrlen-1; const char *scan_chk = scan; while (sr && *compare++==*scan_chk++) sr--; if (sr==0) { if (!left || !is_valid_label(*scan_chk)) { scan = scan_chk; left -= substrlen-1; count++; } } } } return count; } // count how many times character c repeats at pos int strref::count_repeat(char c, strl_t pos) const { if (pos>=length) return 0; const char *scan = string + pos; strl_t left = length - pos; int count = 0; while (left) { if (*scan++ != c) return count; left--; count++; } return count; } // count how many time a character repeats backwards at pos int strref::count_repeat_reverse(char c, strl_t pos) const { if (pos>=length) return 0; const char *scan = string + pos; strl_t left = pos; int count = 0; while (left) { if (*scan-- != c) return count; left--; count++; } return count; } // count number of lines with any line ending standard int strref::count_lines() const { const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; int count = 0; while (left) { char c = *scan++; left--; if (c==0x0a || c==0x0d) { count++; if (left && ((c==0x0a && *scan==0x0d) || (c==0x0d && *scan==0x0a))) { scan++; left--; } } } return count; } // find any char from str in this string at position // (does not check for escape codes or ranges) int strref::find_any_char_of(const strref range, strl_t pos) const { if (pos>=length) return -1; const char *scan = get() + pos; strl_t left = length-pos; const char *rng = range.get(); strl_t count = range.get_len(); while (left) { char c = *scan++; const char *rng_chk = rng; for (strl_t n = count; n; --n) { if (c == *rng_chk++) return length-left; } left--; } return -1; } static int int_find_range(const char *scan, strl_t left, strl_t length, strref rng, bool include) { while (left) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*scan++; bool match = int_char_match_range_case(c, rng.get(), rng.get_len()); if ((match && include) || (!match && !include)) return length - left; left--; } return -1; } // find a character matching a range, allow a range of characters using '-' // such as a-fq0-5 == abcdefq012345 and prefix ! to exclude int strref::find_any_char_or_range(const strref range, strl_t pos) const { if (pos>=length) return -1; bool include; strref rng = int_check_exclude(range, include); return int_find_range(string+pos, length-pos, length, rng, include); } // find a word made out of characters in the given range strref strref::get_range_word(const strref range, strl_t pos) const { if (pos >= length) return strref(); bool include; strref rng = int_check_exclude(range, include); return get_substr(0, int_find_range(string + pos, length - pos, length, rng, !include)); } int strref::find_any_not_in_range(const strref range, strl_t pos) const { if (pos>=length) return -1; if (pos>=length) return -1; bool include; strref rng = int_check_exclude(range, include); return int_find_range(string+pos, length-pos, length, rng, !include); } // search of a character in a given range while also checking that // skipped characters are in another given range. int strref::find_range_char_within_range(const strref range_find, const strref range_within, strl_t pos) const { if (pos>=length) return -1; const char *scan = get() + pos; strl_t l = length-pos; // check if range is inclusive or exclusive bool include_find; strref rng_f = int_check_exclude(range_find, include_find); bool include_within; strref rng_w = int_check_exclude(range_within, include_within); while (l) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*scan++; bool match_find = int_char_match_range_case(c, rng_f.get(), rng_f.get_len()); if ((match_find && include_find) || (!match_find && !include_find)) return length - l; // no match yet, check skipped character against allowed range bool match = int_char_match_range_case(c, rng_w.get(), rng_w.get_len()); // check if character is allowed if ((match && !include_within) || (!match && include_within)) return -1; l--; } return -1; } // check if character matches a given range (this) bool strref::char_matches_ranges(unsigned char c) const { // check if range is inclusive or exclusive bool include; strref rng = int_check_exclude(*this, include); bool match = int_char_match_range_case(c, rng.get(), rng.get_len()); return (match && include) || (!match && !include); } // wildcard search #define MAX_WILDCARD_SEGMENTS 64 #define MAX_WILDCARD_STEPS 48 #define MAX_WILDCARD_SEARCH_STACK 32 enum WILDCARD_SEGMENT_TYPE { WCST_END, WCST_FIND_SUBSTR, WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE, WCST_FIND_RANGE_CHAR, WCST_FIND_RANGE_CHAR_RANGED, WCST_FIND_WORD_START, WCST_FIND_WORD_START_RANGED, WCST_FIND_WORD_END, WCST_FIND_WORD_END_RANGED, WCST_FIND_LINE_START, WCST_FIND_LINE_START_RANGED, WCST_FIND_LINE_END, WCST_FIND_LINE_END_RANGED, WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR, WCST_NEXT_ANY_CHAR, WCST_NEXT_RANGE_CHAR, WCST_NEXT_WORD_START, WCST_NEXT_WORD_END, WCST_NEXT_LINE_START, WCST_NEXT_LINE_END, }; // ? => any single // # => any single number // [] => any single between the brackets // [-] => any single in the range from character before - to character after // [!] => any single not between the brackets // < => start of word // > => end of word // @ => start of line // ^ => end of line // * => any substring // *% => any substring excluding whitespace // *@ => any substring on same line // *$ => any substring containing alphanumeric ascii characters // *{} => any substring only containing characters between parenthesis // *{!} => any substring not containing characters between parenthesis // \?, \[, \*, etc. => search for character after backslash // \n, \t, etc. => search for linefeed, tab etc. // // words are groups of letters not containing whitespace or separators // which are alphanumeric characters plus apostrophe (') // predefined ranges for wildcard filters static const strref _no_whitespace_range("!\01- "); static const strref _no_enter_range("!\n\r"); static const strref _enter_range("\n\r"); static const strref _alphanumeric_range("0-9A-Za-z"); static const strref _numeric_range("0-9"); static const strref _wildcard_control("*?#[<>@^"); // convert wildcard to a set of search steps static int _build_wildcard_steps(const strref wild, strref *segs, char *type, int &segments) { int numSeg = 0; int numType = 0; // segment separators are: *, ?, [, < int pos = 0, last = 0; // current position, last evaluated position bool search = true; // in search mode strref range; for (;;) { // check for number of search segments / number of search steps overflow if (numSeg > (MAX_WILDCARD_SEGMENTS-4) || numType > (MAX_WILDCARD_STEPS-2)) return strref(); int next_pos = wild.find_any_char_of(_wildcard_control, pos); if (next_pos<0) { // completed? (found no wildcard token) // add last segment if there was one if (wild.get_len() >(strl_t)last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, wild.get_len()-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; } range.clear(); break; } switch (wild.get_at(next_pos)) { case '*': // * => any substring with optional filter if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; } last = pos = next_pos+1; range.clear(); // check for substring character filter if (strl_t(pos) < wild.get_len()) { switch (wild[pos]) { case '{': { // user defined character filter int range_end = wild.find_after('}', pos); if (range_end > 0) { range = wild.get_substr(pos+1, range_end-pos); last = pos = range_end + 1; } else pos++; break; } case '%': // % => no whitespaces range = _no_whitespace_range; last = ++pos; break; case '@': // @ => no line break range = _no_enter_range; last = ++pos; break; case '$': // $ => only alphanumeric characters range = _alphanumeric_range; last = ++pos; break; } } search = true; break; case '<': // < = first character of word if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; search = false; range.clear(); } if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_WORD_START_RANGED : WCST_FIND_WORD_START) : WCST_NEXT_WORD_START; search = false; range.clear(); pos = last = next_pos+1; break; case '>': // > = first character after word if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; search = false; range.clear(); } if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_WORD_END_RANGED : WCST_FIND_WORD_END) : WCST_NEXT_WORD_END; search = false; range.clear(); pos = last = next_pos+1; break; case '@': // < = first character of line if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; search = false; range.clear(); } type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_LINE_START_RANGED : WCST_FIND_LINE_START) : WCST_NEXT_LINE_START; search = false; range.clear(); pos = last = next_pos+1; break; case '^': // > = first character after line if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; search = false; range.clear(); } if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_LINE_END_RANGED : WCST_FIND_LINE_END) : WCST_NEXT_LINE_END; search = false; range.clear(); pos = last = next_pos+1; break; case '?': // ? = any character // any character is redundant if currently searching if (!search) { if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; } range.clear(); type[numType++] = WCST_NEXT_ANY_CHAR; search = false; range.clear(); pos = last = next_pos+1; } else last = ++pos; break; case '#': // # = any number (hard coded range) if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); type[numType++] = search ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; search = false; } segs[numSeg++] = _numeric_range; type[numType++] = search ? WCST_FIND_RANGE_CHAR : WCST_NEXT_RANGE_CHAR; search = false; pos = last = next_pos+1; break; case '[': { // [..] = limited range character int close_pos = wild.find_after(']', next_pos+1); if (close_pos>=1) { if (next_pos > last) { segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(last, next_pos-last); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_SUBSTR_RANGE : WCST_FIND_SUBSTR) : WCST_NEXT_SUBSTR; search = false; range.clear(); } segs[numSeg++] = wild.get_substr(next_pos+1, close_pos-next_pos-1); if (search && range) segs[numSeg++] = range; type[numType++] = search ? (range ? WCST_FIND_RANGE_CHAR_RANGED : WCST_FIND_RANGE_CHAR) : WCST_NEXT_RANGE_CHAR; search = false; range.clear(); pos = last = close_pos+1; } else pos = next_pos+1; break; } } } type[numType++] = WCST_END; segments = numSeg; return numType; } // search for a substring with wildcard rules strref strref::find_wildcard(const strref wild, strl_t start, bool case_sensitive) const { // collection of sub segments from wildcard strref segs[MAX_WILDCARD_SEGMENTS]; char type[MAX_WILDCARD_STEPS]; int numSeg = 0; // Convert the wildcard to a set of sequential searches and matches int numType = _build_wildcard_steps(wild, segs, type, numSeg); // start going through the steps to find a match int pos = start; char last_valid_search_step[MAX_WILDCARD_SEARCH_STACK]; char last_valid_search_seg[MAX_WILDCARD_SEARCH_STACK]; strl_t last_valid_search_pos[MAX_WILDCARD_SEARCH_STACK]; while ((strl_t)pos < length) { int first_pos = pos; int seg = 0; bool valid = true; int last_valid_stack = 0; int step = 0; while (step=length) { valid = false; break; } } found_pos = pos; break; case WCST_FIND_LINE_START_RANGED: find = true; // current position may be ok if first pos or prev=line sep // skip if: current = separator or previous is not separator if (pos && string[pos-1]!=0xa && string[pos-1]!=0x0d) { while (strl_t(pos)=length) { valid = false; break; } } found_pos = pos; seg++; break; case WCST_NEXT_LINE_END: if (strl_t(pos)5) left = 5; unsigned char f = *scan++; unsigned int c = f, mask = 0x80; while ((mask&c) && left) { unsigned char n = *scan++; c = (c<<6)|(n&0x3f); mask <<= 5; left--; } return c; } // read one utf8 from the start of a string and move string // move string forward by the size of the code. unsigned int strref::pop_utf8() { if (!valid()) return 0; const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length-1; if (left>5) left = 5; unsigned char f = *scan++; unsigned int c = f, m = 0x80; while ((m&c) && left) { unsigned char n = *scan++; c = (c<<6)|(n&0x3f); m <<= 5; left--; } length -= strl_t(scan-string); string = scan; return c; } bool strref::valid_ascii7() const { const char *scan = get(); size_t left = get_len(); while (left) { char c = *scan++; if ((c<' ' || c>=127) && c!=0x0a && c!=0x0d && c!=0x09) return false; left--; } return true; } // find the character d outside of quoted xml text int strref::find_quoted_xml(char d) const { const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; char q = 0; // quote type is either " or ' while (left) { char c = *scan++; if (q) { if (c==q) q = 0; } else if ((c=='"' || c=='\'')) q = c; else if (c==d) return length-left; --left; } return -1; } // if this string begins as an xml quote return that. strref strref::get_quote_xml() const { char quote_char = get_first(); if (quote_char!='"' && quote_char!='\'') return strref(); const char *scan = string+1; strl_t left = length-1; while (left) { char c = *scan++; if (c==quote_char) return strref(string+1, length-left-1); --left; } return strref(); } // find the character d outside of a quote int strref::find_quoted(char d) const { strl_t left = length; const char *scan = string; char quote_char = 0; char previous_char = 0; while (left) { char c = *scan++; if (quote_char) { if (c==quote_char && previous_char!='\\') quote_char = 0; } else if (c=='"' || c=='\'') quote_char = c; else if (c==d) return length-left; --left; } return -1; } // grab a block of text starting with (, [ or { and end with the corresponding number of ), ] or } strref strref::scoped_block_skip() { char scope = get_first(); if (length && (scope == '(' || scope == '[' || scope == '{')) { char close = scope=='(' ? ')' : (scope=='[' ? ']' : '}'); const char *scan = string; strl_t depth = 0; strl_t left = length; do { char c = *scan++; if (c==scope) depth++; else if (c==close) depth--; } while (depth && left); if (!depth) { strref block = strref(string+1, strl_t(scan-string-2)); length -= strl_t(scan-string); string = scan; return block; } } return strref(); } // return the current line of text and move this string ahead to the next. // note: supports all known line feed configurations. strref strref::next_line() { const char *start = string; const char *scan = start; strl_t left = length; // if not valid left=0 and no characters will be interpreted strref ret; while (left && *scan!=0x0a && *scan!=0x0d) { scan++; left--; } // this is the line to return ret = strref(start, strl_t(scan-start)); if (left) { char c = *scan++; left--; if (left && ((c==0x0a && *scan==0x0d) || (c==0x0d && *scan==0x0a))) { scan++; left--; } } if (left) { string = scan; length = left; } else { string = nullptr; length = 0; } return ret; } // get line from current string strref strref::get_line() const { const char *start = string; const char *scan = start; strl_t left = length; // if not valid left=0 and no characters will be interpreted strref ret; while (left && *scan!=0x0a && *scan!=0x0d) { scan++; left--; } // this is the line to return return strref(start, strl_t(scan-start)); } // get a specific line number (0 indexed) strref strref::get_line(strl_t line_num) const { strref scan(*this); while (scan) { strref line = scan.next_line(); if (!line_num) return line; line_num--; } return strref(); } // determine how many characters can be used for floating point strl_t strref::len_float_number() const { // skip whitespace const char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; // valid check if (scan==nullptr || left==0) return 0; // not a floating point if just spaces and a dot bool has_value = false; // include whitespace strl_t ws = len_whitespace(); scan += ws; left -= ws; // include sign if (left && (*scan=='-' || *scan=='+')) { scan++; left--; if (!left || !is_number(*scan)) return 0; } // integer portion while (left && is_number(*scan)) { scan++; left--; has_value = true; } // decimal if (left && *scan=='.') { scan++; left--; } // fraction while (left && is_number(*scan)) { scan++; left--; has_value = true; } // exponent if (left && (*scan=='e' || *scan=='E')) { strl_t e = left; scan++; left--; if (left && (*scan=='-' || *scan=='+')) { scan++; left--; } if (!left || !is_number(*scan)) return length-e; while (left && is_number(*scan)) { scan++; left--; has_value = true; // e-10 is a fine floating point number } } // return size of floating point number return has_value ? length-left : 0; } // insert a substring into a string strl_t _strmod_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const strref sub, strl_t pos) { if (pos>length) return 0; if (sub.get_len()==0) return 0; strl_t ins = sub.get_len(); strl_t end = length; strl_t last = ins+end; if (last>cap) { if (ins+pos>cap) { if (ins>cap) ins = 0; else ins = cap-pos; } } else { const char *src = string+end; char *dst = string+ins+end; strl_t move = length-pos; for (; move; move--) *--dst = *--src; } const char *src = sub.get(); char *dst = string + pos; const char *e = string + cap; strl_t left = sub.get_len(); while (left && dst < e) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*src++; left--; *dst++ = c; } return ins + length; } // determine the size of this string with evaluated escape codes static strl_t int_string_size_esc(const char *string, strl_t length) { strl_t size = 0; while (length) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*string++; length--; if (c=='\\' && length) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(string, length, c); string += skip; length -= skip; } size++; } return size; } // insert a substring into a string allowing for escape codes strl_t _strmod_insert_esc(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const strref sub, strl_t pos) { if (pos>length) return 0; if (sub.get_len()==0) return 0; strl_t ins = int_string_size_esc(sub.get(), sub.get_len()); strl_t end = length; strl_t last = ins+end; if (last>cap) { if ((ins+pos)>cap) { if (pos>cap) ins = 0; else ins = cap-pos; } } else { const char *src = string+end; char *dst = string+ins+end; strl_t move = length-pos; for (; move; move--) *--dst = *--src; } const char *src = sub.get(); char *dst = string + pos; const char *e = string + cap; strl_t left = sub.get_len(); while (left && dst < e) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*src++; left--; if (c=='\\' && left) { strl_t skip = int_get_esc_code(src, left, c); src += skip; left -= skip; } *dst++ = c; } return ins + length; } // insert substrings by {n} notation strl_t _strmod_format_insert(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t pos, strref format, const strref *args) { // insert many things.. // can't insert at a position that is beyond the current size. if (pos > length) return length; while (format) { // scan for '{' int ins = format.find_or_full_esc('{', 0); int close = format.find_after('}', ins); if (close<0) { ins = format.get_len(); } // insert block before '{' if (ins > 0) { strl_t prev = length; length = _strmod_insert_esc(string, length, cap, format.get_clipped(ins), pos); pos += length - prev; format += ins; } // if there was a {} process that.. if (format.get_first()=='{' && close>0) { int which = format.get_substr(1, close-ins).atoi(); strl_t prev = length; length = _strmod_insert(string, length, cap, args[which], pos); pos += length - prev; format += close-ins+1; } } return length; } // remove all instances of a character from a string strl_t _strmod_remove(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, char a) { char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; while (left && *scan!=a) { left--; scan++; } if (left) { strl_t n = left; char *write = scan; while (left) { while (left && *scan==a) { left--; scan++; } while (left && *scan!=a) { *write++ = *scan++; left--; n--; } } length -= n; } return length; } // remove a substring from a string strl_t _strmod_remove(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t start, strl_t len) { if (startlength) len = length-start; int left = length-start-len; if (left>0) { const char *source = string+start+len; char *dest = string+start; for (int i = left; i; i--) *dest++ = *source++; } length = length-len; } return length; } // exchange a substring strl_t _strmod_exchange(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, strl_t start, strl_t size, const strref insert) { if (start > length) return length; if ((start + size) > length) size = length - start; strl_t copy = insert.get_len(); if ((start + copy) > cap) copy = cap - start; if (copy < size) { strl_t rem = size - insert.get_len(); length = _strmod_remove(string, length, cap, start+size-rem, rem); } else if (copy > size) { strl_t ins = insert.get_len() - size; strl_t left = length - size - start; char *end = string + length + ins; char *orig = string + length; while (left--) *--end = *--orig; length += ins; } memcpy(string + start, insert.get(), copy); return length; } // search and replace occurences of a string within a string strl_t _strmod_inplace_replace_int(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const strref a, const strref b) { char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; strl_t c = cap; strl_t len_a = a.get_len(), len_b = b.get_len(); if (len_a>left || !len_a) return left; char *ps = scan, *pd = scan; if (len_a>=len_b) { int ss = strref(ps, left-strl_t(ps-scan)).find(a); if (ss>=0) { pd += ss; ps += ss; while (ss>=0 && strl_t(ss)c) return left; // didn't fit in space int ss = strref(scan, left).find_last(a); int se = left; pd += nl; ps += left; while (ss>=0) { int cp = se-ss-len_a; while (cp--) *--pd = *--ps; ps -= len_a; const char *be = b.get()+len_b; cp = len_b; while (cp--) *--pd = *--be; se = ss; ss = strref(scan, se).find_last(a); } return nl; } return left; } // search and replace occurences of a string within a string strl_t _strmod_inplace_replace_bookend_int(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap, const strref a, const strref b, const strref bookend) { char *scan = string; strl_t left = length; strl_t c = cap; strl_t len_a = a.get_len(), len_b = b.get_len(); if (len_a>left || !len_a) return left; char *ps = scan, *pd = scan; if (len_a >= len_b) { int ss = strref(ps, left - strl_t(ps - scan)).find_bookend(a, bookend); if (ss >= 0) { pd += ss; ps += ss; while (ss >= 0 && strl_t(ss)c) return left; // didn't fit in space int ss = strref(scan, left).find_last_bookend(a, bookend); int se = left; pd += nl; ps += left; while (ss >= 0) { int cp = se - ss - len_a; while (cp--) *--pd = *--ps; ps -= len_a; if (b.get()) { const char *be = b.get() + len_b; cp = len_b; while (cp--) *--pd = *--be; } se = ss; ss = strref(scan, se).find_last_bookend(a, bookend); } return nl; } return left; } // convert a string to lowercase (7 bit ascii) void _strmod_tolower(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *s = string; for (int left = length; left>0; left--) { *s = int_tolower_ascii7(*s); s++; } } } // convert a string to lowercase (windows extended ascii) void _strmod_tolower_win_ascii(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *s = string; for (int left = length; left>0; left--) { *s = int_tolower_win_ascii(*s); s++; } } } // convert a string to lowercase (amiga extended ascii) void _strmod_tolower_amiga_ascii(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *scan = string; for (int left = length; left>0; left--) { *scan = int_tolower_amiga_ascii(*scan); scan++; } } } // convert a string to lowercase (mac os extended ascii) void _strmod_tolower_macos_ascii(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *scan = string; for (int r = length; r>0; r--) { *scan = int_tolower_macos_roman_ascii(*scan); scan++; } } } // convert a string to uppercase void _strmod_toupper(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *scan = string; for (int left = length; left>0; left--) { *scan = int_toupper_ascii7(*scan); scan++; } } } // convert a string to uppercase void _strmod_toupper_win_ascii(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *scan = string; for (int left = length; left>0; left--) { *scan = int_toupper_win_ascii(*scan); scan++; } } } // convert a string to uppercase void _strmod_toupper_amiga_ascii(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *scan = string; for (int left = length; left>0; left--) { *scan = int_toupper_amiga_ascii(*scan); scan++; } } } // convert a string to uppercase void _strmod_toupper_macos_ascii(char *string, strl_t length) { if (string) { char *scan = string; for (int left = length; left>0; left--) { *scan = int_toupper_macos_roman_ascii(*scan); scan++; } } } strl_t _strmod_copy(char *string, strl_t cap, const char *str) { strl_t length = 0; if (str) { while (*str && length < cap) string[length++] = *str++; } return length; } strl_t _strmod_copy(char *string, strl_t cap, strref str) { strl_t length = 0; if (str.valid()) { const char *_str = str.get(); for (strl_t len = str.get_len(); len && lengthlength) chars = length - src; if ((dst+chars)>cap) chars = cap - dst; char *ps = string+src, *pd = string+dst; if (src>dst) { while (chars--) *pd++ = *ps++; } else { pd += chars; ps += chars; while (chars--) *--pd = *--ps; } } } void _strmod_shift(char *string, int offs, int len) { char *dest = string + offs; if (offs>0) { string += len; dest += len; while (len--) *--dest = *--string; } else { while (len--) *dest++ = *string++; } } int _strmod_read_utf8(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t pos, strl_t &skip) { if (pos >= length) { skip = 0; return 0; } string += pos; length -= pos; const char *start = string; const char *end = string + length; unsigned int c = (unsigned int)*string++; c &= 0x7f; for (unsigned int m = 0x40; (m & c) && string=cap) return 0; char *write = string + pos; cap -= pos; if (code < 0x80) { *write++ = code; return 1; } else if (cap>=2 && code < 0x800) { *write++ = 0xc0 | (code >> 6); *write++ = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 2; } else if (cap>=3 && code < 0x10000) { *write++ = 0xe0 | (code >> 12); *write++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f); *write++ = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 3; } else if (cap>=4) { *write++ = 0xf0 | ((code >> 18) & 7); *write++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3f); *write++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f); *write++ = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 4; } return 0; } strl_t _strmod_utf8_tolower(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap) { char *scan = string; char *write = string; char *end = string + length; while (scan cap) return (strl_t)(write-string); // need to make room for new character code if ((write+add)>scan) { int m = (int)((write+add) - scan); _strmod_shift(scan, m, (int)(end-scan)); scan += m; end += m; } skip = _strmod_write_utf8(write, cap, c, 0); write += skip; cap -= skip; } return (strl_t)(end-string); } strl_t _strmod_utf8_toupper(char *string, strl_t length, strl_t cap) { char *scan = string; char *write = string; char *end = string + length; while (scan cap) return (strl_t)(write-string); // need to make room for new character code? if ((write+add)>scan) { int m = (int)((write+add) - scan); _strmod_shift(scan, m, (int)(end-scan)); scan += m; end += m; } skip = _strmod_write_utf8(write, cap, c, 0); write += skip; cap -= skip; } return (strl_t)(end-string); } #endif // STRUSE_IMPLEMENTATION /* revision history 0.990 (2015-09-14) first public version 1.000 (2015-09-15) added XML parser sample 1.001 (2015-09-16) cleaned up XML parser 1.002 (2015-09-17) added JSON parser sample 1.003 (2015-09-20) straightening up of things - wildcard add rewind & retry for multi step search, this caused valid finds to be ignored if invalid sub find occured - fixed some minor wildcard search bugs, including word end including an extra character (whitespace) - slightly more compact implementation, combining common code segments into static functions - next_line() will return empty lines to match actual line count, line() works as before (returns only nonempty lines) 1.004 (2015-09-22) added text file diff / patch sample 1.005 (2015-09-28) added 6502 macro assembler sample 1.006 (2015-10-04) added get_line() to get first line, fixed errors with getting hex/binary value+skip (ahextoui_skip, abinarytoui_skip) */ #endif // __STRUSE_H__