mirror of https://github.com/pfusik/xasm.git synced 2025-03-29 08:30:11 +00:00

xasm 2.5.

This commit is contained in:
Piotr Fusik 2002-07-08 14:51:28 +02:00
parent 402b4b7a79
commit 22438199b9

View File

@ -77,9 +77,7 @@ m_enve = 100h
m_wobj = 200h
m_times = 400h
m_first = 800h
b_skif = 12
m_skif = 1000h
b_repl = 13
m_5200 = 1000h
m_repl = 2000h
b_ski2 = 14
m_ski2 = 4000h
@ -107,6 +105,12 @@ m_lstl = 10h
m_lsto = 20h
m_lsts = m_lsto+m_lstl+m_lsti
; [fillfl]
m_fillen = 1 ; fill enabled
m_fillpo = 2 ; fill possible
b_fillrq = 2 ; fill requested
m_fillrq = 4
nhand = -1 ;null handle
cr equ 13
@ -179,14 +183,17 @@ MACRO error _err
MACRO testfl _mask
; testflag is tasm's optimized version of test
testflag [flags], _mask
MACRO resfl _mask
; maskflag is tasm's optimized version of and
maskflag [flags], not (_mask)
MACRO setfl _mask
; setflag is tasm's optimized version of or
setflag [flags], _mask
@ -467,6 +474,7 @@ noswn: mov bp, offset var
npass: mov [orgvec], offset t_org-2
mov [defvec], offset t_def
mov [fillfl], 0
mov di, [fslen]
opfile: call fopen
@ -1090,6 +1098,10 @@ nenorg: jz putx
tmorgs: error e_orgs
filer: error e_fill
;;internal: error e_fatal
incorg: inc [origin]
@ -1101,13 +1113,32 @@ savwor: push ax
savbyt: jopcod xopco
testfl m_wobj
jz incorg
btr [fillfl], b_fillrq
jnc nofill
push ax
resfl m_rorg+m_rqff
mov ax, [origin]
sub ax, [curorg]
jz fillfi
jb filer
fillop: push ax
mov dx, offset fillbyt
mov cx, 1
call putblk
pop ax
dec ax
jnz fillop
mov ax, [origin]
mov [curorg], ax
fillfi: pop ax
mov di, [obufpt]
mov [obufpt], di
testfl m_hdr
jz savb1
call chorg
mov ax, [origin]
testfl m_hdr
jz borg4
call chorg
testfl m_rorg
jnz borg1
cmp ax, [curorg]
@ -1140,8 +1171,10 @@ borg3: jpass2 borg4
borg4: inc ax
mov [curorg], ax
savb1: inc [origin]
setflag [fillfl], m_fillpo
inc [origin]
;; cmp ax, [origin]
;; je internal
cmp [obufpt], offset obufen
jb oflur
testfl m_skit
@ -1585,7 +1618,14 @@ valreg: call get
cmp al, 4
ja ilchar
add al, 0d0h
mov ah, al
testfl m_5200
jz no5200
cmp al, 0d3h
je nopia
cmp al, 0d2h
jne no5200
mov al, 0e8h
no5200: mov ah, al
call get
cmp al, '9'
jbe valre1
@ -1597,10 +1637,16 @@ valre1: sub al, '0'
cmp al, 0fh
ja ilchar
cmp ah, 0d1h
jne value1
ja value1
jne valre2
sub ax, 0f0h
valre2: testfl m_5200
jz value1
mov ah, 0c0h
jmp value1
nopia: error e_5200
valquo: jopcod rcopco
push bx
mov [opcosp], sp
@ -2271,7 +2317,7 @@ opt1: shr cx, 1
call [word di-2+optvec-opttxt]
opt0: lodsw
and al, 0dfh
mov cx, 6
mov cx, 10
mov di, offset opttxt
repne scasw
je opt1
@ -2283,17 +2329,27 @@ opt0: lodsw
opter: error e_opt
optl0: or [flist], m_lsto
; maskflag [fillfl], not (m_fillen+m_fillrq)
maskflag [fillfl], not m_fillen
optf1: setflag [fillfl], m_fillen
optg0: resfl m_5200
optg1: setfl m_5200
optl1: jpass1 optr
and [flist], not m_lsto
optr: ret
opth0: resfl m_hdr+m_rqff
opth1: bts [flags], b_hdr
jc optr
setfl m_rorg
optl0: or [flist], m_lsto
optl1: jpass1 optr
and [flist], not m_lsto
optr: ret
opto0: resfl m_wobj
opto1: setfl m_wobj
@ -2354,15 +2410,23 @@ orgaf: setfl m_rorg
call chkhon
orget: call getuns
jc unknow
testflag [fillfl], m_fillpo
jz nforg
setflag [fillfl], m_fillrq
testflag [fillfl], m_fillen
jnz setorg
nforg: maskflag [fillfl], not m_fillrq
setorg: resfl m_norg
mov [origin], ax
p_rui: call chkhon
mov ah, 2
call setorg
call nforg
call spauns
jmp savwor
call savwor
maskflag [fillfl], not m_fillpo
valuco: call getval
jc unknow
@ -2907,15 +2971,15 @@ noper1 = $-opert1
opert0 db '+-<>!~'
noper0 = $-opert0
opttxt db 'L-L+H-H+O-O+'
optvec dw optl0,optl1,opth0,opth1,opto0,opto1
opttxt db 'F-F+G-G+H-H+L-L+O-O+'
optvec dw optf0,optf1,optg0,optg1,opth0,opth1,optl0,optl1,opto0,opto1
cndtxt dd 'DNE','TFI','ILE','SLE','FIE'
cndvec dw pofend,0,p_ift,0,p_eli,0,p_els,0,p_eif
swilet db 'UTSQPONLIEDC'
hello db 'X-Assembler 2.4.2'
hello db 'X-Assembler 2.5'
titfin db 0
@ -3005,9 +3069,13 @@ e_mopco db 'Missing ''}''',cr
e_pair db 'Can''t pair this directive',cr
e_skit db 'Can''t skip over it',cr
e_repa db 'No instruction to repeat',cr
e_5200 db 'There''s no PIA chip in Atari 5200',cr
e_fill db 'Can''t fill from higher to lower memory location',cr
;;e_fatal db 'Internal error. Please report to fox@scene.pl',cr
clitxt db 'command line'
clitxl = $-clitxt
fillbyt db 0ffh
exitcod dw 4c00h
ohand dw nhand
lhand dw nhand
@ -3028,6 +3096,7 @@ sinmax dw 0
sinadd dd ?
sinamp dd ?
sinsiz dw ?
fillfl dw ?
flist db ?
fslen dw ?
times dw ?