mirror of https://github.com/pfusik/xasm.git synced 2024-06-14 12:29:29 +00:00

X-Assembler 1.4.

This commit is contained in:
Piotr Fusik 1998-08-31 13:00:16 +02:00
parent c2b1503d53
commit ed65c4f163

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ l_org = 1000*2
l_lab = 50000
nam db ?,?,?
cod db ?
nam db ?,?,?
vec dw ?
@ -31,17 +31,11 @@ val dw ?
nam db ?
eol equ 13,10
eot equ 13,10,'$'
MACRO lda _rg
xchg ax, _rg ; in meaning 'mov ax, _rg', but xchg is shorter
MACRO sta _rg
xchg _rg, ax ; in meaning 'mov _rg, ax', but xchg is shorter
xchg _rg, ax ;shorter than 'mov _rg, ax'
MACRO dos _func
@ -73,21 +67,19 @@ ENDIF
dos 9
MACRO dtext _text
db '&_text'
MACRO cmd _oper
_tp SUBSTR <_oper>, 1, 3
dtext %_tp
_tp SUBSTR <_oper>, 4, 2
_tp CATSTR <0>, &_tp, <h>
db &_tp
db _tp
IRP _ct,<3,2,1>
_tp SUBSTR <_oper>, _ct, 1
% db '&_tp'
_tp SUBSTR <_oper>, 6
dw _tp
print hello
mov di, 81h
@ -104,7 +96,7 @@ _tp SUBSTR <_oper>, 6
jne begin
usg: print usgtxt
dos 4c01h
dos 4c02h
begin: mov [origin], 0
call ldname
@ -120,10 +112,8 @@ srex2: dec si
cmp si, bx
ja srex2
adex2: mov [byte di-1], '.'
mov ax, 'sa'
mov ax, 'x'
mov eax, 'xsa'
lvex2: call fopen
main: test [eoflag], 0ffh
@ -204,22 +194,18 @@ s_cmd: lodsb
s_cmd1: dec si
and ax, 0dfdfh
sta dx
and al, 0dfh
xchg al, ah
shl eax, 16
mov ah, 0dfh
and ah, [si]
inc si
mov di, offset comtab
mov bx, 64*size com
sfcmd1: mov ah, al
mov cx, dx
sub ah, [(com di+bx+2).nam]
sbb ch, [(com di+bx+1).nam]
sbb cl, [(com di+bx).nam]
sfcmd1: mov al, [(com di+bx).cod]
cmp eax, [dword (com di+bx).cod]
jb sfcmd3
or ah, ch
or ah, cl
jnz sfcmd2
jne sfcmd2
mov al, [(com di+bx).cod]
mov [cod], al
call [(com di+bx).vec]
call linend
@ -238,16 +224,14 @@ sfcmd3: shr bx, 1
jmp panica
filend: mov [eoflag], 0
cmp [pass], 1
jnb noforg
call putorg
noforg: call fclose
call fclose
cmp bx, offset t_icl
ja main
cmp [pass], 1
jnb fin
inc [pass]
call putorg
call ldname
mov si, di
srex1: dec si
@ -258,7 +242,7 @@ srex1: dec si
cmp si, offset (icl t_icl).nam
ja srex1
jmp adex1
chex1: mov di, si
chex1: lea di, [si+1]
adex1: mov [byte di-1], '.'
mov [dword di], 'moc'
mov dx, offset (icl t_icl).nam
@ -317,7 +301,7 @@ panifn: mov bx, [iclen]
eronly: print errtxt
mov dx, [errad]
dos 4c01h
dos 4c02h
; I/O
xdisk: mov [errad], bp
@ -360,10 +344,10 @@ putwor: push ax
pop ax
mov al, ah
putbyt: mov cx, 1
cmp [pass], cx
cmp [pass], cl
jb putx
mov [obyte], al
mov dx, offset obyte
mov [oper], al
mov dx, offset oper
mov bx, [ohand]
file 40h, e_writ
inc [bytes]
@ -884,21 +868,17 @@ p_juc: call getadr
jmp p_jp1
p_jmp: call getadr
cmp al, 10
mov al, 6ch
p_jp1: mov al, 6ch
cmp [amod], 10
je putcmd
p_jp1: mov al, 4ch
mov al, 4ch
p_abs: and [amod], 0feh
cmp [amod], 2
jne ilamod
jmp putcmd
p_opt: call getval
jc unknow
mov ax, [val]
test ah, ah
jnz toobig
p_opt: mov ax, offset e_opt
jmp panica
p_equ: mov di, [labvec]
cmp di, 1
@ -907,14 +887,14 @@ p_equ: mov di, [labvec]
mov [word di], 0
call getval
mov di, [labvec]
jc lbund
mov ax, [val]
jnc equ1
cmp [pass], 1
jb lbund
equ1: mov ax, [val]
equret: ret
lbund: cmp [pass], 1
jnb unknow
lea ax, [di-2]
lbund: lea ax, [di-2]
mov [laben], ax
@ -1240,9 +1220,9 @@ comtab: cmd ADC60p_acc
cmd TYA98p_imp
hello db 'X-Assembler 1.3 by Fox/Taquart',eot
hello db 'X-Assembler 1.4 by Fox/Taquart',eot
usgtxt db 'Give a source filename. Default extension is .ASX.',eol
db 'Destination will have the same name and .COM extension.',eot
db 'Object file will be written with .COM extension.',eot
lintxt db ' lines assembled',eot
byttxt db ' bytes written',eot
dectxt db 10 dup(' '),'$'
@ -1264,14 +1244,15 @@ e_xtra db 'Extra characters on line',eot
e_label db 'Label name required',eot
e_str db 'String error',eot
e_orgs db 'Too many ORGs',eot
e_brack db 'Missing bracket',eot
e_brack db 'Need parenthesis',eot
e_tlab db 'Too many labels',eot
e_amod db 'Illegal adressing mode',eot
e_bra db 'Branch too far',eot
e_sin db 'Bad or missing sinus parameter',eot
e_spac db 'Space expected',eot
e_opt db 'OPT directive not supported',eot
pass dw 0
pass db 0
lines dd 0
bytes dd 0
iclen dw t_icl
@ -1292,12 +1273,10 @@ oper db ?
cod db ?
amod db ?
origin dw ?
obyte db ?
undef db ?
labvec dw ?
fnad dw ?
fname db 80 dup(?)
line db 258 dup(?)
tlabel db 256 dup(?)
t_icl db l_icl dup(?)