Display List op-codes ===================== Blank lines ----------- $00 - 1 blank line $10 - 2 blank lines $20 - 3 blank lines $30 - 4 blank lines $40 - 5 blank lines $50 - 6 blank lines $60 - 7 blank lines $70 - 8 blank lines Jumps ----- $01 $ll $hh - JMP $hhll - Jump & generate 1 blank line $41 $ll $hh - JVB $hhll - Jump after vertical blank Modes ----- Most popular combinations of ANTIC modes with GTIA modes: ANTIC mode | GTIA mode | OS mode | screen | font | bytes/line ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $2 | %00 | $0 | 40* 30* 2 | 128*8*8* 2 | 40 $2 | %01 | - | 40* 30*16 | 128*2*8*16 | 40 $2 | %10 | - | 40* 30* 9 | 128*2*8* 9 | 40 $2 | %11 | - | 40* 30*16 | 128*2*8*16 | 40 $3 | %00 | - | 40* 24* 2 | 128*8*8* 2 | 40 $4 | %00 | $c | 40* 30* 5 | 128*4*8* 4 | 40 $5 | %00 | $d | 40* 15* 5 | 128*4*8* 4 | 40 $6 | %00 | $1 | 20* 30* 5 | 64*8*8* 2 | 20 $7 | %00 | $3 | 20* 15* 5 | 64*8*8* 2 | 20 $8 | %00 | $3 | 40* 30* 4 | - | 10 $9 | %00 | $4 | 80* 60* 2 | - | 10 $a | %00 | $5 | 80* 60* 4 | - | 20 $b | %00 | $6 | 160*120* 2 | - | 20 $c | %00 | $e | 160*240* 2 | - | 20 $d | %00 | $7 | 160*120* 4 | - | 40 $e | %00 | $f | 160*240* 4 | - | 40 $f | %00 | $8 | 320*240* 2 | - | 40 $f | %01 | $9 | 80*240*16 | - | 40 $f | %10 | $a | 80*240* 9 | - | 40 $f | %11 | $b | 80*240*16 | - | 40 screen: columns*rows*colors font: chars*sizex*sizey*colors +$10 - Horizontal Scroll +$20 - Vertical Scroll +$40 $ll $hh - Load Screen Pointer $hhll For all op-codes ---------------- +$80 - Display List Interrupt after getting all data for this line When placing Display List in memory, remember it cannot cross 1 kB boundary. Similarly, screen memory cannot cross 4 kB boundary. ===