X-ASM 2.0 QUICK REFERENCE ========================= 6502 commands ------------- ADC - add with carry AND - and ASL - arithmetic shift left BCC - branch if carry clear BCS - branch if carry set BEQ - branch if equal BIT - test bits BMI - branch if minus BNE - branch if not equal BPL - branch if plus BRK - break BVC - branch if overflow clear BVS - branch if overflow set CLC - clear carry CLD - clear decimal CLI - clear interrupts CLV - clear overflow CMP - compare CPX - compare with X CPY - compare with Y DEC - decrement DEX - decrement X DEY - decrement Y EOR - exclusive or INC - increment INX - increment X INY - increment Y JMP - jump JSR - jump to subroutine LDA - load accumulator LDX - load X LDY - load Y LSR - logical shift right NOP - no operation ORA - or accumulator PHA - push accumulator PHP - push flags PLA - pull accumulator PLP - pull flags ROL - rotate left ROR - rotate right RTI - return from interrupt RTS - return from subroutine SBC - subtract with carry SEC - set carry SED - set decimal SEI - set interrupts STA - store accumulator STX - store X STY - store Y TAX - transfer accumulator to X TAY - transfer accumulator to Y TSX - transfer stack pointer to X TXA - transfer X to accumulator TXS - transfer X to stack pointer TYA - transfer Y to accumulator X-Asm 2.0 pseudo-commands ------------------------- ADD - add INW - increment word JCC - jump if carry clear JCS - jump if carry set JEQ - jump if equal JMI - jump if minus JNE - jump if not equal JPL - jump if plus JVC - jump if overflow clear JVS - jump if overflow set MVA - move byte using accumulator MVX - move byte using X MVY - move byte using Y MWA - move word using accumulator MWX - move word using X MWY - move word using Y SUB - subtract X-Asm 2.0 directives -------------------- DTA - define data EIF - end if ELS - else END - end EQU - equal ERT - error if true ICL - include IFT - if true INI - init INS - insert OPT - options ORG - origin RUN - run ===