ANTIC Documentation

by Fox/Taquart


 Address  Read register  Write register 


CHBASE - Characters base
Contains high byte of character set in text modes.

CHRCTL - Characters control
bit 0 - display characters 128-255 as spaces
bit 1 - display characters 128-255 as inverse
bit 2 - display all characters upside down

DLPTRL DLPTRH - Display List pointer

DMACTL - DMA control
bits 1,0 - width of screen
00 - screen off
01 - narrow screen - 256 pixels
10 - normal screen - 320 pixels
11 - wide screen - 384 pixels
bits 3,2 - DMA for Players/Missiles
00 - no DMA for P/MG
01 - DMA for missiles
10 - DMA for players and missiles
11 - DMA for players and missiles
bit 4 - P/MG resolution
0 - 120 lines
1 - 240 lines
bit 5 - DMA for Display List
bits 7-6 - unused

HSCROL - Horizontal scroll

LPENH - Light pen horizontal position

LPENV - Light pen vertical position

NMIEN - NMI enable
bits 5-0 - unused
bit 6 - enable VBLKI
bit 7 - enable DLI

NMIST - NMI status
bits 5-0 - unused
bit 6 - VBLKI occured
bit 7 - DLI occured

PMBASE - Player/missile base
High byte of P/MG data

VCOUNT - Vertical count
Contains number of scanline divided by 2.

VSCROL - Vertial scroll

WSYNC - Wait for synchronization
Any value written to this register stops CPU until right border of normal screen is reached.