* Boot executable file loader coded by Fox/Taquart * Reads file from ATR prepared with X-BOOT. * Standard loader - ROM and interrupts enabled. opt h- org $780 bufr equ $700 128-byte buffer tp equ $43 Temporary byte vc equ $44 Start and end vectors (4 bytes) * Boot code boot dta b(0,1),a(boot,$e477) Boot header txtpos equ 215 ldy #txtpos Print text print mva text-txtpos,y ($58),y+ cpy #txtpos+txtlen bcc print mwa #rts $2e0 Set default run vector mva >bufr $305 Set buffer address mva #$ff ^31 Turn BASIC off dta b({lda a:0}) Skip two bytes secrts sec Return with error rts rts mva:pha >rts $2e3 Set init address... mva:pha boot+$80 Exactly 128 bytes should be used * X-BOOT adds this block at the end of loaded file * It changes jmp ($2e2) to jmp ($2e0) opt h+ org init+1 dta l($2e0) end