IDEAL P386 MODEL TINY CODESEG ORG 100h include 'fox.mak' smartio = 1 start: print hello mov di, 81h movzx cx, [di-1] jcxz usg mov al, ' ' repe scasb je usg push cx di dec di inc cx mov al, '?' repne scasb pop di cx jne nousg usg: mov dx, offset usgtxt panic: print int 20h smartdisk read: mov cx, 2 fread addr cmp ax, 2 mov ax, [addr] ret nousg: lea dx, [di-1] mov al, ' ' repne scasb jne okend dec di okend: mov [byte di], 0 fopen call read mov dx, offset notbin inc ax jnz panic head1: inc [mods] call read jb eof cmp ax, 0ffffh je head1 inc [blox] dec [mods] mov [begn], ax mov dl, ' ' dos 2 mov ax, [begn] call prword mov dl, '-' dos 2 call read mov dx, ax sub dx, [begn] inc dx call prword cmp dx, 2 jne skip cmp [begn], 2e0h je pexec cmp [begn], 2e2h jne skip inc [inits] pexec: mov dl, ' ' dos 2 call read call prword jmp heade skip: xor cx, cx file 4201h heade: PEOL jmp head1 eof: xor cx, cx xor dx, dx file 4202h push ax mov al, dl call pbyte pop ax call prword print byttxt mov ax, [blox] call prword print blotxt mov ax, [inits] call prword print initxt mov ax, [mods] call prword print modtxt fclose ret prword: push ax mov al, ah call pbyte pop ax pbyte: ror ax, 4 and al, 0fh call pdig shr ax, 12 pdig: d2a pusha sta dx dos 2 popa ret hello db 'X-HEAD 1.0 by Fox/Taquart',eot usgtxt db 'You must specify a file to analyze.',eot notbin db 'File is not Atari executable!',eot smarterr byttxt db ' bytes',eot blotxt db ' blocks',eot initxt db ' inits',eot modtxt db ' modules',eot blox dw 0 inits dw 0 mods dw 0 addr dw ? begn dw ? ENDS END start