* Boot executable file loader coded by Fox/Taquart * Version for professionals - can load file under ROM. * Note interrupts and ROM are disabled when running loaded program. org $480 bufr equ $400 tp equ $43 vc equ $44 * Boot header boot equ * rts rts dta b(1),a(boot,$e477) * Nice blank screen lda #0 sta $22f lda #$52 sta $2c8 lda 20 cmp 20 beq *-2 * Init run vector lda rts sta $2e1 ldy #$fe * Load header lhead lda rts sta $2e3 ldx <-5 * Store byte of header hput sta vc+4,x inx stx tp jmp get next inw vc get iny bpl getx inw $30a lda #$ff sta ^31 lsr ^4e cli jsr $e453 sec bmi rts ldy #0 sei sty ^4e dec ^31 getx lda bufr,y ldx tp bne hput sta (vc,x) lda vc cmp vc+2 bne next lda vc+1 cmp vc+3 bne next endseq tya pha jsr init pla tay bpl lhead ! init jmp ($2e2) * This will be added at the end of loaded file org endseq jmp ($2e0) end