IDEAL P386 MODEL TINY CODESEG ORG 100h include 'fox.mak' start: mov [csum], 0 fopen inpfile mov [ihand], bx fcreate outfile mov [ohand], bx mov cx, 8 main: push cx mov bx, [ihand] mov cx, 16 fread buf mov si, offset buf mov di, offset data mov cx, 16 jmp c0 c1: mov al, ',' stosb c0: mov al, '0' stosb mov al, [si] add [csum], al adc [csum], 0 shr al, 4 d2a stosb lodsb and al, 0fh d2a stosb mov al, 'h' stosb loop c1 mov ax, 0a0dh stosw mov bx, [ohand] mov cx, 85 fwrite line pop cx loop main mov bx, [ihand] fclose mov bx, [ohand] mov di, offset data+1 mov al, [csum] shr al, 4 d2a stosb mov al, [csum] and al, 0fh d2a stosb mov al, 'h' stosb mov ax, 0a0dh stosw mov cx, 10 fwrite line fclose mov eax, '.orp' cmp eax, [dword typ1] je wroc mov [dword typ1], eax mov [dword typ2], eax jmp start wroc: ret inpfile db '\atari\xasm\xload' typ1 db 'std.obx',0 outfile db 'xload' typ2 db 'std.db',0 line db ' db ' data db 81 dup(?) ihand dw ? ohand dw ? buf db 16 dup(?) csum db ? ENDS END start