// xasm 3.1.0 by Piotr Fusik // http://xasm.atari.org // Can be compiled with DMD v2.061. // Poetic License: // // This work 'as-is' we provide. // No warranty express or implied. // We've done our best, // to debug and test. // Liability for damages denied. // // Permission is granted hereby, // to copy, share, and modify. // Use as is fit, // free or for profit. // These rights, on this notice, rely. import std.array; import std.conv; import std.math; import std.path; import std.stdio; import std.string; version (Windows) { import std.c.windows.windows; extern (Windows) HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle); } const string TITLE = "xasm 3.1.0"; string sourceFilename = null; bool[26] options; string[26] optionParameters; string[] commandLineDefinitions = null; string makeTarget; string makeSources = null; int exitCode = 0; int totalLines; bool pass2 = false; bool optionFill; // opt f bool option5200; // opt g bool optionHeaders; // opt h bool optionListing; // opt l bool optionObject; // opt o string line; int column; class Location { string filename; int lineNo = 0; this(string filename) { this.filename = filename; } } Location[] locations; Location currentLocation; bool foundEnd; class AssemblyError : Exception { this(string msg) { super(msg); } } class Label { int value; bool unused = true; bool unknownInPass1 = false; bool passed = false; this(int value) { this.value = value; } } Label[string] labelTable; Label currentLabel; alias int function(int a, int b) OperatorFunction; bool inOpcode = false; struct ValOp { int value; OperatorFunction func; int priority; } ValOp[] valOpStack; int value; bool unknownInPass1; enum AddrMode { ACCUMULATOR = 0, IMMEDIATE = 1, ABSOLUTE = 2, ZEROPAGE = 3, ABSOLUTE_X = 4, ZEROPAGE_X = 5, ABSOLUTE_Y = 6, ZEROPAGE_Y = 7, INDIRECT_X = 8, INDIRECT_Y = 9, INDIRECT = 10, ABS_OR_ZP = 11, // temporarily used in readAddrMode STANDARD_MASK = 15, INCREMENT = 0x20, DECREMENT = 0x30, ZERO = 0x40 } AddrMode addrMode; int origin = -1; int loadOrigin; int loadingOrigin; ushort[] blockEnds; int blockIndex; bool repeating; // line int repeatCounter; // line bool instructionBegin; bool pairing; bool willSkip; bool skipping; ushort[] skipOffsets; int skipOffsetsIndex = 0; int repeatOffset; // instruction repeat bool wereManyInstructions; alias void function(int move) MoveFunction; int value1; AddrMode addrMode1; int value2; AddrMode addrMode2; struct IfContext { bool condition; bool wasElse; bool aConditionMatched; } IfContext[] ifContexts; File listingStream; char[32] listingLine; int listingColumn; string lastListedFilename = null; File objectStream; int objectBytes = 0; bool getOption(char letter) { assert(letter >= 'a' && letter <= 'z'); return options[letter - 'a']; } void warning(string msg, bool error = false) { stdout.flush(); version (Windows) { HANDLE stderrHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(stderrHandle, &csbi); SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderrHandle, (csbi.wAttributes & ~0xf) | (error ? 12 : 14)); scope (exit) SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderrHandle, csbi.wAttributes); } if (line !is null) stderr.writeln(line); stderr.writefln("%s (%d) %s: %s", currentLocation.filename, currentLocation.lineNo, error ? "ERROR" : "WARNING", msg); exitCode = 1; } void illegalCharacter() { throw new AssemblyError("Illegal character"); } bool eol() { return column >= line.length; } char readChar() { if (eol()) throw new AssemblyError("Unexpected end of line"); return line[column++]; } int readDigit(int base) { if (eol()) return -1; int r = line[column]; if (r >= '0' && r <= '9') { r -= '0'; } else { r &= 0xdf; if (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') r -= 'A' - 10; else return -1; } if (r < base) { column++; return r; } return -1; } int readNumber(int base) { long r = readDigit(base); if (r < 0) illegalCharacter(); do { int d = readDigit(base); if (d < 0) return cast(int) r; r = r * base + d; } while (r <= 0x7fffffff); throw new AssemblyError("Number too big"); } void readSpaces() { switch (readChar()) { case '\t': case ' ': break; default: throw new AssemblyError("Space expected"); } while (!eol()) { switch (line[column]) { case '\t': case ' ': column++; break; default: return; } } } string readLabel() { string label; while (!eol()) { char c = line[column++]; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '_') { label ~= c; continue; } c &= 0xdf; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { label ~= c; continue; } column--; break; } return label >= "A" ? label : null; } void readComma() { if (readChar() != ',') throw new AssemblyError("Bad or missing function parameter"); } string readInstruction() { string r; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { char c = readChar() & 0xdf; if (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') throw new AssemblyError("Illegal instruction"); r ~= c; } return r; } string readFunction() { if (column + 5 >= line.length) return null; if (line[column + 3] != '(') return null; string r; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { char c = line[column + i] & 0xdf; if (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') return null; r ~= c; } column += 4; return r; } string readFilename() { readSpaces(); char delimiter = readChar(); switch (delimiter) { case '"': case '\'': string filename; char c; while ((c = readChar()) != delimiter) filename ~= c; return filename; default: illegalCharacter(); } assert(0); } void readStringChar(char c) { if (readChar() != c) throw new AssemblyError("String error"); } ubyte[] readString() { if (eol()) return null; char delimiter = readChar(); switch (delimiter) { case '"': case '\'': ubyte[] r; for (;;) { char c = readChar(); if (c == delimiter) { if (eol()) return r; if (line[column] != delimiter) { if (line[column] == '*') { column++; foreach (ref ubyte b; r) b ^= 0x80; } return r; } column++; } r ~= cast(ubyte) c; } default: column--; return null; } } void checkNoExtraCharacters() { if (eol()) return; switch (line[column]) { case '\t': case ' ': return; default: throw new AssemblyError("Extra characters on line"); } } void checkOriginDefined() { if (origin < 0) throw new AssemblyError("No ORG specified"); } int operatorPlus(int a, int b) { return b; } int operatorMinus(int a, int b) { return -b; } int operatorLow(int a, int b) { return b & 0xff; } int operatorHigh(int a, int b) { return (b >> 8) & 0xff; } int operatorLogicalNot(int a, int b) { return !b; } int operatorBitwiseNot(int a, int b) { return ~b; } int operatorAdd(int a, int b) { long r = cast(long) a + b; if (r < -0x80000000L || r > 0x7fffffffL) throw new AssemblyError("Arithmetic overflow"); return a + b; } int operatorSubtract(int a, int b) { long r = cast(long) a - b; if (r < -0x80000000L || r > 0x7fffffffL) throw new AssemblyError("Arithmetic overflow"); return a - b; } int operatorMultiply(int a, int b) { long r = cast(long) a * b; if (r < -0x80000000L || r > 0x7fffffffL) throw new AssemblyError("Arithmetic overflow"); return a * b; } int operatorDivide(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) throw new AssemblyError("Divide by zero"); return a / b; } int operatorModulus(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) throw new AssemblyError("Divide by zero"); return a % b; } int operatorAnd(int a, int b) { return a & b; } int operatorOr(int a, int b) { return a | b; } int operatorXor(int a, int b) { return a ^ b; } int operatorEqual(int a, int b) { return a == b; } int operatorNotEqual(int a, int b) { return a != b; } int operatorLess(int a, int b) { return a < b; } int operatorGreater(int a, int b) { return a > b; } int operatorLessEqual(int a, int b) { return a <= b; } int operatorGreaterEqual(int a, int b) { return a >= b; } int operatorShiftLeft(int a, int b) { if (b < 0) return operatorShiftRight(a, -b); if (a != 0 && b >= 32) throw new AssemblyError("Arithmetic overflow"); long r = cast(long) a << b; if (r & 0xffffffff00000000L) throw new AssemblyError("Arithmetic overflow"); return a << b; } int operatorShiftRight(int a, int b) { if (b < 0) return operatorShiftLeft(a, -b); if (b >= 32) b = 31; return a >> b; } int operatorLogicalAnd(int a, int b) { return a && b; } int operatorLogicalOr(int a, int b) { return a || b; } void pushValOp(int value, OperatorFunction func, int priority) { ValOp valOp; valOp.value = value; valOp.func = func; valOp.priority = priority; valOpStack ~= valOp; } void readValue() { assert(valOpStack.length == 0); unknownInPass1 = false; int priority = 0; do { int operand; char c = readChar(); switch (c) { case '[': priority += 10; continue; case '+': pushValOp(0, &operatorPlus, priority + 8); continue; case '-': pushValOp(0, &operatorMinus, priority + 8); continue; case '<': pushValOp(0, &operatorLow, priority + 8); continue; case '>': pushValOp(0, &operatorHigh, priority + 8); continue; case '!': pushValOp(0, &operatorLogicalNot, priority + 4); continue; case '~': pushValOp(0, &operatorBitwiseNot, priority + 8); continue; case '(': throw new AssemblyError("Use square brackets instead"); case '*': checkOriginDefined(); operand = origin; break; case '#': if (!repeating) throw new AssemblyError("'#' is allowed only in repeated lines"); operand = repeatCounter; break; case '\'': case '"': operand = readChar(); if (operand == c) readStringChar(c); readStringChar(c); if (!eol() && line[column] == '*') { column++; operand ^= 0x80; } break; case '^': switch (readChar()) { case '0': operand = option5200 ? 0xc000 : 0xd000; break; case '1': operand = option5200 ? 0xc010 : 0xd010; break; case '2': operand = option5200 ? 0xe800 : 0xd200; break; case '3': if (option5200) throw new AssemblyError("There's no PIA chip in Atari 5200"); operand = 0xd300; break; case '4': operand = 0xd400; break; default: illegalCharacter(); } int d = readDigit(16); if (d < 0) illegalCharacter(); operand += d; break; case '{': if (inOpcode) throw new AssemblyError("Nested opcodes not supported"); ValOp[] savedValOpStack = valOpStack; AddrMode savedAddrMode = addrMode; bool savedUnknownInPass1 = unknownInPass1; bool savedInstructionBegin = instructionBegin; valOpStack.length = 0; inOpcode = true; assemblyInstruction(readInstruction()); if (readChar() != '}') throw new AssemblyError("Missing '}'"); assert(!instructionBegin); inOpcode = false; valOpStack = savedValOpStack; addrMode = savedAddrMode; unknownInPass1 = savedUnknownInPass1; instructionBegin = savedInstructionBegin; operand = value; break; case '$': operand = readNumber(16); break; case '%': operand = readNumber(2); break; default: column--; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { operand = readNumber(10); break; } string label = readLabel(); if (label is null) illegalCharacter(); if (label in labelTable) { Label l = labelTable[label]; operand = l.value; l.unused = false; if (pass2) { if (l.passed) { if (l.unknownInPass1) unknownInPass1 = true; } else { if (l.unknownInPass1) throw new AssemblyError("Illegal forward reference"); unknownInPass1 = true; } } else { if (l.unknownInPass1) unknownInPass1 = true; } } else { if (pass2) throw new AssemblyError("Undeclared label: " ~ label); unknownInPass1 = true; } break; } while (!eol() && line[column] == ']') { column++; priority -= 10; if (priority < 0) throw new AssemblyError("Unmatched bracket"); } if (eol()) { if (priority != 0) throw new AssemblyError("Unmatched bracket"); pushValOp(operand, &operatorPlus, 1); } else { switch (line[column++]) { case '+': pushValOp(operand, &operatorAdd, priority + 6); break; case '-': pushValOp(operand, &operatorSubtract, priority + 6); break; case '*': pushValOp(operand, &operatorMultiply, priority + 7); break; case '/': pushValOp(operand, &operatorDivide, priority + 7); break; case '%': pushValOp(operand, &operatorModulus, priority + 7); break; case '<': switch (readChar()) { case '<': pushValOp(operand, &operatorShiftLeft, priority + 7); break; case '=': pushValOp(operand, &operatorLessEqual, priority + 5); break; case '>': pushValOp(operand, &operatorNotEqual, priority + 5); break; default: column--; pushValOp(operand, &operatorLess, priority + 5); break; } break; case '=': switch (readChar()) { default: column--; goto case '='; case '=': pushValOp(operand, &operatorEqual, priority + 5); break; } break; case '>': switch (readChar()) { case '>': pushValOp(operand, &operatorShiftRight, priority + 7); break; case '=': pushValOp(operand, &operatorGreaterEqual, priority + 5); break; default: column--; pushValOp(operand, &operatorGreater, priority + 5); break; } break; case '!': switch (readChar()) { case '=': pushValOp(operand, &operatorNotEqual, priority + 5); break; default: illegalCharacter(); } break; case '&': switch (readChar()) { case '&': pushValOp(operand, &operatorLogicalAnd, priority + 3); break; default: column--; pushValOp(operand, &operatorAnd, priority + 7); break; } break; case '|': switch (readChar()) { case '|': pushValOp(operand, &operatorLogicalOr, priority + 2); break; default: column--; pushValOp(operand, &operatorOr, priority + 6); break; } break; case '^': pushValOp(operand, &operatorXor, priority + 6); break; default: column--; if (priority != 0) throw new AssemblyError("Unmatched bracket"); pushValOp(operand, &operatorPlus, 1); break; } } for (;;) { immutable sp = valOpStack.length - 1; if (sp <= 0 || valOpStack[sp].priority > valOpStack[sp - 1].priority) break; int operand1 = valOpStack[sp - 1].value; OperatorFunction func1 = valOpStack[sp - 1].func; valOpStack[sp - 1] = valOpStack[sp]; valOpStack.length = sp; if (pass2 || !unknownInPass1) { // skip operations if unknown operands valOpStack[sp - 1].value = func1(operand1, valOpStack[sp - 1].value); } } } while (valOpStack.length != 1 || valOpStack[0].priority != 1); value = valOpStack[0].value; valOpStack.length = 0; } debug int testValue(string l) { line = l; column = 0; readValue(); writefln("Value of %s is %x", l, value); return value; } unittest { assert(testValue("123") == 123); assert(testValue("$1234abCd") == 0x1234abcd); assert(testValue("%101") == 5); assert(testValue("^07") == 0xd007); assert(testValue("^1f") == 0xd01f); assert(testValue("^23") == 0xd203); assert(testValue("^31") == 0xd301); assert(testValue("^49") == 0xd409); assert(testValue("!0") == 1); assert(testValue("<$1234") == 0x34); assert(testValue(">$1234567") == 0x45); assert(testValue("1+2") == 3); assert(testValue("1+2*3") == 7); assert(testValue("[1+2]*3") == 9); assert(testValue("{nop}") == 0xea); assert(testValue("{CLC}+{sec}") == 0x50); assert(testValue("{Jsr}") == 0x20); assert(testValue("{bit a:}") == 0x2c); assert(testValue("{bIt $7d}") == 0x24); } void mustBeKnownInPass1() { if (unknownInPass1) throw new AssemblyError("Label not defined before"); } void readWord() { readValue(); if ((!unknownInPass1 || pass2) && (value < -0xffff || value > 0xffff)) throw new AssemblyError("Value out of range"); } void readUnsignedWord() { readWord(); if ((!unknownInPass1 || pass2) && value < 0) throw new AssemblyError("Value out of range"); } void readKnownPositive() { readValue(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); if (value <= 0) throw new AssemblyError("Value out of range"); } void optionalIncDec() { if (eol()) return; switch (line[column]) { case '+': column++; addrMode += AddrMode.INCREMENT; return; case '-': column++; addrMode += AddrMode.DECREMENT; return; default: return; } } void readAddrMode() { readSpaces(); char c = readChar(); switch (c) { case '@': addrMode = AddrMode.ACCUMULATOR; return; case '#': case '<': case '>': addrMode = AddrMode.IMMEDIATE; if (inOpcode && line[column] == '}') return; readWord(); final switch (c) { case '#': break; case '<': value &= 0xff; break; case '>': value = (value >> 8) & 0xff; break; } return; case '(': if (inOpcode) { switch (readChar()) { case ',': switch (readChar()) { case 'X': case 'x': break; default: illegalCharacter(); } if (readChar() != ')') throw new AssemblyError("Need parenthesis"); addrMode = AddrMode.INDIRECT_X; return; case ')': if (readChar() == ',') { switch (readChar()) { case 'Y': case 'y': break; default: illegalCharacter(); } addrMode = AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y; return; } else { column--; addrMode = AddrMode.INDIRECT; return; } default: column--; break; } } readUnsignedWord(); switch (readChar()) { case ',': switch (readChar()) { case 'X': case 'x': addrMode = AddrMode.INDIRECT_X; break; case '0': addrMode = cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.INDIRECT_X + AddrMode.ZERO); break; default: illegalCharacter(); } if (readChar() != ')') throw new AssemblyError("Need parenthesis"); return; case ')': if (eol()) { addrMode = AddrMode.INDIRECT; return; } if (line[column] == ',') { column++; switch (readChar()) { case 'Y': case 'y': addrMode = AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y; break; case '0': addrMode = cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y + AddrMode.ZERO); break; default: illegalCharacter(); } optionalIncDec(); return; } addrMode = AddrMode.INDIRECT; return; default: illegalCharacter(); } break; case 'A': case 'a': if (!eol() && line[column] == ':') { column++; addrMode = AddrMode.ABSOLUTE; } else { addrMode = AddrMode.ABS_OR_ZP; column--; } break; case 'Z': case 'z': if (!eol() && line[column] == ':') { column++; addrMode = AddrMode.ZEROPAGE; } else { addrMode = AddrMode.ABS_OR_ZP; column--; } break; default: addrMode = AddrMode.ABS_OR_ZP; column--; break; } // absolute or zeropage addressing, optionally indexed if (inOpcode && (addrMode == AddrMode.ABSOLUTE || addrMode == AddrMode.ZEROPAGE)) { switch (readChar()) { case '}': column--; return; case ',': switch (readChar()) { case 'X': case 'x': addrMode += cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X - AddrMode.ABSOLUTE); return; case 'Y': case 'y': addrMode += cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y - AddrMode.ABSOLUTE); return; default: illegalCharacter(); } return; default: column--; break; } } readUnsignedWord(); if (addrMode == AddrMode.ABS_OR_ZP) { if (unknownInPass1 || value > 0xff) addrMode = AddrMode.ABSOLUTE; else addrMode = AddrMode.ZEROPAGE; } if (eol()) return; if (line[column] == ',') { column++; switch (readChar()) { case 'X': case 'x': addrMode += cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X - AddrMode.ABSOLUTE); optionalIncDec(); return; case 'Y': case 'y': addrMode += cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y - AddrMode.ABSOLUTE); optionalIncDec(); return; default: illegalCharacter(); } } } void readAbsoluteAddrMode() { if (inOpcode && readChar() == '}') { column--; } else { readAddrMode(); switch (addrMode) { case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } addrMode = AddrMode.ABSOLUTE; } debug AddrMode testAddrMode(string l) { line = l; column = 0; readAddrMode(); writefln("Addressing mode of \"%s\" is %x", l, addrMode); return addrMode; } unittest { assert(testAddrMode(" @") == AddrMode.ACCUMULATOR); assert(testAddrMode(" #0") == AddrMode.IMMEDIATE); assert(testAddrMode(" $abc,x-") == cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X + AddrMode.DECREMENT)); assert(testAddrMode(" $ab,Y+") == cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y + AddrMode.INCREMENT)); assert(testAddrMode(" (0,x)") == AddrMode.INDIRECT_X); assert(testAddrMode(" ($ff),Y+") == cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y + AddrMode.INCREMENT)); assert(testAddrMode(" ($abcd)") == AddrMode.INDIRECT); inOpcode = true; assert(testAddrMode(" a:}") == AddrMode.ABSOLUTE); assert(testAddrMode(" z:}") == AddrMode.ZEROPAGE); assert(testAddrMode(" a:,x}") == AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X); assert(testAddrMode(" z:,y}") == AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y); assert(testAddrMode(" (,X)}") == AddrMode.INDIRECT_X); assert(testAddrMode(" (),y}") == AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y); assert(testAddrMode(" ()}") == AddrMode.INDIRECT); inOpcode = false; } bool inFalseCondition() { foreach (IfContext ic; ifContexts) { if (!ic.condition) return true; } return false; } string makeEscape(string s) { return s.replace("$", "$$"); } File openInputFile(string filename) { makeSources ~= ' ' ~ makeEscape(filename); try { return File(filename); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssemblyError(e.msg); } } File openOutputFile(char letter, string defaultExt) { string filename = optionParameters[letter - 'a']; if (filename is null) filename = sourceFilename.setExtension(defaultExt); if (letter == 'o') makeTarget = makeEscape(filename); try { return File(filename, "wb"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssemblyError(e.msg); } } void ensureListingFileOpen(char letter, string msg) { if (!listingStream.isOpen) { listingStream = openOutputFile(letter, "lst"); if (!getOption('q')) write(msg); listingStream.writeln(TITLE); } } void listNibble(int x) { listingLine[listingColumn++] = cast(char) (x <= 9 ? x + '0' : x + ('A' - 10)); } void listByte(ubyte x) { listNibble(x >> 4); listNibble(x & 0xf); } void listWord(ushort x) { listByte(cast(ubyte) (x >> 8)); listByte(cast(ubyte) x); } void listLine() { if (!optionListing || !getOption('l') || line is null) return; assert(pass2); if (inFalseCondition() && !getOption('c')) return; if (getOption('i') && locations.length > 0) return; ensureListingFileOpen('l', "Writing listing file...\n"); if (currentLocation.filename != lastListedFilename) { listingStream.writeln("Source: ", currentLocation.filename); lastListedFilename = currentLocation.filename; } int i = 4; int x = currentLocation.lineNo; while (x > 0 && i >= 0) { listingLine[i--] = '0' + x % 10; x /= 10; } while (i >= 0) listingLine[i--] = ' '; listingLine[5] = ' '; while (listingColumn < 32) listingLine[listingColumn++] = ' '; listingStream.writefln("%.32s%s", listingLine, line); } void listCommentLine() { if (currentLabel is null) listingColumn = 6; else { assert(!inFalseCondition()); checkOriginDefined(); } listLine(); } void listLabelTable() { if (optionParameters['t' - 'a'] !is null && listingStream.isOpen) listingStream.close(); ensureListingFileOpen('t', "Writing label table...\n"); listingStream.writeln("Label table:"); foreach (string name; labelTable.keys.sort) { Label l = labelTable[name]; listingStream.write(l.unused ? 'n' : ' '); listingStream.write(l.unknownInPass1 ? '2' : ' '); int value = l.value; char sign = ' '; if (value < 0) { sign = '-'; value = -value; } listingStream.writefln( (l.value & 0xffff0000) != 0 ? " %s%08X %s" : " %s%04X %s", sign, value, name); } } debug ubyte[] objectBuffer; void objectByte(ubyte b) { debug { objectBuffer ~= b; } else { assert(pass2); if (!optionObject) return; if (!objectStream.isOpen) { objectStream = openOutputFile('o', "obx"); if (!getOption('q')) writeln("Writing object file..."); } ubyte[1] buffer; buffer[0] = b; try { objectStream.rawWrite(buffer); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssemblyError("Error writing object file"); } } objectBytes++; } void objectWord(ushort w) { objectByte(cast(ubyte) w); objectByte(cast(ubyte) (w >> 8)); } void putByte(ubyte b) { if (inOpcode) { if (instructionBegin) { value = b; instructionBegin = false; } return; } if (willSkip) { assert(!pass2); willSkip = false; skipping = true; } if (skipping) { assert(!pass2); skipOffsets[$ - 1]++; } if (instructionBegin) { repeatOffset = -2; instructionBegin = false; } repeatOffset--; if (optionFill && loadingOrigin >= 0 && loadingOrigin != loadOrigin) { if (loadingOrigin > loadOrigin) throw new AssemblyError("Can't fill from higher to lower memory location"); if (pass2) { while (loadingOrigin < loadOrigin) { objectByte(0xff); loadingOrigin++; } } } debug { objectByte(b); } if (pass2) { debug { }else { objectByte(b); } if (listingColumn < 29) { listByte(b); listingLine[listingColumn++] = ' '; } else { listingLine[29] = '+'; listingColumn = 30; } } if (optionHeaders) { if (origin < 0) throw new AssemblyError("No ORG specified"); assert(blockIndex >= 0); if (!pass2) { blockEnds[blockIndex] = cast(ushort) loadOrigin; } } if (origin >= 0) { origin++; loadingOrigin = ++loadOrigin; } } void putWord(ushort w) { putByte(cast(ubyte) w); putByte(cast(ubyte) (w >> 8)); } void putCommand(ubyte b) { putByte(b); if (inOpcode) return; switch (addrMode & AddrMode.STANDARD_MASK) { case AddrMode.ACCUMULATOR: break; case AddrMode.IMMEDIATE: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y: case AddrMode.INDIRECT_X: case AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y: if (pass2 && (value < -0xff || value > 0xff)) throw new AssemblyError("Value out of range"); putByte(cast(ubyte) value); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y: case AddrMode.INDIRECT: putWord(cast(ushort) value); break; default: assert(0); } switch (addrMode) { case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X + AddrMode.INCREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X + AddrMode.INCREMENT): putByte(0xe8); break; case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X + AddrMode.DECREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X + AddrMode.DECREMENT): putByte(0xca); break; case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y + AddrMode.INCREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y + AddrMode.INCREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y + AddrMode.INCREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y + AddrMode.INCREMENT + AddrMode.ZERO): putByte(0xc8); break; case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y + AddrMode.DECREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y + AddrMode.DECREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y + AddrMode.DECREMENT): case cast(AddrMode) (AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y + AddrMode.DECREMENT + AddrMode.ZERO): putByte(0x88); break; default: break; } } void noOpcode() { if (inOpcode) throw new AssemblyError("Can't get opcode of this"); } void directive() { noOpcode(); if (repeating) throw new AssemblyError("Can't repeat this directive"); if (pairing) throw new AssemblyError("Can't pair this directive"); } void noRepeatSkipDirective() { directive(); if (willSkip) throw new AssemblyError("Can't skip over this"); repeatOffset = 0; } void illegalAddrMode() { throw new AssemblyError("Illegal addressing mode"); } void addrModeForMove(int move) { final switch (move) { case 0: readAddrMode(); break; case 1: value = value1; addrMode = addrMode1; break; case 2: value = value2; addrMode = addrMode2; break; } } void assemblyAccumulator(ubyte b, ubyte prefix, int move) { addrModeForMove(move); if (prefix != 0) putByte(prefix); switch (addrMode & AddrMode.STANDARD_MASK) { case AddrMode.ACCUMULATOR: case AddrMode.INDIRECT: illegalAddrMode(); case AddrMode.IMMEDIATE: if (b == 0x80) { // STA # illegalAddrMode(); } putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 9)); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0xd)); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 5)); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0x1d)); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0x15)); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y: addrMode -= 1; goto case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0x19)); break; case AddrMode.INDIRECT_X: if ((addrMode & AddrMode.ZERO) != 0) putWord(0x00a2); putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 1)); break; case AddrMode.INDIRECT_Y: if ((addrMode & AddrMode.ZERO) != 0) putWord(0x00a0); putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0x11)); break; default: assert(0); } } void assemblyShift(ubyte b) { readAddrMode(); switch (addrMode & AddrMode.STANDARD_MASK) { case AddrMode.ACCUMULATOR: if (b == 0xc0 || b == 0xe0) { // INC @, DEC @ illegalAddrMode(); } putByte(cast(ubyte) (b + 0xa)); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0xe)); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 6)); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0x1e)); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0x16)); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblyCompareIndex(ubyte b) { readAddrMode(); switch (addrMode) { case AddrMode.IMMEDIATE: putCommand(b); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 0xc)); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(cast(ubyte) (b + 4)); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblyLda(int move) { assemblyAccumulator(0xa0, 0, move); } void assemblyLdx(int move) { addrModeForMove(move); switch (addrMode & AddrMode.STANDARD_MASK) { case AddrMode.IMMEDIATE: putCommand(0xa2); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(0xae); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(0xa6); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y: putCommand(0xbe); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y: putCommand(0xb6); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblyLdy(int move) { addrModeForMove(move); switch (addrMode & AddrMode.STANDARD_MASK) { case AddrMode.IMMEDIATE: putCommand(0xa0); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(0xac); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(0xa4); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: putCommand(0xbc); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: putCommand(0xb4); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblySta(int move) { assemblyAccumulator(0x80, 0, move); } void assemblyStx(int move) { addrModeForMove(move); switch (addrMode & AddrMode.STANDARD_MASK) { case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(0x8e); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(0x86); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y: addrMode += 1; goto case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y: putCommand(0x96); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblySty(int move) { addrModeForMove(move); switch (addrMode & AddrMode.STANDARD_MASK) { case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(0x8c); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(0x84); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: addrMode += 1; goto case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: putCommand(0x94); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblyBit() { readAddrMode(); switch (addrMode) { case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(0x2c); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(0x24); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void putJump() { switch (addrMode) { case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: addrMode = AddrMode.ABSOLUTE; goto case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(0x4c); break; case AddrMode.INDIRECT: if (pass2 && (value & 0xff) == 0xff) warning("Buggy indirect jump"); putCommand(0x6c); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblyJmp() { readAddrMode(); putJump(); } void assemblyConditionalJump(ubyte b) { noOpcode(); readAddrMode(); if ((addrMode == AddrMode.ABSOLUTE || addrMode == AddrMode.ZEROPAGE) && pass2 && origin >= 0 && value - origin - 2 >= -0x80 && value - origin - 2 <= 0x7f) { warning("Plain branch instruction would be sufficient"); } putByte(b); putByte(3); putJump(); } void assemblyJsr() { readAbsoluteAddrMode(); putCommand(0x20); } ubyte calculateBranch(int offset) { if (offset < -0x80 || offset > 0x7f) { int dist = offset < 0 ? -offset - 0x80 : offset - 0x7f; throw new AssemblyError("Branch out of range by " ~ to!string(dist) ~ " bytes"); } return cast(ubyte) offset; } void assemblyBranch(ubyte b) { readAbsoluteAddrMode(); if (inOpcode) { putByte(b); return; } checkOriginDefined(); putByte(b); putByte(pass2 ? calculateBranch(value - origin - 1) : 0); } void assemblyRepeat(ubyte b) { noOpcode(); int offset = repeatOffset; if (offset >= 0) throw new AssemblyError("No instruction to repeat"); if (pass2 && wereManyInstructions) warning("Repeating only the last instruction"); putByte(b); putByte(calculateBranch(offset)); } void assemblySkip(ubyte b) { noOpcode(); if (willSkip) { skipOffsets[$ - 1] = 2; willSkip = false; } putByte(b); if (pass2) putByte(calculateBranch(skipOffsets[skipOffsetsIndex++])); else { putByte(0); skipOffsets ~= 0; willSkip = true; } } void assemblyInw() { noOpcode(); readAddrMode(); switch (addrMode) { case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: putCommand(0xee); putWord(0x03d0); value++; putCommand(0xee); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: putCommand(0xe6); putWord(0x02d0); value++; putCommand(0xe6); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: putCommand(0xfe); putWord(0x03d0); value++; putCommand(0xfe); break; case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: putCommand(0xf6); putWord(0x02d0); value++; putCommand(0xf6); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void assemblyMove() { noOpcode(); readAddrMode(); value1 = value; addrMode1 = addrMode; bool unknown1 = unknownInPass1; readAddrMode(); value2 = value; addrMode2 = addrMode; unknownInPass1 = unknown1; } void assemblyMoveByte(MoveFunction load, MoveFunction store) { assemblyMove(); load(1); store(2); } void assemblyMoveWord(MoveFunction load, MoveFunction store, ubyte inc, ubyte dec) { assemblyMove(); switch (addrMode2) { case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y: break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } switch (addrMode1) { case AddrMode.IMMEDIATE: int high = value1 >> 8; value1 &= 0xff; load(1); store(2); value2++; if (unknownInPass1) { value1 = high; load(1); } else { if (inc != 0 && cast(ubyte) (value1 + 1) == high) putByte(inc); else if (dec != 0 && cast(ubyte) (value1 - 1) == high) putByte(dec); else if (value1 != high) { value1 = high; load(1); } } store(2); break; case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE: case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_X: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_X: case AddrMode.ABSOLUTE_Y: case AddrMode.ZEROPAGE_Y: load(1); store(2); value1++; value2++; load(1); store(2); break; default: illegalAddrMode(); } } void storeDtaNumber(int val, char letter) { int limit = 0xffff; if (letter == 'b') limit = 0xff; if ((!unknownInPass1 || pass2) && (val < -limit || val > limit)) throw new AssemblyError("Value out of range"); final switch (letter) { case 'a': putWord(cast(ushort) val); break; case 'b': case 'l': putByte(cast(ubyte) val); break; case 'h': putByte(cast(ubyte) (val >> 8)); break; } } void assemblyDtaInteger(char letter) { if (readFunction() == "SIN") { readWord(); int sinCenter = value; readComma(); readWord(); int sinAmp = value; readComma(); readKnownPositive(); int sinPeriod = value; int sinMin = 0; int sinMax = sinPeriod - 1; switch (readChar()) { case ')': break; case ',': readUnsignedWord(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); sinMin = value; readComma(); readUnsignedWord(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); sinMax = value; if (readChar() != ')') { illegalCharacter(); } break; default: illegalCharacter(); } while (sinMin <= sinMax) { int val = sinCenter + cast(int) rint(sinAmp * sin(sinMin * 2 * PI / sinPeriod)); storeDtaNumber(val, letter); sinMin++; } return; } readWord(); storeDtaNumber(value, letter); } bool realSign; int realExponent; long realMantissa; void putReal() { if (realMantissa == 0) { putWord(0); putWord(0); putWord(0); return; } while (realMantissa < 0x1000000000L) { realMantissa <<= 4; realExponent--; } if ((realExponent & 1) != 0) { if (realMantissa & 0xf) throw new AssemblyError("Out of precision"); realMantissa >>= 4; } realExponent = (realExponent + 0x89) >> 1; if (realExponent < 64 - 49) throw new AssemblyError("Out of precision"); if (realExponent > 64 + 49) throw new AssemblyError("Number too big"); putByte(cast(ubyte) (realSign ? realExponent + 0x80 : realExponent)); putByte(cast(ubyte) (realMantissa >> 32)); putByte(cast(ubyte) (realMantissa >> 24)); putByte(cast(ubyte) (realMantissa >> 16)); putByte(cast(ubyte) (realMantissa >> 8)); putByte(cast(ubyte) realMantissa); } bool readSign() { switch (readChar()) { case '+': return false; case '-': return true; default: column--; return false; } } void readExponent() { bool sign = readSign(); char c = readChar(); if (c < '0' || c > '9') illegalCharacter(); int e = c - '0'; c = readChar(); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') e = 10 * e + c - '0'; else column--; realExponent += sign ? -e : e; putReal(); } void readFraction() { for (;;) { char c = readChar(); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if (c != '0' && realMantissa >= 0x1000000000L) throw new AssemblyError("Out of precision"); realMantissa <<= 4; realMantissa += c - '0'; realExponent--; continue; } if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') { readExponent(); return; } column--; putReal(); return; } } void assemblyDtaReal() { realSign = readSign(); realExponent = 0; realMantissa = 0; char c = readChar(); if (c == '.') { readFraction(); return; } if (c < '0' || c > '9') illegalCharacter(); do { if (realMantissa < 0x1000000000L) { realMantissa <<= 4; realMantissa += c - '0'; } else { if (c != '0') throw new AssemblyError("Out of precision"); realExponent++; } c = readChar(); } while (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); switch (c) { case '.': readFraction(); break; case 'E': case 'e': readExponent(); break; default: column--; putReal(); break; } } void assemblyDtaNumbers(char letter) { if (eol() || line[column] != '(') { column--; assemblyDtaInteger('b'); return; } column++; for (;;) { final switch (letter) { case 'a': case 'b': case 'h': case 'l': assemblyDtaInteger(letter); break; case 'r': assemblyDtaReal(); break; } switch (readChar()) { case ')': return; case ',': break; default: illegalCharacter(); } } } void assemblyDta() { noOpcode(); readSpaces(); for (;;) { switch (readChar()) { case 'A': case 'a': assemblyDtaNumbers('a'); break; case 'B': case 'b': assemblyDtaNumbers('b'); break; case 'C': case 'c': ubyte[] s = readString(); if (s is null) { column--; assemblyDtaInteger('b'); break; } foreach (ubyte b; s) { putByte(b); } break; case 'D': case 'd': ubyte[] s = readString(); if (s is null) { column--; assemblyDtaInteger('b'); break; } foreach (ubyte b; s) { final switch (b & 0x60) { case 0x00: putByte(cast(ubyte) (b + 0x40)); break; case 0x20: case 0x40: putByte(cast(ubyte) (b - 0x20)); break; case 0x60: putByte(b); break; } } break; case 'H': case 'h': assemblyDtaNumbers('h'); break; case 'L': case 'l': assemblyDtaNumbers('l'); break; case 'R': case 'r': assemblyDtaNumbers('r'); break; default: column--; assemblyDtaInteger('b'); break; } if (eol() || line[column] != ',') break; column++; } } void assemblyEqu() { directive(); if (currentLabel is null) throw new AssemblyError("Label name required"); currentLabel.value = 0; readSpaces(); readValue(); currentLabel.value = value; currentLabel.unknownInPass1 = unknownInPass1; if (optionListing) { listingLine[6] = '='; int val = value; listingLine[7] = ' '; if (val < 0) { listingLine[7] = '-'; val = -val; } listingColumn = 8; if ((val & 0xffff0000) != 0) listWord(cast(ushort) (val >> 16)); else { while (listingColumn < 12) listingLine[listingColumn++] = ' '; } listWord(cast(ushort) val); } } void assemblyEnd() { directive(); assert(!foundEnd); foundEnd = true; } void assemblyIftEli() { ifContexts[$ - 1].condition = true; if (!inFalseCondition()) { readSpaces(); readValue(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); if (value != 0) ifContexts[$ - 1].aConditionMatched = true; else listLine(); ifContexts[$ - 1].condition = value != 0; } } void checkMissingIft() { if (ifContexts.length == 0) throw new AssemblyError("Missing IFT"); } void assemblyIft() { directive(); ifContexts.length++; assemblyIftEli(); } void assemblyEliEls() { directive(); checkMissingIft(); if (ifContexts[$ - 1].wasElse) throw new AssemblyError("EIF expected"); } void assemblyEli() { assemblyEliEls(); if (ifContexts[$ - 1].aConditionMatched) { ifContexts[$ - 1].condition = false; return; } assemblyIftEli(); } void assemblyEls() { assemblyEliEls(); with (ifContexts[$ - 1]) { if (condition && aConditionMatched) listLine(); wasElse = true; condition = !aConditionMatched; } } void assemblyEif() { directive(); checkMissingIft(); ifContexts.length--; } void assemblyErt() { directive(); readSpaces(); readValue(); if (pass2 && value != 0) throw new AssemblyError("User-defined error"); } bool readOption() { switch (readChar()) { case '-': return false; case '+': return true; default: illegalCharacter(); } assert(0); } void assemblyOpt() { directive(); readSpaces(); while (!eol()) { switch (line[column++]) { case 'F': case 'f': optionFill = readOption(); break; case 'G': case 'g': option5200 = readOption(); break; case 'H': case 'h': optionHeaders = readOption(); break; case 'L': case 'l': optionListing = readOption() && !pass2; break; case 'O': case 'o': optionObject = readOption(); break; default: column--; return; } } } void originWord(ushort value, char listingChar) { objectWord(value); listWord(value); listingLine[listingColumn++] = listingChar; } void setOrigin(int addr, bool requestedHeader, bool requestedFFFF) { origin = loadOrigin = addr; if (requestedHeader || loadingOrigin < 0 || (addr != loadingOrigin && !optionFill)) { blockIndex++; if (!pass2) { assert(blockIndex == blockEnds.length); blockEnds ~= cast(ushort) (addr - 1); } if (pass2 && optionHeaders) { if (addr - 1 == blockEnds[blockIndex]) { if (requestedHeader) throw new AssemblyError("Cannot generate an empty block"); return; } if (requestedFFFF || objectBytes == 0) { assert(requestedHeader || addr != loadingOrigin); originWord(0xffff, '>'); listingLine[listingColumn++] = ' '; } if (requestedHeader || addr != loadingOrigin) { originWord(cast(ushort) addr, '-'); originWord(blockEnds[blockIndex], '>'); listingLine[listingColumn++] = ' '; loadingOrigin = -1; } } } } void checkHeadersOn() { if (!optionHeaders) throw new AssemblyError("Illegal when Atari file headers disabled"); } void assemblyOrg() { noRepeatSkipDirective(); readSpaces(); bool requestedFFFF = false; bool requestedHeader = false; if (column + 2 < line.length && line[column + 1] == ':') { switch (line[column]) { case 'F': case 'f': requestedFFFF = true; goto case 'A'; case 'A': case 'a': checkHeadersOn(); column += 2; requestedHeader = true; break; case 'R': case 'r': column += 2; checkOriginDefined(); readUnsignedWord(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); origin = value; return; default: break; } } readUnsignedWord(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); setOrigin(value, requestedHeader, requestedFFFF); } void assemblyRunIni(ushort addr) { noRepeatSkipDirective(); checkHeadersOn(); loadingOrigin = -1; // don't fill setOrigin(addr, false, false); readSpaces(); readUnsignedWord(); putWord(cast(ushort) (value)); loadingOrigin = -1; // don't fill } void assemblyIcl() { directive(); string filename = readFilename(); checkNoExtraCharacters(); listLine(); assemblyFile(filename); line = null; } void assemblyIns() { noRepeatSkipDirective(); string filename = readFilename(); int offset = 0; int length = -1; if (!eol() && line[column] == ',') { column++; readValue(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); offset = value; if (!eol() && line[column] == ',') { column++; readKnownPositive(); length = value; } } File stream = openInputFile(filename); scope (exit) stream.close(); try { stream.seek(offset, offset >= 0 ? SEEK_SET : SEEK_END); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssemblyError("Error seeking file"); } while (length != 0) { ubyte[1] buffer; try { if (stream.rawRead(buffer) == null) { if (length > 0) throw new AssemblyError("File is too short"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssemblyError("Error reading file"); } putByte(buffer[0]); if (length > 0) length--; } } void assemblyInstruction(string instruction) { if (!inOpcode && origin < 0 && currentLabel !is null && instruction != "EQU") throw new AssemblyError("No ORG specified"); instructionBegin = true; switch (instruction) { case "ADC": assemblyAccumulator(0x60, 0, 0); break; case "ADD": assemblyAccumulator(0x60, 0x18, 0); break; case "AND": assemblyAccumulator(0x20, 0, 0); break; case "ASL": assemblyShift(0x00); break; case "BCC": assemblyBranch(0x90); break; case "BCS": assemblyBranch(0xb0); break; case "BEQ": assemblyBranch(0xf0); break; case "BIT": assemblyBit(); break; case "BMI": assemblyBranch(0x30); break; case "BNE": assemblyBranch(0xd0); break; case "BPL": assemblyBranch(0x10); break; case "BRK": putByte(0x00); break; case "BVC": assemblyBranch(0x50); break; case "BVS": assemblyBranch(0x70); break; case "CLC": putByte(0x18); break; case "CLD": putByte(0xd8); break; case "CLI": putByte(0x58); break; case "CLV": putByte(0xb8); break; case "CMP": assemblyAccumulator(0xc0, 0, 0); break; case "CPX": assemblyCompareIndex(0xe0); break; case "CPY": assemblyCompareIndex(0xc0); break; case "DEC": assemblyShift(0xc0); break; case "DEX": putByte(0xca); break; case "DEY": putByte(0x88); break; case "DTA": assemblyDta(); break; case "EIF": assemblyEif(); break; case "ELI": assemblyEli(); break; case "ELS": assemblyEls(); break; case "END": assemblyEnd(); break; case "EOR": assemblyAccumulator(0x40, 0, 0); break; case "EQU": assemblyEqu(); break; case "ERT": assemblyErt(); break; case "ICL": assemblyIcl(); break; case "IFT": assemblyIft(); break; case "INC": assemblyShift(0xe0); break; case "INI": assemblyRunIni(0x2e2); break; case "INS": assemblyIns(); break; case "INX": putByte(0xe8); break; case "INY": putByte(0xc8); break; case "INW": assemblyInw(); break; case "JCC": assemblyConditionalJump(0xb0); break; case "JCS": assemblyConditionalJump(0x90); break; case "JEQ": assemblyConditionalJump(0xd0); break; case "JMI": assemblyConditionalJump(0x10); break; case "JMP": assemblyJmp(); break; case "JNE": assemblyConditionalJump(0xf0); break; case "JPL": assemblyConditionalJump(0x30); break; case "JSR": assemblyJsr(); break; case "JVC": assemblyConditionalJump(0x70); break; case "JVS": assemblyConditionalJump(0x50); break; case "LDA": assemblyAccumulator(0xa0, 0, 0); break; case "LDX": assemblyLdx(0); break; case "LDY": assemblyLdy(0); break; case "LSR": assemblyShift(0x40); break; case "MVA": assemblyMoveByte(&assemblyLda, &assemblySta); break; case "MVX": assemblyMoveByte(&assemblyLdx, &assemblyStx); break; case "MVY": assemblyMoveByte(&assemblyLdy, &assemblySty); break; case "MWA": assemblyMoveWord(&assemblyLda, &assemblySta, 0, 0); break; case "MWX": assemblyMoveWord(&assemblyLdx, &assemblyStx, 0xe8, 0xca); break; case "MWY": assemblyMoveWord(&assemblyLdy, &assemblySty, 0xc8, 0x88); break; case "NOP": putByte(0xea); break; case "OPT": assemblyOpt(); break; case "ORA": assemblyAccumulator(0x00, 0, 0); break; case "ORG": assemblyOrg(); break; case "PHA": putByte(0x48); break; case "PHP": putByte(0x08); break; case "PLA": putByte(0x68); break; case "PLP": putByte(0x28); break; case "RCC": assemblyRepeat(0x90); break; case "RCS": assemblyRepeat(0xb0); break; case "REQ": assemblyRepeat(0xf0); break; case "RMI": assemblyRepeat(0x30); break; case "RNE": assemblyRepeat(0xd0); break; case "ROL": assemblyShift(0x20); break; case "ROR": assemblyShift(0x60); break; case "RPL": assemblyRepeat(0x10); break; case "RTI": putByte(0x40); break; case "RTS": putByte(0x60); break; case "RUN": assemblyRunIni(0x2e0); break; case "RVC": assemblyRepeat(0x50); break; case "RVS": assemblyRepeat(0x70); break; case "SBC": assemblyAccumulator(0xe0, 0, 0); break; case "SCC": assemblySkip(0x90); break; case "SCS": assemblySkip(0xb0); break; case "SEC": putByte(0x38); break; case "SED": putByte(0xf8); break; case "SEI": putByte(0x78); break; case "SEQ": assemblySkip(0xf0); break; case "SMI": assemblySkip(0x30); break; case "SNE": assemblySkip(0xd0); break; case "SPL": assemblySkip(0x10); break; case "STA": assemblyAccumulator(0x80, 0, 0); break; case "STX": assemblyStx(0); break; case "STY": assemblySty(0); break; case "SUB": assemblyAccumulator(0xe0, 0x38, 0); break; case "SVC": assemblySkip(0x50); break; case "SVS": assemblySkip(0x70); break; case "TAX": putByte(0xaa); break; case "TAY": putByte(0xa8); break; case "TSX": putByte(0xba); break; case "TXA": putByte(0x8a); break; case "TXS": putByte(0x9a); break; case "TYA": putByte(0x98); break; default: throw new AssemblyError("Illegal instruction"); } skipping = false; } debug ubyte[] testInstruction(string l) { objectBuffer.length = 0; line = l; column = 0; assemblyInstruction(readInstruction()); write(line, " assembles to"); foreach (ubyte b; objectBuffer) writef(" %02x", b); writeln(); return objectBuffer; } unittest { assert(testInstruction("nop") == cast(ubyte[]) x"ea"); assert(testInstruction("add (5,0)") == cast(ubyte[]) x"18a2006105"); assert(testInstruction("mwa #$abcd $1234") == cast(ubyte[]) x"a9cd8d3412a9ab8d3512"); assert(testInstruction("dta 5,d'Foo'*,a($4589)") == cast(ubyte[]) x"05a6efef8945"); assert(testInstruction("dta r(1,12,123,1234567890,12345678900000,.5,.03,000.1664534589,1e97)") == cast(ubyte[]) x"400100000000 401200000000 410123000000 441234567890 461234567890 3f5000000000 3f0300000000 3f1664534589 701000000000"); } void assemblyPair() { assert(!inOpcode); string instruction = readInstruction(); if (!eol() && line[column] == ':') { pairing = true; column++; string instruction2 = readInstruction(); int savedColumn = column; if (willSkip) warning("Skipping only the first instruction"); assemblyInstruction(instruction); checkNoExtraCharacters(); column = savedColumn; wereManyInstructions = false; assemblyInstruction(instruction2); wereManyInstructions = true; } else { pairing = false; assemblyInstruction(instruction); wereManyInstructions = false; } } void assemblyLine() { debug { writeln(line); } currentLocation.lineNo++; totalLines++; column = 0; listingColumn = 6; if (origin >= 0) { listWord(cast(ushort) origin); listingLine[listingColumn++] = ' '; } string label = readLabel(); currentLabel = null; if (label !is null) { if (!inFalseCondition()) { if (!pass2) { if (label in labelTable) throw new AssemblyError("Label declared twice"); currentLabel = new Label(origin); labelTable[label] = currentLabel; } else { assert(label in labelTable); currentLabel = labelTable[label]; currentLabel.passed = true; if (currentLabel.unused && getOption('u')) warning("Unused label"); } } if (eol()) { listCommentLine(); return; } readSpaces(); } commentOrRep: for (;;) { if (eol()) { listCommentLine(); return; } switch (line[column]) { case '\t': case ' ': column++; continue; case '*': case ';': case '|': listCommentLine(); return; case ':': if (inFalseCondition()) { listCommentLine(); return; } column++; readUnsignedWord(); mustBeKnownInPass1(); int repeatLimit = value; if (repeatLimit == 0) { listCommentLine(); return; } readSpaces(); repeating = true; if (repeatLimit == 1) break; if (willSkip) warning("Skipping only the first instruction"); int savedColumn = column; for (repeatCounter = 0; repeatCounter < repeatLimit; repeatCounter++) { column = savedColumn; assemblyPair(); } checkNoExtraCharacters(); listLine(); wereManyInstructions = true; return; default: repeating = false; break commentOrRep; } } if (inFalseCondition()) { switch (readInstruction()) { case "END": assemblyEnd(); break; case "IFT": assemblyIft(); break; case "ELI": assemblyEli(); break; case "ELS": assemblyEls(); break; case "EIF": assemblyEif(); break; default: listCommentLine(); return; } checkNoExtraCharacters(); listCommentLine(); return; } assemblyPair(); checkNoExtraCharacters(); listLine(); } void assemblyFile(string filename) { filename = filename.defaultExtension("asx"); if (currentLocation !is null) locations ~= currentLocation; if (getOption('p')) filename = absolutePath(filename); currentLocation = new Location(filename); foundEnd = false; File stream = openInputFile(filename); scope (exit) stream.close(); line = ""; readChar: while (!foundEnd) { ubyte[1] buffer; if (stream.rawRead(buffer) == null) break; switch (buffer[0]) { case '\r': assemblyLine(); line = ""; if (stream.rawRead(buffer) == null) break readChar; if (buffer[0] != '\n') line ~= cast(char) buffer[0]; break; case '\n': case '\x9b': assemblyLine(); line = ""; break; default: line ~= cast(char) buffer[0]; break; } } if (!foundEnd) assemblyLine(); foundEnd = false; if (locations.length > 0) { currentLocation = locations[$ - 1]; locations.length--; } } void assemblyPass() { origin = -1; loadOrigin = -1; loadingOrigin = -1; blockIndex = -1; optionFill = false; option5200 = false; optionHeaders = true; optionListing = pass2; optionObject = true; willSkip = false; skipping = false; repeatOffset = 0; wereManyInstructions = false; if (commandLineDefinitions.length > 0) { currentLocation = new Location("command line"); foreach (definition; commandLineDefinitions) { immutable i = indexOf(definition, '='); assert(i >= 0); line = definition[0 .. i] ~ " equ " ~ definition[i + 1 .. $]; assemblyLine(); } line = null; } currentLocation = null; totalLines = 0; assemblyFile(sourceFilename); if (ifContexts.length != 0) throw new AssemblyError("Missing EIF"); if (willSkip) throw new AssemblyError("Can't skip over this"); } pure bool isOption(string arg) { if (arg.length < 2) return false; if (arg[0] == '-') return true; if (arg[0] != '/') return false; if (arg.length == 2) return true; if (arg[2] == ':') return true; return false; } void setOption(char letter) { assert(letter >= 'a' && letter <= 'z'); if (options[letter - 'a']) { exitCode = 3; return; } options[letter - 'a'] = true; } int main(string[] args) { for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { string arg = args[i]; if (isOption(arg)) { char letter = arg[1]; if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z') letter += 'a' - 'A'; switch (letter) { case 'c': case 'i': case 'm': case 'p': case 'q': case 'u': if (arg.length != 2) exitCode = 3; setOption(letter); break; case 'd': string definition = null; if (arg[0] == '/') { if (arg.length >= 3 && arg[2] == ':') definition = arg[3 .. $]; } else if (i + 1 < args.length && !isOption(args[i + 1])) definition = args[++i]; if (definition is null || indexOf(definition, '=') < 0) exitCode = 3; commandLineDefinitions ~= definition; break; case 'l': case 't': case 'o': setOption(letter); string filename = null; if (arg[0] == '/') { if (arg.length >= 3 && arg[2] == ':') filename = arg[3 .. $]; } else if (i + 1 < args.length && !isOption(args[i + 1])) filename = args[++i]; if (filename is null && (letter == 'o' || arg.length != 2)) exitCode = 3; optionParameters[letter - 'a'] = filename; break; default: exitCode = 3; break; } continue; } if (sourceFilename !is null) exitCode = 3; sourceFilename = arg; } if (sourceFilename is null) exitCode = 3; if (!getOption('q')) writeln(TITLE); if (exitCode != 0) { write( "Syntax: xasm source [options]\n" "/c Include false conditionals in listing\n" "/d:label=value Define a label\n" "/i Don't list included files\n" "/l[:filename] Generate listing\n" "/o:filename Set object file name\n" "/M Print Makefile rule\n" "/p Print absolute paths in listing and error messages\n" "/q Suppress info messages\n" "/t[:filename] List label table\n" "/u Warn of unused labels\n"); return exitCode; } try { assemblyPass(); pass2 = true; assemblyPass(); if (getOption('t') && labelTable.length > 0) listLabelTable(); } catch (AssemblyError e) { warning(e.msg, true); exitCode = 2; } listingStream.close(); objectStream.close(); if (exitCode <= 1) { if (!getOption('q')) { writefln("%d lines of source assembled", totalLines); if (objectBytes > 0) writefln("%d bytes written to the object file", objectBytes); } if (getOption('m')) { writef("%s:%s\n\txasm", makeTarget, makeSources); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { string arg = args[i]; if (isOption(arg)) { char letter = arg[1]; if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z') letter += 'a' - 'A'; switch (letter) { case 'm': break; case 'o': if (arg[0] == '/') writef(" /%c:$@", arg[1]); else { writef(" -%c $@", arg[1]); ++i; } break; default: if (arg[0] == '-' && (letter == 'd' || letter == 'l' || letter == 't') && i + 1 < args.length && !isOption(args[i + 1])) { writef(" %s %s", arg, makeEscape(args[++i])); } else { writef(" %s", makeEscape(arg)); } break; } continue; } write(" $<"); } writeln(); } } return exitCode; }