mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 06:30:34 +00:00
274 lines
4.2 KiB
274 lines
4.2 KiB
; COMpack
; b. Fox
ORG 100h
include 'fox.mak'
; db 1024 dup(0) ;4 self-packing
inplen = 24000
outlen = 27000
print hello
mov di, 81h
movzx cx, [di-1]
jcxz usg
mov al, ' '
repe scasb
je usg
push cx di
dec di
inc cx
mov al, '?'
repne scasb
pop di cx
jne nousg
usg: print usgtxt
int 20h
getfil: lea si, [di-1]
mov al, ' '
repne scasb
jne noout1
dec di
noout1: mov cx, di
sub cx, si
mov di, offset fname
rep movsb
mov bx, di
srchex: dec bx
cmp [byte bx], '\'
je addext
cmp [byte bx], '.'
je extexs
cmp bx, offset fname
ja srchex
addext: mov ax, 'c.'
mov ax, 'mo'
extexs: mov [word di], 0a0dh
mov [byte di+2], '$'
print namtxt
print fname
mov [byte di], 0
rts: ret
nousg: print srctxt
call getfil
push si
mov cx, inplen
fread inpbuf
mov dx, offset lontxt
cmp ax, inplen
je panic
push ax
add [filend], ax
pop cx
mov dx, offset emptxt
jcxz panic
mov di, offset inpbuf
xor al, al
repe scasb
jne spox
panic: print
int 20h
spox: dec di
push di
mov [filbgn], di
sub di, offset inpbuf
add [destad], di
add [reljad], di
lda cx
inc ax
call prilen
pop bx
mov si, offset firflg
mov di, offset outbuf
pack1: push si di
mov ax, 1
mov bp, [filend]
lea si, [bx-0ffh]
cmp si, [filbgn]
jnb pack2
mov si, [filbgn]
cmp si, bx
je packn
pack2: mov di, bx
mov cx, bp
sub cx, bx
push si
repe cmpsb
pop si
je pack3
dec di
pack3: mov cx, di
sub cx, bx
cmp cx, ax
jbe pack4
lda cx
mov dx, si
pack4: inc si
cmp si, bx
jb pack2
packn: pop di si
mov bp, ax
sta cx
mov ax, 1
putfl1: cmp cx, 2
rcl [byte si], 1
jnc putfl2
mov si, di
putfl2: loop putfl1
cmp bp, ax
mov al, [bx]
je putbyt
mov al, dl
sub al, bl
putbyt: stosb
mov ah, 1
cmp [si], ah
jne swpflg
mov [si], ax
inc si
swpflg: add bx, bp
cmp bx, [filend]
jb pack1
shl [byte si], 1
jnc corfl1
mov al, 80h
jmp corfl3
corfl1: stc
corfl2: rcl [byte si], 1
jnc corfl2
corfl3: rcl [firflg], 1 ;+
xor al, al
sub di, offset depack
mov [filend], di
print pkdtxt
pop di
mov cx, 81h
add cl, [80h]
sub cx, di
jz nowri
mov al, ' '
repe scasb
je nowri
mov ax, [filend]
inc ah
cmp ax, [destad]
ja nospac
call getfil
mov cx, [filend]
fwrite depack
nowri: mov ax, [filend]
prilen: mov di, offset lenlst
mov bx, 10
outnm1: xor dx, dx
div bx
add dl, '0'
outnm2: mov [di], dl
dec di
test ax, ax
jnz outnm1
mov dl, ' '
cmp di, offset lennum
jnb outnm2
print lentxt
nospac: mov dx, offset zertxt
dos 9
jmp nowri
hello db 'COMpack 1.0 by Fox/Taquart',eot
usgtxt db 'This is FREEWARE packer for .COM programs.',eol
db 'Syntax:',eol
db 'COMPACK inpfile [outfile]',eol
db '"inpfile" specifies source path\filename',eol
db '"outfile" specifies target path\filename',eol
db 'The ".COM" extension of filename is default and you don''t have to write it',eol
db 'If you don''t give "outfile" parameter, no file will be saved',eol
db 'and you can only watch the results of packing',eol
zertxt db 'If you want the file saved, you must compile some zero bytes at the beginning',eol
db 'of file to reserve the space for packed data. The code should immediately',eol
db 'follow the zeros.',eot
srctxt db 'Source file:',eot
pkdtxt db 'Packed file:',eot
namtxt db ' Name: $'
lentxt db 'Length: '
lennum db ' '
lenlst db ' bytes',eot
emptxt db 'File is empty!',eot
lontxt db 'File is too long!',eot
filbgn dw inpbuf
filend dw inpbuf
depack: mov si, offset packed-depack+100h
mov di, 100h
destad = word $-2
mov al, 1
firflg = byte $-1
xor cx, cx
dep1: movsb
dec cx
dep2: inc cx
dep3: add al, al
jnz dep4
adc al, al ;+
dep4: jnc dep2
jcxz dep1
sbb bx, bx ;+
and bl, [si]
db 0fh,84h ;jz near
reljad dw depack-reljmp
reljmp: inc si
inc cx
push si
lea si, [di+bx]
rep movsb
pop si
jmp dep3
outbuf db outlen dup(?)
inpbuf db inplen dup(?)
END start |