2020-02-06 17:02:06 +09:00
RC6502 Bus
The RC6502 system uses a 39-pin bus; the physical layout is a single
row of 0.05" square header pins on 0.1" centers. Conventionally the
boards have a male right-angle connector on one edge and these are
plugged into a [backplane] with female connectors.
The pinout is as follows. The signal directions (input or output from
the point of view of CPU and peripheral boards, respectively) are
guidelines, and a specific board might have a different direction. For
signals where both are marked `in`, both CPU and peripheral boards are
usually capable of using the signal as an input, but it's expected
that one board in the system will be generating the signal.
Signal Pin CPU Periph
Name No. Dir. Dir. Notes
A15 1 out in
… …
A0 16 out in
GND 17 in in
Vcc 18 in in
Φ2out 19 in in
/RESET 20 in in Must be actively controlled by one board
Φ0in 21 in in
/IRQ 22 in in Pull-up req'd; usually provided by CPU board
2020-02-06 17:13:37 +09:00
Φ1out 23 in in Little used; also called EX0
2020-02-06 17:02:06 +09:00
R/W̅ 24 out in
RDY 25 in out
SYNC 26 out in
D0 27 ↔ ↔
… …
D7 34 ↔ ↔
TX 35 ? ?
RX 36 ? ?
/NMI 37 in out Pull-up req'd; usually provided by CPU board
× 38 Also known as EX1
× 39 Also known as EX2
2020-02-06 17:13:37 +09:00
Signal Use
This section gives, for each group of signals:
- Additional information on how the signal is wired and/or used, where not
- Which boards take the signal(s) as input and/or output.
- Any special uses or behaviour by certain boards.
### GND/Vcc
Must be supplied by only one board. Only the following boards have
provision to supply power.
- [Backplane]: Provision to supply 5 V via an LM7805 regulator or directly
from the backplane power input if JP1 is shorted.
- [SBC]: Jumper J8, when closed, supplies 5 V from the Arduino Nano board,
which in turn is powered by the USB connection. The Nano and the SBC
board (with NMOS parts) draw 200-250 mA. Depending on what kind of port
the USB cable is connected to, it will usually provide a maximum of 100
mA, 500 mA or 1000 mA.
### D0…D7
All data lines are used by virtually all boards as both inputs and outputs.
### A0…A15, R/W̅
At the moment only CPU boards drive the address and R/W̅ lines. No current
CPU boards have provision for DMA (this would require a CPU with a bus
enable function or a buffer to isolate the CPU lines from the bus) so no
peripherals can ever drive these lines.
- Ouput: [CPU], [SBC].
- Input: All others.
### Φ0in: CPU Clock Source
Φ0in is normally used only by the CPU (other boards needing the system
clock use Φ2out).
- Input:
- [CPU]: Required input signal, usu. provided by the [Reset] board.
- [SBC]: Taken from bus if JP1 open.
- [Debug]: Required input signal.
- [TIA]: Input to TIA chip.
- Output:
- [Reset]: Supplied to bus or not based on jumper block J2 setting.
- [SBC]: Supplied to bus (and CPU) if JP1 shorted.
### Φ2out: System Clock
Φ2out is a CPU output signal and is driven only by CPU boards. It's used as
an input on many boards, often for qualification of the R/W̅ signal.
### Φ1out/EX0
Φ1out is a CPU output signal. The [SBC] board sends it to the bus, but the
[CPU] board does not. No boards appear to use this. The bus signal is
marked as EX0 on some schematics.
### /RESET
The /RESET line circuits are expected always to drive the /RESET line;
boards should not provide pullups for it (and no boards are known to do
so). Thus, only one reset circuit may be on the bus.
- Output: [Reset], [SBC]. Neither can be disabled, so these two boards are
incompatible with each other.
- Input: [CPU], [RIOT], [Serial IO], [Terminal].
### /IRQ, /NMI
The interrupt lines are open-collector, with pull-ups usually supplied by
the CPU board.
- Pull-ups: [CPU] and [SBC] provide 3.3 kΩ pullups that cannot be disabled.
- Input:
- [CPU]: Inputs are enabled with jumpers shorting J2 (IRQ) and J3 (NMI)
- [SBC]: Inputs are always enabled
- Output:
- [RIOT]: 6532 `I̅R̅Q̅` signal (pin 25) to bus if JP1 pins 2/3 shorted. JP7
pins 1/2 shorted sends to /IRQ, pins 2/3 shorted sends to /NMI.
- [VDU]: MC6847 `F̅S̅` signal (pin 37) to bus /IRQ if JP3 shorted.
### RDY
/RDY is a CPU input signal; the [CPU] and [SBC] boards provide a 3.3 kΩ
pullup on this line.
The following boards generate RDY output:
- [Debug]
- [TIA]
### SYNC
SYNC is a CPU output, and is generated only by the [CPU] and [SBC] boards.
- [Debug]: Used as an input to the single-step circuit.
### TX, RX
- [SBC]: Connected to the Arduino Nano; TX is the D1/TX output and RX is
the D0/RX input.
- [Serial IO]: Connected to the Arduino Nano; TX is the D1/TX output and RX
is the D0/RX input.
### Pin 38 (EX1)
The following boards may optionally use this line as an input:
- [TIA]: If JP5 (T0_EN) is shorted, use this as the T0/I4 (pin 36) input
for the TIA chip. This is a latched input port typically used for
joystick/paddle triggers.
The following boards may optionally use this line as an output:
- [RIOT]: If JP5 (T0_EN) is shorted, connect the right player
joystick/paddle fire button signal.
### Pin 39 (EX2)
The following boards may optionally use this line as an input:
- [ROM]: If JP4 is shorted, use this as a "page" input to disable the ROM
(presumably other boards could use the inversion of this signal to enable
something else in its place). However, use of this feature is
discouraged, and many systems may instead use a [RAM] board for ROM as
- [TIA]: If JP4 (T1_EN) is shorted, use this as the T1/I5 (pin 35) input
for the TIA chip. This is a latched input port typically used for
joystick/paddle triggers.
The following boards may optionally use this line as an output:
- [RIOT]: If JP4 (T1_EN) is shorted, connect the left player
joystick/paddle fire button signal.
2020-05-21 18:43:32 +09:00
RC2014 Bus Comparison
The RC6502 bus is very similar to the [RC2014 bus] used on some Z80
homebrew computers. The following table compares the two; pins with
substantially different/incompatible functions are marked with a bullet
The 6502 uses the Motorola bus prococols; the Intel bus protocols are
substantially different, precluding sharing of peripherals unless they are
specifically designed with the extra hardware necessary to support both.
However, the backplanes are interchagable with some cavats; see below for
RC6502 Pin RC2014 Notes
A15 1 A15
… … …
A0 16 A0
Vcc 18 Vcc
Φ2out 19 ● /M1 Low on Z80 instruction fetch/int ack cycles
Φ0in 21 CLK
/IRQ 22 /INT
Φ1out,EX0 23 ● /MREQ
R/W̅ 24 ● /WR
RDY 25 ● /RD
D0 27 D0
… … …
D7 34 D7
TX 35 TX,TX2 May be user-specified function on RC2014
RX 36 RX,TX2 May be user-specified function on RC2014
/NMI 37 ● USER1
-,EX1 38 USER2 Some RC2014 modules use USER2 and USER3 as
-,EX2 39 USER3 IEI and IEO for interrupt daisy chain.
40 USER4,IEO Nonexistent on RC6502
### Backplane Compatibility
The [RC2014 backplanes][RC2014-spec] (as of the 0.4 draft specification)
can be used with RC6502 boards and vice versa, with some caveats. The power
(18) and ground (19) pins may be supplied by the backplane and are
compatible. The following other pins have caveats:
* __/RESET__ (20)
* RC2014 backplanes with a power supply (SC105, SC112) have a 4.7 kΩ
pull-up resistor on /RESET. RC6502 board reset logic should be able to
pull this line low to reset the system. RC2014 backplanes also have a
reset switch; this ___must not be closed___ as it will conflict with
the standard reset output circuitry of RC6502 boards, potentially
damaging the board.
* RC6502 backplanes have no reset logic, so a pull-up (4.7 kΩ to Vcc) and
an RC2014 board will need to supply a reset signal. The SC108 CPU board
supplies power-on reset but has no reset button. The SC101, SC114 and
SC130 provide a reset button.
* __Pin 40__.
* RC2014 backplanes provide pin 40 as a bus or daisy chain (with pin
80) depending on the model. This pin does not exist on RC6502 boards
and thus can be ignored. Be careful not to insert the RC6502 board
offset by one pin.
* RC6502 backplanes do not provide pin 40, so the USER4 signal cannot be
2020-02-06 17:02:06 +09:00
[Backplane]: ./RC6502%20Backplane/
2020-02-06 17:13:37 +09:00
[CPU]: ./RC6502%20CPU/
[Reset]: ./RC6502%20Reset%20Circuit/
[SBC]: RC6502%20Apple%201%20SBC/
[Debug]: ./RC6502%20Debug/
[RIOT]: ./RC6502%20RIOT/
[ROM]: ./RC6502%20ROM/
[Serial IO]: ./RC6502%20Serial%20IO/
[TIA]: ./RC6502%20TIA%20NTSC/
[Terminal]: ./RC6502%20Terminal/
[VDU]: ./RC6502%20VDU/
2020-05-21 18:43:32 +09:00
[RC2014 bus]: https://smallcomputercentral.wordpress.com/documentation/specification-rc2014-bus/
[RC2014-spec]: https://smallcomputercentral.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/modular-backplane-specification-v0-4-2018-09-19.pdf